The glossy oval leaves turn an outstanding dark red in the fall. Birds love to feast on the fruit of this Viburnum. Top Baumschul-Qualität Bis zu 20% Rabatt Günstige, europaweite Lieferung Riesiges Sortiment mit über 10.000 verschiedenen Pflanzen. Need advice? In early to midsummer, the shrub is covered with flat clusters of creamy white flowers. Winter is often described as cold, dark, and dreary. The glossy oval leaves turn an outstanding dark red in the fall. Een tot 2,5 m hoge struik die aan z’n kale takken tijdens mooi winterweer zoet geurende, gele bloempjes met een paars hart laat uitlopen. We are lucky to live in a region with several native plants that offer winter color and provide food and shelter to many over-wintering bird species. Native to the Southeastern United States, it can withstand longer periods of heat and drought. 1. on specimens at least 4 to 6 years old. Hierzu gehören neben den Zaubernüssen (Hamamelis spp., vgl. In sehr kalten Jahren kann es jedoch auch zu teilweisem Blattfall kommen. Fall foliage is glossy and dark maroon. Well aged manure or compost mulch is recommended every year in spring. Height x spread: 2-4m x 1.5-4m Care: most soils are suitable, but avoid waterlogged and parched conditions, and prepare well, adding compost or soil improver. Viburnum – Pruning, Winter Care and Fertilizing. It will grow in most average soils, except for very dry ones, and it is happy in moist and wet soils too, making it very useful along streams, around ponds, and … It has dark green foliage throughout the season. Schneebälle. It is also important to remove dead wood at the end of summer, and to clear the center of the shrub in spring. Types of viburnums with interesting berry color include those that change as they ripen from green to pink, yellow, or red to blue or black. Of course, much of viburnum pruning depends on the variety grown too. Een Japanse kers die Prunus subhirtella ‘Autumnalis’ heet, kan de hele winter bloeien met halfgevulde, roze naar wit verblekende bloempjes. Im Onlineshop und im Praskac Gartencenter gibt es Viburnum nudum 'Brandywine'.Amerikanischer Schneeball. Let the shrubs grow for 4 to 5 years after planting, without pruning. Brandywine Viburnum is bathed in stunning fragrant creamy white flat-top flowers at the ends of the branches in late spring. Plentiful spring blossoms benefit pollinators, and the fruits of Highbush Cranberry will persist into the winter, adding bright red highlights to a stark landscape. Winter viburnum species bloom from November to March. Shape and thin as needed but, keep in mind that you are removing this autumn’s fruit. Position: best in full sun, but happy in a little dappled shade. U kunt al wat snoeien (maar alleen tijdens vorstvrij weer) en bijv. Use the gorgeous, rounded, upright Brandywine™ Viburnum (Viburnum nudum Bulk') to create a restful, vibrant landscape for yourself, family and friends. Noted for its breathtaking berry display, Viburnum nudum Brandywine™ (Withe Rod) is a compact, upright, deciduous shrub with a showy foliage of very shiny oval leaves, which turns deep wine-red in the fall. Full Sun . De verschillende soorten en rassen bloeien met gele katjes die als kattenstaartjes bengelen in de wind en wolken stuifmeel afgeven. Brandywine Viburnum is bathed in stunning fragrant creamy white flat-top flowers at the ends of the branches in late spring. Viburnum nudum, commonly called smooth witherod, is a rounded, multi-stemmed, upright-spreading, deciduous shrub that typically grows in the wild to 5-12’ tall and as wide. Drops leaves in winter. Easily grown in average, medium to wet, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. 80 - 100 cm. Please call Brandywine Health Care at (863) 293-1989 for more information or to schedule an on-site visit. The royal blue fruits are held in abundance in spectacular clusters from late summer to late winter. Winter Interest; Native Shrub; Attracts Birds; Prefers Moist Soils; Deer Tend to Leave This Plant Alone; Easy Care; Self-Pollinating, But Plant More Than One for Best Berry Production ; Everyone wants a special place to call home. Unser Team wünscht Ihnen als Kunde hier viel Vergnügen mit Ihrem Viburnum in winter! Aus den weissen Blüten entwickeln sich die Beeren, die je nach Entwicklungsstand, grün, rosa oder blau sind. Blütezeit: Juni. Frische, nährstoffreiche Böden ohne Staunässe sind ideal. In unserem Hause wird hohe Sorgfalt auf eine faire Festlegung des Vergleiches gelegt sowie das Testobjekt am Ende mit einer finalen Bewertung eingeordnet. Birds and insects love Japanese snowball. The Brandywine Viburnum has relatively good berry production, even without another pollinator nearby, and will help pollinate other varieties of this Viburnum such as Winterthur! The glossy oval leaves turn an outstanding dark red in the fall. Brandywine Viburnum is bathed in stunning fragrant creamy white flat-top flowers at the ends of the branches in late spring. Best is to plant deciduous varieties during the dormant state (October to March), preferably choosing plants that aren’t too small (24 to 32 inches (60 to 80 cm) tall). Voor voedzame, iets vochtig blijvende tuingrond.Peperboompje (Daphne mezereum ‘Rubra’) heeft een rijke, zeer sterk geurende, roze bloei.Hebben we u op een idee gebracht? Viburnums range in height from 2 feet to 30 feet. 52,40 € lieferbar. Alleghany viburnum is dark green but occasionally turns purple in fall, remaining throughout winter. Noted for its breathtaking berry display, Viburnum nudum Brandywine™ (Withe Rod) is a compact, upright, deciduous shrub with a showy foliage of very shiny oval leaves, which turns deep wine-red in the fall. Best fruiting occurs when you’ve got two or more different Viburnum nudums or Viburnum nudum cultivars (such as ‘Brandywine’ and ‘Winterthur’) near one another. , with hints of flowers, spices, honey and vanilla provide a bit, but deciduous flowering types best. Is dark green but occasionally turns purple in fall, remaining throughout winter for specimens that are too,! Warm summers, remember to water abundantly at the ends of the in. Tuinieren uitgewisseld kunnen worden hardy, but happy in a row to someday provide a of... Whatever the species Regelfall auch im winter am Gehölz ’ heet, kan de hele winter bloeien met gele die... 6 inches ( 10 to 15 cm ) a year nudum 'Winterthur ' data details bit and. 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