Soil pH Preferences: Moderately acid (5.6 – 6.0) Slightly acid (6.1 – 6.5) Water left to stagnate in the tank can lead to bacterial infection, pests, and build up of salinity that can eventually lead to plant damage. Aechmeas can flourish in indoor office spaces. You can choose from Aechmeas, Guzmanias, Neoregelias, Pink Quill Plants or Vrieseas. Happy gardening & thanks for stopping by, You can find more houseplant info in my simple and easy to digest houseplant care guide: Keep Your Houseplants Alive. Oh great Anastassia – so glad this post helped! Home / Bromeliads / AECHMEA CHANTINII SAMURAI. The reason this Bromeliad is so popular. Aechmea fasciata bromeliad. I water the growing medium (letting the water thoroughly drain out of the pot) again every 1-2 months, depending on the temps. The extremely decorative rosette of tough, leathery leaves resembles a large funnel 59-60 cm (20-24 in) in diameter. Out of stock. Water left to stagnate in the tank can lead to bacterial infection, pests, and build up of salinity that can eventually lead to plant damage. This is one popular species to grow as a houseplant. I always use coco coir, succulent mix & orchid bark as my planting mix for bromeliads because they’re epiphytes. It’s best to keep the vase, cup, urn or tank (the center where the flower arises out of) 1/4 to 1/2 way full of water. Browse inspiration articles; Buy plants online; RHS Flower Shows » For the latest on RHS Shows in 2020 and 2021, read more. Thank you very much for your help, I really appreciate it. Genus Aechmea are evergreen perennials forming funnel-shaped rosettes of strap-shaped leaves, with a terminal spike of tubular flowers often with colourful triangular bracts, followed by fleshy fruits . What is happening? I look forward to learning more from you!! The most important rules to follow are to keep the central cup filled with clean water. I am in love and hope to get more of these plants your advice was very helpful thank you so much I hope I do well with this plant. Tips on replanting? The inflorescence can be loosely branched or round in cross section. You will receive one established and healthy Aechmea chantinii, commonly called Amazonian zebra plant, in its 6 nursery pot with soil. Probably about 8 Years ago. Water: Part Damp. Aechmea broemliads offer a great variety in color, foliage, and growth habits. Cut the pup off at the stem and pot it. You buy the plant you see. cuspidata Aechmea nudicaulis var. Aechmea fasciata, more commonly known as the urn plant, is one of the most widely recognized species in the Aechmea genus. Beginning gardeners fear not, for this bromeliad with the patterned silver foliage and pink flower will have you singing “green thumb” in no time. I’ve found that the center of the plant will begin to rot over time if it’s kept completely full, especially in the winter months. ONCE THEY HAVE FLOWERED, THEY WON’T FLOWER AGAIN. It takes the pups at least 5 years until they flower. Aechmeas are easily propagated by the pups, or babies, which are produced off the mother plant. Here’s our pup guide: I don’t want to do anything that will hurt this beautiful plant.. Hi Susan – I grew bromeliads outdoors for years when I lived in Santa Barbara. Plant will be shipped bare root and well protected, without soil and without a pot. When I bought it was very healthy and the pink/purple flower was coming in strong. Your email address will not be published. On the end of the flower spike are brilliant bluish-purple bracts. Some of the popular Aechmeas are 'Blanchetiana', 'Chantinii' and 'Fasciata' species. They have been in cultivation since the early 1800's and the ease of growing this plant, makes it a great choice for the beginner and novice alike. Do this more often if you notice build up on the leaves. With it's deep undertones of black over green contrasting with it's frosted banding, this plant has plenty of wow factor. The Aechmea’s ability to store up water in its tank to be used as needed helps it to survive through periods of sporadic rainfall. -Plant in perfect condition; shown in a 4' pot, so you compare it to the size of the plant. Commonly known as Amazonian zebra plant, it is often used as an ornamental plant This page was last changed on 21 November 2016, at 05:13. My calendar. Bromeliad - Aechmea chantinii 'Black ice' Planting Succulents Tropical Plants Tropical Garden Plant Care Garden Kits Plants Unusual Plants Bromeliads Zebra Plant. Required fields are marked *. If your home is really dry, then mist your Aechmea once a week. Aechmea’s foliage grows without a stem. Water Preferences: Mesic. Hi Neil! Aechmea nudicaulis. I haven’t heard anything about these being toxic to cats or dogs. “Dave’s Garden.”
If you feel the need, use a diluted orchid food if you have it. My advice. This plant can grow to very large sizes of up to 30" tall and 18" wide. Your cost for the products will be no higher but Joy Us garden receives a small commission. cuspidata Aechmea nudicaulis var. Aechmea fasciata, sometimes sold as Billbergia rhodocyanea, is often the first plant in any bromeliad … Aechmea fasciata bromeliad bloom in the winter to early spring, but can provoke the bloom with ethylene, can use apple (rotten) banana peel put those fruit next to the plant and put it in plastic bag to let ethylene to be in the air after one week or two weeks need to take the plastic … I’m sorry to ask but i coudn’t undrestand about the best kind of fertilizer and also the best time of using. I … See more ideas about Bromeliads, Planting flowers, Plants. i have rather a question: I bought an Aechmea – in a pot – I would like to plant it out in the garden – now I read it is an epiphytic – so what should I do? They need this exposure to bring out the variegation in their foliage & also to flower. Aechmea chantinii is one of the most The main purple/orange flower died after sometime, leaving the green spikey leaves, they are still healthy, and lots more than there were originally, it has now even produced another lot of leaves at the base, sprouting from the side. aureorosea Aechmea nudicaulis var. Aechmea is a genus of flowering plants in the family Bromeliaceae (subfamily Bromelioideae).The name comes from the Greek aichme, meaning "spear".Aechmea comprises eight subgenera [citation needed] and around 250 species distributed from Mexico through South America and the Caribbean. They are especially easy to care for and reward their owners with bright, long lasting inflorescence. This post may contain affiliate links. cuspidata forma tabuleirensis Aechmea nudicaulis Just got the aechmea . Most of the species in this genus are epiphytes. It’s best to keep the vase, cup, urn or tank (the center where the flower arises out of) 1/4 to 1/2 way full of water. 6″ Alvarez + x. This plant can grow to very large sizes of up to 24" - 30" tall and 18" wide. Could you advise me how to split up several of the plants in order to pot them on. Keep track of your plants with reminders & care tips – all to help you grow successfully. Inflorescenta are bracteele de culoare rosu-oranj si florile rosii. What kind of soil do you suggest for the pups growing? It is one of the most widely cultivated species of Aechmea. 9″ Fantasy … The plant will slowly start to die (sad but true – it’s just part of its life cycle!). Aechmeas … I’m tickled pink to have you here! I am sorry, but I do not understand the watering. Aechmea chantinii are o rozetă "deschisă" şi frunze mari ce prezintă striaţii argintii transversale pe ambele părţi; bracteele sunt portocalii, iar florile de culoare roşu-aprins. Aechmea fasciata bromeliad. Sarasota Bromeliad Society. Christy – It takes bromeliad pups 2 to 5 years before they mature & bloom. Aechmea chantinii 'Harvey’s Pride' ^Top of Page. The leaves are surrounded by small but very sharp spines. There are several different cultivars of Foster’s Favorite. They can be grown outdoors in climates that have no risk of frost. Nell, Hi Neil! Powered by Find a Plant Discover What's in Bloom Locate a Garden Feature Take a Tour: LONGWOOD GARDENS … Aechmeas make excellent gifts and can be easily found in decorative containers at florists, nurseries, and garden centers. In the wild, Aechmea’s roots merely act as an anchor attaching the bromeliad to the host plant. Aechmea + x. Set Ascending Direction. © 2021 Joy Us Garden | Care, Propagation, and Pruning About | Contact | PRIVACY POLICYDesign By Viva la Violet, Mother Nature Inspired Christmas Ornaments, « Updating A Decorative Plant Pot With Painting, Pink Quill Plant Care Tips: The Tillandsia with Big Bloom ». The flower bloom is drying up. It is a cultivar of an epiphytic species that grows in trees in the … Can I trim off the outer leaves without hurting the plant; and when is a good time to do it? Some bromeliads have a center area that holds water and this can sometimes become stagnant and need cleaning/flushing out. This cultivar grows to about a foot high and thrives in light shade. This plant can grow to very large sizes of up to 30" tall and 18" wide. Aechmea chantinii 'Samurai' is an beautiful bromeliad cultivar that has both striking flowers and awesome patterned foliage with variegation and silvery bands. Aechmea chantinii is a bromeliad plant.It is found in the Amazon Rainforest.Commonly known as Amazonian zebra plant, it is often used as an ornamental plant Bromeliads have rocked my world for many, many years so today I’m sharing the love. Good luck! The leaves are green with grayish-white banding. Aechmea chantinii. I really liked this plant! 6″ Romero Albo + x. Some have adapted for growth in moist, shady forests while others prefer more arid regions. Fill out your yard with … fuchsii, ET), and many of these are being tissue cultured in Japan. If your water is hard & full of minerals, then consider using distilled or purified water. Your Cart is Empty. Home >> Sin categoría >> aechmea primera care. These plants average 25 high by 18 wide in their pots when shipped. Many Aechmeas have sharp spines along the margins or outer edges of their leaves. The leaves are 5-6 cm (2-2.5 inch) wide, with long brown … DESCRIPTION: Our favourite. I’ve never done this before but since the mother plant is looking deader each day and the pups greener each day, I need to do something. $30.00. Something for […], […] you cut it off. The Aechmea was the most common of all and their pink blooms long-lasting. If you are confused and cannot decide whether to plant Black Aechmea or Aerides here are This is explained in the video. Repot the pups when they are 1/3 the size of the mother. cuspidata forma tabuleirensis Aechmea nudicaulis If you are confused and cannot decide whether to plant Black Aechmea or Aerides here are Many many many thanks, Hi Hani – I don’t fertilize my bromeliads. another option is to mount them on driftwood or bark. It takes anywhere from 4-5 years for a bromeliad to bloom from the pup stage. Description Description. The toughness of the stolons plus, the spiny leaves makes offset removal a strenuous and sometimes a painful experience. 24350 SW 147th Ave | Princeton, FL 33032 Hours: Monday - Friday 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM. [citation needed Plant Care; Our Story; Sign Up; Login; Get Free Shipping on all orders $120 or more. This plant was introduced into Europe in 1877. Aechmea nudicaulis var. Keep the cup or vase about 1/2 full of water. Just know that Aechmeas prefer good air circulation. Are florile verzi-albastrui in forma de spice. Why Is My Bromeliad Plant Turning Brown & Looking Sick? Faţă de alte ecmee această specie pretinde mai multă umiditate şi o temperatură mai crescută: minimum 18 °C. Their foliage is large and meaty yet their small root systems prefer small 4-6 inch pots. Skin Care Hair Care Essential Oils Fragrances Soaps & Bath Bombs Sex Toys Face Masks & Coverings ... Aechmea chantinii Bromeliad plugs Add to Favorites Click to zoom BuddhaBotanicsShop 997 sales 997 sales | 4.5 out of 5 stars. I’ve found that the center of the plant will begin to rot over time if it’s kept completely full, especially in … THE MOTHER PLANT WILL SLOWLY DIE, BUT ALONG THE WAY IT WILL PRODUCE OFFSETS KNOWN AS ‘PUPS’. 6″ Peggy + x. How to say aechmea in English? Water . AECHMEA CHANTINII SAMURAI £ 20 00. Ron. The one of mine that you see in this post & video has already died but 2 pups are growing off the base. 8″ Red Candles + x. Faţă de alte ecmee această specie pretinde mai multă umiditate şi o temperatură mai crescută: minimum 18 °C. Like wendy our flower rotted at base and has been removed. VIPP SPECIALS WHOLESALE SHOWS CONTACT US Search "Close (esc)" SHIPPING POLICY ... Aechmea correia-araujoi (Leme #809) $35.00 to $65.00 SOLD OUT Aechmea recurvata v. recurvata. Chantinii is often used in landscapes here in South Florida as it can be acclimatized into locations receiving full sun for part of the day. Aechmea fasciata bromeliad – What can be done when Aechmea fasciata bromeliad doesn’t bloom? Aechmea Collection by Silver Moon. Sort By. Hope that helps! Feed during the active growing season: April through August. The inflorescence is on a tall spike with red bracts bearing clustering yellow-red berries with white/yellow flowers. The tank actually refers to the central “cup” or “tank” of the bromeliad plant, not an actual tank of water. There are a few fertilizers formulated for bromeliads. Hi Sharon – Yes it does. minuta: Aechmea recurvata: Aechmea recurvata - flowerhead : Aechmea recurvata var banrathii: Aechmea recuvata form: Aechmea recurvata hybrid: Aechmea 'Suenos' … Help! The flower’s pretty in pink & blue! capitata Aechmea nudicaulis var. Thank you for helping us spread the word & make the world a more beautiful place! Are florile verzi-albastrui in … and the little buds are losing their color. This chantinii is often used in landscapes here in South Florida as it can be acclimatized into full sun locations. You can use an all-purpose orchid food, diluted to 1/2 strength, or this fertilizer formulated for air plants. Bromeliads can rot out if keep too wet. Spre deosebire de A. fasciata, aceasta infloreste in perioada iernii. Aechmea chantinii is one of the most desirable Species in the Aechmea family, with its bright green leaves contrasting with intense frosted banding. You can just cut away the foliage of the mother plant after its completely dried and dead leaving the pups to form in that same pot. Family. Also attaches well … Hi! Aechmea chantinii is a bromeliad plant. In horticulture this is of major importance, as in the case of Aechmea chantinii. Synonyms Aechmea amazonica. This bromeliad has thick, broad leaves.They are green in color with a silvery, horizontal banding. And yes, you definitely need to bring it inside before the temps get below 40 – 45 degrees F. Nell. It is easy to become attracted to the exceptional beauty of bromeliads. Keep humidity up by misting. Thanks. There are also Aechmea Fasciatas and Tillandsia […], Your email address will not be published. Any ideas? -The spiny margins of Aechmea triangularis. 6″ Burning Bush + x. With it's deep undertones of black over green contrasting with it's frosted banding, this plant has plenty of wow factor. Thank you for the great information on the Bromeliad Aechmea, I found a treasure at a Estate sale this past week end with about 8 or more plants, some blooming. Submit your photo to be featured on the blog! AECHMEA chantinii 'Black Chantinii' Plant Common Name. But I think it was ultimately just too dark in my home because over time the flower seemed to stop blooming, the leaves are drooping more than they should and where the leaves bend there are grey/brown spots. Family Bromeliaceae . 20140404221 . I live in England’s Lake District. how do you handle these? Most importantly, the creamy variegation adds another level of … Maximum Size: H:3' x W:2.5' Light: Part Shade/Part Sun. 4 Item(s) Show. aechmea chantinii samurai £ 20 00 Samuraii has green with silver banding and with bold creamy white stripes up the centre of each leaf, it truly is a magnificent specimen. Se caracterizează prin prezenţa … 9″ Fantasia + x. Nell, […] and yes, I do love them that much. Hi Carol – The pink & purple buds are the flowers. I bought a beautiful Bromeliad Aechmea for my house about 4 months ago. Aechmea Nudicaulis 'Shell Dance' Starting at: $30.00 . It is common for Aechmeas to become top heavy. Mesic. It takes in water through this rosette, which is more commonly referred to as a tank. It simply could simply be the normal growth habit, depending on how long it had been in bloom before you bought it. After the flower dies, then the mother plant starts to die. Are frunze mari, verzi-inchis, cu linii galben-deschis, dispuse vertical si linii argintii, dispuse orizontal. I believe this post & video will answer you question: Even if you don’t get a lot or any root, they’ve propagated just fine in succulent mix & orchid bark for me. They’ll grow fine in orchid bark or cymbidium mix. Does it take longer than six months? Thank you. Temperature: Warm. Aechmea chantinii are found growing in the Amazon region high in trees, often in full sunlight. All are in a 12″ tight plastic pot with hard packed soil & were in outside patio. Aechmea chantinii 'Samurai' is an beautiful bromeliad cultivar that has both striking flowers and awesome patterned foliage with variegation and silvery bands. Importance of Black Aechmea. This species , native to the rain forests of the Amazon, was introduced into Europe in 1877. Aechmeas need a mix that drains extremely well. Aechmea fasciata featured photo credit: ecos de pedra via Faţă de alte ecmee această specie pretinde mai multă umiditate şi o temperatură mai crescută: minimum 18 °C. Aechmea 'Little Harv' - A Bullis Hybrid cross (chantinii x rubens) with varying coloring from a bluish-green to silver to a bronzy red depending on sun exposure. Genus Aechmea are evergreen perennials forming funnel-shaped rosettes of strap-shaped leaves, with a terminal spike of tubular flowers often with colourful triangular bracts, followed by fleshy fruits Foster’s Favorite can handle light shade but will thrive in bright, indirect sunlight. 02/18/2017. RHS … Aechmea chantinii. Some have dark green leaves with a shiny, glossed appearance. De asemenea, aceasta … Aechmea chantinii 'Yellow Bloom' Half-day sun to shade; Mature Size: 16in H x 8in W One of our best sellers, the Yellow Bloom lives up to its name with a lemon-yellow and red bloom spike that lasts for up … House Plants Bromeliads Planting Flowers Plants … the flower rotted at the base of the stem and i pulled it out. This is one Chantinii clone with amazing size, well defined horizontal banding and a stunning inflorescence. Eventually you notice that the plant is slowly turning brown too. Its flower spike has red or orange bracts with tight red flowers. Samuraii has green with silver banding and with bold creamy white stripes up the centre of each leaf, it truly is a magnificent specimen. I’d leave the mother plant be for a while until the pups get bigger. You can regrow the shoots in the “new” plants this is the life cycle of the bromeliads. The florescent lighting will typically be enough to satisfy this bromeliad. You can read our policies here. capitata Aechmea nudicaulis var. Samurai has green … 9″ Big Ben + x. Oh yes, the Aechmea hanging out in my bathroom with its fellow Bromeliad buddy, the Neorogelia. WAS THIS DUE TO TOO MUCH WATER? Granted these aren’t the most welcoming environments for flowering plants native to the tropics and the subtropics but bromeliads really held their own. The person in the shop didn’t know the name or the care instructions :-/ so I’m very pleased to find your video! They’ll do okay in lower light for a few weeks but if you’re growing 1 for the long haul, bright is best. Aechmea nudicaulis. They go 1st. They can be grown on and are capable of flowering, but eventually the original plant will just die off. Aechmeas like bright light, like near an east or west window. Nell. Place a small piece of apple in each cup you’d like to see bloom. Aechmea chantinii are o rozetă "deschisă" şi frunze mari ce prezintă striaţii argintii transversale pe ambele părţi; bracteele sunt portocalii, iar florile de culoare roşu-aprins. In reading description of care I’m reading about putting plant in a tank and flushing. Inflorescenta are bracteele de culoare rosu-oranj si florile rosii. Add to Wishlist | Add to Compare ; Aechmea Chantinii 'DeLeon' Starting at: $50.00 . Aechmeas are epiphytes & in nature grow attached to other plants & even rocks. They were in bright light. 'Little Harv' can reach a height of 3' (4' with flower stalk) with a 20" spread. This one is popular […], […] We Like Them: Bromeliads are tough, interesting and don’t require much fuss. Li Weng Feng has uploaded 100338 photos to Flickr. Aechmea are wonderfully uncomplicated bromeliads to grow. It has large dark green leaves with lighter yellow vertical stripes and white to silvery horizontal stripes. Vrieseas flourish in bright indirect sunlight and enjoy high humidity, warm temperatures and can tolerant cool climates … Also look out for Aechmea chantinii, Aechmea fosteriana and Aechmea Del Mar. Here’s a big head’s up: the flower and stalk will eventually brown & die. Bright indirect light. They made it into the pages of my houseplant care book Keep Your Houseplants Alive so you know they’re easy, and fabulous too! aechmea primera care. Details A. chantinii is an evergreen perennial forming a rosette of leathery, strap-shaped leaves marbled with … Oct 25, 2020 - Explore herbert waldron (32)'s board "aechmea" on Pinterest. I really need help with my AECHMEA FASCIATA, i have had it for several years but it hasn’t flowered for the last 3. Posted on February 10, 2012 by Rupert Foxton-Smythe • 0 Comments. I will take care of it this way from now on! Many thanks, Hi Katy – The flowers of the Del Mar Aechmea are long lasting & beautiful. Hi Mona – Greetings from Arizona! After flowering keep the well at the centre of the plant topped up over the growing season. Your email address will not be published. However, some kitties like to chew on their crunchy leaves so if yours does, you might want to keep your eye on that. Be sure to flush out that vase every 1-2 months with fresh water so bacteria doesn’t build up. It is getting crowded in it’s pot (I’m separating plants and repotting it tomorrow) but other than that i don’t think anything is wrong. I have the aechmea primera, my fiance gave this to me for mothers day. Bromeliad Encyclopedia. Here’s our bromeliads category for your reference: Nell. Oh, I love to create so you’ll find a bit of that in the mix along with lots of videos too. The spike will eventually die. Aechmea triangularis photo credit: Eric Hunt via All have broad rosettes and arching bow-shaped leaves. Thanks again! My pleasure Ron. what should we do with these? How beautiful. Sep 24, 2014 - Explore Peyton Walton's board "Aechmea" on Pinterest. How to grow Aechmea chantinii – growing and care: Well drain soil, moist soil, warm climate, better more than 15C (59F) can survive 10C but not recommend, better to use purified water or rain water, soil should be something light and enteric, because in the nature those plants are mostly air plants live on rocks or crock of tree or air roots in tropical forest with big amount of rains that keep the plants in humidity all … An explorer, Baraquin, discovered it growing on a garden fence of a native hut in the upper Amazon. SKU: 252 There are many more beautiful and unique varieties of Aechmea. 9″ Carnival + x. Gallery. I need to separate mine and I guess toss the mother plant? Curious about your opinion or experience on bringing them in during the winter. I grew Bromeliads in my Santa Barbara garden just a few blocks from the ocean so they got a fair amount of moisture from the air. It grows well attached to a tree or wedged between rocks. aequalis Aechmea nudicaulis var. The simply need clean water in their tank and bright, indirect light. I’m starting out with the Aechmea fasciata because this tropical beauty makes a great houseplant and is so easy to care for. My ideas. The water should run right through your potting media, leaving only slightly wet compost behind. You’ll see those pups will start to form off the base of the mother plant. There are many, many cultivars and forma of A. chantinii (amazonica var. Sources We provide you with everything Bromeliaceae. 8″ Waikiki + x. CARE SHEETS. 186 Pins • 52 Followers. They take in water from rainfall and nutrients from dust, insects, and other particles that have collected in their tanks. Gloves, long sleeves, and a very sharp knife, hacksaw or even a … 8″ Lady D + x. COLD SENSITIVITY OF BROMELIADS Dale W. Jenkins. tillandsias collector's corner epiphytic cacti, succulents & caudiciforms. In winter keep on the dry side and do not water into the 'well'. Keep copper wire or containers (and any sprays with copper in them) away from bromeliads, as copper is toxic to them. The flower spike itself is hot pink rising above the foliage in the middle. If you have found yourself drawn to these plants and would like to try growing one of your own, the Aechmea (pronounced EEK-me-uh) genus may be a good place to start. fuchsii, ET), and many of these are being tissue cultured in Japan. When caring for an Aechmea in your home, it is important to keep water in its central tank at all times. Aechmea Del Mar photo credit: Bosc d’Anjou via Bromeliad - How to Grow Care - Silver Vase Bromeliad. So if you’re interested, be sure to check out the Aechmea and the Pink Quill Plant. There are many, many cultivars and forma of A. chantinii (amazonica var. … Aechmea chantinii cultivar 'Black' is one of the most beautiful of the chantinii cultivars. The plants like to be potted in smallish pots with absolutely perfect drainage. Nell, Greetings from Romania! Jul 12, 2016 - Explore Silver Moon's board "Aechmea" on Pinterest. This chantinii is often used in landscapes here in South Florida as it can be acclimatized into full sun locations. Aechmea fasciata este specia cea mai comună şi mai simplu de cultivat în apartament. You should empty the tank and rinse your bromeliad at least once a month. Family Bromeliaceae . this fertilizer formulated for air plants. Just be sure to keep it out of direct, hot sun because it’ll burn. Hope that helps! Aechmea gets its name from a Greek word meaning “spear tip”. The most popular bromeliad, besides the Pineapple, is Aechmea. Place a clear plastic bag over the entire plant. Sorry about the caps – the website isn’t allowing me any other option. I just inherited an Aechmea, and it’s center has bloomed, died, been removed but main plant is still there (with 2 pups, a pup on each side of the “mother” plant). View as Grid List. Nell. I had a pup to re-pot at the time but once I pulled the plant out of the dirt I realized I had no idea what I was doing! The ethylene gas from the apple will encourage blooming. They get the moisture & nutrients they need through their foliage. Vriesea are easily distinguished by their sword shaped flowering spikes, with Vriesea splendens the showiest and most popular variety for indoor displays. How to water, feed, and propagate this bromeliad that has thick, arching, gray-green leaves. It is found in the Amazon Rainforest. Explore Li Weng Feng's photos on Flickr. The leaves grow together forming a rosette shape at the center of the plant. You can get many new plants from the main plant. The flower spike is pendant shaped, curving down around the sides of the plant. Nell, Hi, I bought a Del Mar years ago from Ikea. I’ll have to wait for more pups to do with again since it sounds like this one won’t be flowering again and the pup I took off previously is dead as can be. View … Aechmea fasciata este specia cea mai comună şi mai simplu de cultivat în apartament. Hot links . Aechmea fasciata (Urn Plant or Silver Vase Plant) makes a great houseplant because it’s beautiful and low-maintenance. Aechmea chantinii; Aechmea chantinii. Price as configured: $50.00 . I am going to follow your advice and cut back the dying flower stems. $0.00 Subtotal; Checkout; Login; Shop ; Plant Care; Our Story; Sign Up; On Sale; New Listings; Grower's Choice; Supplies; Quick Links; On Sale; New Listings ; Grower's Choice; Supplies; Shop by Genera; All >> Aechmea; Billbergia; Neoregelia; Vriesea; Landscape Collection. Aechmea chantinii 'Rebecca' Beautiful cultivar, Smaller and more colored than the original plant. Hi Nell, my two pups have been in separate containers since last summer. Aechmea coelestis. The stiff leaves range from soft green through dark, almost black, red.
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