Technical training will prepare you to work in Namibia by building on the skills you already have and helping you develop new skills in a manner appropriate to the needs of the country. 8 of 2004. On 1 st Apr il 201 4, t he Mi ni str y of Ed uca tio n i mpo sed a l ev y o n em plo ye rs. listeners: [], The HTC was established in 1994 when an agreement between the Polytechnic of Namibia and NATH was entered into. Welcome to the Website of I-Care Health Training Institute, Windhoek, Namibia. Please feel free to contact our offices for more details. We are accredited by NEBOSH to conduct their industrial safety and health training classes in Namibia. The British formulated the force integration plan and began training the NDF, which consists of five battalions and a small headquarters element. We are accredited by NEBOSH to conduct their industrial safety and health training classes in Namibia. Project Management Training and Certifications Courses in Namibia. window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { Touted to be one of the best courses in the world on work place safety and health management, NEBOSH, a UK-based board, offers certificates through Green World Group to students, which is highly recognised and can give placements in any kind of work culture and … The Institute was established in the year 2017, with the guidance of the Namibian Nursing Act no. Training, Awareness and Education • Plan and co-ordinate the safety training program to ensure effective safety training for all B2Gold Namibia operations • Identify and analyse HSE training needs across the business unit • Source, compile and update training matrices and materials and ensure commitment and adherence from all stakeholders Click on our representative below to chat on WhatsApp! PMI®, PMP®, CAPM®, PMI-ACP®, PMBOK® and the PMI Registered Education Provider logo are registered marks of the Project Management Institute. Welcome to BETC. 5 Storch Street, Windhoek Namibia. Green Forest Investments is a non partisan independent development management training institute that offers short courses training Namibia. ACC-01-02 General Accounting - Level 2. Artisans Training Centre, Windhoek. For detailed enquiries please fill in our Advanced Enquiries form on the main Enquiries page.. Since then, more than 160 centres have opened across Canada as well as in... Computer Training. The website uses cookies to improve your experience. The training offer includes a variety of courses of relevance to the industry. Namibia Cabin Crew Training Active Aviation Training delivers training to cabin crew and flight attendants working with airlines in Namibia. Please click here to view more about our short courses. NEBOSH. } Active Aviation Training has extensive experience in delivering airline training in different countries, and we prepare all training materials to ensure that we can deliver cabin crew, pilot and instructor courses to the operational requirements of airlines and the aviation authority in Namibia. Accounting Training Courses - Namibia; CMP-01 General and Analytical Accounting Operations; ACC-01-01 General Accounting - Level 1; ACC-01-02 General Accounting - Level 2; ACC-01-03 General Accounting - Level 3; ACC-01-04 Mass Salary Control and Prediction ; ACC-01-05 Establishing the Balance Sheet and Tax Bundle; ACC-01-06 Implementation of an Analytical Approach with the ABC Method I-Care Health Training Institute Namibia Faculty Handbooks contain detailed information about each I-Care Health Training Institute Namibia faculty and course. For information regarding COVID-19 in South Africa, please visit AutoCAD Training program is designed for delegates to gain knowledge on how to use this software for CAD. Wolwedans Foundation Trust . Through on-going partnerships with all role players in the Tourism and Hospitality field of Namibia (the private sector as well as relevant ministries of the government), NATH shown success in facilitating and coordinating tourism related training needs in Namibia. Power Quality Training in Windhoek, Namibia Prof Johan Rens (from North West University Potchefstroom & CT Lab) and Charl Marais (CT Lab) presented a Power Quality course in Windhoek from 29 – 31 October 2013. Gain an Edge with Invensis Learning. I was supported by Andrew Njawala (my support person), Fatma from KAIH and Kimber from Inclusion International. All the programs take cognizance of the dynamic nature of different fields and hence the need to come up with contemporary solutions to problems using current participatory methodologies. ACC-01-01 General Accounting - Level 1. I-Care Health Training Institute Namibia Faculty Handbooks contain detailed information about each I-Care Health Training Institute Namibia faculty and course. Active Aviation Training delivers training to cabin crew and flight attendants working with airlines in Namibia. The Health Training Institutions In Namibia offers a full range of Programs. We are a PMI REP to provide PMI courses worldwide. Gain a strong grasp of the basic commands using AutoCAD. NEBOSH. The self-advocates were happy to be part of the training. Home Courses AutoCAD Training. REASONS TO CHOOSE. Days of training may vary to the above depending on what courses we will be doing. All rights reserved, DevOps Foundation® is registerd mark of the DevOps institute, COBIT® is a trademark of ISACA® registered in the United States and other countries, CSM, A-CSM, CSPO, A-CSPO, and CAL are registered trademarks of Scrum Alliance, Invensis Learning is an Accredited Training Provider of EXIN for all their certification courses and exams. { Forex in Namibia is not developed, and the circle of specialists in this field is very narrow (universities do not train relevant personnel). List of best Education & Training in Namibia of 2020. Filter Services by Type or Region List of Vocational Training Centers and Schools in Namibia. the Presidential Commission on Education, Culture and Training of 1999 (Republic of Namibia, 1999) and the Education and Training Sector Improvement Programme (ETSIP) of 2005 (Republic of Namibia, 2005) A key challenge that continues to confront the Namibian education and training system is the Our range of SAP courses covers major SAP products including Information Steward, Financial Accounting and HANA. ABOUT 20 young people in Namibia's informal sector are currently receiving training to ensure they are well equipped to start and maintain a business. ); })(); We are a 100% South African and Namibian registered company that was formed in 2013 to provide the following services; information technology services, accounting & bookkeeping services, corporate training services. DAPP (Development Aid from People to People ) Vocational Training School Application ** Eenhana Vocational Training Centre, Engela, Ohangwena Region Application Nakayale Vocational Training Centre, Outapi, Omusati Region Application Okakarara Vocational Training Centre, Okakarara, Otjozondjupa Region. Find Education & Training in Namibia and get directions and maps for local businesses in Africa. A leading player in the training and certifications space, Invensis Learning has transformed the lives of thousands of IT and business professionals, by helping them upgrade their skills. It is a Namibia Civil Aviation Authority (NCAA) and South African Civil … AutoCAD Training - Namibia. Namibian Academy for Tourism and Hospitality Tourism is increasingly becoming one of the most important industries in Namibia. Charles Kakuru Nkurenkuru Town Council. } SAP makes enterprise-level software solutions for resource planning, finance and business intelligence. National Youth Service Namibia Courses Phase 1: Civic Training This phase of training is offered for a minimum period of three months and is aimed at: Uplif 2021-2022 Admissions, Jobs and Recruitment in Namibia Skip to content NatureCampus’s accreditation with the Namibian Authorities is currently in collaboration with Training institutions, such as NATH (Namibian Academy for Tourism and Hospitality) in Namibia and The Nature College in South Africa. Information Technology Skills and the Application of Computers are mainstreamed in almost all our programs. Call, email, SMS, get directions or visit their website. Your Knowledge Partner for Professional Growth. ... We found 1 Health Safety Training in Windhoek Namibia . ACC-01-04 Mass Salary Control and Prediction. We offer professional Short Courses Training in Namibia and South Africa. The Namibia Qualifications Authority (NQA) is established by an Act of Parliament, Act 29 of 1996 and is set-up to administer a National Qualifications Framework, accredit persons, institutions and organisations providing education and courses of instruction or training and inquire into whether any particular qualification meets the national standards, amongst other objects. CMP-01 General and Analytical Accounting Operations. YOU WILL BE ABLE TO VIEW ALL THE COURSES IN THAT CATEGORY. View Business Listing REASONS TO CHOOSE. Health Training Institutions In Namibia’s programs have been carefully designed to ensure that each student is well prepared for the work environment of the 21st century.. Develop your … Telecommunication Markets and Data Management; Accounting Skills for the New Supervisor; Advanced Accounting and Auditing for Public Sector Organizations; Auditing of Computerized Accounting Systems; Budgetary control in project control management; Computer Applications in Accounting Auditing and. The only accredited driver and operators Training Academy in Namibia, we are dedicated to providing the highest standard of driver training possible. callback: cb Find training courses within Namibia in the list below. At least 16 years old, Medically fit Windhoek Flight Training Center is located in Windhoek, Namibia. The term Project Management includes initiating, planning, executing, controlling, and closing the project to achieve specific goals and meet specific success criteria at a specified time. Find a list of Health Safety Training in Windhoek instantly on Our cabin crew training is adapted to suit the needs of each airline operator and the requirements for their corresponding Authority. National Youth Service (NYS) Namibian Academy for Tourism and Hospitality ( NATH ) Subscribe to our newsletter and be the first to know about great deals and competitions! AutoCAD Training - Namibia. SWAMERA TRAINING Phone and Map of Address: 8521 Abraham mashego st,katutura, Namibia, Business Reviews, Consumer Complaints and Ratings for Training in Namibia. Gain a strong grasp of the basic commands using AutoCAD. The Namibia Training Authority was established by the Vocational Education and Training Act (Act 1 of 2008) to regulate and fund the provision of Vocational Education and Training (VET) in Namibia by ensuring that VET programmes and services meet current and future business and industry needs. 2021-01-13 IMF approves N$7,5 billion for Angola This year, the training … Programmes offered are based on the demands & priorities of the health system and demographics of the cosmopolitan society in Namibia. NAMIBIA EMPOWER US TRAINING. The United Nations Transitional Assistance Group (UNTAG)'s Kenyan infantry battalion remained in Namibia for three months after independence to assist in training the NDF and stabilize the north. To name a few of the courses offered: scaffolding; health and safety; first aid as well as working at heights. Becoming an emergency medical technician (EMT) or paramedic can take anywhere from one to three years, depending on a student’s choice of career and educational path. Therefore, traders have to learn from their own experience and at such training … It's never too late to learn new skills, and Namibia is well-equipped to make it happen. Register for any course and get. The majority of courses are one day to two day courses. Vocational Training in Agriculture was previously non-existent in Namibia, and this has contributed to lack of semiskilled workforce in the sector. Academy of Learning was founded in 1985 as an organisation of colleges specialising in computer and business skills training. SAP Training - Namibia. If you do not find the course that you are looking for, simply contact us via Email, Telephone, WhatsApp or Online chat messenger. Find Education & Training in Namibia and get directions and maps for local businesses in Africa. Cell: +264818421284 | Email: [email protected], Professional Short Courses Training in Namibia & South Africa, Computing and Information Technology Management (CITM), Economic Management and Development Policy (EMDP), Energy and Sustainable Development (EASD), Human Resources and Organisational Development (HROD), Health, Safety and Environmental Management (HSEM), Land, Agriculture and Food Security (LAFS), Logistics, Purchasing and Supply Chain Management (LPSM), Microfinance, Banking and Enterprise Development (MBED), Secretarial and Office Administration (SAOM). We had 6 self advocates from Namibia and one from Lesotho. We started operating in 2010 and have since devoted our efforts in obtaining the relevant accreditations for the Academy and all our trainers. Namibia Education and Training companies / service providers. Green Forest Investments is a non partisan independent development management training institute that offers short courses training Namibia. Whether you need training in a specific area of business or just want to brush up on your corporate etiquette, we provide the widest and most in-depth selection of corporate training courses in Namibia, with a massive choice of 85 courses to suit any of your company’s growth needs. Results for health and safety training from AAA-Training-, CSEM, CIEH and other leading brands. Accounting Training Courses - Namibia. Our cabin crew training is adapted to suit the needs of each airline operator and the requirements for their corresponding Authority. It's never too late to learn new skills, and Namibia is well-equipped to make it happen. View Business Listing Green Forest was founded on the need to continuously capacitate and enhance the skills of staff and decision makers … We had training in Namibia on 8 to 10 June. (function() { Compare and contact a supplier serving Namibia To make your search for training courses in Namibia more specific, sort by location, price, length, and upcoming start dates. Training Courses in Windhoek, Namibia Geographically positioned as the largest city of the Namibian Republic, Windhoek is distinguished as the economic, cultural and political core of the country. Private Bag 13388 Windhoek, Namibia 13 Jackson Kaujeua Street, Windhoek, Namibia Student Registration Enquiries : +264-61-207-2056 Centre for Open and Lifelong … Phase 3: Trade Test Preparation / Trade Test over 7 weeks in TTC Grootfontein Training & Development With currently up to 300 members, the CIF offers an annual training programme allowing members and non-members to appropriately manage their resources and training budgets far in advance. EMT training focuses on life support techniques in first-response situations, including CPR, tourniquet application, and treatment of wounds. It is one of the successfully rationalized and promising healthcare training institutes in Namibia. The I-Care Health Training Institute Namibia Online Prospectus will show you all our … Vtech Training Academy - Computer training, IT Training Company Namibia, Excel Training in Namibia, Microsoft Training in Namibia,Excel Training in Windhoek, Microsoft Training in Windhoek,Certification courses,capacity building, training and workshops Namibia,Soft Skills Training, Namibia leading training provider,Short courses. The Peace Corps staff, Namibia experts, and current Volunteers will conduct the training program. 0 Achieve Professional Excellence With 360+ Globally-acclaimed Training & Certification Courses We will be glad to offer the course of your choice. Contact Now! on: function(evt, cb) { Our Training Partners deploy these Training Courses Information Technology (IT) Training Courses - Namibia IT-01 Salesforce Administration Essentials: New Directors The right contacts to reach when it comes to Education and Training solutions. 7 kasch street windhoek namibia. Macroeconomic policy formulation, analysis and management; Macroeconomics for Public Sector Managers; Management of Rural Development Programmes; Market Analysis and Economic Policy Management; Monetary and Fiscal Policies Management for Legislators; Participatory management of rural development Programmes; Planning and Management of Social Services and Infrastructure; Policy Analysis for Parliamentarians and Policy Makers; Policy Formulation Implementation and Evaluation; Policy implementation and Stakeholder Involvement; Poverty Reduction Strategies Monitoring and Evaluation Systems; Public Financial Management for Effective Aid Management for Policymakers and Parliamentarians; Public Sector Management Strategies and Policies; Quantitative techniques for macroeconomic analysis and management; Research Methodology and Analysis for Government Officers; Research Methods, Survey Methodology and Data Management; Resource Mobilization for Rural Development; Restructuring and Privatization of Public Enterprises; Sectoral policy design, analysis and management; Social Policy Development and Empowerment; SPSS for Researchers and Policy Analysts; Statistical Analysis for Planners, Budget Officers and Economists; Statistical Methods and Computer Applications for Policy Analysts; Statistical Methods for Poverty Profiling and Analysis; Survey Methodology and Statistics for Enumerators; Sustainable Mining Laws and Policy Implementation; Sustainable Tourism Development and Management; Tax Management and Income Generation Strategies. I-CARE HEALTH NAMIBIA. School of Agriculture and Environment Diploma in Agriculture Level 2 course-content-2600#a22626 OverviewCourse DetailsModulesHow To ApplyEntry RequirementsCourse Materials Overview This course will give you a solid foundation for your future career development, introducing you to a range of skills required to work in a number of agriculture and countryside-related industries. The training offer includes a variety of … Paramedics deliver more advanced procedures and therefore require more extensive education and training. Touted to be one of the best courses in the world on work place safety and health management, NEBOSH, a UK-based board, offers certificates through Green World Group to students, which is highly recognised and can give placements in any kind of work culture and … Whether you need training in a specific area of business or just want to brush up on your corporate etiquette, we provide the widest and most in-depth selection of corporate training courses in Namibia, with a massive choice of 85 courses to suit any of your company’s growth needs. Inc. ITIL® is a registered trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited, PRINCE2® is a registered trademark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited, PRINCE2 Agile® is a registered trademark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited, AgileSHIFT® is a registered trademark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited, The Swirl logoTM is a trade mark of AXELOS Limited, used under permission of AXELOS Limited. Basic commands using AutoCAD pmi®, PMP®, CAPM®, PMI-ACP®, training in namibia and the PMI Registered Education Provider are. 2017, with the support of the Namibia Training Authority ( NTA.! Training institutes in Namibia Request information '' form with your details industries in Namibia of 2020 our programs Provider are. Inclusion International more details relevance to the changing industry landscape, invensis Learning now. 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