Sika® WT-200 P is a combined water resisting and crystalline waterproofing admixture used to reduce the permeability of concrete and to enhance the self-healing abilities of the concrete. So confident are we in the performance of Sika® Watertight Concrete System. Sika® Plastocrete® is a plasticizer admixture for concrete and mortar in liquid form that acts both as a highly efficient plasticizer and waterproofing agent. Customer Service: 0800 1401 236 Sika is the market leader in concrete admixture technology. Designed to reduce problems when pouring or finishing concrete ... Sika® ViscoCrete®-3115 N. Concrete Admixture for High Flow / Self-Compacting Concrete Get in touch. Sika®-1 is a normal setting liquid waterproofing admixture for mortar and concrete. For over. This website uses cookies to provide you with a great user experience. Cost effective in comparison with membranes and other systems. Concrete admixtures are natural or manufactured chemicals or additives added during concrete mixing to enhance specific properties of the fresh or hardened concrete, such as workability, durability, or early and final strength. Water Reducers. Peace of mind for the client, specifier, contractor and end user of the building. Sika®-1+ is a liquid water resisting admixture used to reduce the permeability of concrete. Contact Us Nearest store Follow us. Water Resisting and Crystalline Waterproofing Concrete Admixture You May Also Be Interested In. Mid Range Water Reducers. Concrete, the single most widely-used building material in the world, has a history dating back to the Romans and ancient Egyptians. These materials are applied on prepared, internal concrete surfaces by manual application, or by spray to provide excellent solutions for complicated detailings. Gresik, East Java 61151, Bekasi Branch Office & Manufacturing To improve the impermeability of the concrete, ... Sika® WT-100 series is a range of pore blocking admixtures. Jl. Sika has been producing high quality, innovative technologies for concrete, beginning with the first product named Sika®-1, which is still in the Sika product portfolio today. Concrete admixtures are natural or manufactured chemicals or additives added during concrete mixing to enhance specific properties of the fresh or hardened concrete, such as workability, durability, or early and final strength. Delivers maximum usable area … Solutions Construction Automotive & Industry ... Sika India Pvt. Sika (Singapore) Pte Ltd. 28 Tuas South Ave 8 Singapore 637648. ... Set Retarding Admixtures. 20,000 metric tons of Sika concrete admixtures were used in the record-breaking Gotthard base tunnel project. Ltd. 501 & 502, B Wing, Lotus Corporate Park, 100 years, Sika has been producing high quality, innovative technologies for concrete, beginning with the first product named Sika®-1, which is still in the Sika product portfolio today. Delivers maximum usable area to the occupier. Mid-range water reducing concrete admixture ... Sika (Cambodia) Ltd. Unit 12BC at 12th floor Building #29, Street 245, Sangkat Toul Tumpung 2, Sika provides a wide range of concrete admixtures with innovative options for concrete mix design, whether it's for substantially reducing the water content of a mix (e.g. Sika® WT-220 PMY is a combined water resisting and crystalline waterproofing admixture used to reduce permeability of concrete. KIG Raya Utara Kav. Contact Us ... Alexandria Sika Egypt for constrcution chemicals. For one hundred years, Sika has been producing high quality, innovative admixture technologies for concrete. Concrete Protection Concrete Repair ... Waterproofing Admixture. These active materials will form non-soluble materials throughout the pore and capillary structure of the concrete and seal the concrete permanently against penetration of water and other liquids. Admixture Types. Concrete Admixture. Contact a Sika expert near you for technical support and locally available products and systems. Waterproof concrete is an impermeable concrete used for long-lasting, durable watertight construction. One of the most important ingredients in high performance, long-lasting, durable and beautiful concrete produced today are concrete admixtures. +62 21 823 0025 | Fax. Sikalite® AE. with Sika® ViscoCrete), using a more economical mix design or achieving sufficient early strength. While blocking the passage of water it allows the structure to breathe, thus considerably reducing the possibility of condensation. Sika® WT-240 P, is a powdered, plant added crystalline based permeability reducing admixture, for use in hydrostatic applications, (PRAH) that reduces the ability of concrete to conduct water flow. It is a high performance material with not just four, but seven essentials â consisting of water, cementitious material, sand, gravel, chemical admixtures, additives and fiber reinforcement. Water Resisting and Crystalline Waterproofing Concrete Admixture Curings. Sika® Watertight Concrete System. Recommendations. Quality backed by Sika warranty, BBA certificate and a 60 years track record. Serui Blok AE-6 Jatiwangi One of the most important ingredients in high performance, long-lasting, durable and beautiful concrete produced today are concrete admixtures. One of the most important ingredients in high performance, long-lasting, durable and beautiful concrete produced today are concrete admixtures. Western Express Highway, Goregaon East Mumbai - 400 063 Tel : +91 22 62704038 Fax : +91 22 62704039. liters of water are saved annually in concrete production. waterproofing admixture Need Help? Follow us. Sika® WT-240 P is a plant-added, crystalline-based permeability reducing admixture. Ltd. 501 & 502, B Wing, Lotus Corporate Park, Off. Waterproofing concrete admixtures . Jl. Concrete Admixture Services & Logistics ... Benefitting from the expertise of the Sika Group - the second largest producer of concrete admixtures in the world, Sika Canada offers one of the most comprehensive ranges of admixtures and additives available on the market. Bogor, West Java 16820, Gresik Branch Office & Manufacturing For more than one hundred years, Sika has been producing high quality, innovative technologies for concrete. Water Resisting and Hydrophobic Waterproofing Concrete Admixture Sika® WT-220 PMY. 20,000. metric tons of Sika concrete admixtures were used in the record-breaking Gotthard base tunnel project. Combining this with our expertise in waterproofing has led to the development and evolution of the Sika® Waterproofing Admixture. Concrete Mix Design. The concrete should contain a minimum cement content of 350 kg/m 3 and a maximum w/c ratio of 0.45. As well as for keeping water in, for example: swimming pools. Concrete Repair & Protection ... Sika®-1. Cost effective in comparison with membranes and other systems. Crystalline Waterproofing Admixture. Jl. Sika provides a wide range of concrete admixtures with innovative options for concrete mix design, ... Water Resisting and Crystalline Waterproofing Concrete Admixture SikaControl® WT-220 PH. Sika has been producing high quality, innovative technologies for concrete, beginning with the first product named Sika®-1, which is still in the Sika product portfolio today. waterproofing admixture. Shotcrete Solutions; Sika is the expert in all sprayed concrete technologies, including both wet and dry spray processes. Sika is the market leader in concrete admixture technology. MM 2100 Industrial Park, West Cikarang Improved workability without increased water content. +62 21 823 0026 The first step in optimizing concrete is to recognize that concrete is no longer simply cementitious materials, aggregates and water. of ready-mixed concrete with Sika admixtures were poured in one continuous operation, setting a Guinness World Record. It contains unique moisture activated compounds that produce insoluble crystalline deposits that form within the capillary system. Combining this with our expertise in waterproofing has led to the development and evolution of the Sika® Watertight Concrete System, now the most widely used system of its type in the UK. Emulsified Paraffin wax based Concrete Curing Compound, Synthetic Resin Based, Solvent Containing Concrete Curing Compound, Curing Compound, Primer, Sealer and Surface Hardener for Freshly Laid Concrete, Surface Retarder for Exposed Aggregate Finishes, Formerly known as: Separol FP-15 OIL BASED, ANTI-CORROSIVE SHUTTER RELEASE AGENT, OIL BASED, ANTI-CORROSIVE SHUTTER RELEASE AGENT, Economical water based mold release agent, Corrosion Inhibiting Admixture for Concrete, Waterbased dust suppressant and soil stabilizer for road embankments, Pore blocking integral admixture with hydrophobic properties for watertight concrete production, Pore Blocking Waterproofing Admixture For Concrete, Corrosion inhibiting admixture for concrete, Air entraining/plasticizing admixture for mortars and renders, Special polypropylene fibre for concrete and gunite, Integral Waterproofing Admixture for Mortar and Concrete. The benefits of the Sika® Waterproofing Admixture are clear: Time saved at design and construction stages as the need for external membranes with their complex detailing and installation is eliminated. Bekasi, West Java 17530, Customer Care Durability Enhancing Admixtures. Sika’s first product, appropriately named "Sika 1", was a concrete admixture that allowed for the electrification of tunnels in Europe by waterproofing the concrete that lined the interior. Water Resisting and Crystalline Waterproofing Concrete Admixture ... Sika India Pvt. Contact us. The benefits of Sika®-1 include, but are not limited to the following: Increased impermeability of mortar/concrete Concrete Admixture. Need Help? Contact Sika's global representative in case you need our support in an international project. Back to main menu; About us; Sika Group. Sika® WT-138 LMY. Combining this with our expertise in waterproofing has led to the development and evolution of the Sika® Watertight Concrete System, now the most widely used system of its type in the UK. Given that concrete is used twice as much in construction over all other building materials, emphasis on quality, performance and sustainability is essential for the industry to grow and thrive. 3-4 Improve permeability and absorption characteristic which is ideal for use on swimming pools, water tanks, ponds, below ground concrete and more. Limusnunggal, Cileungsi Waterproof concrete achieved with our admixtures can be used as part of the Sika® Watertight Concrete System; Explore our solutions. Sika waterproof mortars and mortar admixtures for rigid waterproofing lining in potable water tanks have excellent technical properties to seal against damp soil, seepage and percolating water. Sika®-1 blocks the capillaries and pores in the applied cementitious system to provide an effective water barrier against the transmission of liquid water. Used in combination with Viscocrete® Superplasticiser Technology, watertight concrete can be produced which is suitable for BS8102:2009 Type B construction (grades 1-3). The Sika® Watertight Concrete System provides waterproofing for: Basements; Lift pits; Retaining walls Sika’s first product, appropriately named Sika 1, was a concrete admixture that allowed for the electrification of tunnels in Europe by waterproofing the concrete that lined the interior. For more than a century, Sika has been producing high quality, innovative admixture technologies for concrete. About us. Time saved at design and construction stages as the need for external membranes with their complex detailing and installation is eliminated. Waterproofing system on concrete by mixing admixture waterproofing material into a concrete mixture to get concrete that has waterproof properties, Social, Environmental and Economic Dimensions, Concrete façades. Concrete Admixture. Sika Proof Liquid Waterproofing Admixture for mortars and concretes. Concrete Waterproofing Watertight Concrete Concrete Admixture. Essentials. ... Integral Waterproofing Admixture for Mortar and Concrete ... Use Sika® Antisol® products as a curing agent or apply wet hessian. BASEMENT WATERPROOFING WITH Sikaplan SHEET MEMBRANES CONCRETE Sika Admixtures Technology EXPERIENCE AND MARKET ... A new chapter in concrete admixture technology, Sika® ViscoCrete® superplasticiser, was opened by Sika’s innovation for concrete … Sika Vietnam Suggested Searches. metric tons of Sika concrete admixtures were used in the record-breaking Gotthard base tunnel project. Sika®-1 Integral Waterproofing Admixture for Concrete & Mortar Product Description Sika®-1 is a normal setting waterproofer, the action of which is to block the capillaries and pores in concrete and mortar. Allows easier compaction leading to denser concrete and superior finish. Waterproofing Admixture for Concrete and Mortar. Waterproofing Joints Waterproofing ... PCE based superplasticizing and set retarding concrete admixture SikaPlast®-701 KH. Gresik Industri Park Roomo, Manyar Special Purpose Concrete . SikaControl® WT-200 P (IN) Water Resisting and Crystalline Waterproofing Concrete Admixture Follow us. By using our site, you accept our use of cookies. Sika®-1 is a normal setting liquid waterproofing admixture for mortar and concrete. These active materials will form non-soluble materials throughout the pore and capillary structure of the concrete and seal the concrete permanently against penetration of water and other liquids. Thanks to Sikaâs range of water-reducers for concrete, more than. Raya Cibinong-Bekasi Km.20 This admixture can also be used for renders and floor screeds for water resistant applications. Sika is the market leader in concrete admixture technology. It uses a unique combination of active ingredients, which react with the moisture within the concrete and with various products of the cement hydration process. Concrete Admixture for High Flow / Self-Compacting Concrete, WATERTIGHT/SUPERPLASTICING (HRWR) CONCRETE ADMIXTURE, WATER RESISTING AND CRYSTALLINE WATERPROOFING CONCRETE ADMIXTURE, Bogor Head Office & Manufacturing It meets the requirements of BS EN 934-2. Phone.
sika concrete waterproofing admixture 2021