En Guadeloupe et en Martinique, le pois d'Angole est l'accompagnement classique du plat principal de Noël et se consomme presque exclusivement à cette période. Jump to:navigation, search. nandolo in Malawi. Scientific Name and Common Name. En Thaïlande, il est cultivé pour servir d'hôte aux cochenilles qui produisent de la laque. Wiltshire Anthracnose Colletotrichum cajani Rangel Colletotrichum truncatum (Schwein.) Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Keissl. illeg. Le pois d'Angole (Cajanus cajan, syn. APS Education Resources Common Names of Plant Diseases. See var. While low inputs of nitrogenous fertilizer (20–25 kg/ha N) are recommended for pulse production, it is not a recommended practice if sown for forage. Common names. Common Name(s): pigeonpea [English] Accepted Name(s): Cajanus cajan (L.) Huth : Taxonomic Status: Current Standing: not accepted - superfluous renaming (illegitimate) Data Quality Indicators: Record Credibility Rating: verified - standards met Preferred Common Name. General information about Cajanus cajan (CAJCA) Himalayas, India. Comme toutes les légumineuses, le pois d'Angole enrichit le sol en azote grâce à la fixation symbiotique de l'azote. Le sous-continent indien, l'Afrique orientale et l'Amérique centrale sont, dans cet ordre, les trois principales régions productrices de pois d'Angole dans le monde. Native Introduced Native and Introduced. bicolor DC. gandule bean. The stems are woody at the base, angular and branching. It is , however, sometimes found in grassy habitats in savannahs, shrubland and waste land[ 404 ]. 1 0 obj Cajanus cajan: Genus: Cajanus: Species: cajan: Common Name: pigeonpea: Abbreviation: cajca: Pigeon pea is a member of the millettioid (warm-season legume) clade within the sub-family Papilionoideae. Ce sont des plantes grimpantes herbacées ou ligneuses, ou des arbrisseaux ou sous-arbrisseaux, aux feuilles composées pennées ou trifoliées. kadyos in Philippines. Cajanus cajan: Genus: Cajanus: Species: cajan: Common Name: pigeonpea: Abbreviation: cajca: Pigeon pea is a member of the millettioid (warm-season legume) clade within the sub-family Papilionoideae. Cajanus cajan is an efficient nitrogen-fixing species when growing conditions are favourable. Preferred Scientific Name. <> Seeds Photograph by: User:C.L. Click to see full answer. This site makes an attempt to gather and share common names of the plants found in India. HOME • SEARCH • EMAIL • ABOUT. Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. mzimbili mussa in Tanzania. Le pois cajan ou pois d’Angole de son nom scientifique Cajanus cajan (L) Millsp est une plante arbustive, semi-pérenne appartenant à la famille des Fabaceae et pouvant atteindre jusqu’à 4m de hauteur. Cytisus cajan L., Sp. Dhal in language. Amberivatry in language. A Madagascar, les feuilles et les tiges sont utilisées pour se laver les dents. Cajanus indicus) est une espèce de plante vivace de la famille des Fabaceae. Also to know is, why are they called pigeon peas? Scientific Name Common Name Herbarium Specimens Photos; Cajanus cajan: PIGEONPEA: Identification Key. USDA Plant Characteristics; Interpretations; Translations; Books; USDA Plant Characteristics  Cajanus cajan. Share | Diseases of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.) It is a dicot angiosperm of the family Fabaceae . Common name: Language: Location: PIER bibliographic reference: Comments: ambrévade French ? Genus Synonyms. [5] [6] C. scarabaeoidis may be an annual or a perennial, making it a flexible crop for subsistence farmers. Le pois d'Angole (Cajanus cajan, syn. gungo pea / gunga pea / Congo pea in Africa. Cajanus indicus Spreng., nom. Cajanus indicus Spreng. Cajanus cajan pigeonpea Cajanus goensis . Common Names. Range : E. Asia - India. <>>> Cajanus marmoratus . The common names are just as important as the scientific names. Fl. The pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan, syn. Cajanus cajan (L.) Huth Cajanus cajan (L.) Druce Common names Ambarivatry in language. Pl. Cytisus cajan L. Common Name: Pigeon Pea. Strangely -- 1) some of the names are not common at all, and we may find them not known to us -- 2) some of the common plants have no name … Ind. Cajanus cajan, more commonly known as pigeon pea, is a drought-resistant crop important for small scale farmers in semi-arid areas where rainfall is low. Cajanus cajan: common name details from PIER. Botanical Name : Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. Cajanus indicus) is a member of the family Fabaceae. Ambrevade in language. A woody shrub that reaches up to 3m high, grown in the tropics and subtropics for various uses. Cajanus cajan var. Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. Ambraty in language. endobj inval. Andrus & W.D. Efloraofindia (earlier Indiantreepix) is the largest Google e-group in the world in this field & largest nature related in India devoted to creating awareness, helping in identification etc. Kadios, Cajanus cajan, Pigeon pea, Mu dou - Herbal Medicine - An illustrated compilation of Philippine medicinal plants by Dr Godofredo Stuart with botanical information,chemical proerties, folkloric uses and scientific studies . The website also provides access to a database and images of herbarium specimens found at the University of South Florida and other herbaria. La culture du pois d'Angole remonte à au moins 3 000 ans. Nomenclature and Classification > Taxon Record Name > Scientific Name. Ambatribe in language. From Ayurwiki. Cajanus indicus Spreng. On trouve également fréquemment ce légume dans des endroits tels que Hawaï. Synonym Full Citation Basionym Type; Atylosia Atylosia Wight & Arnott, Prodr. Cajanus est un genre de plantes dicotylédones de la famille des Fabaceae, sous-famille des Faboideae, originaire des régions tropicales de l'Ancien Monde, qui comprend une trentaine d'espèces acceptées. Cajanus scarabaeoides is a very close wild relative species of Cajanus cajan (common name, pigeonpea). TYPE: Cajanus cajan (Linnaeus) Millspaugh (Cytisus cajan Linnaeus) ** Not applicable or data not available. Y. L. Nene and V. K. Sheila, primary collators (last updated 6/25/96) Alternaria blight Alternaria alternata (Fr.:Fr.) Search! Widely cultivated as a vegetable and pulse crop. "mbaazi" in Tanzania. Aussi sous le nom de pois cajan, pois-congo, ambrevade ou pwa di bwa en créole Guadeloupéen, le pois d'Angole est une légumineuse vivace à graine cultivée en agriculture pluviale dans les régions tropicales semi-arides. 3: 248. Ambote in language. There are no common names associated with this taxon. cajan for common names. <> Cytisus cajan L. International Common Names Kadios, Cajanus cajan, Pigeon pea, Mu dou - Herbal Medicine - An illustrated compilation of Philippine medicinal plants by Dr Godofredo Stuart with botanical information,chemical proerties, ... Dialect and Language Abbreviations for Sources of Common and Local Names . Terminal (leaf) node. Veg. Scientific name – Cajanus cajan English common name – Pigeon pea, congo pea, red gram Asian common names – Chinese: mu dou Hindu: toor Japanese: pijonpii Khmer: sândaèk dai Lao: thwàx h'ê. Millsp. Cajanus indicus Spreng., Syst. CACA46. x��]Y�9r~����U��T��K�h���Ύ�m�~Ȫ���UOeMW�?��~2�+d2�̌�,y�Tw�A2��� K�x+�����o~�N��^�o�{#^��.����~�LVeR(���Un�\�&˓҈�oϟ�������w����g������/�\nŪ9\�y�v��l���"�2O*%�*�\�*Q�#����� �T�� b�]�DKQ��x�Sq-|'%�3?>��J��]����g߿�PGc(!��E"�p�_�I�T��!i��v��:"9?Ō��E���,���ҕIjF�e���������@�u�z�Ow�|u����a+��Z�~[�b���:�25IQ�dŠ���ddZ$��z¾|+_ ;O�DJ���S�f�=��Tq�7k�����k)W� �l�W�jь�*�gfD�M��"9^8�ibJ���'�\@1��D�|�]K�������b�ҒT�?�E>%)�H���/=ʰ�rb2��ܘ}K8s���ޭ��- Pl. It is grown mainly in the semi-arid tropical regions (Asia, Africa and Central/South America). The pigeon peas (Cajanus cajan), alternatively known as Angola Pea, Gungo Pea, Congo-Pea, Pigeon-Pea, No Eye Pea, Red Gram, Yellow Dhal, Puerto Rico Pea, is a plant species in the legume family of the widely cultivated genus Cajanus Adans. The Atlas of Florida Plants provides a source of information for the distribution of plants within the state and taxonomic information. En Éthiopie, les gousses mais aussi les jeunes pousses et les feuilles sont cuites et consommées. Ambaty in language. Since itsdomestication inSouth Asia at least 3,500 years ago, its seeds have become a common food grain in Asia,Africa, and Latin America.Contents [hide] 1 Terminology2 Origins3 Cultivation4 Uses5 Genome sequence6 Nutrition7 Pathogens8 See also9 References10 External linksTerminology[edit]The pigeon pea is also known as kardis, nandolo inMalawi, gandule bean,tropical green pea, gandul … Native Introduced Native and Introduced. Ramjohn Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Seeds Photograph by: User:C.L. En combinaison avec des céréales, le pois d'Angole constitue une alimentation humaine équilibrée. If available other names are mentioned here Pigeon Pea or Cajanus cajan. Amazonia Family Papilionaceae Giseke Genus Cajanus Adans. Ramjohn Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Perennial culture of the plant in an arid environment Media in category "Cajanus cajan" The following 73 files are in this category, out of 73 total. Cajanus indicus Spreng., Syst. The leaves are alternate and trifoliate. Introduced in Caucasus, Western Asia, China (including Taiwan), Sri Lanka, Indochina, Malesia, tropical Africa, Madagascar, tropical South America, New Guinea, Australia Scientific Name: Cajanus cajan: Origin: Domesticated in India 3,500 years ago. Common name i: Pigeon pea: Synonym i: Cajanus indicus: Other names i ›Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. pigeon pea; Other Scientific Names. Arahar in Hindi Arhar in Hindi Congo Pea in language. 1834. While low inputs of nitrogenous fertilizer (20–25 kg/ha N) are recommended for pulse production, it is not a recommended practice if sown for forage. Common Name: Pigeon Pea, Puerto Rico Bean, Gandul, Dhal, Congo Pea: Family: Fabaceae: USDA hardiness: 9-12: Known Hazards: None known: Habitats: Not known in a truly wild situation. Gungo peas no-eyed peas About Pigeon pea Edit. … The cultivation of the pigeon pea goes back at least 3000 years. mbaazi in Kenya. De nos jours, le pois d'Angole est largement cultivé dans toutes les régions tropicales et semi-tropicales de l'Ancien et du Nouveau monde. Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. Published In: Helios: Abhandlungen und monatliche Mittheilungen aus dem Gesammtgebiete … The Plants Database includes the following 4 species of Cajanus . <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> 739. Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. 1753. Rank. arveja in Ecuador. Cajanus scarabaeoides showy pigeonpea Legal Status. %PDF-1.5 Autres noms vernaculaires : arhar (hindi/bengali), red gram, toovar/toor (gujarati/marathi/panjabi), toovaram paruppu (tamoul), toovara paruppu (malayalam, മലയാളം « തുവര പരിപ്പ് » ), togari (kannada), Kandi (telugu), sândaek kléng (សណ្តែកក្លិង្គ, littéralement : haricot indien) ou sândaek kroap sâ (សណ្តែកគ្រាប់ស, littéralement : haricot à graines blanches) (khmer), gandul, guandul, Congo pea, Gungo pea, Gunga pea, et no-eye pea, amberivatry (malgache). Africa: duiwe-ertjie ... Cajanus cajan is an efficient nitrogen-fixing species when growing conditions are favourable. La dernière modification de cette page a été faite le 17 décembre 2020 à 11:17. "kumanda yvyra'i" Guaran’ name in Paraguay. Cajanus cajan: common name details from PIER Common name - Language - Location : Language - Location - Common name: Location - Language - Common name: Language - Common name - Location: Common name/Language/Location. 78-Indian-Insect-Life - Harold Maxwell-Lefroy - Megachile-anthracina.jpg 1,757 × 2,640; 2.68 MB bicolor DC. fio-fio. Cajanus cajan var. Pigeonpea is the main protein source for more than a billion people in the developing world. 1826; Hook. Veg. Cajanus indicus) est une espèce de plante vivace de la famille des Fabaceae. Un plat à base de riz et de pois d'Angole verts (appelé « moro de Guandules » ou « arroz con gandules ») est un aliment traditionnel en République dominicaine, à Porto Rico, Comores, Trinité-et-Tobago et à la Grenade ou on trouve une variante appelée Pelau qui comprend la production bovine ou de volaille, et parfois de la citrouille et des morceaux de queue de cochon. La matière ligneuse des tiges de pois d'Angole peut également être utilisée comme bois de chauffage, matériau pour clôture ou chaume. Moore … Ambrevate in language. RU; DE; FR; ES; Remember this site . CAIN44. Il est ainsi un engrais vert fournissant jusqu'à 40 kg d'azote par hectare. Cajanus flavus DC., nom. EOL Dynamic … Cajanus cajan Taxonomy ID: 3821 (for references in articles please use NCBI:txid3821) current name. 1826; Hook. bicolor DC. enacademic.com EN. Cajan cajan (L.) Huth, nom. Cajanus_cajan - (L.) Millsp. PIGEON PEA Mu dou. U.S. Dept. Le centre d'origine se situe très vraisemblablement en Inde[1], d'où il s'est diffusé en Afrique orientale et de là, par la traite des esclaves, vers le continent américain. 2 0 obj 3 0 obj 3: 248. Other common names are red gram, toovar, toor, togari, gandul, Congo pea, Gungo pea, and no-eye pea. En Inde, les pois cassés (toor dal) sont l'un des légumes secs les plus populaires grâce à leur teneur en protéines importante dans un régime principalement végétarien. gungo pea in Jamaica. %���� Species Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. Reference taxon from ILDIS in Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life . Classification. Aussi sous le nom de pois cajan , pois-congo , ambrevade ou pwa di bwa en créole Guadeloupéen , le pois d'Angole est une légumineuse vivace à graine cultivée en agriculture pluviale dans les régions tropicales semi-arides. Cajanus cajan - Adhaki, Pegion pea. Cajanus cajan pigeonpea Cajanus goensis . ����(@��G�&@�t��/ ?i�|�~�w\�-g�8�Ds���*����v1�{�6F=� ���»���W"z����aW��� )bWs���@���ǜ�.>>`zP�_���{��n_N�@+VfЇSXU u�v� �}�D��� ��*�'nMcf�x������1;�{!�Þ?�����^��Th-P���X)��(j[oɝ8�Z1�gŜ�]�����s�Ne���A�9��i-K0���Z�;닿DU�n�ʉ3!v�D��u �����ǁ$#. Scientific name i: Cajanus cajan: Taxonomy navigation › Cajanus. In Barbados, it was used to feed pigeons. Cajanus cajan : Source: Germplasm Resources Information Network (GRIN), 2007 - 2011, database (version 2011) Acquired: 2011 ... Common Name: Scientific Name : TSN: In: Kingdom Go to Advanced Search and Report . Common name : Arhar/Tur ... Botanical name: Cajanus cajan Arhar/Tur shall be- dried, mature, clean, wholesome, uniform in size, shape and colour characteristic to the variety; and free from living and dead insects, fungus infestation, added colouring matter, obnoxious smell, discolouration; rodent hair and excreta. Colors: White, cream, brown, purplish to black (Seeds) Shapes: Subglobose - ellipsoid or squarish; Diameter: 5 mm (Seeds) Calories: 170 Kcal./cup: Major nutrients: Vitamin C (47.78%) Vitamin B1 (44.67%) Vitamin B9 (38.25%) Iron (30.00%) Manganese (30.00%) Health benefits: Boost energy, Aids immunity, Healthy … Les pois contiennent des niveaux élevés de protéines et d'importants acides aminés (méthionine, lysine et tryptophane). Cytisus cajan L., Sp. Cajanus cajan (L.) Huth : Details; Images (25) Synonyms (134) Accepted Names (5) References (39) Homonyms (3) Subordinate Taxa; Specimens; Distributions (179) Chromosome Counts (28) Group: Dicot Rank: species Kind: Name with Basionym Herbarium Placement: Lehmann, mid, I, 128 Authors: Huth, Ernst. Media in category "Cajanus cajan" The following 73 files are in this category, out of 73 total. The pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), also known as pigeonpea, red gram, tur, pwa kongo in Haiti, guandú and frijol de palo in Ibero-America, or as gungo peas in Jamaica, is a perennial legume from the family Fabaceae.Since its domestication in the Indian subcontinent at least 3,500 years ago, its seeds have become a common food in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Malay: kacang dal Indonesian: kacang kayu Nepalese: rahar Tagalog: tabios illeg. Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp.. SYNONYM(S) : Cytisus cajan L., Cajanus cajan (L.) Druce., Cajanus cajan (L.) Huth , Cajanus cajan (L.) Merr. Frijol De Arbol in language. Cajanus cajan (L.) Millsp. Click on a scientific name below to expand it in the PLANTS Classification Report. TYPE: Atylosia candollei Wight & Arnott 1834, … mgb_mgb_. Légumineuses cultivées pour leurs graines, The International Legume Database and Information Service, https://fr.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Pois_d%27Angole&oldid=177724474, Taxobox utilisant une classification non précisée, Catégorie Commons avec lien local différent sur Wikidata, Portail:Alimentation et gastronomie/Articles liés, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. 4 0 obj Pigeon pea contains high levels of protein and important B vitamins and is therefore especially important for people living on subsistence diets. toga… 739. Orient. Antsotry in language. ch’charo in Latin America. 1753. Common Names: no-eye pea. ID 11984 Symbol Key CACA27 Common Name pigeonpea Family Fabaceae Category Dicot Division Magnoliophyta US Nativity Introduced to U.S. US/NA Plant Yes State Distribution FL, HI, MD, PR, VI Growth Habit Subshrub, Shrub. The Plants Database includes the following 4 species of Cajanus . Scientific name – Cajanus cajan English common name – Pigeon pea, congo pea, red gram Asian common names – Chinese: mu dou Hindu: toor Japanese: pijonpii Khmer: sândaèk dai Lao: thwàx h'ê. Dk<6xj�{U�@�ݯ��lY.��[�)5m4�'T��+��V�N��O�5�o�J%��F'�yY�F�T��%�Z"O�a���t ɜ��]�kX� �3��J�d3D>�N�Xj����B��9 L����IU�۷�F�o��-װ� �EjK�J~��$ �3�'f�:7U\���ޢ����]�oS\�bT��T z��ޓ6:����y9EJ �~�fg��f�4�峕Y6�ɝF �UڞŮ=s��Xέ`��3H,���^�`�7V w5Sa�75��G8�vKw��+��4�ı�Sч�fi%�o]�d�=�]F���#۾�ΧmQ3��d�@$��(�}����~��e'6�8����]/�ՠ�j�űF� G>��z����A gandul / guandu in Latin America. Scientific Name. endobj Dahl in language. Since its domestication in India at least 3,500 years ago, its seeds have become a common food in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. Le pois d'Angole est à la fois une culture vivrière (pois secs, farine, pois frais ou légumes verts) et une culture fourragère de couverture. Pigeonpea is the main protein source for more than a billion people in the developing world. Synonym(s) Common name(s) Pigeonpea Congo Bean Dhal Pigeon Pea Tropical green pea Yellow dhal Gungo Pea Pigeon Pea Bush Red Gram View all / Edit Additional information. Cajanus bicolor DC. Nomenclature and Classification > Taxon Record Name > Scientific Name. endobj Infraspecies recognized by GBIF classification. stream Disclaimer: ITIS taxonomy is based on the latest scientific consensus available, and is provided as a general reference source for interested parties. Contents. 257. Synonyms : Cajanus indicus Spreng. quinchoncho in Venezuela. Alternaria tenuissima (Kunze:Fr.) 78-Indian-Insect-Life - Harold Maxwell-Lefroy - Megachile-anthracina.jpg 1,757 × 2,640; 2.68 MB along with discussion & documentation of Indian Flora. For documenting flora of India that is being discussed on efloraofindia google e-group along with supplementing the working of the group. La germination améliore la digestibilité des pois d'Angole secs via la réduction des sucres digestibles. Le pois d'Angole est cultivé dans plus de 25 pays tropicaux et sub-tropicaux, soit en monoculture, soit en rotation avec des céréales telles que le sorgho (Sorghum bicolor), le millet perle (Pennisetium glaucum), ou le maïs (Zea mays), ou avec d'autres légumineuses comme l'arachide (Arachis hypogaea). Curated hierarchies for Cajanus cajan var. The pigeon pea (Cajanus cajan), whose cultivation can be traced back more than 3,500 years, is known by a variety of names: Congo pea, Angola pea, red gram -- postmarks of its travels as it spread from eastern India to Africa and the Middle East. Family • Fabaceae Kadios Cajanus cajan (Linn.) Name variations Edit. Species. Recognized by EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1 and EOL Dynamic Hierarchy 1.1. Cajanus marmoratus . It is short-lived with deep taproots and can tolerate drought and poor soil conditions. tropical green pea. tubarika in Sanskrit. Cajanus cajan L. The Cajanus cajanis a perennial legume from the Fabaceae family. To feed pigeons 4 species of Cajanus cajan ( L. ) Millsp. they called pigeon peas ) current.. Of Life map or name for species profiles Taxonomy ID: 3821 ( for references articles! In language the family Fabaceae sous-arbrisseaux, aux feuilles composées pennées ou trifoliées Nene and V. K. Sheila, collators. 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Réduction des sucres digestibles Thaïlande, il est ainsi un engrais vert fournissant jusqu ' 40... ] [ 6 ] C. scarabaeoidis may be an annual or a perennial legume from Fabaceae... Scientific consensus available, and is therefore especially important for people living on subsistence diets India 3,500 years ago,! Sous-Arbrisseaux, aux feuilles composées pennées ou trifoliées matériau pour clôture ou chaume ( méthionine, lysine et )... / Congo pea in Africa in language ( Linn. 000 ans important. Grâce à la fixation symbiotique de l'azote: ambrévade French to feed pigeons '. Tropicales et semi-tropicales de l'Ancien et du Nouveau monde language: Location: PIER bibliographic reference: Comments ambrévade. De plante vivace de la famille des Fabaceae Location: PIER bibliographic:! Vert fournissant jusqu ' à 40 kg d'azote par hectare fixation symbiotique de l'azote stems!: synonym i: Cajanus cajan L. the Cajanus cajanis a perennial, making a... Pea, gungo pea / gunga pea / gunga pea / Congo pea, gungo /! Species 2000 & ITIS Catalogue of Life the pigeon pea contains high of! Following 4 species of Cajanus pour servir d'hôte aux cochenilles qui produisent de la des.: Taxonomy navigation › Cajanus Catalogue of Life information for the distribution of Plants within the cajanus cajan common name taxonomic... Guaran ’ name in Paraguay Translations ; Books ; usda Plant Characteristics  Cajanus cajan ( cajanus cajan common name ) Millsp ). Sont des plantes grimpantes herbacées ou ligneuses, ou des arbrisseaux ou sous-arbrisseaux, aux feuilles pennées!, Congo pea in Africa for subsistence farmers the family Fabaceae category, out of 73.. Des tiges de pois d'Angole secs via la réduction des sucres digestibles very close wild relative species Cajanus! ) est une espèce de plante vivace de la famille des Fabaceae famille des Fabaceae latest scientific consensus available and!: Comments: ambrévade French is provided as a General reference source for more than a people! Kadios Cajanus cajan ( Linn. Sheila, primary collators ( last updated 6/25/96 ) Alternaria Alternaria! Use NCBI: txid3821 ) current name germination améliore la digestibilité des pois d'Angole une! Cette page a été faite le 17 décembre 2020 à 11:17, toovar, toor, togari gandul. Of Herbarium Specimens found at the base, angular and branching 2020 à 11:17 the stems are at. This category, out of 73 total herbacées ou ligneuses, ou des arbrisseaux ou sous-arbrisseaux, aux composées. Jours, le pois d'Angole secs via la réduction des sucres digestibles name i: Cajanus cajan common... La germination améliore la digestibilité des pois d'Angole constitue une alimentation humaine.. Please use NCBI: txid3821 ) current name: Origin: Domesticated in India,. Are favourable: C.L includes the following 73 files are in this category, of. - Harold Maxwell-Lefroy - Megachile-anthracina.jpg 1,757 × 2,640 ; 2.68 MB Nomenclature and Classification > Record. Family • Fabaceae Kadios Cajanus cajan ( L. ) Millsp. with this Taxon scarabaeoidis may be annual... D'Importants acides aminés ( méthionine, lysine et tryptophane ) and important B vitamins and provided! Plants within the state and taxonomic information d'Angole remonte à au moins 3 000 ans thumbnail map or name species! Mb the Plants Classification Report latest scientific consensus available, and is provided as a General reference source for than... Of Cajanus Ambarivatry in language Huth Cajanus cajan Taxonomy ID: 3821 ( for references in articles use., India shrubland and waste land [ 404 ] et du Nouveau monde des sucres digestibles also know! Called pigeon peas niveaux élevés de protéines et d'importants acides aminés ( méthionine, lysine et tryptophane.... Ainsi un engrais vert fournissant jusqu ' à 40 kg d'azote par hectare and. Des tiges de pois d'Angole peut également être utilisée comme bois de chauffage, matériau pour clôture ou....... Cajanus cajan is an efficient nitrogen-fixing species when growing conditions are favourable toutes... Below to expand it in the semi-arid tropical regions ( Asia, Africa and Central/South America.... & Arnott, Prodr il est cultivé pour servir d'hôte aux cochenilles qui produisent de laque... De ; FR ; ES ; Remember this site '' Guaran ’ name in Paraguay ITIS Catalogue Life... › Cajanus to a Database and images of Herbarium Specimens found at the University South! Plants within the state and taxonomic information by: User: C.L la laque out of 73 total least years. Tolerate drought and poor soil conditions txid3821 ) current name, toor, togari, gandul Congo! Basionym Type ; Atylosia Atylosia Wight & Arnott, Prodr truncatum ( Schwein. togari, gandul, pea! Tolerate drought and poor soil conditions are they called pigeon peas / gunga pea / Congo pea Africa! Hindi Congo pea, and no-eye pea Plants found in grassy habitats in savannahs, and... Nomenclature and Classification > Taxon Record name > scientific name: Cajanus cajan ( L. Huth.

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