Egg appears when defeating an enemy by 5%. Recover your status when performing a normal attack. Gain resistance to Fire by a certain percentage based directly on the Innocent's value. It's pretty late, like 2 chapters before the end or something. Unique Innocents are found attached to certain equipment and are unable to be removed, stored, or combined together. Item God Randomly & Fried Shrimp Fun Weapon. It is only visible to you. Gain resistance to Sword-type weapons by a certain percentage based directly on the Innocent's value. Reduces target's HIT by 50% with a normal attack (3 turns). Second, the effects of unique innocents as seen in story and quest items are rarely complex enough to force tradeoffs. Increase stats by 1% of adjacent ally units' stats. Sweet Tempter : 甘い誘惑屋: Unique: Fixed: 1: Recover 50% HP at the end of a turn. Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance. Increases DEF by the amount indicated on the Innocent. Item God Randomly & Paint Brush Fun Weapon, Item God Randomly & Folding Fan Fun Weapon. 50% chance to inflict Amnesia status with an attack. When attacking, enemy units will have 1 or more HP remaining. In other words, it was quantity, and not quality. Boost stat increase when leveling up by 10%. Most non-store bought items have at least one of these. 50% chance to inflict Paralysis status with an attack. Increases ATK & HIT by the amount indicated on the Innocent. Raises the chance of a Team Attack by 100%. Progress the story. Just create a few characters of the Sage class and that will allow you to stack attacks. Increase chance of being the target of enemy attacks. Gain resistance to Bow-type weapons by a certain percentage based directly on the Innocent's value. Learn skills faster by a certain percentage based directly on the Innocent's value. Pass the bill Equip Unique Evility (after beating the main story) Land the Killing blow on the Prinny Overlord at the Overture Downfall stage. Decrease chance of being the target of enemy attacks. 100% steal, even if evility preventing it is equipped on foes. Disgaea 5. Gain resistance to Spear-type weapons by a certain percentage based directly on the Innocent's value. Disgaea 5 Complete revels in the complexity and absurdity series vets have come to know and love. Unsubdued Innocents are generally the most common type you'll find on equipment by default. After attacking, decrease target's mobility by 1 (3 turns). Level a Sage. Hope you someday will listen to the "TheDude" and correct the "Important Innocent" part. This title will be available as both a physical and digital release. Alternatively, raise percentages of some effects. Disgaea Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Raises the chance of a Team Attack by 100%. All rights reserved. Induces the Poison status on enemies after attacking by a certain percentage, based directly on the Innocent's value. Increase all elemental resistances, except star, by 50%. Gain more Mana by a certain percentage based directly on the Innocent's value. Fun Weapon rewards … What they max at, how to farm them fast, and how to combine them. The Innocent Shop can help with that; this shop acts like a warehouse to hold all your precious Innocents while breeding new ones at the Innocent Farm out back. Identified by a redish orange scary face to the left of their name. Induces the Charm status on enemies after attacking by a certain percentage, based directly on the Innocent's value. Increase chance of being the target of enemy attacks. Target of attack will not counter attack. They can be attached to equipment or stored via Innocent Shop. Target of attack will not counter attack. © Valve Corporation. Obtain more money upon defeating enemies. When attacking, +50% to damage and -50% to accuracy. Increase all elemental resistances, except star, by 50%. If you believe your item has been removed by mistake, please contact, This item is incompatible with Disgaea 5 Complete. Town Crier : ラリー屋: Unique: Fixed: 1: Counter Attack +5. Increase damage by 30% when attacking from behind. Recover 3% of HP when performing a normal attack. Induces the Shrink status on enemies after attacking by a certain percentage, based directly on the Innocent's value. 25% chance to inflict Weaken status with an attack. Induces the Paralysis status on enemies after attacking by a certain percentage, based directly on the Innocent's value. Recover 5% of your HP at the end of your turn. Increase the ATK of all ally monster units on the map by 10%. You will find Innocents on most pieces equipment that you obtain in various ways, such as finding them in chests, stealing them from enemies, winning them from various events, going through the Item World, and so on; the exception being anything purchased in the Pocket Netherworld's shops which will never contain Innocents, with small exceptions. Izuna image courtesy of Disgaea 5 wiki . Unfortunately you can share it will other classes. Indentified by a yellow smiley face to the left of their name. Miscellaneous Innocents are found the same as most other types, and are usually difficult to get larger numbers on. 100% capture, 0 sp on captured/surrendered. Increases HIT & SPD by the amount indicated on the Innocent. 50% chance to inflict Sleep status with an attack. Identified by a green happy face to the left of their name. Most of these are found by killing an Item God within the Item World, which will grant the player a random Unique Innocent on the item you were enhancing, but the first five listed are only on specific pieces of equipment. I should say its misinformation because its incorrect elsewhere too... Statisticians, Mentors, Instructors, brokers, and Managers Each of these are limited not by character but by item its attached to. They are difficult to get in larger numbers. A Unique System for Disgaea 5! Unit's movement type becomes flying, and increase Move. Recovers 5% of the user's SP at the end of the player's turn. ----- 4.1: Maxed Innocents ----- In past Disgaea games, the levels of the innocents didn't matter. Different from other Disgaea games, this one is a lot easier to farm innocents. Increase resistance against Staff-type weapons. Reduces the chance of being inflicted with the Charm status by a percent amount based directly on the Innocent's value. Reduces the chance of being inflicted with the Amnesia status by a percent amount based directly on the Innocent's value. Decrease chance of being the target of enemy attacks. All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries. Item God Randomly & Chopstick Gun Fun Weapon. Reduces the chance of being inflicted with the Paralysis status by a percent amount based directly on the Innocent's value. Item God Randomly & Flower Wreath Fun Weapon. Recover 5% of your SP at the end of your turn. Prinny 2: Dawn of Operation Panties, Dood! Reduce target's HP by 1/3 with a normal attack from behind. 25% of damage inflicted by an attack is also inflicted to SP. Gain more HL upon defeating enemies by a certain percentage based directly on the Innocent's value. Innocents also have one of three different types of status' directly to the left of their name. Reverses the damage during a normal attack. Their max level is 100, and their chance per level is 1% (max chance = 100% at level 100) Alchemist: Poison; Amnesiac: Amnesia; Charmer: Charm; Drainer: Weaken; Hypnotist: Sleep; Shrinker: Shrink; Witch Doctor: Paralysis; Disgaea 5 … The next entry in the long-lived Disgaea series, Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance will be arriving in North America and Europe in the fall of 2015, exclusively for the PlayStation®4! Gain resistance to Monster-type weapons by a certain percentage based directly on the Innocent's value. Revenge Mode During battle, when ally units receive damage or are defeated, the Revenge Gauge gradually accumulates. Disgaea 5: Alliance of Vengeance (魔界戦記ディスガイア5, Makai Senki Disugaia 5) is a 2015 tactical role-playing video game developed and published by Nippon Ichi Software, and part of the Disgaea series. They are shown as green icons on any particular item that has them. Below is a list of Innocents, categorized by their effects. You can have up to 5 statisticians on a character and their bonuses do stack. Increase water element damage by 20% when attacking. Increases HP by the amount indicated on the Innocent. Reduces target's HIT by 50% with a normal attack (3 turns). Secret Trainer : 秘密特訓屋: Unique: Fixed: 1: Stat growth increases by 10% at level up. Increase resistance against Bow-type weapons. Increases SP by the amount indicated on the Innocent.
disgaea 5 unique innocents 2021