John Duncan: This is the first 10′ 8-weight I’ve cast in the last ten years that I unconditionally love. If you’re a dedicated tailwater fisherman needing more reach with tippet protection check it out. You send in rod and their warranty dept. I own the NRX+ 5 wt I owned before I traded up previous Gen NRX 6wt, 8wt I conducted a mini shootout of my own, casting side by side NRX+ 8wt vs Asquith 8wt and Sector 9ft 8wt. The PRO4 presented dry flies as well as it handled drifting nymphs off a sink-tip line. If you're on the fence about a new saltwater fly rod, you should swing into the shop and cast one of these things. For this line weight and length, I believe the NRX+ 908 is an improvement in every way. This 6wt is designed to chuck a large foam indicator fly with a dropper on western rivers. This is a true 6-weight capable of handling sinking and heavy headed lines while feeling very good with a hopper and an all around trout line. Free shipping . I give it 3.5 stars because the 5100 is so good and this rod isn’t exactly my speed in a 9-foot 6-inch 5-weight. I hate to say it, but this rod is a real quiver killer. Impressions: The NRX Series got off to a good start when they were well received at last year’s ICAST show taking home both the overall “Best of Show” and “Best of Show in the Freshwater Rod Category.” The launch was a major undertaking for the G.Loomis brand which is deeply rooted in tradition. Setup for a roll cast and you know you’re holding a 10-foot rod, this thing can reach out with limited room behind you. I recently broke a tip on my GLX spinning rod and sent it back to G Loomis. The caster needs a tuned sense of timing and a bit of physical strength to get the most out of this saltwater fly rod. Award winning make and model with the best warranty in the business. The original NRX Series from G. Loomis contains some of our favorite rods we’ve ever fished. The 10’ rods in this series are truly impressive. 1) Line speed for all. Thanks in advance-Scott. Orders will be shipped on a first come first served bases. After making a long overhead cast on the pond, I attempted to roll cast the same length of line without stripping any in. This rod has a perfect trouty medium action that is so smooth and buttery while still having the power you expect from a 6-weight in reserve. John Duncan: This rod has that addictive, springy feel that makes the LP series so compelling. 1) Line speed for all. The NRX+ feels like a fishing tool and is capable of strong, confident, uncompromising casting in the correct hands. So, the NRX+ 486-4 LP is a nice dry fly rod for calm conditions and average size flies. the original nrx grey blank and blue whippings quite sort after these days with a following for those wanting to be different but have top gear. G. Loomis NRX Plus Spey Rods SKU: $975.00. Casting accuracy is tremendous because there is so little lateral sway through the stroke. g loomis nrx+ lp 690-4 fly rod : 6wt, 9'0" The newly redesigned G Loomis NRX+ Fly Rod is a complete redesign of the award winning NRX series rods, featuring a new advanced graphite and resin technology to outperform any other fly rod on the market in feel, action, and versatility. I have bought numerous G Loomis rods in the past 20 years and among them have been GLX. The 10, 11 and 12 feel like family, too…but a different family. Thu May 28 2020 3:59 am Advertisements . It is a little tight in close, but certainly workable. So yesterday in a chain of extremely fortunate circumstances Derill, Nopes, and I met up with Austin Bacon, our G Loomis rep, to cast the new NRX+ saltwater rods.I say fortunately because none of us really planned on being there until about 12 hours prior. I own the Asquith 4wt, 6wt, 7wt (arrives tomorrow), 8wt, 9wt and 10wt. I settled on the SA MPX WF4F as the best all-arounder for this rod. I think you’ll be hard pressed to find a rod that steps up to these varied tasks better than the NRX+ 908. I think I want something that is over standard weight but not way over. I can bore the hell out of you with all the new specs and techy bullshit, but I'm not. Fishing Reels. This rod is surprisingly pleasant to cast overhead, throwing long, stable and predictable loops that provide the caster with a commanding sense of control and ease. GLoomis's FR1086 is a well balanced 6wt rod that is right in the middle of the spectrum, but the perfect weight for anglers like myself that enjoy fishing a variety of mid sized species. In other words (cue the history channel meme guy)..... SCIENCE! This rod is a perfectly tuned medium action 5-weight capable of being a go-to 5-weight for everyday trout work and fitting into the quiver as a specialized technical 5-weight with a lighter touch. Over about 25’, however, the loop control, line speed and touch are marvelous. pharmfisher 1 Posted June 12, 2020. pharmfisher. To review G. Loomis FLY PRO4x models, please click on … Menu. Forums. 7. The NRX+ 790 is a big improvement over its predecessor and the rod makes for an excellent do-everything 7-weight. The NRX+ 490 straddles the divide between a slower action and a faster action 9 foot 4-weight. G loomis glx stream dance 9'6 #6wt high line speed fly rod. Richard Post: The NRX+ 990 has a very steep taper and casts like a traditional saltwater 9-weight, noticeably lighter in hand than the GLX or NRX but with a feel that is reminiscent of these models. As with other 10-foot rods, I prefer a line with a long taper to give this long single handed fly rod a chance to manipulate the fly line best at distance. The NRX comes in nine unique models specifically designed for the inshore saltwater fisherman ranging from 6’8″ to 7’8″ overall length with both fast and extra-fast actions and power ranges from medium-light to medium heavy. It casts both short and long better than any other 4-weight in its class. The original NRX 9’ 4-weight was one of our favorites in that series, but the new model surpasses it in every category: range, accuracy, line speed, touch and loop control. Bantam1 Shimano Rep. Sep 13, 2007 2,128 731 Irvine, CA Name Dan Boat N/A Apr 2, 2013 #1 Introducing our new NRX Inshore spinning rods. Reply to this topic; Start new topic ; Recommended Posts. If you want a rod with a little more punch than the NRX+ LP 690 or you prefer your 6-weight with a small fighting butt, this is a rod to consider. While not as application specific as the smallest or largest rods the FR1086 is designed to be able to present subtle flies for trout, egg patterns for energetic Steelhead, and even poppers for bass! Tailored for supreme versatility over a wide range of casting techniques, actions are sweet, smooth, and stable, with plenty of spank when conditions call for an additional pinch of power. This rod feels more refined and stable than the original LP 590 without losing any of that sweet stable feeling the series is known for. 75 Posts #23 • Aug 7, 2019. backbone said: Loomis website still has the NRX on it. All of these heavier saltwater models possess the wonderful springy feel that makes Loomis rods so addictive. I was immediately impressed but I’ve learned not to judge a rod solely on the casting pond. An airy swing weight and a sustained feeling of connectedness through the cast implore the caster to take another false cast. Somewhere between Loomis' NRX and NRX LP, though likely closer to the LP. A Quick Review of the G Loomis NRX+. ... gear reviews, latest news, product closeouts, and more straight to your inbox. It tightens down nicely around 20’ and can turn over a long leader out to about 55’ or 60’. November 15, 2019. Forums. So yesterday in a chain of extremely fortunate circumstances Derill, Nopes, and I met up with Austin Bacon, our G Loomis rep, to cast the new NRX+ saltwater rods. The newly redesigned G Loomis NRX+ Fly Rod is a complete redesign of the award winning NRX series rods, featuring a new advanced graphite and resin technology to outperform any other fly rod on the market in feel, action, and versatility. Home. The NRX+ 490 feels like a true 4-weight, rather than a faster 4-weight that wants a heavier line to perform. © Copyright 2021 Telluride Angler 121 W. Colorado Ave PO Box 685 Telluride, CO 81435 1 (800) 831-6230 All rights reserved.Privacy PolicyWebsite by WEBDOGS. Fish it with either an SA Trout Taper or Rio Gold for spectacular results. Richard Post: This is a fun mid-length 3-weight. John Duncan: This is my favorite heavy saltwater rod in the series, the one that feels lightest and smoothest relative to its line weight. Richard Post: The NRX+ 1090 is the most improved saltwater class rod in the lineup. I like the way they throw a bigger dry fly, fish all around out of the boat and handle a bulky hopper dropper rig. Like the 490-4 and 590-4, the 690-4 cast both short and long with equal loop control and line speed. You’ll cast it well on the first try, because the flex profile is nice and even with terrific feel delivered to the palm of your hand. For an all around trout line, go with the Gold and for a technical dry fly rod pick up a Rio Technical Trout or an SA Trout. I cast the 3 weight on the pond at IFTD last year. They don’t “cast themselves,” however. It redefines lightweight while also maintaining a strong enough rod to turn big fish in heavy water. I haven’t picked up anything like it before. I threw it with both an SA Grand Slam taper and a Rio Tarpon line and didn’t really care for either. This is a fine saltwater fly rod: light, quick and powerful. The G. Loomis NRX Fly Rods. The G. Loomis NRX, first announced in 2010, is one of the most heralded fly rods of all time. Fish it with a long tapered line, such as the SA Mastery Anadro taper or Rio InTouch Salmo/Steelhead line. The NRX+ LP 690 rolls out line so casually and confidently it gives you a feeling of relaxation. I first cast the 590-4 with a Rio InTouch Gold and had no interest in trying different lines. Great power on tap to reach out with ease. G. Loomis PRO4x Review March 21, 2014 . Accuracy and loop control rival any trout rod, but line speed is limited and butt section power doesn’t compare with the regular NRX+ 690-4 model. Lots of New Rods to Test. Share Followers 3. Casting Distance. G. Loomis designed this rod to be a perfect rod for the angler who only wants one rod, but it also excels as the perfect travel rod when you don’t know exactly what conditions you’ll find at your destinations. The NRX+ has three sub-categories of rods: the NRX+ LP, which offers a slower action for dry fly anglers and slow-tempo casters; the NRX+ freshwater series, offering fast action fly rods for trout, salmon, steelhead, bass, pike and other species (line weights 4-8); and saltwater rods in line weights 7-12.
loomis nrx plus 6wt review 2021