There is a first time for everything and this year has been a series of firsts, big time. Unfortunately, the ongoing Covid crisis has now led to the cancellation of all the remaining Eurotests before the end of 2020, and the continuing Brexit issues mean that I am currently barred from entering any Eurotests after 31st December. I went deeply into my heart recently and saw hostility and self-servingness lying there. However I never extended my awareness to the level where I clearly saw what I was doing and not doing. Juli 2021 in New York City stattfinden wird. All of this less-than-evolved behavior has now reached the end of the road. Seeking information is Light Work. If how we feel is most important to us, have we ever stopped, as in this Pause, to look at how it feels to resent? End Of The Road Festival 2021 Lineup - find the latest lineup announcements for End Of The Road Festival right here, from the UK's Biggest Festival Guide Share. I care enough to “keep up appearances.” But it’s only an appearance. We owe a huge debt of thanks to our audience for sticking with us during this impossibly difficult time. We’re heading in the right direction and we believe we’re ready talk to patriotic investors who want to not only “get in on the action” but more … December 2020 – End Of The Road? Life after death? It is a declaration not an assertion, that is, it is a context from which one chooses to live. Enlightenment? About sharing. We also need your help, more than ever, to keep the independent spirit of End of The Road alive so we’re asking you to roll your tickets forward to 2021 if you can. End Of The Road Festival Ltd is registered in England number 05596348. KISS haben bekannt gegeben, dass der letzte Auftritt ihrer „End Of The Road“-Mega-Tour am 17. The Dorset festival, which hoped to … (10/10/2020) Both the 2020 End of the Road Morning and Afternoon races have just filled up. KISS Tour Dates, Klassic Videos, Music, Merchandise and More! Have a question about Ascension? The Galactics? Our recommendations on other lightworker sites. We were hoping we wouldn’t have to add to the list but sadly this will be the first time in 15 years that there will be no End of The Road: due to the current pandemic, we are postponing the 2020 festival until 2021. In June, 2020, we had 614,192. If no [lightworker] steps forward into [leadership] ... “Responsibility begins with the willingness to take the stand that one is cause in the matter of one’s life. Please refer to our FAQs for more information before you email us. Share to Twitter Share to Facebook Share to Pinterest. image copyright Getty Images. In responsibility, there is no….” (Read more…). We’ll desperately miss dancing, singing and partying with all of you. We’ve been cleansing, purifying, and letting go for quite some time now. All beings are birthed directly from the Heart of One…. Do not get caught in the drama of white hats or black hats, or good guys or bad guys. Beloved ones, do not allow yourselves to be distracted, yes, by the chaos…. About six weeks ago End of the Road festival revealed the first wave of performers at this September’s festival. close. Wrap your eyes around this lot. KISS co-founder & frontman, best-selling author and Rock & Roll Hall of Famer PAUL STANLEY has spent the last few years developing a project close to his heart.Soul Station is a band gathering some of today’s leading musicians to pay tribute to the greatest artists and songs from the R&B and soul catalog to keep this vital music current. That was pretty shocking for me. I will help you. Fast & Furious franchise to reach end of the road 'after two more films' Published. Last couple of hours in France and we certainly made the most of it: Stocked up on proper burgundy red & white at a # vigneron in # buxy, visited the old cloister in # Cluny (image 3) and got our blessings in # taizé (image 1&2)- a real Strange place but beautiful landscapes all around it. Tuesday, October 13, 2020. (Absolutely awful.) End of the Road 2020 (Picture: Press) You can see the line-up poster for End Of The Road Festival 2020 above. 21 October 2020. With Lou Pizarro, Sarah Cleveland, Heather Lore, Nigel Rodgers. Our recommendations on other constructive news sites. We’ll be back and ready for one hell of a party from 2nd – 5th September 2021. Bill Wednesday, October 14, 2020 3:37:00 AM. Building, anchoring, and restoring hope, trust and Love within the human community. Especially of interest to those new to these subjects. You have done the participant; now be the observer and look to behaviors, look to attitudes, look to kindness, to sweetness, to fairness.” (1). Court buries AP’s Mogalakwe Almost a year after the 2019 general elections, Alliance for Progressives’ (AP) Mogalakwe Mogalakwe’s lone crusade came crashing down on Tuesday. The Mother exp;lains: “This is your time to come into yourself and forgive yourself for righteous attitudes, for blame, and shame, and guilt… and then, to forgive everyone involved. Nothing lasts forever, Email This BlogThis! We were so proud too of our sadly-not-to-be 2020 line-up, so we’ll be working hard over the summer to stay as true to that as possible come 2021 – with a few exciting new names too. …. (“Archangel Michael: Do not Get Caught in the Drama of White Hats or Black Hats,” Nov. 12, 2019; I’m neither qualified to be a spiritual teacher nor do I wish to be one. And yet this life is an illusory play too. Is this the kind of self-examination the Mother is asking us for? Against his mother's wishes, Dave decides to drive the old family car 2,000 miles from Indiana to LA for an answer to a not so simple question: Why did you leave us? To hate? If I want to go forward, I have to leave it all behind. Explosionen, Riffs und fliegende Superhelden: KISS ziehen auf der END OF THE ROAD World Tour alle Register und feiern ein dezibelstarkes Spektakel. Über die Jahre sind wir zur Zielscheibe von so manchem staatlichem Angriff geworden, was vor allem auch unserem solidarischem Bloghoster Blogsport zu schaffen macht(e). Queen Latifah has signed on to lead the Netflix thriller End of the Road, a feature film that Millicent Shelton is attached to direct. (Rotten.) But I entrust this to you as well. for a Sunday morning event. Die Ankündigung der Abschiedstournee stieß bei den Fans auf riesige Nachfrage nach zusätzlichen Shows aber die END OF THE ROAD TOUR wird mit einer finalen Show in New York zu Ende gehen. Copy link. the idle race " the end of the road " 2020 remix.... - YouTube End of The Road Presents ‘In The Garden of Streaming’ Recorded Live at Larmer Tree Gardens (5 months ago) Live sets from Squid, Katy J Pearson, Golden Dregs and more, online Sunday 6th Sept! Hey ihr lieben Menschen, lang ist’s her, nämlich im September 2009, also vor fast 9 Jahren, da starteten wir das Projekt endofroad hier auf Blogsport. Or maybe I should say, feeling compassion deeply. See the full lineup and get ticket info here. Responsibility is not burden, fault, praise, blame, credit, shame or guilt. OK, that certainly shook me up. End of the Road Festival is held September 3rd-6th, 2020 at the Larmer Tree Gardens in Dorset, UK. Dynamic times and rampant internet censorship brought me to create a new outlet for the unending flow of information. So will Pixies, King Krule, Big Thief, Bright Eyes, Aldous Harding and Little Simz – who have all already confirmed that they’ll be joining us. They won’t be able to defend their Caribbean title in Mazatlán this year as they fell short of another Dominican championship. On Nov. 7, 2020, the Divine Mother gave us our mission: “This Pause gives you the time, the critical time, to go deeply within your heart and truly examine what lies there. - The Divine Mother. Andújar and his teammates looked to be in great shape after winning the first two games of the best-of-seven set. Information is Light. Disclosure? BV December 31, 2020 End of the road - Pervasive 10 - Is this slated for update ? The End of the Road. All site resources can be viewed here. Die finale Tour von KISS umrundet weiter den Globus und führt die legendären Hardrocker im Sommer 2021 zurück nach Deutschland! As the runt of the litter, I spent a lot of time doing exactly that. Directed by Tom Whitus. I give you my divine authority to do so. We know you’ll all be missing it too, there is nothing quite like the buzz of live music, but we know this is the right decision for everyone; for our audience, performers, staff and crew, vendors, real ale purveyors, the gardeners who cut the grass and feed the peacocks, the local community, the hard-working NHS staff and key workers, and for all those affected beyond our hedges. The End of the Road World Tour is the ongoing final concert tour by the American rock band … We will be contacting all ticket buyers with further details later today. End Of The Road Festival 2020 will not go ahead over continuing fears about the coronavirus outbreak.. On Nov. 7, 2020, the Divine Mother gave us our mission: “This Pause gives you the time, the critical time, to go deeply within your heart and truly examine what lies there. I will guide you. We were hoping we wouldn’t have to add to the list but sadly this will be the first time in 15 years that there will be no End of The Road: due to the current pandemic, we are postponing the 2020 festival until 2021.. We’ll desperately miss dancing, singing and partying with all of you. The Court of Appeal (CoA) dismissed the wannabe councilor’s election petition case with costs, crushing the opposition’s last hope of proving they were cheated out of the elections. End Of The Road Tour 2020 14.06.2020 – Dortmund, Westfalenhalle 15.06.2020 – Hamburg, Barclaycard Arena 10.07.2020 – Frankfurt, Festhalle 11.07.2020 – Stuttgart, Hanns-Martin-Schleyer-Halle Termine und Venues auf dem Stand vom 06.11.2019 Tickets für KISS This Pause that I give you gives the time to be the observer. This Pause that I give you gives the time to be the observer. * On the Importance of the Universal Laws,, Releasing the Old Paradigm and Embracing the New. Dave is about to be 21 years old and he wants to know his father - the man who left his mother and moved to Los Angeles 12 years prior. Never worked. wwrighter over 2 years ago I recall reading articles years ago about BV and its reliance on Pervasive 10 which reached its end of life a few years ago, and crystal reports which i think is no longer a thing? End Of The Road Andy | Tuesday, October 13, 2020 | Car | Junk. Reply Delete. "The key to Love is sharing, ... [balancing] give and receive." NOW AND THEN Set to Release March 5. It didn’t fit my self-image. And then, to turn the page, not through violence, not through dis- or misinformation but claiming your co-creative, human, Gaian, angelic, star-being, your creative power to bring forth worlds that work.” (2). (1) “Universal Mother Mary – My Divine Pause and the American Elections,” Nov. 7, 2020, at, Filed Under: Awareness as a Path, Deconstructing the Constructed Self/Mask, Hostility, How I See Myself, Just Stop/Stopping Unwholesome Action, Letting Go of Drama/Exaggeration/Gossip, Love/Ocean of Love/Love in Action, Masks/Constructed Self, Releasing the Old Paradigm and Embracing the New, Removing Limitations, Self-Serving Bias, Steve Beckow, Taking a Stand, Taking Personal Responsibility, The Pause, Truncated Experiences, Tsunami of Love, Vasanas, This is my clarion call to all of humanity to embrace love, to embrace truth, to embrace peace…. Words by Loud And Quiet Photos by Jody Evans. Share page. Like a defeated army surrendering its weapons, I feel naked and vulnerable, uncertain of what’s next, but just glad that the fighting is over. Dear Friends, There is a first time for everything and this year has been a series of firsts, big time. With less than two weeks until race day, there is not enough time to get permits, staff, volunteers, goodies etc. Movies. I’m a writer who wishes to share his views with you on subjects of mutual interest and listen to yours as lightworker equals and spiritual adults. We are hugely grateful to these artists and their teams for being so supportive. Home of the KISS ARMY, Find KISS tickets and concert information from the official KISS website. Someone compared it to drinking poison and hoping the other person would die.
end of the road 2020 2021