Caffeine is not the reason why Coffee and Tea are prohibited in the Word Of Wisdom. Latter-day Saint magazine clarifies Word of Wisdom on coffee, tea, vaping and medical marijuana By Carter Williams, | Posted - Aug. 15, 2019 at 9:33 p.m. It was dictated in 1833 by Mormon founder Joseph Smith and bars consumption of wine, strong drinks (alcohol), tobacco and "hot drinks," which have been defined by church authorities as tea and coffee. Let me ask you a question, is strychnine against the Word of Wisdom? Several earlier LDS leaders, including apostle Bruce R. McConkie, considered imbibing Coke as a violation of the "spirit" of the Word of Wisdom. Mocha, Latte, Macchiato, Espresso: The word coffee isn’t always in the name of coffee drinks. God made many promises to those who follow his law of health. The "Word of Wisdom," which one must abide by in order to go to the temple, prevents members from using or consuming alcohol, illegal drugs, tobacco, coffee, tea, and "harmful substances. The Word of Wisdom in Mormon Scriptures. The Word of Wisdom is a health code included in the Doctrine and Covenants, a book of scripture used by Latter-day Saints. However, we will take another stab at a couple of your questions. The views expressed by individual users are the responsibility of those users and do not necessarily represent the position of the Church. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently released a statement regarding its stance on the use of vaping or e-cigarettes, coffee-based products, marijuana, and opioids.. It seems like there are so many supplements with green tea in it. However, I do want to point out that the reason WHY the Lord prohibited coffee in the Word of Wisdom … I'm only looking for answers from the Mormons. Is a prayer given while kneeling more powerful? The Word of Wisdo… Additionally, the statement listed substances such as marijuana and opioids, which Church leaders have cautioned “should be used only for medicinal purposes as prescribed by a competent physician.”, Read the New Era article “Vaping, Coffee, Tea, and Marijuana.”. Authorities there did not teach against it. The Word of Wisdom forbids tea, coffee, alcohol, tobacco, and illicit drugs. The Word of Wisdom is one of the highest traffic items on our web site. Which teas may I drink and which ones should I avoid? It just means that at least 98% of caffeine was removed. Hinckley: Oh ah coffee has all kinds of caffeine in it. To stem the controversy in the meeting, he sent to our stake a copy of a letter he had previously issued declaring decaffeinated coffee approved. The Lord promises increased health, wisdom, knowledge, and protection to those who obey the Word of Wisdom (see Doctrine and … Our usual editor's commentary on this subject is at the end. It’s amazing to think that when the Word of Wisdom was revealed in 1833, the world didn’t understand the science behind the effects of things like diet, alcohol, and tobacco. In the Word of Wisdom, the Lord commands Latter-day Saints to abstain from harmful substances. He would not have his prophets declare this warning to us without reason, or without consequence. Tea and coffee (see Doctrine and Covenants 89:9; latter-day prophets have taught that the term “hot drinks,” as written in this verse, refers to tea and coffee). If the Word of Wisdom is not a commandment why is it a requirement for permission to enter one of the Lord’s holy temples? And we should remember that the Word of Wisdom is designed so that even the weakest among us can live by it. Another point I’d like to bring out is that decaffeinated coffee does not mean that it is free of caffeine. It was given by one of the quorum of the twelve apostles of the time. The only revealed answer to the question of why hot drinks (interpreted at present as coffee and tea) are prohibited by the Word of Wisdom is "because God told us they are." Mormon haters, and people who don't honestly know for sure please don't answer. The Prophet Joseph Smith received the Word of Wisdom as a revelation from God in 1833. The views expressed herein do not necessarily represent the position of the Church. Two days later a … Drinking tea is against the Word of Wisdom, the official doctrine of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.The Word of Wisdom is the label Mormons use to refer to a revelation received by Joseph Smith on February 27, 1833. Being a Bishop and a Mission President back in those days, I never received any said letter stating that it was approved. Learn more about guidelines and necessary forms. Mar 1, 2019 | Word of Wisdom | 0 comments. (2) Drinks with names that include café or caffé, mocha, latte, espresso, or anything ending in -ccino usually have coffee in them and are against the Word of Wisdom." Should you only get one blessing for an illness? This revelation is Section 89 in the Doctrine and Covenants, a book of scripture. The only revealed answer to the question of why hot drinks (interpreted at present as coffee and tea) are prohibited by the Word of Wisdom is "because God told us they are." You've read a part of the word of wisdom. The MormonThink writers have found this essay to be a very informative and interesting view on some of the details regarding the Word of Wisdom that most Latter-day Saints may not be aware of. Photo by Adam Fondren, Deseret News. Green Tea and Iced Tea: According to the New Era, both green tea and iced tea are still considered tea and are against the Word of Wisdom. They believe that the Holy Spirit continues to communicate with humans. Is herbal tea against the Word of Wisdom? In 1937, Elder John A. Widtsoe and his wife, Leah, wrote the first major book on the Word of Wisdom, speaking strongly against caffeine, saying, “Whenever a drink is advertised to 'give you a lift,' the 'lift' is likely to be caused by the drug which it contains. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints recently released a statement regarding its stance on the use of vaping or e-cigarettes, coffee-based products, marijuana, and opioids. And Judaism’s model doesn’t work in the 15.6 million-member church. But more than anything, the Word of Wisdom creates a “false humility” in the individual Latter-day Saints who somehow think they are doing God a favor through their obedience to a church’s dietary standard. I think it is important to point out that D&C 89 does not specifically state we should avoid tea because it … On the Larry King Live show in 1998, the following conversation took place in answer to a caller’s question regarding the Word of Wisdom: Hinckley: Oh, I don't know. Caffeine is not the reason why Coffee and Tea are prohibited in the Word Of Wisdom. While coffee and tea without caffeine may still be. Here is what the Word of Wisdom (what Mormons call their law of health) says adherents will be blessed with: Vaping is clearly against the Word of Wisdom. Do Latter-day Saints drink alcohol, tea, and coffee? This website is not owned by or affiliated with The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (sometimes called the Mormon or LDS Church). I have always believed coffee is coffee and have based approving temple recommends on that belief and have never been counseled to do otherwise. Mormon haters, and people who don't honestly know for sure please don't answer. According to Section 89 of The Doctrine and Covenants, 1 God revealed these guidelines to Joseph Smith on February 27, 1833. Decaf coffee was not even a thing back when the Word of Wisdom was introduced so of course no mention is made of it. More problematic than decaf is the use of green tea in some oriental countries by members, especially in Korea where my nephew served a mission. Gramps, I know that green tea is against the Word of Wisdom. The fact that the Presiding Bishop possibly made the statement that decaf is not against the Word of Wisdom is by no means a recommendation for its use (if such a letter exists). “These Mormons preach about the Word of Wisdom, but look at how they act about when they are out in public?”, Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. Today, the Word of Wisdom is recorded in a book of scripture called the Doctrine and Covenants (see D&C 89, section heading). How can I help someone give up coffee so they can be baptized? For the official Church websites, please visit or As coffee … If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are (1 Cor 3:16-17). Regardless of how someone may wish to interpret the Word of Wisdom, the fact is that the church has officially defined “hot drinks” as coffee and tea (green and black which are the same tea plant). The exterior of the Church Administration Building in Salt Lake City Monday, September 18, 2017. Possibly. I'm only looking for answers from the Mormons. The wisdom of man (Ecclesiastes 1:16-18) The gift of the word of wisdom is the application of knowledge that God gives you ( I Corinthians 2:6-7). You could probably receive the information you desire simply by accessing the site, and entering in the Search Ask Gramps box, hot drinks, green tea, decaf, and other related words. Followers of the LDS church believe in a book of scripture called The Book of Mormon, and the concept of continuous revelation. Here’s the conference talk about hot chocolate being against the word of wisdom in 1868. The "Word of Wisdom" is the common name of an 1833 section of the Doctrine and Covenants, a book considered by many churches within the Latter Day Saint movement to consist of revelations from God.It is also the name of a health code based on this scripture, practiced by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) and Mormon fundamentalists, and to a lesser extent, … Why God Asks Us to Not Drink Coffee and Be Free of Addictions. The Word of Wisdom is a section of the Doctrine and Covenants, one of the church’s four volumes of scripture. This type of wisdom is a gift which cannot be gained through study or experience and should by no means try to replace them. Those who follow God’s counsel in the Word of Wisdom are promised that they’ll receive health, find wisdom, and “run and not be weary, and [walk] and not faint” (D&C 89:18–20). Therefore other beverages with caffeine are not prohibited, per se. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? How will it be heaven if our family members aren’t with us. Latter-day Saints are taught not to drink any kind of alcohol (see D&C 89:5–7).Latter-day Saints are also taught not to drink “hot drinks,” meaning coffee or any tea other than herbal tea (see D&C 89:9), and not to use tobacco (see D&C 89:8). Contributed By Valerie Johnson, Church News staff writer. Obviously black tea is against the Word of Wisdom, but many Mormons (myself included) drink herbal teas. Therefore other beverages with caffeine are not prohibited, per se. I have since learned green and black tea come from the same plant with similar potencies, despite the high recommendation green tea received from the defunct Dr. Atkins and other health officials. Found in Doctrine and Covenants 89, the Word of Wisdom prohibits the use of several substances, such as “wine or strong drink,” “tobacco,” and “hot drinks” (Doctrine and Covenants 89:5, 8–9). In addition, we are constrained to abstain from all appearance of evil (1 Thes 5:22). Decaf coffee was not even a thing back when the Word of Wisdom was introduced so of course no mention is made of it. Two, drinks with names that include cafe or caffe, mocha, latte, espresso, or anything ending in -ccino usually have coffee in them and are against the Word of Wisdom. If you choose to drink decaf, because you could get away with it and not be sanctioned by the Church, and did so in a restaurant where you would be known by others there as a Latter-day Saint, what do you think that they would think and say about you and about the Church that you represent? This divine law of health prohibits some foods and recommends others. Also keep in mind that caffeine was never the issue. Our bishop posted this letter on the ward bulletin board but some overzealous person ripped it down before I could make a copy. Whatever the case, I am certain the Lord has other reasons, known only to him, for warning us and forewarning us to avoid coffee and tea. I don't believe that green tea is against the word of wisdom. If the U.S. 1st Amendment was banned, would the Church follow it? The word of wisdom covers many things. When I was a young quorum leader, in the 70’s, the Presiding Bishop of the Mormon Church came to our stake and told us, though it visibly upset a local bishop or two, that drinking decaffeinated coffee is not against the Church and they were not authorized to deny recommends over its use. Remember the Word of Wisdom doesn't say why not to drink coffee and tea, just not to do so; science has discovered some good reasons since that time (1833) including caffeine and tannic acid not being good for you, and noting problems of addiction. It was dictated in 1833 by Mormon founder Joseph Smith and bars consumption of wine, strong drinks (alcohol), tobacco and "hot drinks," which have been defined by church authorities as tea and coffee. The Word of Wisdom has created rifts in families, neighborhoods and friendship circles. So, before you try some new drink, here are a couple of rules of thumb: (1) If you’re in a coffee shop, the drink you’re ordering probably has coffee in it, so always ask if there’s coffee in it. As coffee … Several earlier LDS leaders, including apostle Bruce R. McConkie, considered imbibing Coke as a violation of the "spirit" of the Word of Wisdom. Church leaders have provided additional instruction since then “and have taught that substances that are destructive, habit-forming or addictive should be avoided,” the statement read. Many faiths have dietary laws, and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is one of them. The gift of the word of wisdom is seeing life from God's perspective. Many have assumed that the reason the Word of Wisdom prohibits drinking coffee is because of the amount of caffeine in the drink, which has been shown time and again to cause health problems. Faithful members of the Church accept the revelations recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants as scripture, as sustained by a personal witness of the Holy Spirit. Jim Whitefield has written several interesting and informative books on Mormonism that can be found on his website: The Mormon Delusion 10. Two, drinks with names that include cafe or caffe, mocha, latte, espresso, or anything ending in -ccino usually have coffee in them and are against the Word of Wisdom. The following essay is reprinted (with permission of the author) in it's entirety from Jim Whitefield. However, there is much debate over what is included in “tea”. We are constrained as members of the Church not to take any harmful substance into our systems, for—. Question . "The word coffee isn't always in the name of ... that include cafe or caffe, mocha, latte, espresso, or anything ending in -ccino usually have coffee in them and are against the Word of Wisdom." Since the Word of Wisdom is a canonical document, members of the Church are obligated by their acceptance of the scriptures to abide by its precepts or receive the sanctions of the Church. Since the Word of Wisdom is a canonical document, members of the Church are obligated by their acceptance of the scriptures to abide by its precepts or receive the sanctions of the Church. “We are told, and very plainly too, that hot drinks—tea, coffee, chocolate, cocoa and all drinks of this kind are not good for man. The guidelines were given "not by commandment or … Salt Lake City — In an article published by Mormon Newsroom, the church indicated that caffeine is not explicitly against the church’s Word of Wisdom — a set of guidelines for members that forbids the use of tobacco, alcohol and “hot drinks.” Church Response to the said manner: “Despite what was reported, the Church revelation spelling out health […] The Mormon dietary or health code is called the "Word of Wisdom." It does not matter if the coffee or tea is hot or cold, caffeinated or not it is against the word of wisdom. All I know is that tea (including green and black) is against the Word of Wisdom. Faithful members of the Church accept the revelations recorded in the Doctrine and Covenants as scripture, as sustained by a personal witness of the Holy Spirit. "Two, drinks with names that include cafe or caffe, mocha, latte, espresso, or anything ending in -ccino usually have coffee in them and are against the Word of Wisdom." Remember the Word of Wisdom doesn't say why not to drink coffee and tea, just not to do so; science has discovered some good reasons since that time (1833) including caffeine and tannic acid not being good for you, and noting problems of addiction. Among these substances that are prohibited by the Word of Wisdom are vaping or e-cigarettes, green tea, and coffee-based products. 62 percent of temple recommend holders affirmed that they had not consumed any of the substances forbidden by the Word of Wisdom (alcohol, coffee … On Tuesday, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints made clarifications to its Word of Wisdom, a health code for members. Green tea has been proven to be very healthy to drink and the word of wisdom is about good health practices. The Word of Wisdom, a revelation given through Joseph Smith in Kirtland, Ohio, in February 1833, is a “law of health for the physical and spiritual benefit of God’s children,” according to the August 15 statement. I don’t like the smell of any coffees and have never drunk any ever, but that was the word of the Presiding Bishop on his letterhead to our stake. While coffee and tea without caffeine may still be. Thus, the prophet Joseph Smith received a spontaneous manifestation of God’s insight for living correctly on February 27, 1833.This insight was written down and incorporated into the Doctrines and Covenants of the Church; specific… I know it is wrong to drink green tea but I was wondering what your thoughts are about Indian green tea in a supplement. Mormons believe God revealed in 1833 the … Mormons are not allowed to drink coffee because of the Word of Wisdom, which is a health law found in the unique LDS scripture Doctrine & Covenants 89 whereby God supposedly commanded His people to abstain from hot drinks (interpreted as coffee and tea) as well as tobacco, excessive amounts of meat, and alcoholic beverages. If the Word of Wisdom is supposed to be a health code, then why would God have banned things that could be beneficial, including red wine and coffee? Nothing has been said regarding whether it being fermented has any bearing on it inclusion in the Word of Wisdom.
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