Appears as a black, slimy mass covered in eyes and mouths, much like a. Its true form is unknown, but usually manifests either as a polypous, ravenous floating mass endowed with tentacles, drills and suckers or, more frequently, as the. Appears as a giant three-eyed slug with metallic spines, and tiny, pyramid-like feet underneath. The Great Old Ones. A twisting, ropy-tentacled mass with a single alien face somewhere in the center of the slimy squirming mass. Harpies | P. Lovecraft, "The Horror in the Museum" (emphasis added). Stolas | Wa Nyudo | Headless Horseman | The names Nug and Yeb are similar to the names of the Egyptian sibling gods Nut and Geb, members of the Heliopolitan Ennead. Erymanthian Boar | Ame-onna | The consort of Othuyeg, likely similar to her bridegroom. Yeti | She was the former mate of. Appears as a gigantic, multicolored toad with one eye, a proboscis, crab-like claws, and tentacles below the mouth. AbholosAlalaAmmutsebaAmon-GorlothAphoom-ZhahApocolothothArwassaAtlach-NachaAyi'igAylithBaoht Z'uqqa-moggBasatanB'gnu-ThunBokrugBugg-ShashByatisChaugnar FaugnCoatlicueCoinchennCrom CruachCthaatCthaeghyaCthughaCthulhuCthyllaCtogghaCyaeghaCynothoglysFather DagonDhuminThe Dweller in the GulfDygraDythallaDzéwàEihortEi'lorEtepsed EgnisGhadamonGhatanothoaGhisguthGi-HovegGlaakiGleethGloonGobogegGod of the Red FluxGog-HoorGol-GorothGolothessThe Green GodGroth-GolkaGtuhanaiGurathnakaGur'la-yaGzxtyosHanHastalykHasturH'chtelegothHnarquMother HydraHziulquoigmnzhahIdh-yaaInpescaIodIstashaIthaquaJanai'ngoJuk-ShabbKaalutKag'NaruKassogthaKaunuzothKhal'kruKlosmiebhyxK'nar'stKrangKurpanngaLamLythaliaMappo no RyujinM'basui GwanduMharM'nagalahMnomquahMordiggianMormoMortllghMynoghraNctosaNctolhuNgirrth'luNorthotNssu-GhahnbNugNyaghogguaNycramaNyogthaOb'mbuOornOthuumOthuyegPharolPoseidonPsuchawrlPtar-AxtlanQuachil UttausQuyagenQ'yth-azRaandaii-B'nkRagnallaRaphanasuanRhan-TegothRhogogRh'ThullaRlim ShaikorthRokonRuhtra DyollSaa'itiiScathachSebekSedmelluqSfatlicllpShaklatalShathakShaurash-HoSheb-TethShlithnethSho-GathShterotShudde M'ellShuy-NihlSthaneeS'tya-Yg'NalleSummanusSwarogThanaroaTharapithiaThogTh'ryghTsathogguaTulushugguaTuruaUitzilcapac'Umr at-TawilUt'Ulls-Hr'HerVhuzomphaViburVile-OctVolgna-GathVoltiyigVthyarilopsVulthoomThe Worm that Gnaws in the NightXalafuX'Chll'at-aaXctholXinlurgashXirdnethXotliXoxiigghuaYamathYebYegg-HaY'GolonacYhagniYhashturYigY'lla'YmnarYog-SaphaYorithYsbaddadenYthogthaYug-SiturathZathogZhar and LloigorZindarakZoth-OmmogZstylzhemghiZushakonZ'togguaZvilpogghua Louhi | Each year thereafter, strange ripples disturbed the otherwise placid lake. best. Yallery Brown | A shadowy non-corporeal entity dwelling in Dreamlands. The Great Old Ones. Mammon | If you are 18 years or older or are comfortable with graphic material, you are free to view this page. She has been, A formless expansive bluish-black mass, haunting Ecuadorian and Peruvian coasts, mentioned in Cthäat Aquadingen as inimical to the. Count Dracula, Common Legends Baron Samedi | Abere | Clown Doll | Morgan le Fay | Aside from some niggling production qualms and a slightly disappointing bonus track 2 , Cosmicism is the fullest realization of The Great Old Ones ’ … Jezebel | Black Shuck | The Great Old Ones (often simply referred to as the Old Ones)are a group of unfathomably ancient and incredibly powerful alien beings who ruled over Earth long before man or any other species lay claim to it. Read The Great Old Ones and see why Lovecraft's writings have influenced almost every writer of horror, fantasy, and science fiction in the second half of the twentieth century. In 2004, Chaosium released an expanded bestiary to the Mythos which included the entity of Gloon, attributing some non-canonical eldritch and limacine attributes to the entity, a counterpoint to its outwardly pleasing and homoerotic aesthetic. Cthulhu Mythos Villains | Supporter Attribution. [2] Mormo appears in many forms, but three are most common: as a mocking vampiric maiden, as a tentacle-haired. On the one-thousandth anniversary of Ib's destruction, Bokrug rose up and destroyed Sarnath (so utterly that not even ruins remained). She is Cthulhu's sister and mate, who bore him two twin daughters (Nctosa and Nctolhu), A squat, sea cucumber-like monstrosity with five eyes, three-toed, taloned appendages and large mouth. Chaugnar Faugn (or Chaugnar Faughn) appears as a horribly grotesque idol, made of an unknown element, combining the worst aspects of octopus, elephant, and human being. Gods & Goddesses: Ares | Black Cats | These entities from the Far Realm are beings of power and madness that can grant a warlock many powers if they become his or her patron.