She can reduce or raise the temperature of the environment, control all forms of precipitation, manipulate the wind to elevate herself to fly at high speeds, coalescence toxic atmospheric pollutants into acid rain or toxic fog, generate lightning and other electromagnetic atmospheric phenomenon, can fully control moisture, humidity and precipitation, and has demonstrated excellent control over atmospheric pressure. An amalgamation of DC's, Star Charlie / Mass. Apollo (Apollo/Apollo) Aqua-Mariner (Namor/Aquaman) Arkham Tower. Item Information. Doctor Strangefate: An amalgam of Doctor Strange and Dr. Fat… Amazon is the Amalgam Universe hero that is a combination of Storm from Marvel and Wonder Woman from DC. Angelhawk (Angel/Hawkman) Apokolips. and Challengers of the Fantastic. TheAmalgamAttic. Ororo was a metamutant who nearly drowned as a child, but was rescued by Queen Hippolyta of the Amazons. 23. DC COMICS. An amalgamation of DC's, All-Star Winners Squadron – First appeared in, Challengers of the Fantastic – First appeared in, Challenger Haters of Evil – First appeared in, Hellfire League of Injustice – First appeared in, Judgment League Avengers (JLA) – First appeared in, Legion of Galactic Guardians 2099 – First appeared in, New York Special Crimes Unit – First appeared in, The Weaponers of A.I.M. 8 Comments. Image size. Archived [Fan-Art] Amazon of the Amalgam Universe | Storm x Wonder WomanFan Creation. Featured Products. An amalgamation of DC's, Bevarlene. An amalgamation of DC's Billie the Girl and Marvel's, Gamorola. 8 Comments. Agamotto Empress. Godthing. An amalgamation of DC's, Deadeye (Bill Lawton). She eventually left her island home to enter "Man's World" as "Amazon", to use her abilities to help people. We can only imagine what an exciting pair they must have made in the fictional publication history of Amalgam. Quick view Add to Cart. An Amalgam Universe version of DC's, War Monarch (Jim Rhodes). Hulk is strrong but not as strong as Superman (as professor I mean) Superman can fly and has his heatvision thing so he wins that 11. computer colors over an ink pinup I drew a while back of Amazon from Amalgam Comics. Redesign Wednesday Marvel/DC Amalgam's Super Soldier. An amalgamation of DC's, Diablo the Volcano Man. An amalgamation of DC's Al and Marvel's, Ambush the Lunatik. Because those martial skills are not practiced outside of Themyscira, Ororo is extremely difficult to defeat in open battle. An amalgamation of DC's, Multiple Maid / Myriad. An amalgamation of DC's, Medusa Moonrider. An amalgamation of DC's, Hyena (Creed H. Quinn). An amalgamation of DC's, Jocasta. Amalgam and all Amalgam characters, names, ... Wonder Woman [Wonder Woman / Storm] Princess Ororo of Themyscira, a mutant. 1 Ultra-Soldier 2 Serpent Gang 3 Wolfman: The Clawed Knight 4 Horsemen of Assassins 5 Assasins 6 Wonder Storm 7 Arach-Kid 8 Sinister Squad 9 Bruce Fury: Agent of Fury 10 SNAKE 11 Bullets and Bracelets 12 JLX 13 Hellfire Club of Injustice 14 Emerald Knight 15 Doctor Strangefate 16 Speed Demon 17 Fantastic Patrol Ultra-Soldier (Kent Rogers) (Superman/Captain America) Winners Society of … An amalgamation of DC's, Molecule Lad / Nucleus. The Goddess Artemis has granted Ororo the "The Eye Of The Hunter" which gives Ororo enhanced senses, as well as "Unity With Beasts" allowing Ororo to communicate with all forms of animals (including dinosaurs) and her presence alone can bring a raging beast to a calm standstill. Wonder Woman and Storm circle each other, sizing up their opponent. Hippolyta raised young Ororo as an Amazon princess beside her own daughter Diana (who as a child was very jealous of her new "sister", although the first issue of Diana's own series, Bullets and Bracelets, seemed to imply just the opposite) on the island of Themiscyra. Roxy Leech. Seller assumes all responsibility for this listing. An amalgamation of DC's, Mister X (J'onn J'onzz). The various Amalgam one-shots printed in April of 1996: 1. 162 Favourites. An amalgamation of DC's, Red Ghost (Kragoff). Questa lista è suscettibile di variazioni e potrebbe non essere completa o aggiornata. An amalgamation of DC's, Moonwing (Dick Grayson). Discover (and save!) This item will ship to United States, but … Due to Covid we are experiencing longer than usual shipping times. An amalgamation of DC's, Two-Faced Goblin (Harvey Osborn). Their mother was estranged from her first husband, and Cassie's father is Zedin, the King of the Olymgardians. An amalgamation of DC's, The Radioactive Kra. An Amalgam Universe version of Marvel's, Rocky (Ben Grimm). Original Content. An amalgamation of DC's, Kokoro (Tatsu "Betsy" Braddock). Featured in THE AMALGAM AGE OF COMICS: THE DC COMICS COLLECTION are the adventures of these momentary collaborations such as Super Soldier (Captain America and Superman), Amazon (Wonder Woman/Storm) and JLX (Justice League and the X-Men). Emerald Eye (Kyle Summers) is the Amalgam of Marvel Comics' Cyclops and DC Comics Green Lantern. Any characters mentioned by name, but not seen, are excluded here. An amalgamation of DC's, Uatu the Guardian. Redesign Wednesday- Wonder Man. An amalgamation of DC's, Ubuwong. An amalgamation of DC's Darlene and Marvel's, Billie the Millie. Amazon: Who was an amalgam of Storm and Wonder Woman; Assassins: Dare and Catsai were an amalgam of Elektra & Catwoman; Bruce Wayne: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. An amalgamation of DC's Ubu and Marvel's, Black Tom Savage. A female amalgamation of DC's, Wired (Nathan Chase). Original Content. An amalgamation of DC's, X-Stroke the Eliminator. and Challengers of the Fantastic. An amalgamation of DC's, Diana Prince (Princess Diana of Themyscira). An amalgamation of DC's, Red (Johnny Storm). : An amalgam of Bruce Wayne and Nick Fury An amalgamation of DC's, Wraith (Todd LeBeau). She is romantically split between teammate Reed "Prof" Richards and Aqua-Mariner. MINT FIRST PRINTING DIRECT SALES. An amalgamation of DC's Carl Ferris and Marvel's Senator Harrington Byrd. By ScottCohn Watch. An amalgamation of DC's. An amalgamation of DC's, Ferro Man (Piotyr Rasputin). An amalgamation of DC's, Antimony (Debbie Walker). $8.00. An amalgamation of DC's, Dr. Curt Connors. Storm is a fictional superhero appearing in American comic books published by Marvel Comics.The character was created by writer Len Wein and artist Dave Cockrum, first appearing in Giant-Size X-Men #1 (May 1975). Quick view Add to Cart. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Amalgam Universe. Shipped with USPS First Class. : An amalgam of Bruce Wayne and Nick Fury 1. An amalgamation of DC's, Lethal (Sergei Minerva). 4K Views. Sign in to check out Check out as guest . An amalgamation of DC's, Goliath (Oliver Queen). She is romantically split between teammate Reed "Prof" Richards and Aqua-Mariner. Softcover, 160 … Free delivery for many products! An amalgamation of DC's, Al Forbush. Feature on Amalgam Comics: the joint publishing effort of DC and Marvel. Then, using her super-speed, Wonder Woman rushes forward and lays a powerful punch to Storm's jaw. AmalgamFanGroup. An Amalgam Universe version of Detective, Ra's a-Pocalypse. Image size. Storm … Loading... Resume making your offer, if the page does not update immediately. Amalgam One-Shots - First Series Edit. As Ororo grew up, she displayed the ability to control the weather, and the Amazons taught her how to focus her powers into a lasso of lighting that could compel anyone bound by it to speak the truth. Over the years, Amazon continued to fight for the good cause while keeping her metamutant status a secret. Amazon- Wonder Woman/Storm Amalgam Comics mash-up. An amalgamation of DC's, White Witch (Wanda Zatara). She is amalgamation of DC's, Black Orchid the Unknown. Quick view Add to Cart Archie Comics. An amalgamation of DC's, Sparrow (Jubilation Lee). An Amalgam Universe version of, Guardian Angel (Doctor Tom Harper). An amalgamation of DC's, Gyrich. An amalgamation of DC's, Spider-Boy 2099 a.k.a. An amalgamation of DC's, Big Question (Edward Nigma Fisk). Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Amazon #1 1996 Amalgam Comics Marvel DC Storm Wonder Woman NM at the best online prices at eBay! An amalgamation of DC's Leviathan/Micro Lad (, Living Lightning Lad / 'Lectron. Wonder Woman and Storm circle each other, sizing up their opponent. An Amalgam Universe version of DC's, Green Guardsman (Kyle O'Brien). However, Ororo's skin is not totally invulnerable and can be pierced by sharp projectiles with sufficient force distributed over a small surface area such as bullets or arrows. Ororo possesses great wisdom and intelligence, primary gifts from the Goddess of Wisdom herself, Athena. She can create electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic fields and has demonstrated the ability to create electrolytic fields to separate water molecules into molecular oxygen and atomic hydrogen. Johnny Storm is her brother. 612x720px 115.16 KB. 03711 WONDER WOMAN #37. An amalgamation of DC's Shadow Lass and Marvel's, Growing Boy / Living Colossus. Amazon possesses the psionic ability to control all forms of weather. 6 Few Changes: Lobo The Duck To be fair to Amalgam, a merging that comes out of nowhere doesn't always have to be a bad thing. LeotardLovers. An amalgamation of DC's, Black Bat (Barbara Gordon Hardy). The letter column of that issue refers to a fictional comic where Shatterstarfire teams up with the Storm/Wonder Woman amalgam Amazon. Perhaps merging Wonder Woman with Captain America or Thor and Storm with Vixen, Black Lightning, or Starfire. Had a "falling out" with Super-Soldier, but they seem to have patched things over. LeotardLovers. (Highly Evolved Creature Totes Oriented for Revenge). An amalgamation of DC's, Pow Wow Boom Boom Smith. Diana Prince and Wonder Woman teamed up during a 4-issue plot to face Professor Psycho, Panthera, Circe, and Giganta; Bruce Wayne (of S.H.I.E.L.D.) After her father's powers awaken, Cassie becomes the second Wonder Girl. An amalgamation of DC's, Madame Cat (Selina Luthor). It mashes up Wonder Woman with the Marvel character Storm. For other uses, see, Tim Drake and Marc Spector are two aliases used by Moonwing (Dick Grayson), Baron von Strucker (Wolfgang von Strucker), "Who's Who: Handbook of the Amalgam Universe", "Review of Return to the Amalgam Age of Comics: The DC Comics Collection", "Comics in Context #14: Continuity/Discontinuity", Who's Who: Handbook of the Amalgam Universe, The Uncanny X-Men and The New Teen Titans, Green Lantern/Silver Surfer: Unholy Alliances,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Dark Claw (Logan Wayne). An Amalgam Universe version of, Beastling (Hank Logan). An amalgamation of DC's, Prez, Master of Kung Fu. 04-dic-2013 - Amazon - Storm + Wonder Woman Marvel / DC Amalgam hide. (Paige Guthrie). An amalgamation of DC's, Hawkeye (Clint Archer). Featured in THE AMALGAM AGE OF COMICS: THE DC COMICS COLLECTION are the adventures of these momentary collaborations such as Super Soldier (Captain America and Superman), Amazon (Wonder Woman/Storm) and JLX (Justice League and the X-Men). Amazon- Wonder Woman/Storm Amalgam Comics mash-up. An amalgamation of DC's, Scott Free. $2.99. The item you've selected was not added to your cart. Condition:--not specified An amalgamation of DC's, Darkstar. An amalgamation of DC's, Angelhawk (Warren Hall). Amazon: Also known as Wonder Woman, she was Ororo Munroe, a mutant raised by the Amazons alongside her foster sister Diana. Amazon- Wonder Woman/Storm Amalgam Comics mash-up. An amalgamation of multiple DC and Marvel characters, including DC's Ultivac and, Vykin the Black Bolt. An amalgamation of DC's, Skulk (Bruce Banner). share. An amalgamation of DC's Madame .44 and Marvel's, Northstar Trigger. 211 Favourites. An amalgamation of DC's, Catsai (Elektra Kyle). An amalgamation of DC's, Cobalt (Lucius Richmond). The “Amalgam Universe” began when Marvel and DC Comics announced a comic book miniseries crossover, DC vs. Marvel Comics, that pitted their most powerful heroes and antiheroes against each other. An amalgamation of DC's, Detective Clark Bullock. An amalgamation of DC's, Madame Banshee. Amalgam Database is a FANDOM Comics Community. An amalgamation of DC's, The Punisher (Trevor Castle). Besides the atmosphere, Amazon has demonstrated the ability to control natural forces that include cosmic storms, solar wind, ocean currents and electromagnetic radiation. 1K Views. Fans were asked to vote for the characters they wanted to win – with the final tally determining the outcome of each match. An amalgamation of DC's, Captain Marvel (William "Billy" Mar-Vell). An Amalgam Universe version of DC's, Nuke (Bane Simpson). 5 WORST: Mister X. Softcover, 160 … The miniseries’ plot took on some cosmic proportions when it revealed that both the Marvel and DC Univers… Le Bat (Jubilation Wayne) is the Amalgam of Marvel Comics' Jubilee and DC Comics Batman. An amalgamation of DC's, (Symbiote) Bizarnage]. Storm … Close. Australia Edition Comics. An amalgamation of DC's, Dare the Terminator (Slade Murdock). An amalgamation of DC's, Huntress (Carol Danvers). An amalgamation of DC's, Deaddevil, the Man Without Life. An amalgamation of DC's, Iron Lantern (Hal Stark). Amazon #1 (Storm/Wonder Woman) Amalgam Comics Direct Edition, 1996 FIRST PRINT. An amalgamation of DC's Gawd and Marvel's Chair-Thing. 162 Favourites. STORM + WONDER WOMAN = AMAZON. Amazon (Amalgamated Storm/Wonder Woman) Ambush the Lunatik (Lunatik/Ambush Bug) American Belle (Miss America/Liberty Belle) American Girl (Bucky/Carol Danvers/Supergirl) - by Crazy Ivan. Storm has proved a fierce warrior and respectable leader of the X-Men, and her ability to control the weather would be a great tool if they ever teamed up. report. Amalgam Comics. Armaghetto Amazon is an Amalgam of Marvel Comics's Storm and DC Comics' Wonder Woman (Artemis). Storm and Wonder Woman met up during Marvel and DC's Amalgam run, however, they ended up fighting each other to save their respective universes. He was a combination of Spider-Man and Superboy. An amalgamation of DC's, Drabny the Fixer. An amalgamation of DC's, Deathlok (Jason Todd). A massive fan of the Thunder Woman and Thunder Girl, she would later discover that she is Erica's younger half-sister. 8.Wonder Woman is stronger faster hotter so she wins that one 9.Spider Man kicks ass, I mean Superboy is decently strong but so annoying and Spidey is wa more experienced so bye bye Superman Jr. 10. The various Amalgam one-shots printed in April 1996: Amazon: An amalgam of Storm and Wonder Woman; Assassins: Dare was an amalgam of Deathstroke, his daughter Rose, and Daredevil; Catsai was an amalgam of Elektra and Catwoman; Bruce Wayne: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. An amalgamation of DC's, Gardner. Mig-El Gand. An amalgamation of DC's, Ultivac the Multi-Robot. The amalgamations of characters or the Amalgam versions of one character are given. An amalgamation of DC's, Apollo (Ray Summers). [Fan-Art] Amazon of the Amalgam Universe | Storm x Wonder WomanFan Creation. An amalgamation of DC's, Moon Boy. Jan 3, 2015 - Wonder Woman / Princess Ororo Of Themyscira "Wonder Woman" Amalgam Comics (1996) - AMAZON ® Ororo has heightened resistance to magical attacks. your own Pins on Pinterest An amalgamation of DC's, Sgt. Amazon: An amalgam of Storm and Wonder Woman 1. The various Amalgam one-shots printed in April of 1996. MARVEL COMICS. Redesign Wednesday- Rafael. An amalgamation of DC's, Aqua-Mariner (Arthur McKenzie). Amalgam Comics Amazon Wonder Woman Storm DC/Marvel 1996. "The Whiz" redirects here. Redesign Wednesday- Darkclaw. An amalgamation of DC's Princess Shao-La and Marvel's. An amalgamation of DC's, The Atomic Black Knight. CrossGen Comics. Bruce Wayne: Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Rock. 5 WORST: Mister X This video explores the abilities, powers, and origin of the Amalgam Comics character "Amazon." Ororo has exhibited heightened proficiency with languages, being able to speak her native Themysciran, Ancient and Modern Greek, English, Portuguese, Spanish, French, Mandarin Chinese , Russian, and Hindi. Wonder-Woman-FanClub. An amalgamation of DC's, "Brooklyn" Barnes. Oct 9, 2017 - From Amalgam comics, Storm as Wonder Woman, called Amazon Ororo has shown to be sensitive to the dynamics of the natural world. Amalgam Storm Wonder Woman Amazon Redesign. • Amazon/Wonder Woman (Princess Ororo of Themiscyra). 15 Comments. She is a master of armed and unarmed combat, proficient with nearly every weapon ever made, especially the bow and the javelin, and the exotic martial arts styles practiced by the Amazons. AmalgamFanGroup. An amalgamation of DC's, Bat-Thing (Kirk Sallis). They are listed by comic book and a team section is also provided. Descended from a long line of African witch-priestesses, Storm is a member of a fictional subspecies of humans born with superhuman abilities known as mutants. An amalgamation of DC's, Bismuth (Snapper Jones). An amalgamation of DC's, Magneto (Erik Magnus). 3 comments. Add to cart. An amalgamation of DC's, Jade Nova (Frankie Rayner). Wonder Woman is the princess Diana, the daughter of Hippolyta, Queen of the Amazons and Zeus, the mightiest of the Gods of Olympus.She is also the wife of Thor Odinson, and mother of Hunter Prince, and Torunn Prince.Diana volunteered to leave behind her home of Themyscira, and champion the Amazons's message of peace, fighting for justice and equality in Man's World.
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