A real dragon flying over Calabasas REAL NOT FAKE 3/21/2019 Conservation efforts have led to relatively stable dragon numbers on the two main islands of Komodo, which are home to about 1,100 dragons each. The massive dragon was first seen resting on top of what appears to be a radio tower. https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/4701048/dragon-skeleton-found-china-village-video by admin 1 year ago 68 Views. Commonly mistaken for a dinosaur, the species was more like a "sea dragon" marine reptile that had a long, flexible body and may have swum like eels. BSNL 4G ExPress SIM Launched: Free SIM, Unlimited Data and... Bollywood Actress Aishwarya Rai Bachchan Committed Suicide: Hoax, Scary Noises from China Mountain, Thousands Flee: Fact Check, 120-Metre Giant Dragon Jumped Out of Water, Photograph: Fact Check, Man Found Dead Dragon on Remote Island, Video: Fact Check, Alien Found on Moon During Apollo 11 Mission, Video: Fact Check, Creepy Photo of Ghost Behind Kitchen Door at Night: Fact Check, Miracle Rain Shower Only on Nataraja Temple Idol in TN: Fact Check, Creepy Russian Sleep Experiment on Prisoners: Fact Check. The name means "frozen dragon of the north wind" and it flew over North America 77 million years ago. Not much can be derived about who the camera operator is, or where about in Dallas the dragon was spotted. It’s tapered head can be seen shifting in the water, and looks very dragon-like in shape. About 120 million years ago, a "dancing dragon" lived in China's Jehol Province. When a group came upon the animal, they decided to capture it in an attempt to identity it. But somehow throughout the years, dragons evolved into two cultural subsets: either they are viewed as cute creatures that make great house pets, or they are seen as vicious, hobbit-killers. Then he screams and probably runs away. REAL DRAGON Found alive in a cave caught on Camera. Based on the brief glimpses of the telephone wires, low roof tops and antenna seen in the surrounding environment, one might guess that it was a residential area where this dragon was seen. Wherever this dragon calls home, there is no doubt that it requires a large home and multiple meals a day to stay alive. In ancient times, dragons were viewed as deities. Dragons are typically depicted as powerful and fearsome. Considering the loud and clear rattling sound we hear in the beginning of the video as the person steps over the broken egg shell, the way the person ‘screams’ out after the alleged dragon sighting inside the cave does not sound realistic. An alleged dragon fossil said to have been discovered in 1996 turned out to be a prop for a documentary . By Liz Langley. The camera operator zooms back out, and we can see that he or she was on a moderately busy street, although those driving might not have been able to see the dragon as well as the camera operator had from their viewpoint. 5 Dragon in Real life - Paranormal TOP 5. by admin 9 months ago 54 Views. 5. Hong Kong (CNN) Paleontologists have discovered a 50-foot "dragon" dinosaur species in China that may have roamed the earth 160 million years … New Dragon Species Discovered in Indonesia, Real Dragon Found Alive in a Cave: Video - Facts. These are the iguanian lizards, which belong to the family Agamidae. But a dragon it most certainly is. They were considered the guardians of the Earth and of mankind. Regardless of how you view them, what if there was evidence that they existed? It seems like every odd fossil discovery in China gets called a “dragon” before any analysis is done and dragon believers have been fooled by both hoaxes and real dinosaur bones. Gorgeous sea slugs, flying lizards, and pink millipedes are some magical beasts you can't see in parades. 5 real Dragon Sighting - Paranormal TOP 5. by admin 9 months ago 34 Views. In fact, the video is doing rounds online with various stories attributed to it. Instead it just opened it’s gaping wide mouth to shriek and communicate. Very cool creatures,” Lane said. Dragons. This dragon is less bat-like than the previous one, but is equally large and intimidating. The creature could possibly be some horned wild animal, or a doll of that kind to mimic a dragon encounter. They seem to exist only in the old descriptions, accounts, and drawings. A video in circulation online since early 2015 claims to show a Real Dragon found Alive inside a Cave, caught on Camera. 01:48. TRUE?“. REAL POKEMON CAUGHT ALIVE IN A CAVE!! A Real Dead Dragon Was Found Dead in the South of Saudi Arabia! It should be noted the location of the incident is nowhere specified, and if it were real, there would have been news reports on it and also investigations, which isn’t the case. The group immediately contacted a news station about it. The stories, as such, are not facts. Blue dragons, or glaucus atlanticus, are tiny sea slugs -- typically only 3 cm big, or a little over an inch. So considering the aforementioned facts and flaws, the incident in the video allegedly showing a real dragon alive inside a cave is perhaps staged and therefore a hoax. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhO9IuOt-gQ\u0026feature=youtu.be4) The Monterrey DragonNot long ago, Mexico’s media exploded because of a sudden discovery in Monterrey. [MP4 1080p] Real Dragons Caught On Camera in Barbados 2017 Real dragons found alive. 6:21 [MP4 360p] Real or Fake_ TOP 5 REAL Dinosaurs Sightings Caught On Camera, Alive Dinosaur. Here’s what appears to be a mermaid on a rock, just a few hundred metres from where this latest being was found. It's real I have a live real dragon named Spark I have been researching about dragons and one day I FOUND A EGG IT WAS REAL i port in a inculbator it hached its been 7 years since i had that egg so I'm looking after it, it going to lay eggs soon I will give … 3:07 [MP4 720p] Caught on Tape 2017 - Megalodon Shark Attack --Real Dragon Found Alive, Man Grabs Giant Anaconda. Most of all, Dragons are considered to be legendary creatures; there is no credible evidence for their existence as of this writing. 04:28. 18 REAL LIFE MERMAID FOUND ALIVE CAUGHT ON CAMERA TAPE _ MERMAIDS REAL VIDEO PROOF 2016. They would fan out real big and then curl up, wiggle side to side. The creature is seen being held and examined as the footage rolls. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zjOHV-mOFOk1) Peto’s DragonOur last dragon video is also of unknown origin, but was uploaded in May of this year. Unlike the other adult dragon video, this one appears to have very bony wings, angular wings almost like that of a bat…. Note, like many other videos in the channel, this video too was uploaded in Entertainment category, and the same footage was published again in July 2016 with another title saying “Pokémon Go! A video in circulation online since early 2015 claims to show a Real Dragon found Alive inside a Cave, caught on Camera. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rx1XvPv4Hjg Background Music: Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 License: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/For copyright matters please contact us: OfficialAmerikano@hotmail.com_________________________________________________________________Thank you so much for watching! The person in the video first finds large eggs (which could possibly be of large birds or animals alike) and then he moves inside cave to suddenly faces the alleged dragon creature. tweet; Ok, so it might not be an actual dragon as it doesn’t blow fire, ... so fake dragons are real and that is not one of them. Real Dragon Fossils on Display in China Analysis: The couple of pictures appearing online with various stories attached to them claim to show Dragon Fossils found in the Xinwei Ancient Life Fossils Museum in Anshun, in Guizhou province of China, or that they are found frozen in a cave in Romania. The winged creature is first seen flying behind a tree. It was an extremely cloudy and foggy day when he was spotted by someone outside. Soy Luna. Of a frozen ice dragon found in a cave in Romania.This was featured on an amazing production by Discovery Channel entitled Dragons: A Fantasy Made Real. Peto, the young man who uploaded the video seems to have stopped dead in his tracks and begin filming with his phone after seeing the gigantic beast. Although the alleged Dragon creature in the video is not visible clearly in the blurry and dark footage, the video has been shared quite often. 7 Real-Life Dragons That Live Up to Their Names. In 2012, The United States National Ocean Service declared officially that ‘no evidence of mermaids has ever been found’. Real dragon Sighting caught on tape & Spotted in Real Life. 3 Minute Read. They had never seen anything quite like it before. Unsure of how to proceed, the dragon-like creature was carefully placed into a pet carrier until authorities could be notified.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4SeSTlawRc3) The Dallas DragonThis video hails from Dallas, Texas. Additionally, some dragons are a few feet long while others span for miles. As the creature starts to swim around again, you can see tiny limbs reaching out to grasp nearby rocks. They are large, mighty, and a common occurrence…in fantasy novels and RPGs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IjP1ITmAqjo2) The Bat DragonThis large dragon was also spotted somewhere in the United States, although it is not specified where. This is no baby, folks. 13:39. A video uploaded to social networks allegedly claims to be the ultimate proof that Dragons still exist. The video in question appears to originate from YouTube channel of GO Planet, which was published back on 21 April 2015 – questioning whether what’s seen in the video is a real dragon. E.J. Sea dragons aren't very common, found in the waters off the coast of southern Australia. An fruit orchard owner were asleep in the 2nd floor room of the home woke up when he … The dragon careens around and is seen again, gliding on stretched wings through the dark sky. While going through a cave, the young man saw something moving around in the shallow water at his feet.Using the camera built into his phone, the young man began recording. The discovery of a fossil belonging to the small feathered dinosaur is … The dragon is seen flying at a relaxed pace across the screen. Photograph of World’s First Robot: Fact Check. The dragon then takes off in a leisurely way, and flies out of frame. At his feet you can see a pale, almost white colored creature, darting around in the water. Fact Check: An intriguing video shared heavily since 2016 purports to show that a Man Found the Corpse of a Dead Dragon on Remote Island. - YouTube Meet a Modern Real-Life Flying Dragon Draco is a small flying dragon found in Asia. As it swims, its long, skinny body undulates, reminiscent of the snake-like dragons seen in traditional Chinese culture. Today, we have five videos where dragons have been spotted in the wild. Real Life Dragon Found in Indonesia. March 21, 2012 at 12:58 am. If you're a "Game of Thrones" fan, the name of … A most mysterious creature was found in the wilderness. Miracle Rain Shower Only on Nataraja Temple Idol... White Dragon Has Been Shot Dead in Malaysia, New Dragon Species Discovered in Indonesia. 5 Dragons Caught On Camera & Spotted In Real Life! But … Nonetheless, dragons are mentioned in many fantastical tales, and have been reported in many hoax stories, some listed in Related Stories section below. As detailed below the claim that the video shows a real dragon inside a cave is a hoax. "I found … Despite the camera operator’s spatial distance from the dragon, it’s easy to tell this dragon is massive as it is filmed flapping its wings. Share. Dragon found in Tibet. A dragon has been shot dead in a house in West Malaysia. Although the alleged Dragon creature in the video is not visible clearly in the blurry and dark footage, the video has been shared quite often. At the smaller end of the real dragon scale we have the millipedes. In today’s fiction, some dragons live under the ocean while other live in mountains and caves. but this is definitely not a bat.It appears that the dragon spots something of interest because after a few moments he transcends behind a house and out of sight. Celeb&Entertainment. Smash that like button for more, make sure you share the video with your friends and dont forget to subscribe!Make sure to follow me here:https://twitter.com/Top5sFinest 1:00 [MP4 720p] Real T Rex Dinosaur Caught On Camera 2017 in Alive Dinosaurs In Real Life in barbados. While no one is really sure whether someone did actually film a real Dragon or a pterodactyl, what users do know is that the video was filmed somewhere near the border between Laos and China –ironcally near the Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. 7activestudio / Getty Images While dragons of the past may have been large enough to carry off a sheep or human, modern dragons eat insects and sometimes birds and small mammals. Real Dragon Fossils on Display in China Some dragons have wings while others are wingless, some can talk and breathe fire while others cannot. Let’s begin…5) Cave DragonEarlier this year, a young man took a trip to Asia. Picture of Newly Hatched Baby Dragon (Pterosaurs, Pterodactyls & Thunderbirds!) Real life dragon found in the Philippines (Dragon fue encontrado en Filipinas) Bubogen. Celeb&Entertainment. White Dragon Has Been Shot Dead in Malaysia It is also not clear whether the horned creature seen in the video is a real dragon, a known animal, or a makeup doll of that kind. It was petite enough to be held, and it never seemed compelled to strike out at the handler. As you can see in the video, the recording is fuzzy, of poor quality and dark, wherein the alleged dragon creature is not even visible clearly. 02:28. Real FLYING "DRAGONS" found alive & caught on camera?! And on this trip he decided he wanted to go spelunking, which is the recreational sport of cave exploration. Might this latest …