This warm season annual legume produces high protien forage for wild life and makes a great soil building cover crop. Iron &Clay cowpea 85/20/60 B/R/D Yes April-June 1/4-1/2" A D,T,Q insects, forage, seed deer may over browse widely adapted July-Aug. Partridge pea 20/10 B/D Yes Oct.-Feb. 1/4-1/2" A T,Q insects, cover, seed plant fall/winter, comes up in early spring widely adapted Sept.-Oct. Broadcast up to 120 lb./acre, 1/2 to 1″ deep. Planted at 25-50 lbs per acre. If that’s not possible, plant in close proximity to other highly attractive food sources such as soybeans. (I love my soil thermometer!) Vigna unguiculata . (more than 10 bags of 50 pounds) please contact us by Phone at 800 253 7346 or click here for a price quote and delivery options.. 110 days. The majority of its roots, however, extend outward about 2 feet and are concentrated just below the soil surface. Copyright © 2021 Mary's Heirloom Seeds | Powered by Shopify. Different varieties of cowpeas have different growing habits. Iron Clay Cow Peas - Iron Clay Peas are a warm season Legume used as an added ingredient to Spring, Summer and Fall food plots for wildlife. Frequent harvesting increases yields. Crowder Pea: Starchy seeded types “crowded” into the pods, normally cooking up dark. Iron and Clay Cowpeas are a summer annual legume. Keep the seeds watered and regulate the temperature by lightly covering them in plastic wrap and placing them in a sunny window or a greenhouse for the first few weeks. Common Pests and Diseases Checking out my summer food plot planted iron clay peas. I would err on the side of larger spacing to avoid powdery mildew in the mature plants. Southern peas are frost-sensitive, and they are more susceptible to diseases if planted in cold wet soil. Field: ‘Iron/Clay,’ various heirlooms; Crowder: ‘Carolina,’ ‘Colussus 80’ Growing peas from seeds is really easy, and it requires a few steps given below:. You should see sprouts shooting through the soil in no time! To grow sweet peas, start by planting the seeds 1 inch deep and 3 inches apart in a small seed tray or peat containers about 5 weeks before the last frost. (800) 375 – 4613. OKIES FOR MONARCHS WILDFLOWER MIX – CENTRAL REGION, OKIES FOR MONARCHS WILDFLOWER MIX – EASTERN REGION, OKIES FOR MONARCHS WILDFLOWER MIX – WESTERN REGION, PURE DISTINCTION BENTGRASS WITH AQUATROLS, CLEARANCE! For quantities over 500 lbs. Sign up and save on your first order. Don’t forget to purchase the required inoculant for this product. 00 David's Garden Seeds Cover Crop Iron and Clay … Physical Address Cowpeas grow well near corn, strawberries and cucumbers, but do not plant them near fennel or onions. This high protein forage is excellent when used for grazing, haying, baleage, or as a component in a summer cover crop. Annual legumes like soybeans, iron and clay peas or lablab are great summertime nutrition, but only the dried beans are really an option after a frost has occurred and your beans are dead and brown. Shipping and discount codes are added at checkout. Need full sun and a warm growing season. Time to Germination. Tamp the soil down firmly. deep, 2 in. ‘Iron Clay’ Season type: summer annual legume Seeding rate: 40 to 50 lb/acre drilled; 80 to 100 lb/acre broadcast. Plant the seeds 1-2″ deep, and 3-6″ apart. 6-7 in. In the summer garden, you can plan for succession plantings. Vining varieties are very vigorous and drought resistant, but they should be given extra room, or trellised, or planted so they can climb stalks of dent corn. Vining varieties are very vigorous and drought resistant, but they should be given extra room, or trellised, or planted so they can climb stalks of dent corn. Some cowpeas climb like pole beans while others form compact plants like bush beans. 319 West Chestnut Sow seeds 1 or 2 inches apart in the seed mix or directly in the desired pots, an inch or two deep. Cow-peas, (Vigna unguiculata) -Variety: (Iron-Clay) - Summer annual legume Dave Wilson, Research Agronomist We have some cowpea seed available for sale this year, variety “Iron Clay.” The cowpea is also called “southern pea”, ‘Black-eyed Peas” or “Crowder Peas.” These are different nomenclatures but are one and the same. It’s false that peas seedlings don’t transplant well, you can plant them when they’re 4-5 inches tall. Iron and Clay has long taproots that help withstand drought conditions and can produce as much as 300 lb./acre nitrogen. The ability of southern peas to grow in poor soil is quite remarkable--many varieties are also used as cover crops--and they are relatively free of insects and disease in the Mid-Atlantic. Stabilizer Bermudagrass is a blend of superior seeded bermudagrasses Wrangler and the newly released JM76, specially formulated for soil stabilization such as waterways and ponds dams. apart in rows 3-6 ft. apart, thinning to 4 in. In this same field you’re also going to plant corn, which will provide a great food source and cover. Plant the seeds with the eye of the seed facing down. The garden’s temperature is also important. It is very tolerant to deer pressure once established and has good regrowth potential. Iron Clay Cow Peas produce forage in 45 days and mature seed in 100 days. In SC the Extension recommends planting Southern peas from late March to mi… © JOHNSTON SEED COMPANY. Southern peas have cultural requirements similar to beans. Cowpeas are the most productive legume in warm regions of the United States. Iron & Clay cowpeas. ft. Vining varieties are very vigorous and drought resistant, but they should be given extra room, or trellised, or planted so they can climb stalks of dent corn. apart. Cowpeas are quick to germinate. Iron Clay Peas - A warm season Legume used as a added ingredient to Spring, Summer and Fall food plats for wildlife. Plant Information Planting Season Summer Plant Depth 1" - 2" Minimum Soil Temp for Germination 60° F Establishment Easy How to Grow: Sow seed 1 in. Plant to the rate of 60 lb. Excellent for quail, dove & deer. Stay up-to-date with customized tips, insider advice and product updates relevant to your area. Do not plant cowpea seeds in the same spot in the garden more than once every four years. “Black-eyed” Pea: Intermediate in its plant type and seed cooking characteristics. Southern peas have cultural requirements similar to beans. This variety has a high organic matter production. Sprawling vines. When the harvest starts, spring or fall, pick every other day to keep the pea plants in production. Iron Clay Peas produce forage in 45 days and mature seed in 100 days. New IRON CLAY COW PEA Food Plot Forage Vigna Unguiculata Cowpea Legume 50+ Seeds $3.00 $ 3 . Iron Clay Peas are excellent for quail, turkey, dove & deer. Pea stems snap easily and the root systems aren't very deep. deep and 4-6 inches apart, in rows 18 in. per acre - Broadcast Rates of 20-30 lbs. Wrangler bermudagrass is a warm-season perennial sod-forming grass with improved cold tolerance and forage yield for the production of livestock and soil conservation practices in the transition zone of the United States. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. I have successfully planted cowpeas without inoculating them; however, inoculation will increase crop productivity and success. Plant seeds 2 inches deep and 3 inches apart in rows set 3 feet apart. How to Grow: Sow seed 1 in. Cream Pea: Smaller plant type with light colored seeds that cook up light. apart. Special Considerations. Either (or both) of these things should limit the amount of pressure deer put on your plot(s). Iron Clay Peas. Inoculant: cowpea, lespedeza type . Checking out my summer food plot planted iron clay peas. Iron & Clay cowpeas are a summer annual legume. They need warmer soil, so wait until 3-4 weeks after last frost to plant. apart. To grow: Iron Clay Cowpea. However, a good rule of thumb is: Wherever you live, plant peas as soon as you can stick your finger into that rich, dark brown, crumbly soil, you are generally ready to plant. For added soil building and diversity, plant in a mix with other summer annuals, such as sunn hemp, sudangrass, buckwheat, or MasterGraze till- Today, some groups who re-enact history grow the 'Clay' pea as an authentic food for use in their field provisions. / acre can be used on row planting. OR Plant 3-5 lb. Production Residue: 2,500 to 4,500 lb/acre. Water thoroughly, then wait a few days for the seeds to germinate. Seeds can be drilled at a rate of 30 to 50 lbs./acre or broadcast at a rate of 50 to 75 lbs./acre. apart. Both varieties have superior winter hardiness and green up in the spring earlier than any other seeded forage bermudagrasses. The best time to plant is during spring for best results as the frost will kill the cowpeas. Iron & Clay Peas (Iron-Clay Cowpeas) are a southern favorite for food plots and are an easily planted crop either in row or by broadcasting. Cultivars. Johnston Seed Company Vigorous, drought hardy plants are a great nitrogen-fixing cover crop; late maturing pods can be harvested for the kitchen or used for fodder. Southern peas have cultural requirements similar to beans. apart in rows 3-6 ft. apart, thinning to 4 in. Use both hands - one to hold the vine and the other to pinch off the pods. Two inches down it was 52 degrees. Broadcast seeds should then be lightly disked or dragged to bury them to a depth of about one inch deep. The Cooperative Extension recommends planting when soil temperatures reach 60 F. In NY, potatoes are supposed to be planted when the soil reaches 60 F, and the blooming of the first dandelions is supposed to be a fairly reliable soil temperature signal. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Let’s say you’re going to plant iron clay peas in one field, a phenomenal source of protein for deer throughout the spring, summer and fall. One of the frequently asked questions we get at Mary's Heirloom Seeds is "will this grow in my area?" apart in rows 3-6 ft. apart, thinning to 4 in. If you are growing vining varieties, make even more space between the plants and between the rows. Type: warm season annual legume Uses: Iron and clay cowpeas are perhaps the most popular peas for wildlife enthusiasts planting warm season plots for deer. For best results provide a well-drained soil, with pH in the range of 5.5-6.5. Join our email list and save today! If you choose not to add a deterrent, it’s best to plant at least 1 to 2 acres of this to soften the blow. Stick the seeds straight into the dirt, planting about 1 in. In fact, in the North, if you have deep snow those are basically your only two reliable food plot choices. If planting a mixture with other species, reduce the planting rate accordingly, depending on the number of species included. 1/4” deep Iron Clay Cowpeas are a vining summer annual legume, and the beans it produces are also known as black-eyed peas. Planting Iron & Clay Cowpeas. Plant the cowpea seeds 2-3 inches apart, ½ inch deep directly into warm soil. This is an annual legume that provides forage and seeds for deer and game birds alike, and can be planted in early March through September depending upon … Hulled Common Bermuda seed makes an excellent low maintenance, drought resistant lawn grass or pasture grass. When planting cowpeas, I typically plant approximately 70 to 80 lbs./acre if broadcasting and cover the seed about an inch by lightly disking. If not careful, you can damage the plant or even pull it out of the soil. Seeding Rate Studies Results from our three site-year study on seeding rates conducted in 2015 and 2016 in Perkins County showed the field pea response to plant population was linear at lower densities (up to 200,000 plants/ac), then began to plateau at about 200,000 plants/ac, reaching its maximum at approximately 310,000 plants/ac (Figure 2).Yield in 2015 was higher (maximum yield 33 … It is extremely high yielding, high in protein and productive throughout the summer. Bermudagrass is a warm season perennial species adapted to tropical and subtropical climates. In a straight stand, cowpeas form a dense weed suppressing mat and fix nitrogen. With their highly digestible, protein packed leaves they are commonly used as a warm season forage for deer and livestock. They are vigorous, drought hardy plants and are a great nitrogen-fixing crop. Do not apply nitrogen, which will result in poor yield and lush foliage. REPEL® PERMETHRIN CLOTHING AND GEAR INSECT REPELLENT (AEROSOL), ADV F7232 BMR 6 BRACHYTIC DWARF FORAGE SORGHUM, ADV S6520 BMR 6 PHOTOPERIOD SENSITIVE SORGHUM SUDANGRASS, AF7401 BMR BRACHYTIC DWARF FORAGE SORGHUM, AS6402 BMR BRACHYTIC DWARF SORGHUM SUDANGRASS, AS6504 BMR PHOTOPERIOD SENSITIVE SORGHUM SUDANGRASS, SWEETLIX FESCUE BALANCER WITH MAG MINERAL. The 'Clay' pea is a variety that has historical significance as Confederate soldiers carried them in their field sacks, as a non-perishable food source. deep, 2 in. How to Grow a Sustainable, Eco-friendly Lawn. If you are drilling the seed, plant approximately 40 to 50 lbs./acre. per 1000 sq. These peas are ideal mixed with other food plot crops and are easy to divide and plant as short strips between other crops. L. cv. deep, 2 in. You’ll also want to factor in the final height of the mature plants, as insufficient soil volume in a container can make them too top-heavy. blackeyed pea, field pea, southern pea, crowder pea, caupi, catjang, yardlong bean Web site and your State Department of Natural Resources ... be sown 1 to 2 inches deep in early summer at 50 lb/acre (TJAI, 2010), or roughly 4–8 plants per row foot (TJAI, ... and ‘Red Ripper’. How to Grow: Sow seed 1 in. Enid, OK 73701

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