A multinational bank, funding their investments around the world and earning next to nothing? Anyone can get involved. Or are you starting something new? Think of the REconomy Centre as a drop-in workspace and a supportive, nurturing incubator for start-up enterprises and community projects. The terms transition town, transition initiative and transition model refer to grassroot community projects that aim to increase self-sufficiency to reduce the potential effects of peak oil, climate destruction, and economic instability. This event is a co-promotion by the Network of Wellbeing and the Totnes REconomy Project. Caring Town Totnes; Inner Transition. REconomy has its roots in the work of Transition Town Totnes, which brought together community stakeholders to develop a shared economic vision. We’re also the home of the Totnes REconomy Project, the Local Entrepreneur Forum, and a host of other programmes aiming to support a … Looking for a quiet, friendly place to set up your laptop for some quality work time? Does the portfolio include companies involved in coal, oil, tar sands and pipelines, a myriad of other exploitative and questionable activities? The REconomy Centre is a co-working and meeting place for ethical local enterprises, people creating new livelihoods, and community groups working for a strong, resilient and equitable economy. This website was produced as part of the the UK REconomy Project Pilot generously supported by the Friends Provident Foundation and the Polden-Puckham Charitable Foundation until June 2017. Community of Dragons- 16th May. New and growing, ethical and…, As an essential part of evidence gathering for this REconomy work, we have been working for some time on the Local Economic Blueprint project for Totnes and District. "Transition Town Totnes (TTT) exists for the people of Totnes and District to help create thriving, healthy, caring local communities where people's ways of life take into account the needs of future generations as well as the present ones. A project Transition Town Totnes undertook with the Campaign to Protect Rural England to help us understand the benefits of our local food network to the local economy, community and environment. Social, sustainable, regenerative, resilient,…. Sophy Banks and Hilary Prentice talking about the history of the Inner Transition Totnes group. It is about communities stepping up to address the big challenges they face by starting local.. By coming together, they are able to crowd-source solutions.They seek to nurture a caring culture, one focused on supporting each other, both as groups or as wider communities.. Step up and address the big challenges we face by starting local. Our work ranges from increasing low impact affordable housing, sharing skills, creating livelihoods, reducing energy costs and carbon emissions, growing our local food economy and working in partnership with other local projects. For more information see or call 01803 849107 or text 07702 633687 What information do we collect about you? Written by Frances Northrop, Manager, Transition Town Totnes. In September we will officially open the REconomy Centre, Totnes – a new enterprise workplace. Transition Network’s REconomy project started in 2011 with the aim of helping to build the capacity of Transition groups (and others) to transform their local economy. Launched in Transition Town Totnes, UK, REconomy is intended to bring forth a new economic vision and practices that align with Transition values. Launched in Transition Town Totnes, UK, REconomy is intended to bring forth a new economic vision and practices that align with Transition values. As an essential part of evidence gathering for this REconomy work, we have been working for some time on the Local Economic Blueprint project for Totnes and District. Hub: England Topics: Arts, Built environment, Energy, Food & drink, Inner Transition, REconomy, Transport Transition Town Totnes (TTT) was one of the first Transition Towns, ‘unleashing in 2006. This film shares more about the whole process of starting the Transition Town Totnes project, and how important the Inner dimension was to its success.. We wanted to inspire a new kind of economic regeneration that would create an abundance of opportunity for…, Read more About the Totnes REconomy Project, Trans-Local Entrepreneur Forum – for a Regenerative Economy, The first ever Trans-Local Entrepreneur Forum, ALT/work – helping young adults find their way into the REgenerative Economy, Local Resilience Now! Totnes. Fiona Ward of the Reconomy Project Transiton Network. It was initially a response to the twin threats of climate change and peak oil – what happens when global oil production peaks, plateaus and begins a long decline – and grew rapidly to become a global movement. The Totnes Reconomy Project, an initiative of Transition Town Totnes, was launched by a small group of enthusiastic community members. Do you want to have fun, make friends, be active in the community - while doing your bit for the planet? Or develop your great new enterprise? Photos by Encounters Arts of Caring Town Totnes creative consultation project. Stocks, bonds, mutual funds? Based on public data, we have estimated the potential value of four key sectors of our localised economy, and built a … The REconomy Centre is a co-working and meeting place for ethical local enterprises, people creating new livelihoods, and community groups working for a strong, resilient and equitable economy. Devon Climate Emergency- Public Consultation, CANCELLED: Incredible Edible Events this January, ALT/Work: An alternative future with meaningful work, Clay Park Solar Array & Mini Grid Community Events, reducing energy costs and carbon emissions. Learn more about REconomy on the Transition US REcono-my page or the Transition Network REconomy Project websites. Please support them and attend some of the fabulous events that they hold. We’re a dynamic umbrella organisation consisting of projects operating across the themes of food, housing & energy, transport, the economy, the arts, health & wellbeing, and waste & resources. REconomy Centre; Health & Wellbeing. For our community group, the Totnes REconomy Project, part of Transition Town Totnes, the LEF is a landmark on the horizon and an organising framework for our work supporting inclusive, fair, sustainable, resilient economic development. The Blueprint is the first attempt that I am aware of to map in detail a local economy and to put a value on the potential benefits of an increased degree of localisation. The terms transition town, transition initiative and transition model refer to grassroot community projects that aim to increase self-sufficiency to reduce the potential effects of peak oil, climate destruction, and economic instability. The event was organised by Taunton Transition Town and generously hosted by CIC CIC themselves a community interest company. This post is about the work in Totnes, which started in 2011. The overall goal of the CESI activity is to support innovation in community-led models for nurturing new social and sustainable enterprises, aka Transition-oriented enterprises. Transition Town Totnes (TTT) is a community-led and run local charity that exists to strengthen the local economy, reduce our environmental impact, and build our resilience for a future with less cheap energy and a changing climate. TTT is a collection of local volunteers with a small staff team, who come together to work on projects. 36a Fore St, Totnes, TQ9 5RP The REconomy Centre is the physical and online home of the Totnes REconomy Project, an initiative of Transition Town Totnes. We wanted to reverse the negative economic trends affecting the town, but we also wanted to innovate. The Totnes REconomy Project was launched in 2011 by a group of enthusiastic community members who were interested doing something to strengthen the local economy. A number of the groups are officially registered with the Tra Caring Town Totnes; Inner Transition. We’re a dynamic umbrella organisation consisting of projects operating across the themes of food, housing & energy, transport, the economy, the arts, health & wellbeing, and waste & resources. REconomy Centre; Health & Wellbeing. This will mark the end of a journey that has been relatively long (over two years) but, because of the relationships […] Our projects and groups are ever-changing and evolving, and we always welcome new ideas. By Fiona Ward on behalf of the Caring Town Totnes team, October 2015. This impact report aims to understand and assess the impact of The Totnes REconomy project over the last 6 years, between 2012 to 2017. We also have a report detailing some of the impacts of these projects which you can download, here: We're part of the Transition Town movement, a community-led response to climate change and shrinking supplies of cheap energy.We run projects that reduce our carbon footprint while building local resilience, sustainability - and lots of friendships! Totnes Declares a Climate Emergency- What Next? It’s a combined effort of the national REconomy Project, along with Transition Town Totnes (TTT). Based on public data, we have estimated the potential value of four key sectors of our localised economy, and built a coalition of partners to turn these…, The Totnes Reconomy Project, an initiative of Transition Town Totnes, was launched by a small group of enthusiastic community members. In 2006, founding of Transition Town Totnes, in the United Kingdom, became an inspiration for other groups to form. The document is the ‘Totnes & District Local Economic Blueprint’, and you can download it for free here. The project is located in Totnes, Devon, UK, a market town with a population of about 8,500 in the town and about 23,000 for the town and district. We wanted to reverse the negative economic trends affecting the town, but we also wanted to innovate. It was initially a response to the twin threats of climate change and peak oil – what happens when global oil production peaks, plateaus and begins a long decline – and grew rapidly to become a global movement. We’re also the home of the Totnes REconomy Project, the Local Entrepreneur Forum, and a host of other programmes aiming to support a strong, resilient and equitable local economy. Transition Network encourage communities to come together and rebuild our world. For more information see or call 01803 849107 or text 07702 633687 Transition Town Totnes The Transition Network charity was founded in early 2007, to support these projects. Jay Tompt, a coordinator at REconomy Project Transition Town Totnes, talks about てthe REconomy Project. We called it the Totnes REconomy Project, but really it’s not just one project, but lots of smaller projects and activities. Think of the REconomy Centre as a drop-in workspace and a supportive, nurturing incubator for start-up enterprises and community projects. Published on: May 1st, 2019 . Transition Town Totnes The REconomy Centre is an exciting new resource supporting the development of our local economy. There is also an emerging international REconomy Community of Practice which aims to help spread innovations such as this through its network of relationships within and outside of the Transition movement. Mentoring and Wellbeing Support; Transition Support Group; Time to Breathe; Incredible Edible. The Transition Network began in 2006 in the small rural UK town of Totnes, Devon. This event is a co-promotion by the Network of Wellbeing and the Totnes REconomy Project. Transition Network’s REconomy project started i n 2011 with the aim of helping to build the capacity of Transition groups (and others) to transform their local economy. What information do we collect about you? "Being able to find solutions to large, and seemingly intractable problems benefits hugely from collaboration, between those providing services and those in receipt of the respective service. Hub: England Topics: Arts, Built environment, Energy, Food & drink, Inner Transition, REconomy, Transport Transition Town Totnes (TTT) was one of the first Transition Towns, ‘unleashing in 2006. The Transition Network began in 2006 in the small rural UK town of Totnes, Devon. The Totnes REconomy Project and the REconomy Centre are initiatives of Transition Town Totnes. Organised by Totnes REconomy Project and Transition Town Totnes. Check in here for posts about upcoming events, news, blog posts, and reports. Outputs from Herefordshire will follow shortly, and those from Brixton in London by mid 2013. Totnes. We always welcome new faces and ideas so if you are local and would like to get involved please read on. Registered Charity 1138865 :: Company Limited by Guarantee: 06287039, Incredible Edible: Borough Park and Totnes Station. Totnes REconomy Centre now has it’s own website. For those of you unfamiliar with our project Transition Homes Community Land Trust is a community housing project which grew out of Transition Town Totnes building and housing group. The REconomy Centre offers practical, affordable space and a chance to meet, share and hang out with people who are working on interesting projects, just like you. Please support them and attend some of the fabulous events that they hold. Originally posted on Transition Town Totnes and reposted here with permission. Frances Northrop of Transition Town Totnes on her visit to Sweden for the Annual National Transition Conference Arriving Planes, Design and Warm Welcomes “Wow yes I’d love to go to Sweden” I said back in May when I was passed on an email from Elinor Askmar who was asking for someone to come to the […] For more info, email Jay Tompt - Phone: 01803 867358Email:info@transitiontowntotnes.orgThe Mansion Transition in Action- Totnes and District 2030: An Energy Descent Action Plan. There are other options. Community of Dragons May 16 @ 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm. Transition is a movement that has been growing since 2005. Many thanks to ~ – or what we can do to build local economic resilience in this crisis and create the conditions for regenerative economic transformation, Get to grips with social media to tell your story. CESI includes the participation of the Transition Town Totnes ’ REconomy Project in Devon and Transition Town Brixton ’s Lambeth REconomy Project in London. The Totnes REconomy Project and the REconomy Centre are initiatives of Transition Town Totnes. Every year, we bring entrepreneurs, investors, and other change makers together to learn from each other, form new relationships, and begin enterprising collaborations. Many thanks to ~ Then come and join us! We had 25 applications and from these chose the following: North Howe Transition Toun (Scotland), Sustainable Thornbury (near Bristol) , Transition Durham, Transition Finsbury Park, London, Transition Hereford, Transition Ipswich, Transition Leicester, Transition Manchester, Transition Omagh, N.Ireland and Transition Town Totnes, Devon.

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