I wasn’t originally planning on priming the front door but when I was buying the exterior paint, the lady at the store recommended I get a primer since our front door is metal. If you have a new door, or one that has just been sanded down for repainting, then you will need to wash it down with warm, soapy water. Remove the hardware from the door and place it somewhere safe. This Metal Bond mixture will act like the second velcro layer. To prep metal for paint adhesion, you must first clean it with soap and water, remove light rust with a wire brush, sand it with fine-grain sandpaper, and then (in most cases) prime. Roll on one coat of Glidden Primer on the flat surfaces of the door. Once down to bare metal, I would use a self-etching metal primer, such as available in RustOleum spray cans. Painting a door will give the front of your home, garage, basement, or storage area, a much better look. Open your door as wide as possible to reveal the hinges holding it to the doorframe. This would "eat" into the metal giving a really tight bond. I'm going ... Hi, this my first post. Copyright© Use a 2-inch paintbrush on the sides of the door. You can have this enamel paint tinted to the colour of your choice. What to Consider When Buying Painters Tape, Brief Advice on Optimizing Your Basement Storage Area. But, if you’re using Metal Bond, simply wipe some Metal Bond on the surface of the metal instead of using a solvent. For use in spray equipment - Add the Latex paint with Metal Bond additive as directed and dilute as necessary with extra water to meet the viscosity requirement for your spray equipment per the manufacturer’s directions. Metal is one of the most durable materials available. You’ll need a screwdriver, latex gloves, goggles, TSP or TSP-PF, drop cloths, a bucket, clean rags, 180-grit sandpaper, liquid chemical deglosser […] All of our metal paints are designed to provide a strong protective coating and at The Paint Shed you'll find a range of colours and trusted brands at great prices - that's what makes us the UK's most recommended indpendent paint retailer. Whether you choose to text, email or Facetime, we are here to help. Then, follow along with the rest of the steps as outlined below. If the objects are made from bare zinc, aluminium or galvanized metal use Hammerite Direct to Galvanised Metal Paint. Use proper rolling techniques so there aren't any seams or empty white spaces. I have read many posts here over the past few years... Repair/repaint spot on door damaged by rubbing alcohol? Touch up any missed places and re-install the doorknobs, knockers, or locks. Tip: If you’re using a dark color to paint your door, use the grey Glidden primer formula or have the paint store add grey to the white Glidden formula. You can use the paintbrush or a small 1/4″ nap paint roller or a foam roller to paint the smooth areas of the door. (Use a couple saw horses to lay the door horizontal and so the door is not on the ground) NOTE: If you attempt to paint the door on the hinges while the door is vertical, you will have large drips and runs in the paint. Traditional methods require purchasing color-limited specialty metal paints. Apply 1 coat of Dulux® 1 Step® Acrylic Primer, Sealer & Undercoat and leave it to dry for two hours. It’s necessary to remove the oily film that can prevent coating adhesion with a water-based cleaner/degreaser. As tempting as removing your door immediately is, don’t. Step 8 I am renovating my basement and noticed the 2 window frames have a metal bo... Pros and Cons of Installing Kitchen Swinging Doors, When to Choose Oil-Based Paint over Latex Paint. problems contact webmaster@doityourself.com. After your metal front door has been taped up to your liking (this includes: door handles, hinges, frame, and windows) it’s time to paint! Steps for Painting a Door Remove the door from its hinge pins with the hammer and place it on the sawhorses. See instructions on the Metal Bond label if you have any questions. Once the door is covered in one layer of paint, allow it to completely dry before giving it a second coat (Emerald calls out four hours before recoating). Instead, using Metal Bond, you can buy any latex paint, with any color. You’ll save money by avoiding costly specialty metal primers and paints, and time by avoiding priming. 5. Make sure to stir up your paint prior to using and remember, the key to painting anything is with thin, multiple coats. Let … While wearing a residue cover and security glasses, sand the door gradually and softly with fine sandpaper — … A metal door should be handled with extra care especially since the paint that goes over the surface isn’t easily absorbed by the steel. House is 70+ years old and has a wooden gar... How to paint interior doors that have been stained. Metal paint projects require specialty metal primer and metal paint. Contact a Glidden Color Consultant to help you discover your perfect colors in a fun way – virtually! To paint steel doors, a primer is pretty much essential since it needs something to stick to. You do not want to gouge the door, but simply rough up the surface a little. Finally, it’s time to give your door a fresh look. Lightly sand the primer with 220-grit, inspecting as you go. Get additional Metal Bond painting tips here. This will not only clean the surface, but pre-treat it for the paint application (we’ll cover that in the next step). Here are the steps you should take in order to paint your metal door. We live in Southern California. This will ensure that you do not get the paint anywhere else or stain the walkway. Apply the primer to the metal door with a 4-inch flat paintbrush. You don’t need to get down to bare metal. Make your strokes all go in the same direction. For an ultra-smooth paint job, apply two coats of primer. That won’t be necessary with Metal Bond. Painting a Metal Garage Door with The Paint Shed Pick up all the supplies you need to give your metal garage door a great new look at The Paint Shed. Press a nail to the base of the hinge pin, which will be right on the point where the door pivots open and closed. Use a sponge in order to wash it down and then a rag to dry the door off. [1] X Research source Hit the nail with a hammer until the hinge pin loosens and the top is pushed away from the hinge panels. See instructions on the Metal Bond label if you have any questions. For smooth metal surfaces, lightly abrade for maximum adhesion. Save time and go ahead to the next step. These paints often come with few color options. regarding your product questions or to ask how we can help with your next paint job. If only a few places are causing problems, you can probably get by scraping and lightly sanding the door to remove any loose or peeling paint. Once the door is ready to paint, grab your brush and paint the bevels first. Use a special metal primer that will adhere to the metal surface. To ensure our content is always up-to-date with current information, best practices, and professional advice, articles are routinely reviewed by industry experts with years of hands-on experience. A couple of quick passes is all it … We welcome your comments and You just need to get rid of peeling or flaking rust and old paint, which prevent new coats of … Thoroughly clean the door with a degreaser. Start at one side of the door and work your way across it until you have finished that side. Another factor that will affect the life of the paint is the color and the use of a storm door, follow the manufactures recommendations. Metal doors are used in a lot of different applications, but they can be in desperate need of some color. Apply an even coat of primer to the entire surface of the door, including handles and any knobs or bolts. Enamel is one of the most durable paints available. Next, wipe down any bare metal with white vinegar to etch the surface and improve adhesion. Start at one side of the door and work your way across it until you have finished that side. All information is provided "AS IS." Spray in short smooth strokes from side to side across the metal, holding the can about 10 inches from the surface. Two coats of primer should be plenty. Once you’ve gathered all your tools and materials, just simply follow this step-by-step guide on how to successfully paint your exterior door without leaving any streak marks. Step 4: Apply Paint What's the Difference Between Paint Types? Before you begin to put any paint onto the metal door you should also first remove any of the latches, knobs, knockers, and any other attachments that are on the door. I took my front door off to paint it. Remove the screws securing the door’s kick plate with a screwdriver. ©2020 Crown Brand Products. Painting Metal Doors With Latex. If you have another storm door, or some way to cover up the hole in the entryway, then you should remove the door before you do any painting. 1995-2018 MH Sub I, LLC dba Internet Brands. Prime the surface with a water-based primer. Posted by : Latex Agent / Nov 22, 2017. I'm looking to paint 4 six panel metal doors throughout my home. Make your strokes all go in the same direction. Use an angled brush to paint any recessed panel areas Let dry. For use in spray equipment - Add the Latex paint with Metal Bond additive as directed and dilute as necessary with extra water to meet the viscosity requirement for your spray equipment per the manufacturer’s directions. Cover the surface beneath the metal object with thick newspaper or a dust sheet to catch any spills or drips. Our products are designed with the professional painter in mind; let's talk. Apply primer to all bare metal and any areas where rust has been sanded. Understanding how to get a door for painting can help you achieve professional-looking results on your finished door. This can come as a real disappointment for painters looking to either match a color, or add their own creative touch. Purchase several cans of exterior metal spray primer, or use a liquid form with a paintbrush. Then, paint the center stile. to this site, and use it for non-commercial use subject to our terms of use. Painted metal projects are a huge trend right now. Metal Bond and other Latex Agent products are available online. One of the biggest issues people face while painting over bare metal is that metal-specific paints are limited by color options. View our Privacy Policy here. A paint scraper or metal putty knife may also do the trick. This first layer of Metal Bond will act like the bottom layer of velcro. Wait for at least 10 to 12 hours for the primer to dry thoroughly. Whenever you have peeled off any old paint, or if your door is as of now without paint, the subsequent stage is to sand it down to permit the primer and paint to cling to the surface. First, mix 16 oz. It’s a little trick that can go a long way. When you paint a metal entry door, you want to pay close attention to some of the differences in painting metal from wood. The most commonly used and available type of paint for metal doors is latex. Website operating Questions of a Do It Yourself nature should be Once the primer dries you can then roll on the paint of your choice. home improvement and repair website. The traditional method requires cleaning the metal with a solvent, like acetone. If it’s a tight fit you may need to sand the edges to allow for extra coats of paint. Plus, you’ll have the freedom to choose any paint you want. Looking to add a fresh look to your metal outdoor furniture? Since oil-based primers can interact with the zinc in galvanized metal, causing premature peeling, always use a water-based primer when painting galvanized metal. suggestions. Make sure it is a metal latex paint. You may freely link Use this guide for painting over aluminum, stainless steel, galvanized steel and carbon steel railings, furniture, gutters, doors, gutters, vents and most any other bare metal objects. First, mix 16 oz. of Metal Bond for every one gallon of paint. What Is the Difference between Primer Paint and Flat Paint? Once everything has been taken care of on the door, scruff it up a little bit for the primer and paint to adhere to a flat metal surface. How Long to Wait Before Removing Blue Painter's Tape. This blog will provide a new method for painting over bare metal in contrast to traditional methods. Here’s a step-by-step guide including traditional vs Metal Bond methods for painting over bare metal. When I put... How to prevent peeling paint on garage door. Paint … Use some paint remover, or a sander, to loosen up the old paint and bring the door to bare metal. Loosen the hinge pins holding the door in place. Faced with a constantly chipping or peeling door, I would elect to strip it down to bare metal using chemical strippers. Because of the texture of the door surface, preparing a door for painting is especially important. Scrape off peeling paint and powdery, flaking rust until the surface is mostly smooth. Use some 80 grit sandpaper on an orbital sander and scruff up the door a little bit. Since the top panels are so small, I went ahead and painted those too. Ensure any loose paint is removed, and pretreat the entire surface with Metal Bond, the same way you would on bare metal. Click here for full Metal Bond instructions - just click the Directions tab on the right-hand side of the page, Get additional Metal Bond painting tips here. Whether you’re painting a metal door or exterior gutters, the bare metal will look great with a fresh new coat of paint. Apply the primer to the metal door with a 4-inch flat paintbrush. Using a sprayer? After the paint has dried to a tacky surface, apply another coat. If painting over a previous coat of paint, consider applying primer to the entire door frame. : Metal Bond can also be used on surfaces that include both bare metal and previously painted metal surfaces. Metal Bond Method: Clean and pre-treat simultaneously with Metal Bond, Traditional Method: Specialty metal paints, Metal Bond Method: Add Metal Bond to your favorite latex-based paint. If you’re painting onto a bare surface, over a darker colour or a repaired surface, a coat of primer is recommended to seal your surface and provide the ideal base for painting. Wanting to paint your home’s exterior gutters or metal trim? If you plan to use a brush to paint your metal with epoxy enamel, stir the paint properly and pour it into another container. This will make sure the paint doesn’t dry on the lip of the tin of paint, which stops the lid from fitting properly. Apply the first coat of primer and let dry. Take a look at how much room is between your door and the frame when it’s closed. Usually, this happens right in the corners underneath a window for any crevice that the door might have because of a decorative design. If you are not careful sometimes you will get runs on your metal exterior door when painting it. of Metal Bond for every one gallon of paint. With the painting completed, you can remove any of the tape that you used to cover up any of the parts that you could not remove. My wife and I bought our house roughly a year ago. 2. Are you trying to paint a metal vent in your home but can’t match the color with limited colors among special metal paints? If they can not be removed, like a mail slot, or a peephole, then use some painters tape to cover them up. submitted to our "DoItYourself.com Community Forums". Remove the door from the hinges and lay it down on a flat surface. Lightly sand the door, then wipe it down to remove any lingering dust. A primer specifically made for painting a metal door is key. All rights reserved. Took all of the metal off. Lightly sand the door with 400-grit sandpaper. Therefore, painting metal with enamel will result in a very durable object, regardless of what the object is. Traditional methods require primer. The fumes are such that proper ventilation is best accomplished outside or in a garage with the garage door wide open. How to fix paint runs on a metal exterior door? Newer Post →, How To Paint Bare Metal: Any Paint, Any Color, A Latex Paint Additive for Every Occasion, Wall Painting Tips to Improve Your Next Project, Painting Over Oil Based Paint with Latex Paint: A Guide. Use a 2-inch paintbrush on the sides of the door. DoItYourself.com®, founded in 1995, is the leading independent Instead, using Metal Bond, you can buy any latex paint, with any color. ← Older Post If you have a metal door that has had some paint on it already, then you will need to remove it before applying new paint. But, there are challenges with painting bare metal. Painting over previously-painted metal? Get A Free Virtual Color Consultation. Traditional methods require purchasing color-limited specialty metal paints. Most problems with painting a metal door are preventable and stem from lack of knowledge about the factory primer and the proper steps involved when painting a steel door. The pre-treated surface, plus the Metal Bond-mixed paint will achieve an ultra-strong grip that makes paint on metal last longer, all without purchasing specialty metal paints! Next, paint the panels. 7 After applying a second coat of paint, allow the paint to dry for at least four hours. Click here for full Metal Bond instructions - just click the Directions tab on the right-hand side of the page. With over 400+ metal garage door paint colour choices from RAL and BS colour charts, customers can match and co-ordinate existing colour schemes, such as commercial and industrial cladding on warehouses, factories and workshops, and if you can’t find a satisfactory match, give us a call and we’ll endeavour to help. Stir well. All rights reserved. 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