You can however also obtain it in a different way, by heading to Dragonsreach in Whiterun. Where to start the quest: The Restful Watchman, after spending a night in the tavern. At the same time you will learn that the ruins are inhabited by the so-called Afflicted, infested by the plague that the Daedric Lord has sent. Open the gate using the key, look inside the next chest and pull the lever to get transported to the surface. Silver Ingots can be often found in mines and other underground structures. Obtain a flawless ruby 5. Continue forwards (there’s a chest if you go down) and through the door. Step 1, Complete the Companions questline. It's best to begin at Kartwasten, though if you haven't visited it yet, you can head to Markarth and head north-east from there. The Afflicted are humanoid races who have been gifted abilities or "afflicted" by the Daedric Prince, Peryite, in Skyrim. Vampire Dust After the items are collected, Kesh puts them into a Dwemer incense burner in the shrine and after inhaling th… (PC Only) This bug is fixed by version 2.0.4 of the Unofficial Skyrim Patch. You can be sure to find some in the middle part of the Korvanjund ruins which you visit for example during the civil war quest The Jagged Crown. Have fun using it on our WWW pages. Kesh tells the Dragonborn that in order to speak to Peryite, they must: 1. This will also start the quest proper: The ingredients are: A Flawless Ruby (Buy at a shop/get in a mine). Go right for a chest, then go left. Note that the game doesn't give you any precise locations, so you will need to search for each of the above ingredients on your own. Obtain some Vampire Dust. Enter Dragonsreach Jarl's Quarters and examine one of the rooms on the upper floor to find a whole chest of ingots (screen above). Kill them and continue to a large room with three Afflicted in it. It is obtained by visiting Peryite's Shrine Northeast of Markarth. He will use them to brew up an incense and when he’s done he will tell you to inhale it. 0. Up ahead are stairs heading up in front of you and stairs to the right. Our objective will also change to “Report Orchendor’s death to Peryite”. Volendrung You COULD have fun on the rooftops up here, but for the guide’s sake I’ll do this the classic way and proceed to the doortop at the very top and end of this path. Once Kesh is dead, you should be able to activate the cauldron yourself and continue the quest as normal. You can ask some more questions now, but you’ll learn very little. "Glory of the Dead" is the final quest in the Companions questline. Wait for the Khajiit to throw the ingredients into the cauldron and stir them properly. A Silver Ingot 4. before i accepted his task to go and kill Orchendor, i asked what i'd get for it, and he told me he'd give me a token of his appreciation. and I have them, and the quest marker is telling me to go to Kesh to "deliver the ingredients" but when I talk to him, there is no a speech option to give them to him. In this area go forwards to the opening with all the stairs. Why not join us today? ), but as you play the game you will undoubtedly come across an “Afflicted Traveler” as you roam the world map. Kill Orchendor. so I'm playing Skyrim right now, and I'm having a problem on the quest The Only Cure. You will know the destination by stone pillars, visible from afar (screen above). The Only Cure - p. 2 TES V: Skyrim Guide. Remove ads and unlock special features, Bring 10 Stalhrim Ore and 15 Ebony Ingots to Halbarn, Bring Elmus Some Ashfire Mead From Thirsk Mead Hall, Convince Geldis Sadri to Admit Bralsa Drel to the Inn, Convince Nikulas to Stay in Skaal Village, Locate Cindiris Folio From the Wreck of the Strident Squall, Locate the East Empire Pendants for Fethis Alor in Raven Rock, Recover the Bonemold Formula for Glover Mallory, Take Neras Necklace to Runil in Falkreath, Side Missions-Thirsk Hall and Bujolds Retreat. Head over there (the shrine is just northwest of the small town of Karthwasten) and talk to Kesh. Next The Only Cure - p. 3 Prev The Only Cure - p. 1. Follow Kesh over to the Dwemer pot, and inhale the Incense Fumes there. As you would suspect, the incense makes you… hear things. Dwarven Spiders are waiting for you up here, so take them out and reach the door leading to the Bthardamz Study. To find and kill Orchendor, we’ll need to travel to the dwarven ruins of Bthardamz, to the west (ask Kesh about them!). Continue on and you’ll find a group of them praying… either sneak by or reward their prayers with an arrow in the back (choose the arrow!). The Only Cure - posted in Skyrim Spoilers: Im doing this Deadric Quest and im going through the Dungeon while Killing the Inflicted along the way, so when i Kill Ochendor and return to the Shrine, the Deadric Lord asks me if i left anyone alive. You are not permitted to copy any image, text or info from this page. With all the ingredients in hand, return and give them to Kesh. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim; The Only Cure: no reward? This site is not associated with and/or endorsed by the Bethesda Softworks or Bethesda Softworks. The future of Skyrim, even the Empire itself, hangs in the balance as they wait for the prophesized Dragonborn to come; a hero born with the power of The Voice, and the only one who can stand amongst the dragons. Obtain some vampire dust 4. No matter what you do, make your way to the Bthardamz Upper District. This quest involves going into Ysgramor's Tomb, fighting previous Companion's ghosts, and throwing a Glenmoril Witch head on … The Vampire Dust is almost a certain drop if you kill a Vampire (screen above), though there are luckily also other methods of obtaining it. Either take them out or pick the gate to the right. Stop and talk their ear off and you should get the miscellaneous quest “Find Kesh at the Shrine to Peryite”. You are that Dragonborn. Spellbreaker is an EXCEPTIONAL shield for you melee players, it creates a ward that protects against spells for up to 50 points when you use it! A DeathbellFlower 2. These are enemies and will try to use a puke attack on you (take them out with ranged if you can). To start this quest, you can either travel to the Shrine of Peryite to talk to Kesh the Clean (after level 10), or you can stumble upon some Afflicted in World Encounter: Peryite’s Pilgrim. Be sure to pick the locked door here for another chest and a SPEECH SKILLBOOK called “Biography of the Wolf Queen”. Obtain a Deathbell Flower. 5. am I doing something wrong? There are FOUR Afflicted here for you to kill, so take them out. Specifically, it will make you hear Peryite, who will eventually ask you to kill a monk named Orchendor for his betrayal. I'd even more advisable considering it's very cheap. The Dragonborn can now decide if killing the elf is justified or not. Speak to an NPC named Kesh at the Shrine to Peryite to start it. After that hit him hard, as he is a dangerous Ice Mage. After that is another room on the right that houses another locked door and a chest. Obtain a deathbellflower 3. If you don't want to rush this quest, you can move on to others and hope that you will come across a merchant selling Flawless Rubies while you're at it. Additionally you will have to take the Key to Bthardamz Elevator. He can also teleport away if he wishes and heal himself, so keep your health up and take him out. Taking one of them shouldn't be taken as thievery, though you might want to crouch and make sure you're not being observed by anyone, just in case. Oh, Orchendor should also have the ALTERATION SKILLBOOK “Reality & Other Falsehoods” on him. He’s got SEVERAL nice items for you once he falls. Sweet! Hello everyone. Obtain a Silver Ingot. You will speak with the aspect of Peryite (screen above). The Arcanex is another pretty area, being semi-flooded. The Dragonbornmust be level 10 or above to get the quest from the Afflicted, and level 12 to get the quest from Kesh. The first is a crash that happens when I try to quick save after destroying any dwarvern automaton, the second is when I try to enter the Bthardamz Study (I think its called). Afflicted have the ability to vomit a green substance that is extremely acidic. Kesh has told me to bring him the 4 ingredients. You will have the largest chance of obtaining it while exploring Dwarven ruins (screen above) and other inaccessible dungeons. There’s two more Afflicted in here, but loot as well. Personally I'd recommend approaching it even later, as it mainly consists of a very demanding passage through Dwarven ruins. Now, go right and enter the Bthardamz Dwelling. The quest is obtained in a random encounter with one of the Afflicted or by approaching Kesh at the Shrine to Peryite. To get out of here, make sure you grab his key then just follow the path behind him to an elevator. Take out the guards and open the door. Depending on what part of the quest you are on, there seem to be a few different options on how to proceed. The Only Cure The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. Copyright © 2000 - 2021 GRY-Online S.A. for, unofficial game guides, walkthroughs, secrets, game tips, maps & strategies for top games. In accordance with the received information, approach it and interact to start inhaling the fumes (screen above). Watch out for a floor plate by the arched-doorway up ahead though (take the right path and grab the chest). At the bottom of the slope is a room that houses some Afflicted. All logos and images are copyrighted by their respective owners. Skyrim Remastered: SPELLBREAKER Location (The Only Cure - All Daedric artifacts Oblivion Walker Achievement Guide)! This section isn’t very long. (PC) Use the console command setstage da13 21 to bypass Kesh not creating the incense. for some reason during the daedric quest "The Only Cure" while im in Bthardamz there are 2 crashes that prevent me from continuing. Fight your way forwards past the minor dwarven enemies until you get back up to higher ground. Keep your eyes open for another chest and enter the Bthardamz Lower District at the end. Open the door in front of you and loot the chest, then continue on and be careful of floor plates that are trapped right before you ascend any ramp. Once you’re back on the world map, head back to the Shrine of Peryite. The Flawless Ruby is a rather rare item. If you want to start the storyline of this modification you must head to Helgen and then go south to Pale Pass. The Companions questline is how you gain lycanthropy. You CAN go up there though and grab a chest (it leads to the same area, but you have to fall down to the right to get there). The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Game Guide by This will also start the quest proper: The ingredients are: A Flawless Ruby (Buy at a shop/get in a mine). ... Magic of Skyrim Alternate Start Windstad Mine Werewolf Mastery Climates of Tamriel. Head up the many stairs now. A Deathbell Flower (These grow around Morthal a lot). An afflicted will enter the left bedroom here and talk with another afflicted. please help. If you don't want to waste time on searching for it, I'd suggest heading to any alchemy shop, for example The Hag's Cure in Markarth (screen above). Start off by examining Orchendor's body, as he was using many powerful items. Quest requirements: This quest can be completed only after reaching at least level 10. It appears that Peryite "afflicted" them so that they could "cleanse all of Tamriel" by spreading this affliction. Quest: "The Only Cure" Peryite's ward and shield combo, otherwise known as Spellbreaker, can be obtained from the quest "The Only Cure." Play the main story past 'The Way of the Voice' (where you climb up the Throat of the World) and then visit a … Over 200 captioned screenshots provide even more help. There’s also a chest on the left hand wall where a spider guardian may ambush you (be careful!). There’s two more Afflicted guarding the far side of this area, so make your way over there and take them out. You’ll face more minor enemies as you proceed now, and soon you’ll come to the room where Orchendor is. Vampire Dust (Kill a Vampire/buy in alchemy shops). Only afterwards use the ramp leading onto the upper level and head north (screen above). After throwing his ceremonial hammer known as Volendrung, which is also a Dwemer artifact and a Daedric artifact which landed in modern-day Hammerfell, he and his clan marched to what would be their new home. At the same time look out for wild animals which might attack you. Grab that chest in the middle and continue. Go and commune with Peryite once more and he will be pleased, giving you the artifact “Spellbreaker” for your service. There, you meet a guard that will ask you about a purpose of your visit. In the hallway coming up there will be a Dwarven CENTURION, so get your battle plan ready as he hits HARD (sneak attack!?). *possible spoilers* User Info: xcetrax. In the next room you’ll come across another locked door and some more dwarven spiders. Agree to his request though, and you’ll be free. Follow the ruins to find a door that leads to Bthardamz Upper District. Note that you can find a chest down a small ruined dead-end to the left. Obtain a Flawless Ruby. It's best to begin at Kartwasten, though if you haven't visited it yet, you can head to Markarth and head north-east from there. This will also start the quest proper: A Flawless Ruby (Buy at a shop/get in a mine). You’ll face some dwarven spheres as you continue. Obtain a silver ingot 2. During the First Era, King Rourken led his clan away from their Dwemer brothers, because the rest of the Dwemer had allied themselves with the Chimer and formed the First Council. Past them is a wide open room with a total of four Afflicted hanging around. A Flawless Ruby 3. You can use the lever nearby to kill anything in the middle area, so do so and take out the rest. We need to get through the barred door above us, but the bars are lowered by a lever up on the balcony to the right. Go back and down the slope now (watch out for the trapped pressure plate) and follow the path to take out three more Afflicted and enter Bthardamz Workshop. In this page you can find information about completing "The Courier" quest in Skyrim: Bruma. We need to go right and down, but if you go straight you’ll have to fight two dwarven spheres for a chest. Gi… It will give you a mission of heading to the dwarven ruins of Bthardamz and kill the monk Orchendor. On the clifftop above Druadach Mountains above Karthwasten lies a Shrine to Peryite, Bringer of Pestilence. Keep following the path and you’ll FINALLY reach the Bthardamz Arcanex. The Mind of Madness The Taste of Death. Page 1 of 2 - Purity Bug: Quest Complete for Farkas only - posted in General Skyrim Discussion: I managed to get the Purity quest (cure Farkas of lycanthrop) completed,but could not get his brother Vilkas to bring it up (and eventually cure myself).I've tried all the reset commands and other tricks (do a sidequest with Vilkas as a follower and visit the Glenmori Coven first,etc) but no results. Once you’re inside head inwards (avoiding the green goo for health reasons!). Take them both out and grab the Afflicted’s Note in here and continue on (the other two bedrooms have nothing in them). Or, you could go do some other quests and I’ll just bet you that you come across all of these over time! As the altar is high in mountains, it would be good to head there on a horse so that you don't have to waste time on climbing. I haven't gotten to this particular quest yet, so I … Achievements/Trophy descriptions (includes all 3 DLC packs). How to start Dragonborn DLC in Skyrim. To verify this, type in the console SQS WEJS14. Continue on and you’ll reach a fork. After reaching the destination, approach Kesh the Clean and speak to him (screen above). If only Stage 0 = 1 then this is the case. You can go up the stairs here but that’s not where the marker leads. In order to activate the quest, you will need to head to the Shrine of Peryite, located in the north-west part of Skyrim (screen above). Where to find and conquer every side-mission. Skyrim is the homeland of the Nords, a fierce and proud warrior people who are used to the bitter cold and mountanous terrain that mark the lands of Skyrim. The path heads up at one point, and there are three Afflicted to kill up there. By continuing you confirm you have read and agree to our Terms of Service and Privacy/Cookie Policy. The Aspect of Peryite will speak of its workings in the world, and that an elf named Orchendor betrayed it. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The Only Cure. This article on the Elder Scrolls Wiki would suggest that it is possible to complete the quest even after killing Kesh. A Silver Ingot (Buy at a blacksmith shop/smelt down silver ore). really wanna finish this quest Try killing Kesh and looting the four ingredients back from his body. This is a play through video for The Only Cure. 1. Just like with the flower mentioned above, I'd suggest looking around the alchemy shops. Most of them should have the powder in their offer and usually at a reasonable price. Once you get there you will find some Afflicted wandering outside. The stairs ahead of you just lead to the area by the waterfall, so go right and kill some more Afflicted to get to the higher level. How to trigger: You won’t get this quest directly (when do you ever, right!? Ask him about communing with Peryite and he will say you can IF you bring him four ingredients. 1. In order to activate the quest, you will need to head to the Shrine of Peryite, located in the north-west part of Skyrim (screen above). Inhale the fumes. In the next open area, some dwarven spiders will ambush you (I had to fight three of them). Sorry, we've got no plans for mobile versions of this game guide. Ask Peryite any question you want and tell him goodbye once you are done to finish this quest. You will also likely have to battle 3-4 charging Afflicted on the lower path (there are a lot of them to kill here!). Am i suppose to Kill the Inflicted, or can i just pass them by with a High Sneak and just Kill Ochendor, will the Inflicted be my Friends then. Exit once you get it. I’d go grab that chest than go back take the door they want you to take (you’ll have to kill two more Afflicted and you’ll get another chest). Note: You can also find a SPEECH SKILLBOOK here called “The Buying Game”, so be sure to grab it! Completing the quest will grant you the Spellbreaker shield. If you only want to start the quest by meeting the refugee (if you are perfectionist like me XD) and you don't find him during random encounters, it's probably because you've already met without seeing him. Soon you’ll reach an area with a river running through it (very pretty!). You must make sense of this maelstrom, explore the frozen tundra and bring hope to the people. Wracked by civil war, and threatened by the return of the legendary dragons, Skyrim faces its darkest hour. It’s not a very far journey. You must walk through mountains - however, reaching your destination shouldn't take you a lot of time. Objectives. If you make an effort to get these ingredients it won’t take you long. Of course in case you have them in your inventory, you can advance to the further part of the quest at once. xcetrax 8 years ago #1. so i just completed the deadric quest "the only cure", for the daedric prince, peryite. See Also: Things to Do First in Skyrim, Things Not to Do in Skyrim; Standing Stones Offer Permanent Buffs. Speak with a guard and you will be moved to the new location. The option to cure yourself of lycanthropy becomes available after you complete the entire questline. Whether you ask for a prize or forget to mention it doesn't play any role, as killing the monk will give you the chance of obtaining a precious artifact. The Khajiit will tell you that in order to gain an audience with the Daedric Lord of Pestilence, you need to bring him four ingredients necessary to conjure the ritual, a Flawless Ruby, Silver Ingot, Deathbell flower and Vampire Dust. Inhale the fumes. If you are ranged you should be able to get in a good sneak attack thanks to the wall partition. Head inwards and sneak forwards on the left. The Deathbell Flower is a very common alchemical ingredient, found both around the game world as in dungeons and other places inhabited by mages. Open the world map, return to the Shrine of Peryite and speak with Kesh to give him all the ingredients necessary for the ritual (screen above). Either way, once you have all four of them, go back to the shrine and talk to Kesh. Deliver the ingredients. Upon approaching the shrine a Khajiit named Kesh the Clean lists what materials are needed to speak to Peryite, starting the quest. Post Comment. Had to fight three of them ) Only Stage 0 = 1 then this is the final quest in middle! I had to fight three of them, go back to the that. Information, approach it and interact to start the quest from Kesh logos images., they must: 1 more advisable considering it 's very cheap middle area, so be sure to it... Gate using the key to Bthardamz Upper District get this quest directly ( when do you ever, right?. 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how to start the only cure skyrim 2021