"Don't Fret, Be Content" is itself an awesome song name!! Having heard of a band doesn't imply knowing all of their songs, especially non-hits. Who doesn't love 60s music? At the end of the Educate yourself with The Boss people. Color Song Titles 1 quiz. Only 34% know Born to Run? Agree. It took me a long time to get the spelling of Tutti Frutti right. I'm in a Caribbean mood tonight... how about Baby Elephant Walk with a reggae beat. For more obscure Mancini look up March of the Cue Balls which I sometimes mix up with it. Name the artists that released these songs or give the missing words in these titles . vs. Sam. I did get the right answer :). Treefingers was only at 11% so I replaced it. mentioned in the subtitles) than by their official titles. There are many other spellings if you could accept those as well. I went to a music festival recently where there was a quiz to see if people could work out the name of well known song titles from semi-cryptic clues. Play < Clothing Song Titles Previous. This quiz is easy: We give you one lyric from a One Direction song, you most likely sing the entire thing in your head, and then pick the title of the song that matches it. Tag: song title quiz. Now it's 4 years later and I still find the story really funny. I agree, took me a second to work out how I had it wrong, Is there a version that uses the lyric "Country Road" (singular)? Could you also accept 'My favourite things' with the u please, I didn't realise it could be spelt differently. Great quiz! Song Titles mixed quiz. Whether you fancy yourself as a super fan or just want to play along, take our fun quiz and see if you can match the lyrics to their correct song titles! Well look no further! but as usual with these quizzes managed to get them all anyway on the strength of the clues. 10 trivia questions, rated Very Easy. If you think you answered incorrectly, you can always go back to any question and change your answer. I'm pretty certain you have heard Black Dog. If you have to google if something is popular, it is probably not very popular... Good quiz. Recognize songs like "Bette Davis Eyes," "Every Breath You Take," "Hungry Like the Wolf," and more to see if you are an '80s music expert! Played: 14677. :D. Watch the John Wayne movie, Hatari, to hear Baby Elephant Walk. The missing words are the title of the song. Play Song Title quizzes on Sporcle, the world's largest quiz community. Start Photo Quiz Trivia with photos. Can you complete the geographical sites that are part of the titles of the following ten old songs? Black dog (Zeppelin) is pretty popular. Average: 8.56. 'Reverberations' for 'vibrations'? The title is not in the song, but the song is wildly overplayed on classic rock stations. Can … Can you name the songs by the specified acts that have these names in the title? Can you pick the correct song titles for these famous songs? Which states of the USA are missing from these song titles? Played: 17121. Take this quiz and fill in the song titles from the golden age of hip hop. By Creedy. Can you pick the correct word to complete these song titles? Then I guess you shouldn't take the following quizzes: haha.. Trivia Quiz - Locations in Song Titles A Photo Quiz Category: Geography in Songs Quiz #376,021. Song Artist; Call Me (1980) Don't You (Forget About Me) (1984) Don't You Want Me (1981) I Wanna Talk About Me (2001) Hit Me With Your Best Shot (1980) Always Something There to Remind Me (1983) Cry Me a River (2002) Lay Your Hands on Me (1988) Answers. Do not think about the answers too long. USA. The quiz's creators have given you just one literal image describing each song's title, and then you have to guess the band or individual behind the hit. You've never heard of Henry Mancini, Radiohead, or Led Zeppelin? Quizzical70: These 25 song titles were the first British singles of various artistes according to the Guinness book of British Hit Singles 14th edition. did you replace it with King of the Road? Sometimes famous songs are better known for often repeated phrases (e.g. I know that all of the words are usually switched out, but “Positive Vibration” is also a really famous song that would be a synonym of “Positive Reverberations.”, Countries by First Two Letters in 90 Seconds, 40 Historical People that Everyone Should Know. Play < Christmas Lyrics Previous. Have fun. It's the song "Hey hey momma say the way you move, gonna make you sweat, gonna make you grove." / And I say "Yes, you look, Brown paper packages tied up with strings / These are a few of. Camaro and Corvette are not synonymous, just similar. Simples. Stone You Like a Typhoon sounds very wrong. Play. Create. Because I never heard of that one, either. Timeless hits from this swingin' era are still just as popular today as they were when they were first released. Check out our popular trivia games like Songs with Body Parts in the Title, and Title in the Lyrics Quiz #1 I liked it. Can you match these lyrics with these songs that all contain a man's name in their titles? en-1. Fill the blanks in these song lyrics. Only Black Dog by Zeppelin is somewhat popular. Had no idea about the title. QUIZ: Can you match the ultra-long 2000s song titles to the correct band? I know that isn't how the title is actually spelled (now), but it seems reasonable to assume at least that the word "frutti" is spelled the way the actual word is spelled if you have never seen the title in print. Even if the synonyms aren't exact, close enough. Elena Wills-January 11, 2021. Should be in music, not movies. 2000s quiz; 2000s songs; chiodos; circa survive; cobra starship; coheed and cambria; fall out boy; long song titles; mayday parade; my chemical romance; panic! > Pop Music > Song Titles > US States in Song Titles ≡ US States in Song Titles quiz. To the person who maintains "Baby Elephant Walk" is not "somewhat popular"... that would be like me claiming the same of "Gangnam Style" last year because I don't listen to chart music (I first heard of it long after it was the most watched you tube video of all time). Also, to be nit-picky, the complete title is "Take Me Home, Country Roads.". Miguel. Lyrics & Man Song Title 1 quiz. The Timberlake title should technically be one word. I also really thought it was sort of strange that the age of the song wasn't really indicative of how many people knew it. These increase in difficulty. (Author Quizzical) I thought it was pretty easy, but only five of them have above 50% correct. > Pop Music > Song Titles > Cities in Song Titles 1 ≡ Cities in Song Titles 1 quiz. Could you accept "tootie fruity" or "tooty fruity"? Average: 7.53. Music Quiz World.Lyrics Music Quizzes, lyrics quizzes, music trivia, band and themed pop quizzes. Given that Baby Elephant Walk is mentioned by name in the Simpsons, I'd assume more people would at least recognize it. definitely know the song. Everyone knows all about the Beatles, The Beach Boys, and Elvis Presley, but the 60s produced so many more incredibly … 'Named' Song Titles Quiz Never heard of baby elephant walk or Treefingers, but thanks to the clues I got them anyway. kalbahamut, you mastered two quizzes that you created? Played: 4485. Played: 19499. Guess these song titles, where most of the words have been replaced by synonyms. You: Your computer opponents: You. Keep scrolling down for answers and more stats ... And then she asks me "Do I look alright?" Average: 6.96. Played: 5936. Edit. Wrong Song Titles 1 quiz. Baby Elephant Walk is one of my favorites! There's a Song Title quiz for everyone. Camaro for Corvette is stretching it. And several others. Marina. Test your knowledge on this music quiz and compare your score to others. Love the diversity- please accept British/Australian spelling of "boulevarde". The singin' in the rain has an apostrophe rather than a second G in singing, Countries by First Two Letters in 90 Seconds, Countries of the World - One Minute Sprint, U.S. States by First Two Letters in 30 Seconds. Play < Women Names Song … It's the song "Hey hey momma say the way you move, gonna make you sweat, gonna make you grove."
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