The Red Arrow Route is a local symbol and well echos the represention of the state and it's motto "Forward". May 16th, 2016. In order to distinguish it from the many other blue U.S. state flags, Wisconsin's flag was modified in 1979 to add "Wisconsin" and "1848", the year Wisconsin was admitted to the Union. Your first flag is certainly different but it just doesn't click with me, or the state. 1 Comments. 100 Star - United States Flag.png 1,279 × 674; 26 KB 100% Upvoted. A prize of $20 was offered to the winner, and the DAR received a total of 37 entries. Proposal #1 by Dean Thomas. City officials are looking to redesign the city's flag amid controversy over cultural appropriation of a Native American symbol. All top three are worthy. Redesigns. 41 Favourites. It borders the Great Lakes, represented by the blue. 27. Within the seal, a plow, shovel, and pick rest in a field in front of the Great Falls of the Missouri River. The flag of the state of Oregon is a two-sided flag in navy blue and gold with an optional gold fringe. In the center of the flag is a black cross, which symbolizes the four lakes (Mendota, Monona, Wingra, and Waubesa), as well as the cross shape of the Wisconsin State Capitol. Be Distinctive or Be Related: avoid duplicating other flags, but use similarities to show connections. During the American Revolution, the people living in this disputed zone decided they’d rather have their own government. Design. An outline of the statue incorporating your idea with being between Superior and Michigan i think could turn out very very well. Listen: Contest Looks To Redesign Milwaukee's City Flag | Wisconsin Public Radio That said, I'm not feeling this. The forest green is (obviously) for the state's forested areas in the northwoods. Posted by Ken Morton. And the previous argument of just having your name written across the flag, well while I agree, still some tend to be rather iconic. I'm not even gonna bother posting a picture because it's one of the many generic "state seal on navy blue" flags that everyone can picture in their head. Wikipedia article report. It looks great. It has never been flown as a symbol of pride …. There is a lot of symbolism there, and I wouldn't have caught a single piece of it. over 100 flag redesign efforts begun between 2015 and 2017, with overlapping vignettes from cities demon-strating the lessons: 1. The star represents the state itself and is colored red to in reference to the state’s entomology, originating from Native American words meaning “red stone place.” The right-facing triangle represents the state motto “Forward.“ Posted by Preston Knapp, My adaptation of an excellent design by Sam McKittrick. The flag of Missouri is a horizontal tricolor of of red, white and blue. Powered by Invision Community, Wisconsin State Flag Redesign (UPDATED 8/27/2014), Racine, WI...where I am very proud of my 0-year NFL career, Philadelphia Eagles As of June 2016, The People’s Flag of Milwaukee became the third proposed candidate to replace the official city banner. [24] (Posted by Ken Morton), A simple bicolor in three fesses, with the black and white symbolizing both the badger and the dairy cow. The flags of the U.S. states, territories, and the District of Columbia exhibit a variety of regional influences and local histories, as well as different styles and design principles. It will be proudly saluted by Dis Wisconson Mayn. I replace Mr. McKittrick's heraldic badger with the abstract notion of a badger in the chevrons. The state is divided into 72 counties. The flag reminds me of the Israeli Air Force flag. Wisconsin Flag Redesign. Sep 2, 2020 - original flag design: no. over 100 flag redesign efforts begun between 2015 and 2017, with overlapping vignettes from cities demon-strating the lessons: 1. 100 Star - United States Flag.png 1,279 × 674; 26 KB. The white central stripe stands for manfacturing (especially paper). 2. "Alabama is known as the Cotton State. Th Nordic cross references the Scandinavian heritage of many of the state's original settlers. The Gostelowe Return, which cataloged a number of flags in the Continental Army in 1779, mentions the “union being 13 stars”. The coat of arms, primarily consisting of the state seal, symbolizes the state's principal pursuits and resources. Sie wurde jedoch bereits 1865 wieder abgeschafft, woraufhin Mississippi 29 Jahre keine eigene Flagge besaß. Another design for a Virginia state flag. My first redesign for a Pennsylvania flag features a banner of the arms of William Penn, who was the state's namesake, receiving a large royal grant of land for a colony in 1661, ... Wisconsin. Looks like efforts have been going on since 1989 to redesign Minnesota's flag. On the front is the escutcheon from the state seal and on the reverse is a gold figure of a beaver, the state animal. Strangely enough, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, has a perfectly reasonable-looking miniature flag embedded within its larger and more chaotic actual flag. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Der US-Bundesstaat Mississippi hatte im Laufe der Geschichte drei Flaggen. Results round-up of the mini unofficial contest with 495 designs studied. Milwaukee is ripe for a new design, and “Sunrise over the Lake” fills the bill admirably. View original. 0 Comments. Wisconsin is often touted as "God's Country" why not look a little deeper into why that is said, and take it from there. Using the colors from the state license plate (which happen to be close to the colors of the University of Wisconsin), the familiar motive of a forward-facing chevron is placed in … hell, it gave me an idea. 92% Upvoted. Yeah it is, I came up with this last night while messing with a flag design app could use some more work but I like it. The 5 six-pointed stars represent the major industries in Wisconsin: manufacturing, agriculture, tourism, health care and transportation. share. I did recognize the highway sign immediately but the rest (minus the forest green) is kind of a stretch. 5. I've never really cared for the flag of my home state. The five finalists in the By Craig Hlavaty on October 30, 2013 at 4:52 PM. The redesigned flag pays homage to Alabama's historic agriculture. Redesigns. Wisconsin State Flag Simplistic Proposal. white and black for the face of a badger. ps) i have your sig on a tshirt. Wisconsin is a U.S. state in the north-central, Midwest and Great Lakes regions of the country. Maurice Cheeks pushed for the flag’s redesign, praised the Stones’ “excellent” design while saying the inclusion of the Zia symbol was “inadvertent cultural appropriation.” The 30 points on the stars represent Wisconsin's entry as the 30th state in the union. A redesign for Wisconsin's flag. Oregon is the only U.S. State to feature different designs on either side of its flag (the flag of Massachusetts was changed in 1971 to be single-sided). By illwauk, July 15, 2009 in General Design. Most of said flags have a long history to them. The flag of the state of Oregon is a two-sided flag in navy blue and gold with an optional gold fringe. save. The flag you show is a bad interpretation of a remnant of a flag now in possession of the Bennington Museum. On July 19, 2018, the Milwaukee Common Council's Steering and Rules Committee took up a proposal to designate the People's Flag of Milwaukee as the city's new official flag. In an attempt to distinguish it from the many other blue U.S. state flags, Wisconsin's flag was modified in 1979 to add "Wisconsin" and "1848", the year Wisconsin was admitted to the Union. Wisconsin is the 23rd-largest state by total area and the 20th-most populous. By Craig Hlavaty on October 30, 2013 at 4:52 PM. Go spend 10 minutes in central iowa, and you'll quickly appreciate the little things that make Wisconsin a beautiful place to visit. state motto is “forward” Saved by Bain Creative Agency. (Posted by Ken Morton), Another badger themed flag for Wisconsin, with a hat tip to the Kingdom of Prussia, and the German/Lutheran origins of so many Wisconsinites. 1 Comments. The current flag violates nearly every one of them. Congrats on working so much meaning into the design without it being too cluttered. Use 2?3 Basic Colors: limit the number of colors on the flag to three, which contrast well and come from the standard color set. Virginia State Flag Redesign by ColiopKolchovo n°2. I'm not really sure what the state trunk highway marker has to do with anything other than as a route marker. just a thought, good luck. I like that this takes a fresh approach to state flag design, but I believe a better choice of elements could be made. I definitely behind you on changing the state flag. 3 Comments. Redesigns. The arrow stripes represent the state motto 'forward' and reflect badger stripes. State Journal editorial cartoonist, Phil Hands, takes a humorous stab a designing a new flag for the the city of Madison, based on Wisconsin's… Close City officials are looking to redesign the city's flag amid controversy over cultural appropriation of a Native American symbol. North American Vexillological Association, The official flag of Milwaukee was adopted 61 years ago, in 1955. 3. A much-needed redesign of the Milwaukee Flag. For example, you could include a fleur de lis for a tie to its French past. Adopted The NAVA stated that about half of U.S. states used blue fields making them difficult to distinguish and the survey ranked flags with words and complex seals the lowest. Posted by u/[deleted] 3 years ago. Prev; 1; 2; Next; Page 1 of 2 . wheat or some kind of corn inclusion would be a great reflection on our agricultural importance but that will be tricky to pull off without making it look cheesy. The ribbon contains the state motto, "Oro y plata" (Spanish for: "Gold and silver"). C&C appreciated as usual. report. i figure we may as well have one people would actually wanna wave. Wasted money to redesign the flag... A redesigned South Carolina flag was scrapped after residents made fun of its palmetto tree Lambasted by residents of the state, South Carolina's newly proposed state flag has been scrapped, the Post and Courier reported this week. La Follette noted that the correct state flag did not have the banner of thirteen stars at the bottom. Country Flag US. Photo: Getty Images/GeoNova Maps Image 122 of 125. The flag of Albuquerque, New Mexico is the official municipal flag of Albuquerque, New Mexico.The design is a red field with yellow elements (a Zia sun symbol with the number "1706" in the middle, the word "Albuquerque" in italics just below the sun symbol, and a flying thunderbird in the canton).. The current flag is overly complex and underused. That's why I came up with this new redesign which uses the stripes of blue from the Wisconsin state flag, red from the flag of the German city of Kiel and the gold from the German national flag. flag redesign: yes. Gold represents the fertile sandstone of the state itself, and also represents the state’s historically notable industries: corn, cheese, and beer. The flag of Wyoming is blue with a red border, fimbriated in white. Sami Flag as Nordic Cross. That stuff changes in time, the flag should have a more timeless quality IMO. Tajik SSR Flag Redesign. 13 vertical stripes. 30 points, would not have connected that with 30th state. Posted by Ken Morton, flag proposal by user "geekgamergal1729" april 2019, Dark blue represents Lake Superior on the north and east of the state; light blue represents Lake Michigan at the south and east of the state. Thank you to everyone that gave their 1/50th of a dollar. Also, is there a better way to arrange the stars within the shield, or even outside/around it? first three fused blue bedsheet carries the hollow star. I love The Dukes of Hazzard as much as anybody, but the canton of this flag is a symbol of racism and secession, and has no business on a flag associated with the United States of America. A much-needed redesign of the Milwaukee Flag. The dark to light blue gradient across the gold shape represent prehistoric glaciers that washed over the area of the state, creating its rich land. The current flag of Kiel, Wisconsin is four flags (the German flag, the city flag of Kiel (SH), the Wisconsin state flag and the Schleswig-Holstein flag) in one with a purple disk in the middle. First off, I agree that the Wisconsin state flag ugly and fairly interchangeable with most other US state flags. Wisconsin State Flag Redesign (UPDATED 8/27/2014) Sign in to follow this . original flag design: no. To answer some of the criticisms, I'm trying to give Wisconsin a flag that falls more within the North American Vexillological Association guidelines. Log in or sign up to leave a comment log in sign up. Burn them and let's start over. In the center of the flag is a black cross, which symbolizes the four lakes (Mendota, Monona, Wingra, and Waubesa), as well as the cross shape of the Wisconsin State Capitol. Close. Wisconsin Flag Redesign. Our old flag has a certain retro charm, but it looks backward to a vanished past. Forests, I actually figured that one out. Saved from Wisconsin flag proposal 1 by ThaRedMenace, drawn by, Wisconsin flag proposal 2 by ThaRedMenace, drawn by. The NAVA survey "favored strong, simple, distinctive flags" and ranked "seal-on-a-bedsheet" type flags the lowest. US Creative Work of the Week: Wisconsin flag gets a 'Pride'-ful redesign . Advance approval of the concept and process from elected offi- ... Milwaukee, Wisconsin flag (adopted 1954). Agriculture was an integral part of Alabama and cotton in particular was a major force in their economy." July 5th 2017. Vexillology Wiki is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Wisconsin Public Radio features in-depth news from WPR’s seven bureaus and NPR, entertainment programs, classical music and discussions on the Ideas Network. All colors taken from the State Seal. I guess its a nice enough flag, but I would never have identified that as the wisconsin state flag, even having lived there for most of my life. Here is the current Mississippi State Flag. Graphics Designer.. Pride was on full display in Wisconsin, as the ACLU of Wisconsin celebrated Pride Month by giving the Badger State’s flag an alternative version at pride festivities across the state. I am fortunate enough to be on the committee charged with organizing the contest to find a new flag. The 1954 design is basically an inventory of items our grandparents considered important, a time capsule of artifacts from a dead generation. 4. Check out our wisconsin flag selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops. On the front is the escutcheon from the state seal and on the reverse is a gold figure of a beaver, the state animal. Things like the vast number of rivers, streams, creeks, ponds, and lakes (and the fishing that is associated), the vast rolling hills, forests of trees, small family farms, wildlife galore. CascadiaFlag.png 2,000 × 1,200; 86 KB. 1903 ("Wisconsin" and "1848" added in 1979) Their cheering section was flying New Mexico's distinctive flag and dare I say, I got a lil jealous lol. I would like a mix of modern symbolism with a tie to Wisconsin's past. 1903 ("Wisconsin" and "1848" added in 1979), WI Flag Proposal "AlternateUniverseDesigns", WI Flag Proposal (Simplified) "AlternateUniverseDesigns", Wisconsin State Flag Proposal No. I'm not sure if the stars orientation works. What about moving the shield into the upper left corner? Flags of the World article. Efforts to redesign the flag—a flag haphazardly stuffed with barley stalks, boats, and something that looks like a UFO—have been going on for almost as long. Use Meaningful Symbolism: the flag?s images, colors, or patterns should relate to what it symbolizes. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. hide. But it never bothered me that much until I was at a poetry slam last year that featured a team from Albuquerque. It's pretty obvious that a flag is ineffective if you have to add the state name in huge letters to distinguish your banner. Part of a series of designs for state flags, all in blue and white. Wisconsin The solution to backwards text, a double sided flag, more than doubles production costs.). Home Books All Titles; New & Upcoming ... Air Jordan 1 to Air Presto—Nike and Virgil Abloh reinvent sneaker culture with the collaborative project The Ten and redesign 10 sneaker icons. North Carolina State Information - Symbols, Capital, Constitution, Flags, Maps, Songs The design in centered on the shape of the Wisconsin state highway signs, one of the few symbols in Wisconsin and that's recognized by almost everyone in the state. A redesign of all 50 state flags messes with Texas. Cubs "Cuba" script The flag of the state of Montana consists of the image of the Montana state seal centered on a blue field. 1 Designed By: Stephen Richard Barlow 05 OCT 2014 at 1415hrs cst, Wisconsin flag proposal by Mididoom, modified by. History != good design. THE CAPITAL TIMES ARCHIVES Concerns over the cultural appropriation of a Native American sun symbol have led Madison officials to consider redesigning the city’s flag, Mayor Paul Soglin said. Advance approval of the concept and process from elected offi-cials greatly increases the likelihood of the successful adoption of a new flag design. Minnesota needs some help badly as well. Mobiyuz. Originally authorized by the state in 1799, the current design was enacted by law in 1907. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. 1980s. Wow, that's a tremendous design, I really dig all the extra meanings and stuff... however, I'd recommend going for some stronger colors, it looks a bit washed out. VA flag proposal "Simplified Seal" This is my tweak of a design by "Tjm91". In the center is a white silhouette of an American bison, within which the state seal is placed. Business And Advertising. Virginia State Flag proposal Designed By: Digilog 2 Dec 2017. Right now, I'm deciding if I should tweak my current design or blow it up and start from scratch. best. The obverse side of the seal bears the legend "State of West Virginia" together with the state motto, Montani Semper Liberi ("mountaineers are always free"). Experience engineering ingenuity and Abloh’s investigative design process: each shoe is a piece of industrial design, a readymade sculpture, and a wearable all at once. Broken Chain Link high lighted with a star. 28 Favourites. The flag of Madison, Wisconsin, consists of a light blue background bisected from lower left to upper right by a white band, symbolizing Lake Mendota and Lake Monona and the isthmus between them. Seattle Mariners Milwaukee, Wisconsin, City Flag History. (Including words on flags is generally considered bad vexillogical form because words are hard to read on a flag that is flapping in the wind, is limp, or when the viewer is oriented towards the flag such that the words … 1861 wurde die Magnolien-Flagge eingeführt, die den gleichnamigen Baum abbildete. Wisconsin Secretary of State Douglas J. By. This is a smartly designed flag. Media in category "Proposed flags of the United States" The following 21 files are in this category, out of 21 total. Posted by 2 hours ago. Mobiyuz. Ald. Originally designed in 1863 when regiments from Wisconsin wanted a flag for battlefield use, it wasn't until 1913 that state statutes specified the design of the state flag. Their flag reflected their loyalties. Just don't push them to actually change it or we'll get something with cheese and cows like the awful state quarter. RedAmerican1945. It can stand for the farm fields as well. It also appears to move "forward" (the state motto). I think most, if not all of the flags that simply have the state seal in the middle could use a redesign. In 1916 the Wyoming Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) ran a contest inviting the public to submit possible designs for a Wyoming flag. Redesigns. Nevada Flag Redesing. United States The shield being on the sash looks a little strange to me. As others have said, I'd go with bolder colors, especially for the blue. I am redesigning the Mississippi State Flag, which is the last state flag to still feature the stars and bars of the confederacy. The flag of the state of West Virginia consists of the state's coat of arms on a white field with a dark blue border. The colors also reflect the state's historic status as part of French Louisiana. 23 Favourites. Vermont started as a strip of disputed territory between the colonies of New York and New Hampshire. While your flag covers all of those things, its made them into 2 trianges and a line. The arrow suggests the state’s motto: “Forward.” By Ed Mitchell. Wisconsin Flag Redesign. Share your thoughts, experiences and the tales behind the art. The flag of the state of Wisconsin is a blue flag charged with the state coat of arms. Originally authorized by the state in 1799, the current design was enacted by law in 1907. hide. Arvina Martin, who along with Ald. It also appears to move "forward" (the state motto). Do something with the forward statue as seen here. The flag of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania consists of a blue field on which the state coat of arms is embroidered. Design by Rotten Ali. 9 hours ago. Image 1 of / 125. I think I'd go for a blue that's more, well, blue. Led by a revolutionary named Ethan Allen, they declared their independence as the Green Mountain Republic, while allying themselves with the nascent United States. District of Columbia Flag Design - Charles Dunn - 1924.png 2,200 × 1,100; 21 KB. The flag of Madison, Wisconsin, consists of a light blue background bisected from lower left to upper right by a white band, symbolizing Lake Mendota and Lake Monona and the isthmus between them. Redesigning the Milwaukee Flag. Tags: wisconsin creative flag. Oregon is the only U.S. State to feature different designs on either side of its flag (the flag of Massachusetts was changed in 1971 to be single-sided). In an attempt to distinguish it from the many other blue U.S. state flags, Wisconsin's flag was modified in 1979 to add "Wisconsin" and "1848", the year Wisconsin was admitted to the Union. Media in category "Proposed flags of the United States" The following 21 files are in this category, out of 21 total. A redesign for Wisconsin's flag. The general design of the flag represents the isthmus that the Wisconsin capitol sits on. Maybe utilize modernized versions of elements from the current seal (anchor, axe pick, etc). The cluttered state seal in the middle of a flag is doing nothing for either state. 21 Favourites. Without it, the likelihood of success is significantly lower. This is a bit tealish, at least on my monitor. No Lettering or Seals: never use writing of any kind or an organization?s seal. Close. Shown below are designs that have been proposed for a new flag of Wisconsin. It is bordered by Minnesota to the west, Iowa to the southwest, Illinois to the south, Lake Michigan to the east, Michigan to the northeast, and Lake Superior to the north. The blue represents Wisconsin's lakes and rivers; the green represents her fields and forests; the white symbolizes hope for the future. Design by Rotten Ali. A redesign of all 50 state flags messes with Texas. The old flag was designed in 1962 by brothers Rick and Dennis Stone to symbolize the city on trips with the Madison Scouts Drum and Bugle Corps. (Posted by Ken Morton). It was not until 1897 that a contest was held by the Milwaukee Journal attempt to obtain a flag design for the city. I do find the isthmus reference clever, but seems more suited for a flag for the city of Madison. Caption. Graphic Design. Keep It Simple: the flag should be so simple that a child can draw it from memory. Arvina Martin, who along with Ald. While it's a decent design, I'm of the school of thought: unless it still has the stars and bars as part of the doesn't need a redesign. The flag of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania consists of a blue field on which the state coat of arms is embroidered. ), Wisconsin's state flag, if designed by (Wisconsin native son) Frank Lloyd Wright. Archived. So with that in mind, I came up with my own design for a Wisconsin flag. Country The Commission to Redesign the Mississippi State Flag selected the new design after it accepted and reviewed designs from the public to replace the previous flag that featured the Battle Flag of the Army of Northern Virginia in the canton. Ald. A dead heat. 2. 1. Wisconsin Flag Redesign. With a green field and a blue canton, it evoked Vermonters’ loyalty to America while asser… The blue is for the state's lakes and rivers in general, but more specifically, Lake Michigan and Lake Superior, as Wisconsin is one of only three states that's bordered by more than one of the Great Lakes. (Including words on flags is generally considered bad vexillogical form because words are hard to read on a flag that is flapping in the wind, is limp, or when the viewer is oriented towards the flag such that the words appear backwards. RedAmerican1945. The flag then appeared on the November 3, 2020, ballot as Ballot Measure 3. That committee voted 6-2 to revisit the proposal at another meeting by the end of the year. 2013. The general design of the flag represents the isthmus that the Wisconsin capitol sits on. 3.16/10 (65th of 72) illwauk 423 illwauk 423 "People of the court, these guys are total dildos!" ; Members; 423 12,353 posts; Location: Wisco; Posted July 15, 2009. This thread is archived. (Posted by Ken Morton), This design for a Wisconsin flag is my combination of a design by Sam McKittrick and a design posted on Alan Hardy's Facebook blog, U.S. State Flags - Current, Historical and Proposed, under the name of ", Proposal for a flag for Wisconsin. The old flag was designed in 1962 by brothers Rick and Dennis Stone to symbolize the city on trips with the Madison Scouts Drum and Bugle Corps. Wisconsin State Flag Redesign (UPDATED 8/27/2014) By illwauk, July 15, 2009 in General Design. save. The blue is for the state's lakes and rivers in general, but more specifically, Lake Michigan and Lake Superior, as Wisconsin is one of only three states that's bordered by more than one of the Great Lakes. Print ; Photo: Globe Turner, LLC / Getty Images/GeoNova Maps . I set out to create something that focused on things that are universally (or as close to it as possible) enjoyed by Wisconsin residents rather than focus on the divisive stereotypes of our state. Sort by. Milwaukee became a chartered city in 1846 – two years before Wisconsin was admitted into the Union. Recommended Posts. Also a nod to German heritage couldn't hurt (almost 75% of Wisconsin citizens have German descent). Louisiana State Flag Redesign (Version 1) The-Artist-64. The current seal contains too many elements for effective use on a flag, but they at least provide some inspiration to tie a new design to what it stands for. share. cus yeh, the current one, I wouldn't shed any tears over it if it were retired. The teal/green colors and the highway sign doesn't make me think Wisconsin. Forward with Badger represented in color scheme, Wisconsin state flag proposed by Ken Morton. These represent valor, purity, vigilance, and justice. 2 comments. Something that has been jumping out at me since i read this thread was "Forward". We hope to find our new flag and have it adopted before the end of 2016. The state capital is Madison, and its largest city is Milwaukee, which is on the western shore of Lake Michigan. Does Wisconsin have a large Jewish population? Green and gold for the Packers. In the center white stripe is the Seal of Missouri, circled by a blue band containing 24 stars, symbolizing Missouri's admission as the 24th U.S. state. 51 star flag American suggested.JPG 1,024 × 687; 245 KB. The blue field must, by legislative mandate, match the shade of blue in the US flag (Pantone 282c). state motto is “forward” Explore. flag redesign: yes. Figure 4. The symbolism is all there and is definitely sound. It's an OK design. In 2001, a survey conducted by the North American Vexillological Association (NAVA) ranked Wisconsin's flag among the bottom ten flags in design quality out of the 72 Canadian provincial, U.S. state and U.S. territory flags, placing it 65th out of the 72. It is in fact a piece of a 1779 Continental Regimental flag and its green field likely had a design painted on it. I know one thing, as far as a flag we could claim as our own, this one is pretty damn good. I think there are more things out there that define Wisconsin than its industries. Lake Superior and Lake Michigan are represented by the two blue stripes. Score in 2001 NAVA survey Sort by. Nonetheless, the majority of the states' flags share the same design pattern consisting of the state seal superimposed on a monochrome background, commonly a shade of blue. 1 Comments. SportsLogos.Net I'm thinking Bavarian flag....?

wisconsin flag redesign 2021