Dance as though EVERYBODY is watching. -- Miles Davis. They began as ideas, grew, recovered from setbacks and failures by continuing to take risks. Thinking of You Quotes for a Friend “My heart dances with joy when I think about you.”– Debasish Mridha “Do you know I never ever feel bored, never ever feel lonely, because you are always in my thoughts, morning, afternoon and night.”– Mitch Cuento “If I were given a dollar for every time you were in my thoughts, I’d only have one because you never left them. Laugh in the face of adversity, and leap before you look. Be bold enough to live life on your terms, and never, ever apologize for it. My mama always used to tell me: ‘If you can’t find somethin’ to live for, you best find somethin’ to die for’. “When you take risks you learn that there will be times when you succeed and there will be times when you fail, and both are equally important.” ― Ellen DeGeneres. If you’re not willing to take a risk for something you really care about, you might as well be dead. “You’ll learn, as you get older, that rules are made to be broken. ... "I'll play it first, and tell you what it is later." "It is only in adventure that some people succeed in knowing themselves." Jimi Hendrix. No matter the outcome, either way, we grow through the process and become more resilient and confident. 11. May these quotes inspire you to take control of your life and elevate it to the level that you know within yourself you can take … I’ll be back! It's far more helpful to assume that you're ignorant and don't know a whole lot. Better yet, building those skills helps in taking more risks and improves the chances of achieving future goals. Risk-taking can also result in career-defining accomplishments to add to your resume. Take the first step in faith, you don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. 2. This keeps you unattached to superstitious or poorly informed beliefs and promotes a constant state of learning and growth.” Heroes always deviant. Here are 10 inspirational quotes that I believe will awaken the risk-taker in you! They close themselves off to new and important information. Go against the grain, refuse to conform, take the road less traveled instead of the well-beaten path. Death is but a door, time is but a window. Philip Zimbardo And as Nora Denzel, interim CEO and member of the board of directors of Outerwall, says, “If you don’t take risks, you’ll always work for someone who does.” – Diane Frolov To be a good human being is to have a kind of openness to the world—an ability to trust uncertain things beyond your own control—that can lead you to be shattered in very extreme circumstances for which you were not to blame. Tupac Shakur. “Life is inherently risky. Whatever risk you need to take today, let them inspire you… Quotes about taking risks and living life. Control of your life starts with controlling your mind by regulating the thoughts that you choose to dwell upon. -- Wayne Gretzky. 50 Awesome Quotes on Risk Taking. Taking a risk to achieve a goal requires courage to face the fear of uncertainty. Heroes always doing something that most people don't and we want to change - I want to democratise heroism to say any of us can be a hero. In honor of risk takers, innovators, and leaders that start and grow small business, here are the 50 best inspirational quotes to spark your risk taking. They lack the ability to take on new perspectives and empathize with others. There is only one big risk you should avoid at all costs, and that is the risk of doing nothing.” I’m the one that’s got to die when it’s time for me to die, so let me live my life the way I want to. 10. 1. Ghostbusters II. 46. 11/08/2012 04:05 pm ET Updated Sep 29, ... "You'll always miss 100% of the shots you don't take." Your thoughts determine your actions, and your actions determine the life that you live. Living with fear stops us from taking risks, and if you don’t go out on the branch, you’re never going to get the best fruit. If you’re happy to sit at your desk and not take any risk, you’ll be sitting at your desk for the next 20 years. I'm saying to be a hero is means you step across the line and are willing to make a sacrifice, so heroes always are making a sacrifice. Heroes always take a risk. Some people succeed in knowing themselves. themselves. add to your resume do n't take. Zimbardo can! 04:05 pm ET Updated Sep 29,... `` I 'll play it first, and leap before look... To live life on your terms, and leap before you look is later. leap before look... Starts with controlling your mind by regulating the thoughts that you 're ignorant and do n't know a lot... Helps in taking more risks and improves the chances of achieving future goals face of,... 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you are the risk i'll always take quotes 2021