The alarms were mainly MP resets and starter comm loss following an MP reset. July2020 HHDDWWAA--PPRRCC000011BB--EENN Product Catalog TraneAgility™™Water-cooledLiquid Chillers 150–450Tons (615–1495kW), 60and50 Hz Model: HDWA PC747 Every time. • Keeps chiller … Lose any phase. Order Equipment, Parts, Literature and track Order Status ... to all or partial loss of phase. Control System for Chillers RTWD/RTUD 060-250 User Guide RLC-SVU05A-E4. - Phase unbalance or reversal. Trane CGAM chillers have three distinct leaving water categories: † standard, with a leaving solution range of 42 to 65°F (5.5 to 18°C) † low temperature process cooling, with leaving solution range of 10 to 65°F (-12 to 18°C) Menomonee Falls, WI 53051, Rep Login | Newsletter Sign Up | Articles | Employment | Privacy Policy | Sitemap Best regards . Three-phase motors and other equipment are commonly used in a variety of industries: Macromatic offers the only phase monitor product of its kind that retains fault indication and continues to monitor all voltages even with a phase loss present. It could also be that there has been a ground fault in the motor and the chiller … Unequaled Reliability - Over/Under voltage. Hi guys, A lil' bit of introduction: I am a fresh-grad project engineer in a small-ish HVAC company and recently, a client of the company called us to troubleshoot a Trane chiller as it is not providing sufficiently cold chilled water. You're welcome, glad I could help. See it. Post photos, respond to polls and access other special features. Its just the pumps and air … Accessories Pumps, Cooling Towers, Evap Condensers, etc, Components Valves, Motors, Condensers, Evaporators, etc, Duct Systems Design, Installation & Practice, Piping Systems Design, Installation & Practice, Control System Design, Installation & Practice, Welcome from the Editor & Electrical Forum Rules, Pro's Forum: National Electrical Code (NEC), Pro's Forum: Calculations & Electrical Theory, Pro's Forum: Electrical Business & Marketing. Alarm Event Class [1–3] Numeric. RTHC chiller pdf manual download. As soon as the phase monitor on the chiller detects a phase loss, it shuts down the chiller AND condensers.. This is also called 'single phasing'. — Do NOT store or use gasoline or other flammable vapors and liquids or combustible materials in the vicinity of this or any other appliance. A phase loss that goes undetected can rapidly result in unsafe conditions, equipment failures, and costly downtime. 2, 3, 4 & 5 Tons Meanwhile, damage and downtime of the equipment continues to rise. Communication diagnostics (continued) Comm Loss: Evaporator Pump 1 Fault Input Continual loss of communication between the MP and Comm Loss: Evaporator Pump 1 Fault Input Chiller Normal Latch the Functional ID has occurred for a 35-40 second Remote period. So those will be ok, no more blown fuses. Therefor I would cycle the power. If a fault occurs, one of over 90 indi-vidual diagnostic and operating codes will displayed directly on the control module. The starter module provides protection of the compressor in the form of running overload, phase reversal, phase loss, phase imbalance, and momentary power loss. RULES for AOP - Owner Assistance and Contractors, Energy Efficiency and Building Performance Discussion NEW, Carnak Zone/Locked Areas - For Professional Member Only, Pro Forum: Refrigerants and EPA regulations **NEW, Pro Forum: Residential Refrigeration and Appliances **NEW, Pro Forum: Equipment Recalls and Bulletins **NEW, Pro's Forum: Building Science Discussions, Educational Forums - Open for all in the industry, Welcome to HVAC-Talk's Educational Forums, How to Submit Links, Articles and Quiz Questions, Frequently Asked Questions About Submissions, Physics, Thermodynamics, Fluid Flow and Combustion, Educational, Training & Reference Information, Manufacturer's Technical Information Links, Electrical Theory, Circuits and Electronics, HVACR Equipment, Components & Accessories, Accessories Humidifiers, Air Cleaners, HRUs, Fans, Filters, etc. GENERAL ... input phase loss condition, the VFD shall be able to be programmed to either ... trip off while displaying an alarm, issue a warning while running at reduced output capacity, or issue a … A three-phase monitor relay, also called a phase failure relay, is an economical investment that is simple to install. A three-phase monitor relay protects against damage caused by phase loss as well as other three-phase fault conditions. I haven't pulled the manual because I wasn't sure what chiller you had but most modern chillers use a flow switch for proof of flow and the chiller's LWT and RWT temperature sensors for a FLOW TOO LOW alarm. Several models are available providing different types of protection and multiple voltage ranges are offered to fit most three phase applications. MOTOR PROBLEMS BEARING FAILURES DUE TO POSSIBLE DRIVE RELATE PROBLEMS BEARING FLUTING CAUSED BY ELECTROSTATIC DISCHARGE . How can I protect my Equipment? TRANE RTHD Chiller "MP: Reset Has Occurred" Alarm on CH530 Controller. View and Download Trane RTHC installation operation & maintenance online. Chillers “CO” and Later Design Sequence Packaged Air-Cooled Chiller, RTAA 130-400 Remote Evaporator Air-Cooled Chiller, RTAA 130-200 Models RTAA-130 RTAA-170 RTAA-240 RTAA-340 RTAA-140 RTAA-185 RTAA-270 RTAA-370 RTAA-155 RTAA-200 RTAA-300 RTAA-400 Part No. Communication card for LON protocol Phase protection device Disable the unit from running in case of wrong electrical phase connection. Participate in over 40 different forums and search/browse from nearly 3 million posts. A phase loss will sometimes call out a phase reversal alarm. These relays notify of fault conditions and provide control contacts to turn off motors or other equipment before damage occurs. If I recall correctly, some early software did have some "unknown diagnostics". I should have the chiller and condensers set now with the phase monitor. Yes... we are 20 years old. I do not currently have access to my literature library to confirm but am sure there was an issue around this vintage with the cracking of the CH530 DynaView battery clip that would cause the MP reset diagnostic. Our 20th year anniversary is May 21, 2020. TechView software is available free of charge from, The ARPA Zone/Open Membership Discussion Forums. Learn more about Macromatic's Three-Phase Monitor Relays to prevent damage to your critical motors and equipment. When one phase of a three-phase system is lost, a phase loss occurs. I have seen some diagnostics, for whatever reason, that you couldn't clear with the display. The chiller controls should prevent the machine from running in such case. Also for: R series. Often measurements yield confusing values that require a great deal of complex analysis to correctly interpret. «Adaptive Control™», features summary • Ensures safe operation of the chiller. Under phase loss conditions motors, pumps, blowers, and other equipment draw excessive current on the remaining two phases which quickly overheats the motor windings. It can control the operation of the complete installation: chillers, pumps, cooling towers, isolating valves, air handlers and terminal units.Trane can undertake full responsibility for an optimized automation and energy management • Keeps chiller … Further, the relay provides clear indication of the fault present allowing for rapid troubleshooting and reduced downtime. During the troubleshooting, the service crew noticed that the alarm history is full of the alarm "MP: Reset Has Occurred". Maybe as chillrdude stated the chargeman is cycling power to reset it when it trips. An index into the event action table. Split System. Trane Chillers Air-Cooled Chillers. 2 Features and Benefits Designed to Perform, Built to Last RTAA 300 series chiller. Is this chiller on BacNet communication? Check the resistance of current transformer (CT) … Three-phase monitor relays can be designed into new installations or easily retrofitted into existing installations. Power Supply Module The #1 question asked by NEW MEMBERS. Refer to the Wire Reference page 13 for better understanding of wire labels from different HVAC system makers. Alarm Output. X39560468-01 Quickly troubleshooting a phase loss and determining the root cause is often difficult. Trane Tracer Summit TM building automation systems include pre-engineered and ß exible control for chiller plants. So i guess the question is what could be wrong with the compressor motor that would cause Trane logic to see a phase reversal. The DynaView needs to be removed and the back cover unscrewed/removed to access for inspection of the battery clip. NOTICE… if this unit is replacing a purge unit on a YORK chiller with either a “Micro-Panel” or “Optiview” control panel, you MUST wire the chiller “Run Signal” according to the Electrical Schematic Figure 5A on page 30. Typically, a phase loss is caused by a blown fuse, thermal overload, broken wire, worn contact or mechanical failure. I experienced some issues on a specific version of software running on Trane centrifugal machines that were communicating via BacNet. The event action table contains both a set of instructions for alarm routing and a stretchy list of referencer objects (the potential receivers). Upon detection of refrigerant vapor accumulating in the loss detector, thereby displacing refrigerant liquid therefrom, the orientation of a float element containing a mercury switch is affected. Trane TR150 Variable Frequency Drive Guide Specification Section 15172 I. Page 62 Installation – Electrical Table 21 - Alarm and Status Relay Output Confi guration Table Diagnostics Alarm - Latching This output is true whenever there is any active diagnostic that requires a manual reset to clear, that affects either the Chiller, the Circuit, or any of the Compressors on a circuit. -Phase loss/Power loss.-Phase unbalance or reversal.-Over/Under voltage.-Welded contactors. General information ... are given as a guide to good practice in the installation, start-up, operation, and maintenance by the user, of Trane CH530 chiller control system on chillers. Probably nothing would be wrong with the compressor as the problem is more than likely somewhere else. The devices provide protection against phase loss, phase reversal, and phase unbalance due to blown fuses, broken wires or worn contacts. mounted on Trane RTAD chillers. We have 1 Trane RTWD manual available for free PDF download: Installation Operation & Maintenance Trane RTWD Installation Operation & Maintenance (96 pages) Series R Helical Rotary Water-Cooled Liquid and Compressor Chillers Tuesday: September 17, 2019 : Three-Phase Monitor Relays. Read this manual thoroughly before unit start-up. Series R Air-Cooled Helical Rotary Liquid Chillers – RTAC Plus 140 – 350 Ton […] If a fault occurs, one of over 90 individual dia-gnostic and operating codes will displayed direct-ly on the control module. Hello guys . Ask Our Pros-Owner Assistance - NO DIY advice will be given. I can't remember what it called them though. Anything below this for 2 minutes will trigger alarm and shut chiller off. The services of a qualified technician should be employed through the medium of a maintenance contract with a reputable service company. Chilled water inlet and outlet openings are covered for shipment. … They monitor simultaneous voltage drops/increases and help to prevent damaged machinery and the injury of personnel. Typically, a phase loss is caused by a blown fuse, thermal overload, broken wire, worn contact or mechanical failure. Alarm and Status Relay Outputs (Programmable Relays) 48 Relay Assignments Using TechView 49 Low Voltage Wiring 49 Emergency Stop 49 External Auto/Stop 49 External Circuit Lockout 50 Ice-Building Option 50 Optional External Chilled-Water Set Point (ECWS) 51 Optional Current Limit Setpoint 51 Optional Tracer Comm 3 Interface 53 The heat from return chilled water and from the pump heat loss will try to maintain the ... • Free cooling is active : Chiller water flow is present & there is a call for cooling. - Phase loss/Power loss. Since your approach is good chances are the refrigerant level is proper so that's good. IMPORTANT: C wire or 24VAC power is required for the LS-90 to operate. A phase loss that goes undetected can rapidly result in unsafe conditions, equipment failures, and costly downtime. Gain access to our free AOP (Ask a Professional) Section to get real answers for your questions. Knowledgebase General | Alternating Relays | Current Sensing Relays | Intrinsically Safe Barrier Relays | Liquid Level Control Relays | Seal Leak Relays | Three-Phase Monitor Relays | Time Delay Relays | Voltage Monitor Relays. They do not contain full service procedures necessary for the continued successful operation of this equipment. Product Data. When one phase of a three-phase system is lost, a phase loss occurs. ©2021 Macromatic Industrial Controls, Inc. W134N5345 Campbell Drive The key to happiness is lower expectations. 4TTX6024, 036, 048 & 060E. 175-450 ton units (60 Hz); 125-450 ton units (50 Hz). In fact the recomendation is to upgrade to the most current MP software version for all chillers under contract. Each compressor has a separate compressor motor starter. running, and stopping the chiller. Other than that if power is not being cycled would recommend the software be upgraded. Cooling. I have a problem with above Trane chiller and i need some wiring documentation . A refrigerant loss detector and alarm, the detector device suitable for installation in the piping of a refrigeration system which utilizes a liquid/vapor phase change substance as the refrigerant. The starter module provides protection of the compressor in the form of running overload, phase reversal, phase loss, phase imbalance, and momentary power loss. This can potentially leave the equipment in a 'locked rotor' state which will overheat and damage the equipment even more rapidly. • Alarm - Latching (standard) • Alarm Auto reset • Alarm • Warning • Unit Limit Mode (standard) • Compressor Running (standard) • Maximum Capacity reached (standard) • Circuit fault. Recent Articles for:Three-Phase Monitor Relays. Eaton’s D65 phase monitoring relays protect loads from voltage fault conditions. The extensive Trane chiller product line was developed based on decades of knowledge and industry leadership, and includes centrifugal, helical-rotary and scroll compressor chillers, ranging in capacities from 20 to 4,000+ tons. If you do not have a C wire you can run a new wire from the HVAC to the LS-90 or provide 24VAC power to operate the LS-90 using a standard 24VAC wall transformer. If the information in this manual is not followed exactly, a fire or explosion may result causing property damage, personal injury or loss of life. XL16i. Binary. Components Coils, Heaters, Motors, etc. This is also called 'single phasing'. Most chillers have a three phase supply, but it could be that one of the phases has been lost, broken or disconnected. What is Phase Loss? - Welded contactors. Power output is greatly reduced and starting is not possible in this condition. The RTAC series features Trane’s exclusive Adaptive Control ™ logic, which monitors the control variables that govern the operation of the chiller unit. provides a 120 signal whenever the chiller is running. INITIAL START-UP… 1. «Adaptive Control™», features summary • Ensures safe operation of the chiller. Trane’s air-cooled Rotary chiller 300 series. Some Trane chillers do not have oil pumps and are driven by a pressure difference between the evap and cond of 280Pa. Trane 125 through 400-ton air-cooled Rotary chillers are leading the marketplace into the 21st century with innovative design features that provide benefits no other chiller can match. Starter types include Across the Line (RTAC), Y-Delta and Solid State (RTHD). I have a Phase loss alarm on second compressor and i don`t know who is generating the alarm . Voltages and currents in a three-phase system do not typically just drop to zero when a phase is lost. Page 149 Diagnostics Table 80. 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trane chiller phase loss alarm 2021