Save or place it here: INSTALL FOLDER\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE; Or if you are are on the PTU Servers (I recommend you don’t use a USER.cfg for the PTU as it will skew bug reports) GitHub Gist: instantly share code, notes, and snippets., Help Support Our Channel Please Also Checkout my Star Citizen Performance Guide. Change the game resolution to a 16:9 resolution. Grab Driver Booster & System Care Here – I picked up star citizen this morning and decided to try it. Save the settings and exit the game. 1 enables, 2 hdr time of day dof enabled, Adjusts the graphics card gamma correction (fast, needs hardware support, affects also HUD and desktop), 1 off (default), accepted range on PS3 is 0.8 to 1.25. Click Add and browse to the Star Citizen exe: (install drive)\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\Star Citizen\LIVE\Bin64., Get Games – This is a little Tweak Tool to Edit the user.cfg to get more performance.The default values of this Tool are low end PC performance Tweak values - but you can also set your own values..By the way - this tool is not required if you get enough fps with the in game settings. StarCitizen has a lot of possible actions and controls to bind, and it's still evolving as new features are added. How to Quickly Access the GameUserSettings.ini Location. © 2012-2021 Cloud Imperium Rights LLC and Cloud Imperium Rights Ltd. We do not support Internet Explorer 11 and below. Prioritize Star Citizen (Windows 10) Searches the Star Citizen.exe file in the Star Citizen folder (located in Star Citizen – Live – Bin64). Default is 1280. PATREON – DONATIONS – © 2016 - Star Citizen Help, Tips & Guide created by DaOpa - This site is in no way associated with. I’m going to talk about making your own USER.cfg files. Cloud Imperium Games Corporation & Roberts Space Industries Corp. Usage: r_DisplayInfo [0=off/1=show/2=enhanced/3=compact/4=reset]. First add Star Citizen to the Nvidia control panel (manage 3D settings, add, then select Star Citizen in the bin64) anisotropic filtering = 0ff. When you write a USER.cfg Basically need to Save a txt document with the name USER.cfg into LIVE – INSTALL FOLDER \Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Public PTU – INSTALL FOLDER \Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\TEST. The graphical settings in the games option practically make zero difference from low to very high and I’m convinced even that is locked and just for show. If windowed mode gives you issues, you can use the following user.cfg: r_Fullscreen = 1 r_width = 1920 r_height = 1080 Depending on confidence in the code, there may be several levels of restricted access before backers (players with a … Under Settings, click Set Physx configuration. Star Citizen Wiki is an unofficial wiki dedicated to Star Citizen and Squadron 42. Roberts Space Industries is the official go-to website for all news about Star Citizen and Squadron 42. Back when bitcoin mining was new and big, I sold mine for the same price as a 7970 was going for because the 5970 was very good at mining coins at the time. good luck! From the drop down menu, select your Nvidia graphics card for the processor. Save within - Roberts Space Industries > RSI Launcher > LIVE > Star Citizen > LIVE > then save as "user.cfg" within that LIVE folder. Did you turn off everything in the settings that could give you more fps? Star Citizen: Features on-foot gameplay as well as ship-based combat, and the game does a fantastic job of making the player feel like part of a world as opposed to a sentient spaceship. Sets the display height, in pixels. I couldnt upload the file as a .cfg so ill just zip it up for ya. last update Monday, April 2, 2018. downloads 706. downloads (7 days) 4 A quick tip since some people seem to have trouble accessing the configuration file for PUBG. I would like to have these whitelisted eventually. Star Citizen tools for DPS, damage, power and cooling simulations including an up to date ships and components database ... As is common practice with almost all professional websites this site uses cookies, which are tiny files that are downloaded to your computer, to improve your experience. However, it's buggy, performs relatively poorly, many features aren't yet implemented, … If you want to save custom user.cfg file, follow these steps. Enables per object and camera motion blur. Go to the game install folder: ex. LIVE – INSTALL FOLDER\Cloud Imperium Games\StarCitizen\Public Save the file: File name: USER.cfg; Save as type: All file; Location: (installed drive)\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE; Try running the launcher and game. Also one more thing if you want to try out, I will attach this file to my post, but I had found a huge optimization .cfg that also helped me out, you can pick and choose or use the whole autoexec.cfg file i provided as an attachment and see how it goes for you. It also hosts the online store for game items and merch, as … Default is 720. When your game crashes, all information is generated and saved into a series of files in a folder. Open that file up using notepad and copy the following … (C drive)\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE\. Crash Handler logs. software to run the script directly w/o loading the GUI. Restart the game. You can locate these files in the following location: (install drive):\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE\logbackups . file size 17.4 KB. Profiles Welcome to the profiles download page. antialiasing - mode = application controlled. It covers all content relating to Star Citizen including the everything featured in the game, the lore, and the development process and team behind it. Please use a different web browser. In Ultrawide resolutions the FOV slider in-game has a minimum value of 140. When you write a USER.cfg you need to Save a .txt document with the name USER.cfg, use notepad.
star citizen game settings cfg file location 2021