The ban was only officially lifted in 2000. Banned because the footage depicted the black boxer. Banned under the apartheid regime on its initial release. Top 10 Movies in the World and most watchable movies. Banned due to its negative portrayal of Koreans. It is exclusively allowed for use in college classrooms and other academic purposes; however, exhibitors must have formal education in "media science and the history of the Holocaust." A documentary about the religious rituals of the. Banned because the year 2012 coincides with. The movie got into some other controversy when the actress revealed that Marlon Brando and director Bernardo Bertolucci sexually assaulted her on the set. Banned for its negative portrayal of Persian military. Ban lifted in 1997 and re-released uncut with an 18 (Adults only) rating. This film was deemed controversial by various religious groups, especially the short-living British Christian group, Banned for its strong sexual content during the first presidency of. Banned in Nazi Germany due to fears it could inspire. Banned: France, Germany, Finland, South Korea, Spain One would hardly believe that a B&W, silent era of cinema film could cause such fuss as to be banned in a slew of countries. Banned because the Communist government censors didn't like its criticism of consumerism. Banned due to high gore violence and cruelty. Banned in Japan by the US occupying government for seven years, because of the "feudal values". When movies explore taboo subjects, it is generally marred with some sort of controversy or the other. Share Share Tweet Email. Regarded as one of the most popular movies that showed the horrors of war, this movie provided an extremely realistic and harrowing depiction of the life of frontlines during World War I. Banned because it dealt with the banned communist poet. Banned because the censorship board unanimously felt that the portrayal of Hitler was "too human". Banned in Nazi Germany, because the positive depiction of gypsies "had no place" in the Third Reich. Banned for being sympathetic to the Jewish cause. Banned in Nazi Germany, because of the horror atmosphere in this. Banned due to it controversial criminal content. Banned because of its blasphemous content. Banned by the Czechoslovak Communist government from 1969 until 1989 because this black comedy depicts a. Banned under the apartheid regime because of blasphemous content. The banning renewed again in 1984 with the defined exception of two specific screenings by the Finnish Film Archive. This movie was banned for a number of years in West Germany, Singapore, and several Scandinavian countries due to its high levels of violence and cruelty. Trinikid is a new and fast-growing entertainment news company located in Trinidad and Tobago, the US and India. Banned because of its theme that different people can experience the same incident in a different way . Banned due to its extremely violent content and actual on-screen killings of animals. Banned under the apartheid regime for criticism of apartheid. This movie by Coppola is also regarded as one of the best movies of all time, but it is also marred with controversy. One key scene perceived as an example was in the dialogue of Caiaphas: "His blood [is] on us and on our children! Banned due to the film's minor reference to a lesbian relationship. Public use is prohibited as of 2013. Banned at the time of its release for containing political criticism of the military dictatorship. Director: Pier Paolo Pasolini | Stars: Paolo Bonacelli, Giorgio Cataldi, Uberto Paolo Quintavalle, Aldo Valletti. Banned due to extreme violence (contains a lot of sexually violent content). Sign In Trending New Popular type to search. Banned to avoid straining relations with France. Banned by the Czechoslovak Communist government after its director. The ban remained in effect under Nazi occupation for the same reason. In 1990, the ban was lifted. 'All Quiet On The Western Front' particularly dealt with one soldier’s growing disillusionment that keeps growing with time. Banned by the Communist government. Banned because the Egyptian Muslim lead (, Banned right after screening the film in cinemas, after criticism over scenes deemed sexually provocative. The decision to ban was ultimately taken to highest available court which did not lift the ban. Banned on political grounds; the ban was lifted in 1963 with re-editing. Banned due to depictions of violence and gang rape. For over a century now . Banned under the Communist regime because of its political anti-war theme. Retailing this copy is still legal, since "KJ" rated movies cannot be indexed/banned. Report. Banned for its negative portrayal of Malaysia. For nearly the entire history of film production, certain films have been banned by film censorship or review organizations for political or moral reasons or for controversial content, such as racism. was released. After a short release during the. Posted on June 23, 2016 September 22, 2017 by James Leon “Catch, catch a horror taxi, I fell in love with my video nasty” – The Damned from “Nasty”, 1982. 'Wolf of Wall Street' Censored, Banned Overseas", "Indonesian sequel film "The Raid 2: Berandal" banned in Malaysia", "Disney rejects cuts to Beauty And The Beast in Malaysia", "Beauty and the Beast: Malaysia 'to show uncut version, "Banned Rambo film hot property in Burma". The OFLC stated in their report publications were banned if containing what the board felt was "to reinforce the notion that young persons are sexually desirable and available". 3:25. Banned due to homosexual references in the movie. James G. Ferguson (2002). Many countries have government-appointed or private commissions to censor and rate productions for film and television exhibition. The U.K. would only allow the movie to be released in censored form, while Norway, Iceland, and West Germany banned it outright on the premise that it supported violence against women. Banned for being an "insult to the population". Banned due to religious content and its depictions of the prophets. Banned by the Communist government because of one storyline in this. Banned because its international distributor, Sony Pictures, did not accept the requirement by the Vietnamese National Film Board of cutting out some sensitive scenes. Banned for a short period after the Second World War, Le Corbeau (‘The Raven’) was produced by a German company in France during Nazi occupation. The film is currently banned in Australia due to offensive depictions of sexual violence and extreme impact violence throughout. Banned under the Communist regime for five years. There are so many brutal movies that will give you goosebumps and nightmares, and cause you fear showers for decades. Travel Movies Books Food Other. Banned for dealing with issues of incest, murder, and rape. Banned upon release. Banned in Nazi Germany despite an initially successful box office run. Library. 10 Movies Banned In the United States of America. Kieślowski claimed that the film "had nothing to do with politics. They did so but only after mandatory cuts of over three minutes. It has been said that all publicity is good publicity and some movies have gained even more attention after being banned. Banned by the East-German Communist government because of its theme where a young Nazi lives in fear of the approaching Russian army. Banned in Nazi Germany because the plot of a love affair between the Emperor and an actress was too similar to Head of Propaganda Goebbels's own affair. The documentary is about Congolese gynaecologist. Banned because of its "objectionable content"; it did not receive a clearance certificate from the UAE Censors Board and was pulled from all UAE cinemas. Banned for violence in 1986; it took six years after the film's release for any distributor to even try to get a classification. Banned in Japan for its graphic sex scenes. Ban lifted in the early 1980s. Banned due to high level violence and blood and gore. Still banned. Banned for its depiction of cracking security safes. Banned by the Czechoslovak Communist government for its satirical depiction of Czech society, which meant the end of the director. Its director. Banned under Videla's regime during Argentina's last-civil military dictatorship (1976–1983), for mocking dictatorships. In 1982, E.T. Log in. Follow. Private copies are still legal to own and personal use is not punishable; however any public show of the movie is highly prohibited and punishable act. Banned for putting Cambodia in a negative light. Still Banned. Still banned. It was also seen as a negative portrayal of French people and accused of harboring sympathies for the. Banned under the apartheid regime for being a biopic about anti-apartheid activist. Banned since the end of the World War II due to its anti-Jewish and pro-Nazi content. It also had an anti-authoritarian tone and certain dialogue of Mabuse was lifted directly from. 3:38. The movie has very violent depictions of rape and violence and is still banned in countries such as Ireland and Singapore for over 30 years. Due to the explicitly sexual nature of the movie, this movie was banned for some 30 years in countries including South Korea, Portugal, Singapore, Italy, and Chile. Banned under the Communist regime for six years for criticizing the regime. Banned under the apartheid regime for 13 years, then released with one cut and only made available to people over the age of 21. Banned because of a conflict of "cultural values". Banned by the Communist government for depicting life in Czechoslovakia in a critical light. Banned for its controversial themes, scenes of nudity and. Banned because of extreme violence and killing. Banned during World War II and finally released on March 31, 1950. Top 5 CONTROVERSIAL BANNED Movies In The World. Banned for criticising the forced industralisation of Hungary. Banned due to very high impact violence and offensive depictions of both human and animal cruelty. Banned in the Soviet Union for unknown reason. Banned under the censorship act of 1981 because it depicts a lesbian relationship and a controversy. Later reclassified and prohibited only to minors. The full list of shame. Released after two years in a censored version. "Directive of 31 October 2011 for criminal procedure with regards to child pornography,, Annual Report of the Office of Film & Literature Classification for the year ended 30 June 2011, Office of Film and Literature Classification, "Ikki Tousen Dragon Destiny Season 2 Vol 1", "Asia Pacific Censorship News: Megan Is Objectionable... "New Zealand film censor bans Megan is Missing, "Keeping an eye on what we see - Entertainment - NZ Herald News", "Elijah Wood Starring 'Maniac' Banned in New Zealand", Practical Approaches To Surviving And Thriving In The Digital Age, "Govt bans showing of District 9 film in Nigeria", "Looking back at Team America: World Police", "North Korea fears 2012 disaster film will thwart rise as superpower", "Film about assassination of North Korean leader may be banned in Russia | Russia Beyond The Headlines", "What did 'Life of Brian' ever do for us? Banned because of its South African origins. Malaysia's censorship board deemed it "definitely unsuitable". This movie represented how Mao’s communist regime was and this mere plot led the movie to be banned in mainland China, and a 10-year film-making ban was placed on director Zhuangzhuang Tian. We cover upcoming movies and TV shows in the form of previews, trailers, behind the scenes footage, spoilers, reviews, theories, and news. Banned due to high impact violence and cruelty. Of course, there must be a good reason to ban these movies, since some of these cinemas caused a lot of controversy in the ground of religion, politics, violence, and graphic sexual content. Censorship standards vary widely by country, and can vary within an individual country over time due to political or moral change. Banned because the film "promotes and supports bestiality". These movies were banned on the grounds of religion, politics, sexual violence, and are banned in multiple countries. Sony Pictures later released the film on DVD. Banned for being critical of the Iraq war and being an insult to Saudi Arabia's royal family. Banned because could be construed as disrespectful towards the King of Thailand. Banned Sesame Street Episode. Banned because it depicts violent clashes between members of an apostolic sect in the country and Zimbabwe Republic police officers. In January 2009, The. Banned due to fears that it could inspire revolution. It is also regarded as one of the most erotic and sexually liberating films ever made. This is one of many so-called video nasties about fictionalized World War II Nazi POW camp atrocities. Banned for its sexual violence involving young people. The story of the movie follows a group of 9th-grade Japanese students that were sent to an island where they must kill each other so that they can survive, and the last standing survivor will be declared the winner. Banned because this documentary about being gay in Kenya "showed obscenity, explicit scenes of sexual activities" and promoted homosexuality. Banned due to sexual and nude content as well on grounds of moral. Banned on the grounds of sexual exploitation of children. Ban lifted in 1987. Although currently the ban is not in effect, Zindan, directed by. Considered now to be one of the greatest horror movies ever made, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre was initially banned in Germany, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Singapore, Brazil, Chile, the UK and Australia. The film continues to be re-issued in various formats (VHS, DVD). This movie has often been compared to 'The Hunger Games' and was also banned on similar grounds. Banned under Videla's regime during Argentina's last-civil military dictatorship (1976–1983), for its sarcastic view of. Banned due to its strong sexual content and graphic nudity. Banned for its semi-allegorical critique of. Banned because of its negative portrayal of Thailand with narcotics smuggling – especially with the views of the Thai judicial system despite parts of the film shot on location by the second unit (the majority of the film was filmed in the Philippines). Banned for ten years under Communist regime. Whether it's graphic depictions of violence, rape or real death scenes, some countries just can't handle the content. Banned in Nazi Germany for "presenting criminal acts so detailed and fascinating that they might tempt copy-cats". The film is a satirical story about a teenager imprisoned at an indoctrination camp. ", "Saif-Kareena spy flick Agent Vinod banned across Pakistan", "'Maalik' film banned across Pakistan - Pakistan - DAWN.COM", "10 Dec 1946 - BRITISH FILMS BANNED IN POLAND", "Andrzej Zulawski Dead: Polish Director Was 75", "Krzysztof Kieslowski, Maker Of Enigmatic Films, Dies at 54", "Movie Review - 'Interrogation': Janda's Arresting Performance - Los Angeles Times", "VIDEO +18! Based on the novel by Anthony Burgess of the same name, the movie is set in a dystopian future where Alex, the charismatic and sociopathic protagonist of the movie is jailed and put through Government-developed aversion therapies to stop the society’s crime problems. That Marlon Brando and director Bernardo Bertolucci sexually assaulted her on the film... Communist revolution critical of the regime over the age of 16 ) ( allowed for persons over the X... Its shocking content comedy Stars were Jewish because censors felt it was released in a critical light removed the.... About being gay in Kenya `` showed obscenity, though a censored Keine. Not in effect, Zindan, directed by especially three years after the, legal system and. Its brutally realistic portrayal of urban poverty in the UAE by Japan not! Plot where pupils take over a repressive school Bahrain but the main criticism concerned its alleged anti-semitism from! 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