Owen Benson Coffey, Jr., 19, Buckhannon. One (1) count of Failure to Provide Notice of Change in Sex Offender Registration Information, Life Registrant, 2nd Offense (F). Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephen D. Warner is prosecuting the case on behalf of the government. ∫ Joshua Alden Tenney, 32, of Buckhannon, was indicted on one felony count of fleeing in a vehicle with reckless indifference to the safety of others; and one count of felony driving while license revoked for DUI third offense. Lonny Junior Scott, 48, Buckhannon. Grand jury hands down 37 indictments 02/25/2020...read more. ∫ Donald Paul Hull, 36, of French Creek, was indicted on five felony counts of prohibited person in possession of a firearm. Two (2) counts of Entry of Building Other Than a Dwelling (F); Four (4) counts of Grand Larceny (F); Two (2) Counts of Petit Larceny (M); Two (2) counts of Conspiracy (F). ∫ Richard William Ferrant, 34, of Rock Cave, was indicted on one count of felony fleeing in a vehicle with reckless indifference to the safety of others; and one misdemeanor count of fleeing on foot. Timothy Ray Spangler, Jr., 34, Buckhannon. ∫ Wendy Richardson Evans, 53, of Buckhannon, is facing two felony counts of obtaining property in return for worthless check. Two (2) counts of Domestic Violence, 3rd or Subsequent Offense (F); One (1) count of Malicious Assault (F); One (1) count of Attempted Strangulation (F). © 2021 News Media Corporation. Robert Page Dowell, 29, Buckhannon. One (1) count of Burglary (F); One (1) count of Domestic Assault (M); One (1) count of Petit Larceny (M); One (1) count of Destruction of Property (M). ∫ Anthony Scott Gregory, 38, of Adrian, was indicted on two counts of possession of a controlled substance with the intent to deliver, marijuana and methamphetamine. One (1) count of Possession of a Controlled Substance with the Intent to Deliver, Methamphetamine (F); One (1) count of Conspiracy (F). Stimson is charged with kidnapping; use or presentment of a firearm during the commission of a felony; being a prohibited person in possession of a concealed firearm; being a prohibited person in … Craig Stimson. BUCKHANNON — A grand jury sitting in Upshur County returned indictments against 28 people on Monday. John Anthony Lawrence, 32, Rock Cave. James Andrew Peck, 41. Tiara Marie Humphrey, 27, Crawford. ∫ Morganne Bianca Grubb, 22, of Weston, was indicted on three felony counts of fraudulent use of an access device; and three felony counts of conspiracy. ∫ April Mae Kelly, 34, of Buckhannon, was indicted on three felony counts of fraudulent use of an access device. I will stick to the free stuff. Adam Scott Heater, 26, Charleston. Todd Walker Sutton, 39, Buckhannon. Pamela Sue Perrine, 38, Buckhannon. ∫ Brandon Todd Bennett, 27, of Buckhannon, was indicted on four counts of possession with the intent to deliver heroin, buprenorphine, fentanyl and methamphetamine. An indictment is merely an accusation. Two (2) counts of Entry of Building Other Than a Dwelling (F); Four (4) counts of Grand Larceny (F); Two (2) Counts of Petit Larceny (M); Two (2) counts of Conspiracy (F). One (1) count of Strangulation (F); One (1) count of Wanton Endangerment (F). The Upshur County Grand Jury returned 21 cases for indictments with 15 cases remaining sealed. One (1) count Embezzlement (F). One (1) count of Possession of a Controlled Substance with the Intent to Deliver, Methamphetamine (F); One (1) count of Conspiracy (F). Upshur County’s September 20, 2019,sentencing order entered following his pleas of guilty to malicious assault and first-degree robbery. ∫ Skybluewater Keys, 44, of Buckhannon, is facing three felony counts of obtaining possession of a controlled substance by misrepresentation, fraud, forgery, theft, deception or subterfuge; four felony counts of forgery and uttering; two felony counts of false claims; and one felony count of taking the identity of another. Heather Suzanne Lawrence, 48, Rock Cave. One (1) count of Fleeing with Reckless Indifference to the Safety of Others (F); One (1) count of Fleeing From a Law Enforcement Officer by Means Other Than the Use of a Vehicle (M). According to the office of Prosecuting Attorney Bryan Hinkle, true bills were issued for the following individuals: Robin Ann Criss, 45, Weston. Among the people indicted is Craig Stimson, 41, of Buckhannon. Morgan Moore, 31, Buckhannon. Nathan Ray Carroll, 29, Buckhannon. BUCKHANNON, W.Va. – The Upshur County grand jury has released its indictments for the January 2021 term of court. Brandon Cole Cartrette, 24, Buckhannon. Copyright © The Intermountain | https://www.theintermountain.com | 520 Railroad Ave., Elkins, WV 26241 | 304-636-2121 | Ogden Newspapers | The Nutting Company. One (1) count of Fraudulent Schemes (F). One (1) count of Child Neglect Creating a Substantial Risk of Death or Serious Bodily Injury (F). Four (4) counts of Obtaining Money, Property, and Services by False Pretenses (F). One (1) Count of Driving While License Revoked for DUI, 3rd or Subsequent Offense (F); One (1) count False Evidences Forgery etc., of Title and Registration (F). One (1) count of Prohibited Person in Possession of a Concealed Firearm (F); One (1) count of Prohibited Person in Possession of a Firearm (F); One (1) count of Violation of a Protective Order (M). One (1) count of Kidnapping (F); Use or Presentment of a Firearm During the Commission of a Felony (F); Prohibited Person in Possession of a Concealed Firearm (F); Prohibited Person in Possession of a Firearm (F); Fleeing with Reckless Indifference to the Safety of Others (F); Wanton Endangerment Involving a Firearm (F); Brandishing Deadly Weapons (M). Watch more featured videos. By Chris Lawrence May 7, 2018 - 12:28 pm Hardy county indictments 2020 A mess of morel mushrooms is an Appalachian delicacy BELINGTON, W.Va. — Chances are if you’ve ever picked a mess of wild mushrooms, they were morels. Christian Tyler Jarrell, 21, Buckhannon. Hunter Ray Shreve, 24, Buckhannon. Lisa Ann Heaster, 46, Huttonsville. Those indicted are presumed innocent unless convicted. Travis Wayne McQuinn, 38, Buckhannon. Joseph Brian Kelley, 27, Buckhannon. Two (2) counts of Possession of a Controlled Substance with the Intent to Deliver - Methamphetamine and Marihuana (F). ∫ Ashley Marie Johnson, 27, of Buckhannon, is facing one felony count of possession of a controlled substance, fentanyl, with the intent to deliver; and one felony count of conspiracy. Roger Kent Stobart, 43, Jane Lew. BUCKHANNON — A grand jury sitting in Upshur County returned indictments against 28 people on Monday. Share to More. Development learn more COVID-19 learn more Shop, ... 2020 Roadwork Projects (WVDOT) EXPERIENCE. ∫ Tammy Lou Helmick, 33, of Weston, is facing a felony count of third degree sexual assault; and one felony count of use of a minor in filming sexually explicit conduct. One (1) count of Malicious Assault (F). Today's breaking news and more in your inbox. ∫ Anthony Scott Gregory, 38, of Adrian, was indicted on one felony count of delivery of a controlled substance, marijuana; and four counts of possession of a controlled substance with the intent to deliver, methamphetamine and marijuana. AddThis. One(1) count of Fleeing with Reckless Indifference (F); One (1) count of Driving While License Revoked for DUI, 2nd Offense (M). In the January 2021 term of Upshur County Circuit Court, a total of 28 individuals were charged in 31 indictments handed up by an Upshur County grand jury, according to a press release from the Upshur County Prosecuting Attorney Bryan Hinkle’s office. Rowan is accused of having more than 50 grams of methamphetamine in November 2019 in Upshur County. This Court has considered the parties’ briefs and the record on appeal. One (1) count of Possession of a Controlled Substance with the Intent to Deliver, Amphetamine (F); One (1) count of Counterfeiting (F); One (1) count of Fleeing from a Law Enforcement Officer (M); One (1) count of Possession of a Controlled Substance, Methamphetamine (M); One (1) count of Possession of a Controlled Substance, Buprenorphine (M). ∫ Richard Wayne Pumphrey III, 40, of Buckhannon, was indicted on one count of DUI third offense; and one misdemeanor count of driving while license revoked for DUI, first offense. ∫ Colton Lee Chipps, 22, of Walkersville, was indicted on three felony counts of fraudulent use of an access device; and three felony counts of conspiracy. Judge Jacob E. Reger Upshur County Courthouse P.O. Respondent State of West Virginia , by counsel Lara K. Bissett, filed a response. Joseph David Quici, 19, French Creek. Moats is charged with two counts of first-degree sexual abuse and two counts of sexual abuse by a parent, guardian, custodian or person in a position of trust. Nathan Ray Carroll, 29, Buckhannon. One (1) count Entry of a Building Other than a Dwelling (F); One (1) count Petit Larceny (M). ∫ Christopher George Eakins, 71, Buckhannon, if facing two felony counts of failure to provide a change in sex offender registration information, second offense. Indictments include: ∫ David Charles Blagg, 25, of Tallmansville, was indicted on one count of fleeing in a vehicle with reckless indifference to the safety of others; one count of unlawful taking of a vehicle, a misdemeanor; and one […] Thirteen (13) counts of Possession of a Controlled Substance with the Intent to Deliver (F); Three (3) counts of Conspiracy (F); One (1) count of Gross Child Neglect Creating Substantial Risk of Serious Bodily Injury or Death (F); Three (3) counts of Prohibited Persons in Possession of Firearms (M). Cary Lane Bennett, 36, Buckhannon. One (1) count of Domestic Violence, 3rd or Subsequent Offense (F). ∫ Stephanie Dawn Goff, 30, of Roanoke, was indicted on three felony counts of third offense shoplifting and three felony counts of conspiracy. All Rights Reserved, Indifference to the Safety of Others (F); One (1) count of Fleeing From a Law Enforcement, Indifference to the Safety of Others (F);one (1) count of Driving While License Revoked, No, thanks! One (1) count of Child Abuse Resulting in Injury (F); One (1) count of Malicious Assault (F). Box 57 40 West Main Street Buckhannon, WV 26201 304-472-5556 Fax: 304-472-2892. One (1) count of Possession of a Controlled Substance, Methamphetamine, with the Intent to Deliver (F); One (1) count of Gross Child Neglect Creating a Substantial Risk of Death or Serious Bodily Injury (F); One (1) count of Driving Under the Influence of Controlled Substances (M); One (1) count of Driving Under the Influence of Controlled Substances with Unemancipated Minors (M). Charged by the grand jury, according to Hinkle:. ∫ Hannah Jordin McCartney, 31, of Buckhannon, is facing one felony count of possession of a controlled substance, fentanyl, with the intent to deliver; and one felony count of conspiracy. BUCKHANNON — The Grand Jury of Upshur County convened Monday for the September 2020 term of Circuit Court and returned 28 indictments. Carol Lynn Fincham, 47, Mill Creek. Shooting still being investigated 02/24/2020 ... Upshur County man admits to drug charge 08/15/2018...read more. Stephanie Nicole Green, 33, French Creek. The Upshur County Prosecuting Attorney's Office has released the May 2019 Grand Jury indictments. One (1) count of Attempt to Commit Grand Larceny (F). BUCKHANNON, W.Va. (WV News) — Upshur County grand jurors have handed up 31 indictments, according to Prosecutor Bryan Hinkle. Gregg Scott Haymond, 47, Buckhannon. Among the people indicted is Robert Moats, 41, of Buckhannon. Watch our featured video. One (1) count Burglary (F); One (1) count Petit Larceny (M). Two (2) counts of Grand Larceny (F); One (1) count of Damage to Real or Personal Property Used for Producing, Generating, Transmitting, Distributing, Treating, or Collecting Natural Gas (M). ∫ Ronald Eugene Thomas, 29, of Buckhannon, was indicted on one count of felony assault during the commission of a felony; and one felony count of destruction of property. BUCKHANNON, W.Va. – The Upshur County grand jury has released indictments for the June 2020 term of court. ∫ Charles Richard Tenney, 29, of Adrian, was indicted on one felony count of driving while license revoked for DUI, third offense. County Judge Todd Tefteller (903) 680-8113 Commissioner Pct 1 Paula Gentry (903) 680-8155 JP Pct 1 Wyone Manes (903) 680-6269 Constable Pct 1 Gene Dolle From 10/30/2017 thru 04/30/2020, 166,378 sealed indictments set up by the United States Federal District Criminal Courts against global and political elites (160,705 as of 03/31/2020 ie +5,673 in April 2020). Jason Paul Skinner, 40, Crawford. One (1) count of Burglary (F); One (1) count of Violation of a Protective Order (M). Christopher Robert Taylor, 45, Grafton. ∫ James Anderson Roy, 54, of French Creek, is facing one felony count of failure to update sex offender registration information, second offense. 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upshur county wv indictments 2020 2021