Name: Sgurr Mhic Choinnich: Hill number: 1248: Height: 948.1m / 3111ft: Parent (Ma): 1239 Sgurr Alasdair: RHB Section: 17B: Minginish and the Cuillin Hills A great short day on the hill, or can be combined with scrambling towards Sgurr Alisdair via ledge systems on the west face of the mountain, or the East Ridge of the Inaccessible Pinnacle to make a … Decision - either abseil directly down (see photo on right), or head back slightly and look for a loose route on the left (west). It is a typical climbing guide designed to be taken The going It isn't A faint path develops, crosses the burn near where it swings south-west and Coire a'Ghreadaidh is entered. streetmap, Buy The final approach along the ridge is an exposed and in places difficult scramble; the rock scenery throughout is superb. Apart from some minor easy scrambling, there are no difficulties reaching the large cairn on top of some boulders. A bit of simple scrambling brings Next up is Sgurr Thearlaich - from the top of the Shoot, walk south-south-east down on a path on the screes until you see a gap on Sgurr Thearlaich's rock. The path leads towards the rock is not as bad as it looks as the boulders seem to form a staircase As the rock wall disappears on the right a faint path Between it and Sgurr Alasdair lay a higher peak called Sgurr Thearlaich. The holds are good the campsite and keep left at the first fork about 400 metres map of the Cuillins. There is no obvious route choice, but select carefully and you'll get down without incident. Sgurr Alasdair. 984: 1100: 3.1 miles: NG4507720784 #32 RI: 12: N to Bealach Mhic Choinnich. The path has been recently extended and carries on into the coire and hits some scree. The way is fairly obvious and leads to a short chimney section Pass an impressive cleft on your left, then keeping more or less to the crest continue down to An Dorus. cliffs etc which are everywhere on Skye. Scramble uphill towards Sgurr a'Ghreadaidh, concentration is required as although the scrambling is straightforward, it is relentless to the first top. from the rock so you can look down between your legs to see where The mountain is named after the mountain guide, John MacKenzie. Glenbrittle Campsite sits by a bay at the end of the glen, just before which is a large parking area. Home » Mountain routes » Corbetts » Islands » Black Cuillin South, Early morning on Sgurr Mhic Choinnich and Sgurr Alasdair, The Inaccessible Pinnacle with Sgurr Alasdair behind, Heading off from Sgurr Dearg to Sgurr na Banachdich, Sgurr na Banachdich and Sgurr a'Greadaidh from Sgurr Dearg, Sgurr a'Greadaidh from Sgurr na Banachdich, Sgurr a'Mhadaidh and Bruach na Frithe from Sgurr a'Greadaidh, The Red Cuillin - Glamaig, Beinn Dearg Mhor and Marsco, Scottish Avalance Information Service - Torridon, Privacy policy, disclaimer and terms of use. Be the first to submit your climbing note! After yesterdays 11½ hour epic Iain of Kendal Mountaineering Services had read the mood of the group and determined to have a shorter walk today. In Glenbrittle, by the phone-box and Glen Brittle War Memorial Hut, a route starts by the roadside and heads east. Sgurr Thearlaich - 0.1km Sgurr Sgumain - 0.2km Sgurr Mhic Choinnich - 0.3km Sgurr Dubh an Da Bheinn (Sgurr Dubh na Da Bheinn) - 0.6km Caisteal a’Garbh-Choire - 0.7km Sgurr Dubh Mor - 0.8km Stob Coir’ a’ Ghrunnda - 0.8km Sgurr Dearg – Inaccessible Pinnacle - 1.0km Cross the outflow and start to walk around the south side of the loch. Leave Sgurr na Banachdich and head over an obvious route initially north-west, then downhill turning right (north-east) on loose scree. top of the Great Stone Shoot. Cross the outflow and start to walk around the south side of the loch. the route is right up and out the top of the shoot. particularly important where you turn as long as you can see From here, some sustained but easy and enjoyable scrambling will take you up to Sgurr na da Bheinn. Leave Alasdair down the point is from the car park at the campsite at the bottom The days objective was therefore a little less ambitious (only just) with the first Munro of the day being Sgùrr Mhic Choinnic followed by Sgùrr Dearg and the Inaccessible Pinnacle concluding with Sgùrr na Banachdich if it is not too late. You can start from the hut at the phonebox Return to An Dorus, then head down on scree into Coire An Doruis. never had time for up above and admire the view. the one from the campsite is quite wonderful (guess who made "The Main Cuillin Ridge in 1 day. What a fucking year. Various routes options present themselves, but generally keep just to the Coire Ghrunnda side of the crest. The main top with its cairn is just a bit further, but there are some tricky moves between these summits. does not accept responsibility for the content of those sites or the Further down the Allt Coire a'Ghreadaidh needs crossing, but careful as the rock can be slippy. Up some slighlty loose ground to a point of safety, then turn right and scramble up two slabs (tricky if wet) and a gap between rocks to reach the airy crest of the summit. A gerinc meglehetősen kitett helyen van, mindkét oldalon meredek szakadékokkal, ezért az itteni szakasz 2-es fokozatú négykézláb mászást (ún. accuracy of any information contained within this site. Return to Sgurr na da Bheinn the same way, or, if you prefer something slightly harder, stick to the crest. The scramble up here is not particlarly demanding You may have to wait a while before it's your turn to start up on the Inaccessible Pinnacle's edge, the most difficult of Munro peaks ! From the lochan, pick up the path and head back to Glenbrittle. Most sources (including the OS) have it as two words "Mhic Choinnich" Sgurr Mhic Choinnich though the OS 1:25K has it as one word "MhicChoinnich". Scramble directly up to the summit boulder, with only one modertly difficult move on the way. Sgurr nan Eag, Sgurr Dubh na Da Bheinn, Sgurr Dubh Mor, Sgurr Alasdair, Sgurr Mhic Choinnich, Inaccessible Pinnacle (Sgurr Dearg) Sunday 7th October 2012. Climbing photos at Sgurr Alasdair uploaded by users of Sgùrr Alasdair is the highest peak of the Black Cuillin, and the highest peak on the Isle of Skye and in the Inner Hebrides, at 992 m. Sgùrr Alasdair is situated 870 feet south of Sgùrr MhicChoinnich. The scramble up it is not as bad as it looks ! book to just sit and browse through on a winter's evening whilst Sgurr Alasdair and the Great Stone Shoot At the Bealach Coire Lagan views opened out over the rest of the Cuillin with An Stac towering above us. filled with enormous boulders. There Over some large boulders then occasional easy scrambles to reach Loch Coir a'Ghrunnda. the stone shoot on the other side. content within this website is provided by independent third parties, Ledge as it was discovered by the latter gentleman. but as you turn back down the ridge you start to remember that Shortly after this burn, the path divides into two, take the left fork which aims higher and gets you into Coire Ghrunnda. Follow the path for 1km, then leave it and head due east up Sgurr Dearg. Map at Mapsworldwide, Harveys right ridge to walk down to get to the south face of Alasdair. a rest and view out across loch Coruisk. before setting off (carefully) down the shoot. Here the guidebook will lead you with a few ups and downs right across the face you out onto the start of what is commonly known as Collies map of the Cuillins, Car park at the campsite at the bottom of The To reach Sgurr Dubh Mor head initially in the direction of the peak (east), but look for a path on loose scree on your left (north). Time to sit and finish that lunch that you If you are lucky and it's sunny the way on to Alasdair is obvious, if it's not (as we had) you may take a few goes to find the right ridge to walk down to get to the south face of Alasdair. Out of the top of the chimney way up. is not an awful amount of room but there are places you can gully head off northish to get to the summit of Sgurr Sgumain. A junction is reached, turn right, cross the burn and head wsw and on a well constructed path for 1km, then cross the Allt Coire Lagan. You should see the Cioch to the top of the highest Cuillin peak and along one of its the summit is as I said no problem and very soon you will be inside head up towards the Sgumain Stone Shoot; a very broad gully going but the big drop on your right is quite awesome. If you are lucky and it's sunny the way on to Alasdair is obvious, Anyway Scramble directly up to the summit of Sgurr Thomaid, then careful on loose ground on the other side. the wrong choice!). To reach Sgurr na Banachdich via fine scrambling, stick to the crest. Once up out of this chimney continue up with extreme care on exceptionally loose ground to Sgurr Alasdair's summit. You of your hill until you reach the spine of the main ridge. A path is followed uphill with only occasional easy scrambling being required. For … Easy ground takes you down to a slight difficulty on a dyke, easily overcome with care. Sgurr Mhic Choinnich is the little bump centre of the photo. Higher up the crest narrows and a first top, then the main summit are reached. ridge up to the summit of Mhic Choinnich is by comparison easy Sgùrr MhicChoinnich is a mountain on the Isle of Skye in Scotland.It is in the Black Cuillin range of mountains and is classified as a Munro.Like all the other Black Cuillin mountains it is made predominantly of gabbro rock and has little vegetation. The trip calls for a fair bit of Grade 3 scrambling and a reasonable Though not as spectacular as Coire Ghrunnda, Coire Lagan is a fine place to stop and take in what you've just scrambled. Clamber up this then scramble directly up to Sgurr Thearlaich's summit. Name: Sgurr Mhic Choinnich: Hill number: 1248: Height: 948.1m / 3111ft: Parent (Ma): 1239 Sgurr Alasdair: RHB Section: 17B: Minginish and the Cuillin Hills The alternative (see photo on right) is to cross the bealach and look for a ledge off left. but the path up into Coire Lagan from there is unimproved whereas area, both the 1:50000 and the 1:25000. Cross to the other side of the col, then follow a ledge on your left (see photo in Main Route). The OS maps are useless for this Return to Glenbrittle the way you came up. Consider things such as access and accommodation at the base of Sgurr Alasdair, as … with yourself for having achieved two of the difficult Skye tops Sgurr Alasdair & Mhic Choinnich It was hot for the walk up into Coire Lagan. normal tourist route (north eastish) until you get down to the Cross a track that heads south-west, then continue on the path uphill for ½km. narrower ridges. Over some large boulders then occasional easy scrambles to reach Loch Coir a'Ghrunnda. path down across the bowl of the outer corrie and head towards then NNW to T Sgurr Thearlaich summit. Sgurr Thearlaich is only classed as a Munro Top; in … given the slightest chance of survival if caught in it. climbs of the Cioch face so you will need to turn right and (until you look down) but the rock is quite good and the holds Sgurr Mhic Choinnich. Head down this road for a few miles, then turn off for Carbost and just before entering the village, the road splits by a campsite - take the narrow road with passing places heading down to Glenbrittle. describes a big step up with the right foot but Mary, all 5 The Cuillin are composed of gabbro rock which gives wonderful grip even when wet, but these mountains have steep faces and narrow ridges which invariably require scrambling or even rock-climbing to reach the summit. Yesterday, we tackled the northern three; Sgurr Nan Gillean, Am Basteir and Bruach na Frithe, which we completed in good time. It is a great feeling and one that is still with me 9 months A bit of easy scrambling at the col, with a good view over to Blaven. Follow the path up behind the toilet block (very useful) of to have to reverse this move on the way back. After reaching the cave, turn right and head over some loose ground below and to the right of the crest to reach the bottom of an awkward looking dark chimney (there are two chimneys, it's the larger one on the right). pounding. This is one of the most wonderful "walks" in Scotland. keep heading up until finally you emerge at the summit. views out across the sea but you will be continually looking later. From the first top, keep mainly to the crest, then just before the main summit, drop a bit to the left, contour just below it and come back on it to reach the cairn. that contain it. After reaching and crossing Bealach Mhic Choinnich, head slightly to the right to scramble up loose rock - heading directly up is considerably more technical (see photo on left). It is a bit disconcerting to be pushing yourself out Just after an inlet with some sand, turn and aim directly up. This feature The way is fairly obvious and leads to a short chimney section Weather/Conditions: Great weather all day! The trail is primarily used for hiking, walking, and nature trips. The Cuillin ridge is broken here by a steep plunge down to the famous Collie's Ledge before Sgurr Thearlaich rears up in the very near distance. Two of the bottles had been in the freezer over night so they would thaw out as I … At the loch, stop for a while and take in the scenery - this is a magical place. Return to the top of the Chute, then straightdown the boulders into Coire Lagan below. There is some scrambling here, face the rock and descend down to the col. Cross the col, one little move being required, then head up easy loose ground to Sgurr a'Mhadaidh's small airy summit. October 28, 2020 Trip reports alexander nicolson, britain, cuillin ridge, dave fowler, edita, hill walking, isle of skye, munros, norman collie, scotland, sgurr alasdair, sgurr mhic choinnich 3 Comments. With Robin Howie. From here, some sustained but easy and enjoyable scrambling will take you up to. Pass the 'In-Pinn' and head down easy loose scree to Bealach Coire na Banachdich. Sgurr Mhic Choinnich & Sgurr Alasdair via Collie's ledge My last Munro experience was on Sgurr nan Gillean in September - almost a full year and in that time, I had started a dream job, Martha had started school and a pandemic was in full flow. a route up. If a quick escape descent out is required, heading down the Stone Shoot is the way ! All right reserved. below the col between Mhic Choinnich and Thearlich. the small circular cairn at the top. thing that you really should have is the excellent Harveys head for heights (but then so does most of Skye). I was kitted up and ready to go around 11am. From the campsite at the end of Glenbrittle, walk through the campsite, past the toilets, over the fence, then up a path. At Sligachan on the A87, the A863 heads west towards Carbost. When you reach the col you have another chance for It is a wonderful Much of the fine scree has been pushed to the bottom of the slope, so take care with your ankles particluarly at the start of the descent route. If you've got a good head for heights, you could aim directly up An Stac, however, if you'd like a breather before the exposure on the In-Pinn, just keep to the top of the screes and below the rock of An Stac. on Skye. Sgurr Mhic Choinnich is one of the most difficult of the Cuillin Munros to reach for non rock-climbers. fro the normal Skye exposure. var cur = 2000; var year = new Date(); if(cur == year.getFullYear()) year = year.getFullYear(); else year = cur + ' - ' + year.getFullYear(); document.write(year); The trickiest parts are getting onto Sgurr Alasdair from Coire Ghrunnda, getting off Sgurr Thearlaich, approaching Sgurr Mhic Choinnich and of course the Inaccessible Pinnacle on Sgurr Dearg. there was evidence of a recent rockfall in the gully with smashed An easy direct scramble will take you to the summit of. would STRONGLY recommend you get a copy of the guide book Scrambles At the next junction at GR 434206 turn off on the I held a pace, keen on reaching my first Munro, Sgurr Alasdair. It would not have along it. Sgurr Alasdair from Sgurr Mhic Choinnich - - 1356705.jpg 640 × 480; 109 KB Sgurr Alasdair from Sgurr nan Eag - - 1562568.jpg 640 × 480; 50 KB Sgurr alasdair.jpg 896 × … In Glenbritte, by the phone-box and Glen Brittle War Memorial Hut, a route starts by the roadside and heads east. Sgurr Mhic Choinnich is a wedge-shaped ridge of rock above the back of Coire Lagan. Continue north, downhill sticking on the crest over a very airy section, followed by a plateau leading to a dead end. Pick a route down these screes and soon you are We left Glen Brittle campsite at 03:30. is the Harveys map is waterproof; a very useful feature as we foot of her managed no bother. This is Collie's Ledge, which is exposed but fairly easy and continues around the west side of Sgurr Mhic Choinnich to reach the north side of the summit, from where it's a fairly easy scramble, with one slight bad step. Sgurr Alasdair to Sgurr Mhic Choinnich: the secret of Collie’s Ledge. Up some slighlty loose ground to a point of safety, then turn right and scramble up two slabs (tricky if wet) and a gap between rocks to reach the airy crest of the summit. The rest of the The route turns left then reaches the crest of, Scramble down the cleft then haul yourself up the screes to the top of the Great Stone Chute. The scramble up is not really that difficult, it's just the exposure that's frightening. on the face in front of you. you are planning your next trip to that magical isle. speeds. Approaching Caisteal a'Garbh Coire, the terrain becomes easy, pass this block on the north (right) side and reach a windy bealach. Gars-bheinn was reached at 06:25. The Thearlaich Dubh Gap is however easily avoided by following a faint path below Sgurr Alasdair's south-facing butresses to a small cave (see photo). stones, big impact marks on the walls etc. about this is sitting watching the unknowing trying to make their way UP the Great Stone Shoot - two steps up and one back Return to Sgurr Dubh na da Bheinn, then head directly down to Loch Coir' a'Ghrunnda. Copyright © Follow this path under some minor butresses to below the col, then climb up to the col. Cross to the other side of the col, then follow a ledge on your left (see photo). Once the wetter ground of the lower slopes are left behind, the ground quickly gets bouldery and screey. gully head off northish to get to the summit of Sgurr Sgumain. space as you make your way up onto the ridge. You will now be feeling elated To reach, Cross the col, one little move being required, then head up easy loose ground to. Climb up the In Pinn and abseil off as described in the 'Main Route'. The other advantage Follow the path around to the top of the An Stac screes, then continue up, From Sgurr Mhic Choinnich's summit, the route down via King's Chimney requires an abseil, therefore it's easier to return 100m or so and pick up. found. down looking at the loch and the wonderful boiler plate slabs Here turn right and proceed to launch yourself into It is very important Sgurr Alasdair Climbing Notes. Pick up the recently re-constructed path and follow it down to the youth hostel, stopping to admire the waterfalls on the way. Close-up of Sgurr Alasdair (highest) then Sgurr Thearlaich & Sgurr Mhic Choinnich - the Great Stone Chute lies between Alasdair & Thearlaich We quickly reached the summit of Sgurr Alasdair at 992m or 3,255ft: the highest peak in the Cuillin range. The easiest way down is to abseil off the west side. Climb up on loose stone and boulders to reach the base of the Inaccessible Pinnacle. below An Stac. bit intimidating. Most of the finer stone has been pushed to the bottom, however it's still a fine scree run. back and thinking "how on earth did we just do that?". Just after an inlet with some sand, turn and aim directly up Sgurr na Eag. Follow this path under some minor butresses to below the col, then climb up to the col.
It has the whole area at 1:25000 and Prvovýstup: Alexander Nicolson (1873) ... a Sgùrr Mhic Choinnich (948 m n. m.) v nejvyšších partiích jihovýchodní části pohoří, zvané Black Cuillin, byla pojmenována po místním rodákovi Alexandru Nicolsonovi, který jako první vystoupil v roce 1873 na její vrchol. The best starting The best bit Scalable Follow the path for 1km, then leave it and head due east up Sgurr Dearg. that you are careful as there will very likely be people in A Mhic Choinnich csúcsára törekvőknek a nyeregnél jobbra kell venniük az irányt, és a Cuillin főgerincén haladniuk. but the 1000ft of nothing under your heels is perhaps a little Plonk yourself onto the safety of Sgurr Dearg and watch the other climbers do what you've just done. A junction is reached, turn right, cross the burn and head west-south-west and on a well constructed path for 1km, then cross the Allt Coire Lagan. The latter requires a bit of route finding and careful footwork on the loose rock. Take time and back-track if things become difficult. either as part of a feature or through links to other websites. However, a slightly easier, but less enjoyable route is just off left on some vague sections of path. Sgurr nan Eag, Sgurr Dubh Mor and Sgurr Alasdair; Sgurr Mhic Choinnich, The In Pinn and Sgurr na Banachdich; Sgurr a'Mhadaidh and Sgurr a'Greadaidh; Sgurr nan Gillean, Am Basteir and Bruach na Frithe; What we are able to do always depends on the conditions but you can be sure that your guide will always select the best objective for each day. Sgurr Mhic Choinnich is an odd peak that ends abruptly at a cliff, as though a giant had hewn a chunk of the ridge out with an axe. Once down pick up your rucsack and head down to the col up the hill with you for reference when needed. Hear pronunciation Press to hear pronunciation. a. Head north-west, and reach Bealach Coir' an Lochain via boulders and no difficulties. will be returning this way so if you stash your rucksack you Sgurr Mhic Choinnich is a 6.3 mile loop trail located near Isle Of Rum, Highland, Scotland that features a lake and is rated as difficult. is followed on a traverse across the face until you are right Remeber also at this stage that you are going Sustained scrambling is the order for most of the day, finishing off with a fine walk alongside the Allt Coire Ghrunnda and its waterfalls. It is almost impossible Leave Sgurr Dearg and head down easy loose scree to Bealach Coire na Banachdich. plentiful. This is a fantastic place to stop for a while and take in the views. There are some choices of route here, but the best is not easy to find. On up to ledge but I have read it should rightfully be called Hart's Sgurr Mhic Choinnich is one of the more difficult peaks on the Black Cuillin Ridge. Leaving Sgurr na da Bheinn, head initially in the direction of the peak (east), but look for a path on loose scree on your left (north). the shoot and dislodged stones can travel down it at alarming your feet have to go but remember just how easy it was on the At the top of the Really windy on Carn Liath but settled down into a stunning evening. Sgurr Mhic Choinnich 7 day weather forecast including weather warnings, temperature, rain, wind, visibility, humidity and UV small exposed bit - nothing wrong with keeping the heart rate When we went up in July 2002 Please submit any useful information about climbing Sgurr Alasdair that may be useful to other climbers. The easiest way up is the east ridge - start this near the bottom of the rock (see photo above), then get onto the crest. Keep to the right (south) side of the 3 teeth and reach a col ith some stone circles to shelter out of the wind. Photo: A' chachaileith, Public domain. the main ridge at 1:12500. A gerincen megtett út kétharmadánál jobb kéz felé kezdődik az ún. Mhic Choinnich is named after the Victorian mountain guide John MacKenzie, an early pioneer who lived locally in Sconser, and who made a number of notable first ascents in the Cuillin. The path back to the campsite gives wonderful Sgurr Alasdair Mountain Photos. I had filled a flask with coffee at the camp site and decide to take 3ltrs of water with me. (even if some of the steps are a bit big). Glen Brittle, For Skye, we would always recommend hiring that isn't as difficult as it looks and is somewhat protected It takes you Take a while here to admire the view down into Coire a'Ghrunnda if it's not (as we had) you may take a few goes to find the Leave Sgurr Dearg by following the path on the south side of the In Pinn and An Stac, do not be tempted by a scree-run heading off right - it's a dead end - keep to the base of the An Stac. of Glen Brittle. Sgùrr MhicCoinnich; An Cuiltheann: na beanntan as fhaide deas air am faicinn bho Rubha an Dùnain, bho chli: Sgùrr na Banachdaich, Sgùrr Dearg, Sgùrr MhicCoinnich, Sgurr Sgumain (a' cur Sgùrr Alasdair am falach), Sgùrr Dubh an Dà Bheinn, Sgurr nan Eag, Garsbheinn : Àirde (m) 948 Àirde (tr) 3110 Àirde rinneach (m) 56 air liosta might appreciate it in a few minutes. At around the 800m contour things start to get more tricky and you feel yourself being pulled into Coire Lagan by the angle of the rock - resist and try to stay as close to the crest as possible, but keeping on the south side, following a faint path. Return for a bit, then get onto the crest of Sgurr na Eag's west ridge. Head north from Sgurr a'Ghreadaidh's summit over easy loose ground and go around The Wart - a large black cliff on your right. sit and admire the view (or the fog). if you are lucky. scrambling) igényel. But the recent Skye climbing guide (and a handful of other places) has one word without the "h" - "MhicCoinnich" No match for crag id:707 If you are attempting this route (or any others on Skye) I The scambling becomes slightly more technical, but still fairly easy. The route to Sgurr Mhic Choinnich looked imposing. The other to see the contours for the amount of black ink showing crags, There is a small memorial plaque on the summit. Shortly after this burn, the path divides into two, take the left fork which aims higher and gets you into Coire Ghrunnda. The path has been recently extended and carries on into the coire and hits some scree.
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