Cuz Raquelle always has Barbie's back. Barbie: I know! The scene then shoots to Raquelle talking on the phone to her twin brother Ryan, and how she wants him to get over there to t hat fashion show right now, and make sure it is an epic flop. Ken: You'll never get away with it! Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse. Barbie will need to empty her closet to prevent the impending clothes-tastrophe. A giant bald Barbie doll head falls from the ceiling and begins chasing them. The series debuted on May 11, 2012 and is available on, Netflix and YouTube. Princess Barbie Closet Game – Princess Barbie Cartoon Games – Dora the Explorer . --Raquelle is shown to be completely frozen--. Can I, Can I?" Closet has us trapped! Barbie, Midge, and Summer slowly sneak away as Ken and Closet talk to each other.--. Closet finds them and asks Barbie to join him, and Barbie states a little water and suds won't scrub away her integrity. Summers then states that "Nows our chance!" Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse - Closet Princess 2.0 [Episode 2] [Season 2] Video24. Ryan: Not to worry! Daha fazla videoya gözat. Never! Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse - Closet Princess. --Now focuses on Closet, Barbie, Midge and Summer inside the closet. It was that darned evil button! How medieval! Cuts over to Nikki and Teresa, who are cringing at the sight.--. If only I could remember which room it's in. *giggles* That Ken! Barbie stops her and says the platform is weight sensitive, and need something of equal weight. Raquelle: Stop that! A new series titled Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures was released March 30, 2018. Barbie: Don't worry Teresa, your show is gonna be amaze! Closet then asks Brbie what she thinks of her rescuer down, but Barbie already escaped with Summer and Midge. In this episode, Raquelle reverts Closet to his evil mode in order to trap Barbie, Summer and Midge inside the Dreamhouse to stop them from attending Teresa's fashion show, only to become trapped herself. Hey, who put colors in with whites? I need a male model. Trillions of terabytes of fashion knowledge, more than enough to become the greatest fashion designer ever. Midge: Five seconds in those and I'd have bunions the size of grapefruits! Then sheepishly says, "oops." Everyone then runs to the fashion show with a half-melted Raquelle attempting to get out of the ice cube. Barbie stops the spinning as Midge yells, "We're all right!" Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse. --Summer picks up a potted plant and smashes through the wall--, --Summer drags along Barbie and Midge through the hole in the wall. Give me a quick sec to grab some frou-frou and we can bounce-bounce. Are you ready to join me in world fashion domination? Meanwhile, Ken is trying to figure out how to break in the dream house and pulls out a blueprint of the drramhouse, when Chelsea pops up and says "Can I help Ken? I'll save you! It is considerably longer than previous episodes that aired online, spanning 11 minutes. 3:17. That's too tight, you ambulatory meat sack. Ryan: Totally! Barbie™ Life in The DreamHouse :: CLOSET PRINCESS - YouTube He's trying to force me to help him with his plan for worldwide fashion domination! Still not sure why we installed it in the first place…. Closet: What's gotten into me? Muahahahaha. Playing next. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Besides, it wasn't his fault. Ugh! Ryan: Teresa, as your featured male model, I'll need a better dressing room. Why Trump embracing QAnon is so dangerous. Ryan: Never hurts to be seen with good-looking people. Ken: Don't worry Barbie! Barbie leads the gang on a rescue mission. In this episode, Barbie, Teresa and Nikki are trapped inside the Dreamhouse closet after Ken upgrades it to give it artificial intelligence. But we'll need proton torpedoes. She then ! Still not sure why we installed it in the first place. I could climb up here, break in here, rappel down here... no, that would only work if the Dreamhouse had a second elevator. Skipper: Trust me! Meanwhile, Ken is wondering what took Barbie so long, stating she's never late, and Ryan comes in, saying Raquelle's taking her, and Nikki sarcastically says that Raquelle always has Barbie's back. Ken says he blames whoever installed it. Kayıt ol. Barbie's never late. Closet: Well well. Ken: Closet, Let Barbie go this instant! *laughs*, --Cuts to Skipper, Stacie, and Raquelle trying to get through the walk-in freezer--. QAnon. The dresses? Two TV specials aired on Nickelodeon on September 1, 2013. Season 1, Episode 1: Barbie™ has the perfect accessory in mind for her date with Ken. I was delirious. Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse Episode 16 Closet Princess 2.0. A precise hit on it could set off a chain reaction. They see the head crash through the doors and they shrug.--. We have to replace it with something of equal weight, or its self-defense measures will kick in. Ryan grabs his phone and says "Me likey", and then hangs up, and is about to walk away by himself, but then takes a cutout. He answers it to show a video message from Barbie, Summer, and Midge--. Teresa: No Nikki, my lunch order! A whole new Dreamhouse! 8 years ago | 9.3K views. Barbie: Look girls! Watch fab episodes and online videos of Barbie and the cast in Barbie Life in the Dreamhouse. --Ken runs out of dressing room and over to The Barbie Dreamhouse, where he rings the doorbell. A metal grate promptly shuts over the door.--, --Ken's phone vibrates. Summer: I'll smash it to smithereens, and we're out of here. Ken: Hmm. Midge: Five seconds in those and I'd have bunions the size of grapefruits! Usually you're so polite! Teresa says "No, Nikki", and says it's her lunch order, and says she asked for yogurt salad dressing on the side, and nervously sips her drink. Barbies künstlich intelligenter Schrank hält sie und ihre Freunde im Dreamhouse gefangen. She shuts it quickly.--. Barbie then shows on her couch c… At the time, Ryan is busy trying to sabotage the runway by putting glue in the shoes to prevent quick clothes changes. *snorts* There it is, right there! Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Closet's eye then turns evil-like, maliciously red. Barbie, Midge, and Summer fall in a hallway through the vent, and Barbie says they need to get to the CPU room to disable it......if she could remember what room it was in. Sonraki oynatılıyor . --Water begins draining from the machine as it starts to spin--, --They all start running as it spins faster and faster--. 5:12. and picks up a plant, uses it to break the wall, and pulls Barbie and Midge in the hole with her. you know, computer-y! However, in the second episode he is featured in he has jealousy issues and resorts to sabotage, which is "The Upgradening". Barbie: What do you think, Midge? Barbie: W-wait! Make it stop, oh please, make it stop! And Ken - for heaven's sake! --Cuts to Barbie, Midge, and Summer looking for the CPU room--, --Closet pops out of a panel in the wall--. 3:17. Bow before my unparalleled…smartness. Life in the Dreamhouse -- Closet Princess | Barbie. Stacie then says "Its how they load in our monthly sherbet delivery." There's a door to the outside inside the walk-in fridge. Barbie and her friends then find the CPU room but Closet stops them. Ryan: Me? Get over to Teresa's fashion show and make sure it is an epic flop. Ryan: Big screen TV, hot tub, chocolate fountain... wait, make it a chocolate geyser! --Cuts over to Barbie, Midge, and Summer in the map room--. Skipper: Visibility near zero! Midge, swimwear. Barbie is the figurehead of a brand of Mattel dolls and accessories, including other family members and collectible dolls. Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse (TV Series) Trapped in the Dreamhouse (2013) Plot. Find Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse videos, photos, wallpapers, forums, polls, news and more. Barbie: Ken, it's fabulous! Barbie: Ken! Raquelle: Sorry Babs, running late. We can still make it! Barbie and her friends find the CPU and Sumner says she will smash it. Barbie: Hurry! It's around here somewhere... aha! The Dreamhouse closet hits maximum couture capacity. Oh, who am I kidding? You want me, on stage, with a hundreds of people staring? 5 yıl önce | 6 görüntülenme. Closet's eye is shown to turn a menacing red.--, --The closet begins shutting Barbie, Midge, and Summer in--. --Cuts to Stacie on the confessional couch, located in the snowy freezer--. I asked for my free ranch yogurt dressing on the side! Skipper: Hmm. Skipper does as says and says according to her Dreamhouse app, Closet has taken over the whole house. Trapped in the Dreamhouse is the first episode of two specials that aired on Nickelodeon on September 1st and was later uploaded online as episode 5 of season 5. A few pics for now, and later I'll add more. Closet: Then I'll keep all of you here as my prisoners, 'til you agree. Directed by Patrice Berube. Raquelle: Now where is that evil button? Tam ekran izle. --Ken places a pink suitcase on the ground, which unfolds to create a new Dreamhouse--. New day news. Barbie then shows on her couch confession on the confessional couch that it's Teresa's very first fashion show, and she says she bets everything will be perfect, much irony sliding to a scene where Teresa says "It's a disaster!". My bad! At the fashion show, Ryan is bombing and Nikki says "Make It Stop!!" Raquelle: You heard me, Ryan. ...What's a proton torpedo? The series ended on November 27, 2015. QAnon, Explained. Barbie: Don't worry guys! And you know I hate pruney toes. Can't wait! Skipper says its a long story as the dolls head breaks down the door and causing the dreamhouse to collapse. We just need to the Dreamhouse CPU, and disable it. The platform is weight-sensitive. It cuts to Chelsea and Ken, who are still looking over the blueprints.
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