Gingka then realizes that he will start back from scratch and work his way up and will not stop until he wins Battle Bladers and that the next time he loses will be the day he quits beyblading. Madoka shows that their is one final Challenge Match that Gingka could enter saying if he wins he could win and compete in battle Bladers, but in their way is Tsubasa stunning Gingka and co. Madoka states that how he could go so low for the Dark Nebula but is surprised to find out Tsubasa isn't a member of the Dark Nebula anymore and challenges Gingka to a beybattle, but is told that there is no time. During the fight, Selen keeps on dodging Pegasus' attacks to drain all of Pegasus' stamina until her bey itself runs out. Gingka was exempt due to his win in Battle Bladers and has his spot as leader of that Team. Gingka, Tsubasa, Madoka, Yu & Masamune head to the middle east to view another A-Block first round match between the European and Arabian Teams. The teams must now part ways with their new friends from Wang Hu Zhong having set absolutely no hard feeling over the battles. Gingka exclaims that the battle is important and he'll lose everything if he loses and Ryutaro starts to explain how he can't lose the battle either. Not knowing of his strength they accept the Blader and begin to battle but not soon after they begin to regret it as they are trapped in sand by Yu's bey libra. He explains that he's driving forward with everything he has and wherever he ends up will be his future. After the defeat of Hades Inc and the destruction of the Spiral Core, a strange event occurred. Gingka, torn between what to do he tries desperately to battle through Dashan's defense as the reality sets in that Dashan was right and their responsibilities are different and Gingka simply doesn't have enough power to topple it. Hagane Ginga Nemesis' dark power starts to burst away, with all of it disappearing against Nemesis' will. Yuki plots to defeat Aguma once and for all and to have nothing stand in his way. Gingka is stunned by his defeat but uses this chance to finaly Master Galaxy Pegasus Power, which he does. Ryuga denies the challenge knowing he will win so he tells Gingka that durinng Battle Bladers they will end their rivalry once and for all. Gingka doesn't fret until the Cage roof is electrically charged repelling his Pegasus. Ginga Hagane His beyblade partner is Storm Pegasus, Galaxy Pegasus and currently Big Bang Pegasus and he is the main protagonist in the Metal Fusion Beyblade anime and manga series. He uses the suns reflection to find the real aquaria and defats her. 1 Blader in the World" and a Blader of the Four Seasons, representing the season of Autumn. Everyone is shocked at the site that Gingka says that the battle is not over and will not lose. Madoka stays up all night repairing Pegasus while Gingka observes on a nearby couch, and eventually falls aslep.The next day, the Face Hunter's took Kenta's beyblade and said to bring Gingka to Metal Tower or else they would destroy Sagittario. GanGan Galaxy finds the Festival but are denied entry due to thier heritage of not being a European native. Johannes then switches Beat Lynx to a higher height to stop the others but Zeo's Spiral Fox knocks Hell Crown over it rams Beat Lynx by accident. Back then, he defined this as his Blader Spirit. With this, Team GanGan Galaxy moves onto their Semi-Final match in Brazil. Tsubasa attacks fiercely until Hyoma counters with a special move Wind Storm Assault to cancel out his attack.

Gingka is for warned by Ryuga about StarbreakersAdded by Desboy96Masamune assumes that Ryuga is the attacker ant tells him to back off away from his friend but Zeo turns on Masamune in suprising anger and launches his bey at him with Masamune retaliating by launching his Ray Striker. Characters Main Characters Tyson Granger (木ノ宮タカオ, Kinomiya Takao) Voiced by: Motoko Kumai (Japanese); Marlowe Gardiner-Heslin (English) The main protagonist of Beyblade. They then find Gingka but see he has awoken in which they relief. Gingka starts his search for the legendary scroll that is said to be hidden at the top of a dangerous mountain. Tsubasa challenges Kenta to a battle while Yu challenges Hyoma to a battle. But as Gingka races towards he is once again cutoff by Argo who absolutely refuses to allow Gingka entry onto the city. Many bladers appear on the seen and cheer on for him to defeat Kyoya. Gingka would now have to face the mighty Damian Hart who easily defeat Julian, who provided a great challenge to Gingka. Gingka then commands pegasus to use its special move Starblast Attack. He later became a mentor to his biggest fan, Zyro Kurogane, in Shogun Steel. Dynamis assures Gingka that he will defeat him with all his might which gives Gingka off. Ryuga's "Forbidden Bey" defeats Gingka without any effort leaving Gingka and co. in a state of shock. He holds the title as the "#1 Blader in the World" and is a Blader of the Four Seasons, representing the season of Autumn.

Gingka takes on the Cyclone master, Ian GarciaAdded by Desboy96After seeing Yu and Masamune defeated by Enzo and Selen respectively, Gingka jumps in and launches his Pegasus into the stadium. It is then where Cosmic Pegasus is spinning, albeit almost losing spin. He explains that he's driving forward with everything he has and wherever he ends up will be his future. When they arrive in the desert he is located in they see massive craters made by a beyblade; the mysterious new member challenges Ryuga to a battle which leades in creating even more massive crators and showing his strenth. During Metal Masters and Metal Fury Gingka uses a String Launcher (Bey Launcher) with a Three Segment Launcher Grip in right-handed mode, and a Beypoint Card. The dark clouds that took place during the battle leave, as a sun-light returns. Gingka Hagane, a Blader with the calmest attitude and a passion for the Beyblade, also for helping out people in need. As soon as Gingka got there, one hundred Face Hunters thugs were there waiting with their beyblades, eager to battle Gingka to attempt at getting their revenge on him. At the start of their battle his pegasus is being pushed back by bull but pegasus begins to get repelled by bull's horns; Gingka and co. start to get worried at the site of pegasus but he commands the warehouse starts collapsing in on them and he is saved by Benkei. After Kyoya is victorious he openly challenges Gingka to an almost immediate acceptance.