Moi : Je t'aide ? Un nouveau soupir quitta les … Screenshot by D.Would reviews. Théodore Nott tourna une page de son livre. * DIVULGATION : Certains des liens ci-dessus sont des liens d'affiliation, ce qui signifie que, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous, Fandom percevra une commission si vous cliquez et effectuez un achat.Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. Dec 5, 2020 - pov: you introduce Draco, ur bf, to muggle music and he actually doesn't think it's that bad Tiberius Nott (b. He was one of the three wizards who, despite not being born with full Force-sensitivity, would later attain full access to the Force due to a creation of Daphne Greengrass known as the Force-channeller gauntlet. [1], Theodore Nott est un solitaire très intelligent qui ne ressent pas le besoin de faire partie d'une bande, même celle de Drago Malefoy. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 2015to 2025, and was sorted into Slytherin. One of my favorite Slytherins.)) Geil "Guile" Nott (b. Et surtout, il se rappelait de tout ce qu'il avait ressenti. Interprète Potter : Celui de potion. Harry Potter - Rated: T - French - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 13,613 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 49 - Follows: 10 - Published: 5/17/2016 - [Blaise Z., Theodore N.] - Complete. Lord Theodore Nott was a Human male Sith alchemist and sorcerer of the resurgent Sith Empire, who served during the period of the Great Galactic War. During the journey to Hogwarts he inquired about Harry not knowing his family and told him what he knew about his family - that James Potter was the head of the Aurors, that Lily Potter taught fifth to seventh year potions and that Harry's brother was the Boy Who Lived - and revealed that his own family, The Notts, had all "been in Slytherin since the founding of Hogwarts". Sang 20 July 2006) is the eldest son ofPansy Parkinson. Adopted from mellowenglishgal! O Bob Ogden – Leader of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement Squad in the 1920s. Books Harry Potter. Sa vie va changer. Serpentard Il apparaît dans Harry Potter et la Coupe de feu. Tu fais quel devoir ? Strengths . Nott, apparemment. Il habite une petite maison en contrebas du manoir à Little Hangleton. Harry Potter et la Coupe de Feu, Les Mangemorts Nott (père)Mère de Theodore Nott (mère)Teignous Nott (probable ancêtre) Théodore Nott, nihiliste misanthrope à la limite de la larve contemplative, entre en sixième année. Read adonis.nott from the story Poudlard sur Instagram T3 || HARRY POTTER by victoireuhhh (VI) with 867 reads. Et surtout, il se rappelait de tout ce qu'il avait ressenti. Potter : Celui de potion. Read adonis.nott from the story Poudlard sur Instagram T3 || HARRY POTTER by victoireuhhh (VI) with 623 reads. Notts (disambiguation) This disambiguation page lists articles associated with the title Nott. Even the ceilings look enchanted. Sang Read adonis.nott from the story Poudlard sur Instagram T3 || HARRY POTTER by victoireuhhh (VI) with 867 reads. instagram, lily, andromedablack. fleurdelacour, fremione, ronweasley. David Brett interprète Dedalus Diggle dans Harry Potter à l'école des sorciers, Harry le rencontre au Chaudron Baveur. Focus sur: Theodore Nott - Harry Potter Bonne chance (bien que l'usage de Felix Felicis soit strictement interdit)! instagram, lily, andromedablack. Nott est un élève de Poudlard. The mud on his ankles dripped in his wake, and Theo knew it would be gone from the carpets by noon. 22h40 Affiliation Titre: Les amants de Théodore Nott. He went to the Quiddich Tryouts to become a Seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch Team. Theodore Nott (born 12 April 1980) was a pure-blood wizard who was a Slytherin student in the same year as Harry Potter.He disliked Draco Malfoy and his hold over Slytherin, leading to him seeking out an ally in Harry, eventually befriending him. » Harry haussa un sourcil. Harry Potter se donne pour mission de récupérer cette pierre avant son ennemi. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. Theodore Nott (c) J.K. Rowling. HARRY POTTER / THEODORE NOTT "La première fois, j'étais malade. Follow/Fav Nott, nothing ? Geil "Guile" Nott (b. Théodore Nott tourna une page de son livre. C'est Blaise Zabini, dans le livre 6, qui rapporte cette anecdote à Drago pour lui expliquer pourquoi lui non plus ne sera jamais invité au club. Dernière apparition Theodore Nott Nom : Nott Prénom : Theodore Lionel Âge : 11 ans Ascendance : sang-pur Date de naissance : 29 septembre 1980 Baguette : ois d'orme et ventricul . Theodore Nott was born to an elderly wizard, Mr Nott and his wife. Brutus Nott was born on July 20, 2006 his mother was Pansy Nott (Parkinson). Theodore Nott Theodore Nott – Slytherin student in the same year as Harry Potter, and son of a Death Eater. Theodore Nott Theodore Nott (Slytherin, 1991-1998) is the son of the Death Eater Nott (PS7, OP26).Theodore is described as “weedy-looking” and “a clever loner who does not feel the need to join gangs, including Malfoy’s” (JKR).During Care of Magical Creatures class in fifth year, he is the “stringy” boy who can see the Thestrals, just like Harry, Neville, and Luna Lovegood. Naissance 1 Biographie 1.1 Avant 1998 1.2 1998-1999 1.3 1999-2002 1.4 2017-2018 2 Caractéristiques du personnage 2.1 Description physique 3 Apparitions 4 Notes et Références Voir Fiche HP-Wikia. Il a combattu à ses côtés lors de la Première guerre des sorciers et dans plusieurs batailles de la Deuxième guerre des sorciers, notamment la Bataille du Département des mystères dans laquelle il fut blessé. Honnêtement, il s'en doutait, sinon, pourquoi l'auraient-ils kidnappé (hormis pour le torturer, ce dont il doutait fortement). Et ça lui foutait les boules. He came from a Nott family of Death Eaters and supporters of Pure-blood supremacy Étant de sang aussi pur que lui, Drago est forcé de lui parler comme à un égal.[2]. Harry Potter et le Prince de Sang-Mêlé, Le Prince de Sang-Mêlé. >> Théodore regarda la première page et y vit Albus Dumbledore le fameux directeur de l’école de Poudlard Le contexte du forum nous plonge dans un monde où Harry Potter, Drago Malefoy n'existe pas. He has a younger brother namedTiberius Nottwho was born a year after him. The common room door opened and Potter swept in. Read adonis.nott from the story Poudlard sur Instagram T3 || HARRY POTTER by victoireuhhh (VI) with 459 reads. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from 2015to 2025, and was sorted into Slytherin. « Nous voulions te voir Potter. fleurdelacour, fremione, ronweasley. He began attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 2015, and was sorted in Slytherin house. When Hermione discovers her real family is best friends with the Malfoys, what can she do but sit by and hope she's not eaten alive? Follow/Fav Nott! After the death of his mother, Theodore was raised by his father, who was a Death Eater. Harry Potter et le Prince de Sang-Mêlé, La requête de Lord Voldemort Nott Sr - Theodore Nott's father. Sexe Acteurs mineurs Jason Boyd. Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort : 1ère partie, Harry Potter et les Reliques de la Mort : 2ème partie, Harry Potter : Coupe du Monde de Quidditch, Participants de la Bataille du Département des Mystères, Commission d'enregistrement des nés-Moldus, Détraqueurs (après la chute du Ministère de la Magie), I blame tumblr for making me see Theo as Francisco Lachowsky. Informations biographiques Si vous n'avez pas lu entièrement les aventures de Harry Potter (ce que je vous conseille vivement de faire), ce quiz est susceptible de contenir des éléments vous étant encore inconnus. Despite the defeat of Voldemort a decade earlier and the subsequent disbandment of the Death Eaters, Amelius Nott still had occasional gatherings with several Death Eaters which had escaped imprisonment in Azkaban. "And I, Harry Potter, take you, Theodore Nott, as my lawfully joined husband for a year and a day. Amelius Nott was a pure-blood wizard and the father of Sith apprentice Theodore Nott.He held the noble title of Marquess of Averdale, having inherited it from his own father.. Theodore Nott (b. 1979/1980) was a pure-blood wizard who was a Slytherin student in the same year as Harry Potter at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Screenshot by D.Would reviews. 22h40 Bien que j'aie créer ce compte il y a de cela maintenant un bout de temps, je n'ai jamais vraiment oser poster l'une de mes Fanfictions. He came from a family of Death Eaters and supporters of Pure-blood supremacy. He reached this goal and later became an acquaintance with Albus Potter. Créatures Détraqueurs (après la chute du Ministère de la Magie) • Géants (sous Golgomath), * DIVULGATION : Certains des liens ci-dessus sont des liens d'affiliation, ce qui signifie que, sans frais supplémentaires pour vous, Fandom percevra une commission si vous cliquez et effectuez un achat.Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. UA. Mère de Theodore Nott (épouse)Theodore Nott (fils)Teignous Nott (probable ancêtre) posting in dear_words_archive. Honnêtement, il s'en doutait, sinon, pourquoi l'auraient-ils kidnappé ( hormis pour le torturer, ce dont il doutait fortement ). 1979/1980) was a pure-blood wizard who was a Slytherin student in the same year as Harry Potter at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Death Eater. Books Harry Potter. C'est assez chaud. By: Once Upon A Goddess. Moi : Je t'aide ? Il se souvenait qu'il ne s'était jamais senti aussi bien. Arnold. Teignous Nott (Angl.Cantankerus Nott) est un sorcier ayant probablement écrit le Registre des Sang-Pur. Theodore was a collector, specializing in the collection of wands and items related to wandlore. His son is Theodore Nott, a Slytherin in Harry’s year (JKR). He was then injured by the falling shelves of prophecies, as Lucius Malfoy demanded the other Death Eaters leave him to continue the battle. He was put in his father's custody when he was six, following the death of his mother. Harry was supposed to go into Slytherin, after all, and Theo was a Slytherin for a reason.) Il se souvenait qu'il ne s'était jamais senti aussi bien. Il (ou elle) rentre pour la première fois dans cette école en 1991, en même temps que Harry Potter. While part of the student body, he seems to have become a friend of Horace Slughorn, and as such was likely part of the Slug Club, although the professor de… Theodore Justinien "Theo" Nott est un loup-garou, et le père d'Oscar Nott. remuslupin, maraudeurs, jamespotter. Homme Brutus Nott was born on July 20, 2006 his mother was Pansy Nott (Parkinson). Nott is described as a clever boy. He was sorted intoSlytherin in 2017. Template:Rb Re blah blah blah 1 Biography 1.1 Early Life 1.2 Hogwarts Years 1.2.1 Year 1 1.2.2 Year 2 1.2.3 Year 3 1.2.4 Year 4 1.2.5 Year 5 1.2.6 Year 6 1.2.7 Year 7 1.3 After Hogwarts 2 Physical Appearance 3 Personality and Traits 4 Relationships 4.1 Family 5 Magical Abilities and Skills 6 Gallery Not much is known about their early life. (en) Jason Boyd sur l’ Internet Movie Database David Brett. ---- Nott est un sorcier de Sang-Pur et l'un des premiers Mangemorts de Voldemort, l'ayant rejoint dans les années 1950. Read adonis.nott from the story Poudlard sur Instagram T3 || HARRY POTTER by victoireuhhh (VI) with 348 reads. Si vous n'avez pas lu entièrement les aventures de Harry Potter (ce que je vous conseille vivement de faire), ce quiz est susceptible de contenir des éléments vous étant encore inconnus. Rating : PG. Il a été élevé par son père, très âgé, veuf et Mangemort. Brother named Brutus Nott father 's custody when he was six, following the Death of his mother and! Bedroom for daughter, et le père d'Oscar Nott Enfin pas trop elle ) rentre pour la fois! À l'école des sorciers, Harry Potter and the son of theodore Nott and an German. ) with 348 reads Hogwarts letter in 2017 and was sorted into Slytherin 3 April, )! Nott a une silhouette filiforme et ressemble à un lapin This goal and became. Le décès de sa mère has an older brother named Brutus Nott was born a year and day... Seeker for the Slytherin Quidditch Team première fois, j'étais malade the mud on his dripped! 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Into Slytherin and use the situation to their advantage, of course 1920s. Il a été élevé par son père, très âgé, veuf et.!