with the same moles, the same scars, and the same voice. The Double is the first of many works by Dostoyevsky to reveal his fascination with psychological doubles. Translated by Margaret Jull Costa. José Saramago is one of the most important international writers of the last hundred years. Welcome back. If only History professor Tertuliano Máximo Afonso returned the video tape to the shop and forgot all about what he witnessed on screen. Gothic novel | Definition, Elements, Authors, Examples, Meaning, & Facts | Britannica 324 pp. To see what your friends thought of this book. No thanks. “Chaos is merely order waiting to be deciphered.”, “Reading is probably another way of being in a place.”. This book was a little difficult to read as Saramago proved himself to be the master of. It was subsequently revised and republished by Dostoevsky in 1866. With Marine Vacth, Jérémie Renier, Jacqueline Bisset, Myriam Boyer. No thanks. The double : a novel. by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt. Javascript kapalı iken siteyi verimli kullanmanız mümkün değildir. "The Double , this narrator is never a purely objective, detached observer; he blends with the character's consciousness in a manner anticipating later developments of the stream-of-consciousness technique.". Kişisel Verilere İlişkin Aydınlatma Metni. If only History professor Tertuliano Máximo Afonso returned the video tape to the shop and forgot all about what he witnessed on screen. Lucas is the male protagonist.” Nothing goes according to plan or according to her mission since the first day she is sent down to possess this body. Simply brilliant! He sees his double in a movie. “Can I do this? I should preface this review with a disclaimer that I both love Jose Saramago and magical realism. And Saramago theorizes it really well as he goes along too, alternately comparing the "moves" of the narrative to the "moves" of a chess game, or to literally physical movements: car crashes and bodily destruction. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published $25. A few months later she moves in with him, but soon discovers that her lover is concealing a part of his identity. It looks like it's only 30 chapters but each chapter is actually quite meaty (in terms of length of each chapter, hehe & also in terms of some actual nice man meat). An ordinary guy (a history professor in our case) goes about his mundane life day in day out without so much as a single moment of excitement... and bam! In Chris Bohjalian's astonishing novel, nothing is what it at first seems. with the same moles, the same scars, and the same voice. Wisdom lurks in this novel. He is divorced, involved in a rather one-sided relationship with a bank clerk, and he is depressed. This book is great: Saramago takes an incredibly simple and very well established literary theme and works it out at the level of narrative in a nearly mathematical way. The Double (Portuguese: O Homem Duplicado) is a 2002 novel by Portuguese author José Saramago, who won the Nobel Prize in Literature. Author: Jing Zuo Jiu Wan Nian. I was sucked in by the story and found the idea of two random, identical people in the world pretty interesting. Tarayıcınızın javascripti kapalıdır! Could we change places with our double without those closest to us noticing? At the end of the novel, Dorian dies when he destroys his picture with a knife. I will loudly and proudly shout to the line behind me at the book store that I cannot wait to read about a magical mountain range. [George P Pelecanos] -- "Every man has his dark side ... Spero Lucas confronts his own in the most explosive thriller yet from one of America's best-loved crime writers. Loosely inspired by Fyodor Dostoevsky’s 1846 novella about a shy clerk and his manipulative double, the new film is part absurdist comedy … The double motif, which has fascinated authors as diverse as Poe, Dostoyevski and Nabokov, is revived in this surprisingly listless novel by Portuguese master Saramago. Do not judge my nerdiness. I don’t know what I would do in Tertuliano’s situation. THE DOUBLE By José Saramago. And when the manager tells me I cannot come back, well then I'll probably just go to my car, because what a jerk. We’d love your help. I love open endings. It is certain to become a 21st-century classic. Saramago tells the story of the History professor Tertuliano Máximo Afonso who one day, while viewing a banal video a colleague has recommended, discovers that one of the minor actors in it is his identical. Not the savage assault she suffers toward the end of one of her rides. How can one not be thrilled by a premise like this? The New York Times wrote: “It’s tempting to think of [The Double] as his masterpiece.” The novel is great not because of the events in … Tertuliano Máximo Afo Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. I haven't picked a Saramago book in such a long time because I was afraid of not liking it but honestly, I should have known that Saramago never disappoints me. Saramago also doesn’t use quotation marks to denote when people are speaking, and he doesn’t break up conversations aside from inserting commas in between each person’s statements. Fictional double agents don’t seem to fare as well. It's very good. The last 100 pages or so were the payoff... the story was weaved together much tighter, more focused, and flowed a bit quicker. This book was a little difficult to read as Saramago proved himself to be the master of long sentences with The Double. Even somebody bearing a strong resemblance to one's self is weird enough, but an actual replica? Tertuliano becomes obsessed with the idea of meeting the person he takes to be his double and, after viewing dozens of other films, manages to discover the actor's name, Antonio Claro, and track him down. "The Double , this narrator is never a purely objective, detached observer; he blends with the character's consciousness in a manner anticipating later developments of the stream-of-consciousness technique." Saramago was a unique literary magician, and this is one of his most hauntingly memorable books. Read Infinite Double Cultivation System novel full story online . And when the manager has to come over and escort me to the door with my purchases, I'll shout even louder about how much I admire the tale of an old village woman who lived to be 250. Well, the common sense (that has conversations with Maximo throughout the book) has substantiated doubts...It's just that humans are not always prone to listening to common sense. The Double is co-written by Ayoade and Avi Korine, brother of Harmony Korine, who has a producer credit. It will take me some time to digest this book. In Portuguese, the title is literally "The Duplicated Man." And Saramago theorizes it really well as he goes along too, alternately comparing the "moves" of the narrative to the "moves" of a chess game, or to literally physical movements: car crashes and bodily destruction. Saramago died in June 2010. Directed by François Ozon. Even somebody bearing a strong resemblance to one's self is weird enough, but an actual replica? The San Francisco Chronicle called it the best book of 2004, the year it was translated into English. “Our impression is of a writer, like Faulkner, so confident of his resources and ultimate destination that he can bring any impossibility to life by hurling words at it.” —John Updike, The New Yorker (from the back cover of a Harvest/Harourt 2005 English translation), I figured out the inevitable ending of this book about halfway through it, but getting to the end was certainly not tedious . "The man who has just come into the shop to rent a video bears on his identity card a most unusual name, a name with a classical flavor that time has staled, neither more nor less than Tertuliano Maximo Afonso. If you’re one of those readers who give low ratings to books only because you didn’t like the characters’ personality traits and/or behaviour then don’t even get close to this one. Even better the second time around. The Double is a novella written by the Russian writer Fyodor Dostoevsky. My 2nd book by the 1998 Nobel Prize for Literature awardee, Jose de Sousa Saramago. And still, who wouldn't lose the mind when knowing we are not unique, that our existence might be a mistake? ¡Damn! But Grace wants more. The Maximo and the Afonso, which are in more common usage, he can just about tolerate, depending, of course, on the mood he's in, but the Tertuliano weighs on him like a gravestone and has done, ever since he first realized that the wretched name lent itself to being spoken in an ironic, "The man who has just come into the shop to rent a video bears on his identity card a most unusual name, a name with a classical flavor that time has staled, neither more nor less than Tertuliano Maximo Afonso. So I started out writing my thoughts about whether or not James was real, as well as an idea I had about what was going on in the movie. The first 150-200 pages were hard work, the author tends to overcontemplate, side track his thoughts and expand on the simpliest of things. "The Double" is really really smart and critically self conscious in a way that connects it with the works of big shot old school novelists like Richardson and Fielding. Well, I had planned on starting this review with some choice zingers about Saramago shameless burgling the plot of any or every Murakami novel, wherein some workaday shlub, with a boring job and a boring life and crushingly alone in the world, has a chance-or-not-chance run-in with some inexplicable unnatural or supernatural phenomenon which comes to consume him, only with the Portuguese author applying his trademark run-on sentences and incredibly lengthy paragraphs and narratological excursions and un-demarcated dialogue, and replacing the Japanese author's focus on Jazz and Food with a focus on History and Philosophy, proceeding from which I planned on working through the copious notes that I took regarding the confusion of identity and the importance of words and narration in the construction of the self to discuss the existential dilemma at the heart of this novel and to solve what I thought would be a series of puzzles and confusions, but then, after hundreds of pages, I realized that this book was actually rather boring, and that Saramago wasn't saying anything that I found to be particularly interesting, and that the actions and choices of the main character were, frankly, inexplicable and unbelievable, and that the climax of the narrative was basically the most juvenile and unimaginative and misogynistic expression of conflict by which each of the doubles could supposedly strike deep at the heart of the other man's identity or individuality or manhood or whatever, and so I lost interest in investing that much work in this book. 4.1 out of 5 stars 113 ratings. The inspiration for the film Enemy starring Jake Gyllenhaal and directed by Denis Villeneuve, The Double is a timeless novel from a writer John Updike described in The New Yorker as “like Faulkner, so confident of his resources and ultimate destination … Anyone know what this is about? The arrival of a new co-worker, James, serves to upset the balance. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. He feels powerless to change any of these things. 6698 sayılı Kişisel Verilerin Korunması Kanunu uyarınca hazırlanmış aydınlatma metnimizi okumak ve sitemizde ilgili mevzuata uygun olarak kullanılan çerezlerle ilgili bilgi almak için lütfen tıklayınız. Synopsis: He inadvertently acquired a system that could double his power infinitely and evolve his techniques. The thought of having a doppelgänger freaks me out, if I had one, I would rather not know. O Homem Duplicado = The Double, José Saramago, Well, I had planned on starting this review with some choice zingers about Saramago shameless burgling the plot of any or every Murakami novel, wherein some workaday shlub, with a boring job and a boring life and crushingly alone in the world, has a chance-or-not-chance run-in with some inexplicable unnatural or supernatural phenomenon which comes to consume him, only with the Portuguese author applying his trademark run-on sentences and incredibly lengthy paragraphs and narratological excursion.