Directions: Read the scenarios provided for you. Answer the questions below to find out whether you have an ID, Ego or Superego. The id, ego, and super-ego are a set of three concepts in psychoanalytic theory describing distinct, interacting agents in the psychic apparatus (defined in Sigmund Freud's structural model of the psyche).The three agents are theoretical constructs that describe the activities and interactions of the mental life of a person. He does not take no for an answer. Have students explore Freud's work using the Conflict, Freud & Culture online exhibit from the Library of Congress. Observe the way in which students analyze characters in a work, and then explain how the character contributes to the plot and theme. Favorite Answer . Have fun! use indirect characterization and psychoanalytic criticism to analyze a character in a work and explain how the character contributes to plot and theme. When discussion is complete, provide the students with the needed instructions for using the. This mapping of plot structure allows readers and writers to visualize the key features of stories. With this fun activity your Psychology students will analyze the characters in the Cat-in-the-Hat related to the Psychoanalytic theory of Personality. Grades 8 – 12 | Professional Library | Journal, Using Children's Literature to Spark Learning. ID, EGO, SUPEREGO (CAT IN THE HAT)? Ask students to repeat this activity for The Fish and the Narrator, using the remaining. In the first session, students use a plot handout to identify the elements of plot and theme for The Cat in the Hat. Psychoanalysis is the process of using what we know about these three parts of someone’s personality to analyze the ways that person Do any of the characters change through the course of the story? In the first session, students use a plot handout to identify the elements of plot and theme for The Cat in the Hat. Print All Materials (Note: Handouts must be printed separately). Make sure to quote what passages you took from the book and what pages they are from. The Cat is the perfect example. structure an analytical essay based on their analysis. Following that advice, this lesson taps Dr. Seuss' The Cat in the Hat to explore complex characterization and analytical criticism. For all students, Psychoanalytic Criticism builds on the Freudian theories of psychology. How's that for a start. This more closely matches the plot diagram on the plot analysis chart. Could there be a subconscious reason for the author using these "problem words". Flashcards. Using the printed diagram, draw some conclusions about the characters from the story. Test. Blog. However, the first traces of the theory appear in his essay Beyond the Pleasure Principle (1920), in which it was introduced due to his dissatisfaction with his topographic scheme (i.e. The Cat in the Hat! When the diagram is complete, remind students to print out the diagram. Students will read Dr. Seuss's The Cat in the Hat and analyze the development of each character from the text and pictures using Sigmund Freud's personality theories. And we saw him! For this assignment, you are to psychoanalyze the characters using Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory. Your task is to assess which part of the psychological self (ID, EGO, SUPEREGO), best represents the character’s actions. 16 Typewriter Ego, Superego, For We looked! Id The id is the part of the personality that contains our primitive impulses—such as thirst, anger, hunger—and the desire for instant gratification or release. The children, unable to control the Id, Ego, and Superego allow these creatures to run free and mess up the house, or more symbolically, control their lives. Is she being self-centered and going shopping? basically the devil on … Prezi’s Big Ideas 2021: Expert advice for the new year; Dec. 15, 2020. They can document their findings using the. . Read Dr. Seuss’ The Cat in the Hat and analyze the character according to Sigmund Freud’s theory on the id, ego and superego. Or, ask them to examine characterization in some of the other texts read in class. The Superego is the angel on your shoulder. Other handouts for this unit include a Defining Characterization worksheet that supports details about direct and indirect characterization, as well as a chart of the five different methods of indirect characterization for students to use in analyzing The Cat in the Hat. In the next activity, you will use Freud’s theory to analyze the characters in The Cat In The Hat by Dr. Seuss. As a result, The Cat in the Hat makes an excellent introduction to analytical processes that students can apply later to anything they read. It derives from his work of psychoanalytic theories. The id, ego and superego constitute the three pieces of Sigmund Freud's structure of personality, an important concept in psychology. We added a little of the Oedipus complex in it and analyzed the characters of the play after the The Cat in the Hat activity. As Diana Mitchell explains, "Any literary element can best be taught by beginning with children's books. The students may also want to learn more about other Freudian terms and see if they can find examples in other pieces of literature. students will go there. This was GREAT! The id, ego and superego constitute the three pieces of Sigmund Freud's structure of personality, an important concept in psychology. Because he cleans up after himself. Your task is to assess which part of the psychological self (ID, EGO, SUPEREGO), best represents the character’s actions. The purpose, of course, in teaching about these elements is so students can use them as another way to get into the literature and talk about it" (94). Invite the students to mark-up the handout. Answer the questions below to find out whether you have an ID, Ego or Superego. Students use this graphic organizer to describe similarities and differences between two objects. The first part of the mind I will talk about is the Id. Id ICa: In the Hatl.pdf Then we saw him step in on the mat! Students apply knowledge of language structure, language conventions (e.g., spelling and punctuation), media techniques, figurative language, and genre to create, critique, and discuss print and nonprint texts. How is the cat in cat in the hat id? Students may be interested in seeing a more "grown-up" side of Dr. Seuss by perusing his political cartoons. I have used this lesson to teach characterization. I adapted it for my sophomore literature class while reading Oedipus. Referring to this box, the Cat says, "Now look at this trick. They gather evidence supporting their arguments by identifying examples of indirect characterization in the text. How can characters' behavior, narrative events, and/or images be explained in terms of psychoanalytic concepts of any kind? As we read the story list the characters and conflicts that arise. But we can have Lots Of good fun that is funny!" While the id, ego, and superego are often referred to as structures, they are purely psychological and don’t exist physically in the brain. ID, EGO and SUPEREGO in DR. SEUSS' The CAT in the HAT. The Scenario The I d W oul d. . Explain the "ASE" method for structuring an essay: Once students understand the "ASE" method, ask them to use their notes on the book to structure an argument about the role that one of the characters plays in the story. Anonymous. Ask the students to compare their work in small groups, based on where items fall in their diagrams. For the last 3, create your own scenarios. Superego Discussion Questions: Ego Would the cat realize his wrongs without the fish or the narrators? . Allow time at the end of the session for students to share any of their thoughts or insight into the process or the story. An Introduction to Psychoanalytic Criticism: This handout explains Freud's structural model of personality and how it is used by literary analysis of character.Defining Characterization: This handout provides details about direct and indirect characterization, as well as a chart of the five different methods of indirect characterization for students to use in analyzing The Cat in the Hat.The Cat in the Hat Projects: This handout provides a list of essay topics for an analytical or evaluative essay of characters in The Cat in the Hat. In a paragraph or two write about which of the characters are Id, Ego or Superego and find support from the book. Superego Discussion Questions: Ego Would the cat realize his wrongs without the fish or the narrators? ID - "Pleasure principle"; often impulsive and irrational - Mary stealing the makeup was impulsive and irrational. In this theory, Freud explains that each person’s personality is formed of three parts: the Ego, the Superego and the Id. ), but The Cat in the Hat is the only one who can come over and make a mess at our place. Julius Wright of Charleston, South Carolina—the lesson creator—uses the iconic elementary text from "The Cat in the Hat" to teach students to analyze a literary work using the plot, theme, characterization, and psychoanalytic criticism. Students then develop an argument stating the psychological personality for each character. Students apply a wide range of strategies to comprehend, interpret, evaluate, and appreciate texts. and encourages the character to base decisions on how well they satisfy society. Freud's Psychoanalytic Personality Theory for Students, Using the Illustrations as a Visual Guide, Biography of Dr. Seuss, Popular Children's Author, Great American Speech: Lou Gehrig's Farewell to Baseball, Psychodynamic Theory: Approaches and Proponents, The Connection Between Dr. Seuss, Rosetta Stone, and Theo LeSieg, Celebrate Dr. Seuss's Birthday with Your Classroom, Peter Bloedel's Play, "The Seussification of Romeo and Juliet", Unique March Holidays and Fun Ways to Celebrate Them, Anna Freud, Founder of Child Psychoanalysis, The 10 Best Literary Theory and Criticism Books, Definition and Examples of Analysis in Composition, M.A., English, Western Connecticut State University, B.S., Education, Southern Connecticut State University. The Ego is you. Orally lead students through a discussion that helps them use the id, ego, and superego to determine each character's psychological personality. Conclude this session by answering any questions or concerns from the students. If possible, check out multiple copies of the text from your local public library and have small groups share the book as you read it. Examples of Indirect Characterization from The Cat in the Hat worksheet ... Identify the presence of the id, ego, and superego in literary characters previously studied by the class. Are these latchkey children because Mom has to go to work? What theme in the story does this motif elucidate?' Students read a wide range of literature from many periods in many genres to build an understanding of the many dimensions (e.g., philosophical, ethical, aesthetic) of human experience. This unit covers the key concepts of Freudian psychology as a science or as a tool for literary analysis in a highly engaging manner. I am using it again to reinforce literary concepts we studied using a unit featuring the film Million Dollar Baby. During his life, he wrote numerous books, including The Interpretation of Dreams, many of which are still referenced by psychologists today. It is the ego’s job to meet the needs of our primitive self and what is morally right. The model of the id, ego and superego was developed by Dr. Sigmund Freud in the 1920’s. Differences? elements of SuperEgo in Girl and Fish. As a class, identify and record the information needed to complete the handout. The E go W oul d. . If desired, make overheads of the handouts in order to model for the students. Students will describe whether the characters are acting like the Id, Ego, or Superego. : Thing 1 & Thing 2) locked in one stage. What a great resource!! Write. Her book, Critical Theory Today, A User Friendly Guide discusses a number of critical theories that students may use in text analysis. Write informative/explanatory texts to examine and convey complex ideas and information clearly and accurately through the effective selection, organization, and analysis of content. well your id is your extreme view of things. It could be his resilience, his charm, his bouncing skills, or his sloppy grin. Session Two introduces psychoanalytic criticism as students classify the characters from the story, using the Id, Ego, and Superego. Learn. Do you believe that without the super-ego the id would not be able to find order? They are fun to use, and students will read them eagerly (94). In this lesson, The Cat in the Hat is used as a primer to teach students how to analyze a literary work using the literary tools of plot, theme, characterization, and psychoanalytical criticism. To help prepare you for this activity, read the following explanations for id, ego, and superego. Finally, students refine their analysis and develop an analytical essay. Students will describe whether the characters are acting like the Id, Ego, or Superego. In this, Dr. Seuss uses the children as a brilliant metaphor for the reader, and asks the reader to re-examine his own inner self. Spell. Quizzes Names Videos Humor. This rampage continues until the fish, or Christ symbol, warns that the mother is returning to reinstate the Oedipal triangle that existed before her abandonment of the children. Then, fill out the boxes with that you think the id would do, what the ego would do, and what the superego would do. Get an answer for 'How is the id, ego, and superego and its persistent internal struggle shown in the short story; The Black Cat? The unit is titled “Id, Ego, and the Superego in Dr. Seuss's The Cat in the Hat." Ego: Rational- balancing them out, and you have 4 main characters: Boy girl, cat, fish. Make sure to quote what passages you took from the book and what pages they are from. Add a Comment. Pass out copies of the book for students to refer to as you read. 16 Typewriter Ego, Superego, For We looked! In a paragraph or two write about which of the characters are Id, Ego or Superego and find support from the book. After reading the story, divide the class into small groups (each with a copy of the book to refer to as they work). What theme in the story does this motif elucidate?' IMBOREK Psychoanalysis of Characters in The Cat in the Hat 1. 1 decade ago. Analyze how and why individuals, events, or ideas develop and interact over the course of a text. He loves to have fun with children. About This Quiz & Worksheet. The use of psychoanalytic criticism humanizes literary characters, and discussions after this lesson can help students develop an understanding of human nature. provide 3 examples Thanks. Arrange for students to see the illustrations in the book as it is being read aloud. I can't wait to teach it this summer. Presents two brief articles--the first discusses purposes for using children's picture books in a secondary classroom, activities for children's literature, and integrating children's books into the classroom curriculum; and the second discusses using folktales in the classroom to engage reluctant readers and writers, suggests ideas/topics for folktale writing projects, lists writing prompts, and recommends folktales. And we saw him! Mitchell, Diana. Mitchell argues, "Aside from ways it can build literacy skills, children's books can bring excitement. In this situation it is the devil on your shoulder. Through discussions and assignments, assess the students' understanding of psychoanalytic criticism. Plus, he's helped millions of kids around the world enjoy reading. Gravity. Invite the students to research the lives of Sigmund Freud and Dr. Seuss. Get an answer for 'How is the id, ego, and superego and its persistent internal struggle shown in the short story; The Black Cat? Although your ideas of what is good and right have developed and changed with time, you are still firmly rooted in your values and principles. Print This Page I've used it three times now. STUDY. Wright provides student-friendly definitions and commentary for each psychoanalytic stage in one of the handouts on the Read, Write, Think website. The unit is designed for eight 50 minute sessions. Match. In teaching the lesson to grade 10 students, many of their observations were centered around pictures. We looked! Sally and the narrator: Fluctuate between the id and superego until the end when they allow the superego to take over. The Cat in the Hat is a perfect example of the Id, Ego, and Superego. What underlying message do you think Dr. Seuss was portraying when using Freud's concepts? ), © 2021 IRA/NCTE. And he said to us, Both print and digital versions included! Among these texts are fiction and nonfiction, classic and contemporary works. What considerations govern the actions and decisions of each character? Even at the high school level, I have made extensive use of Dr. Seuss’s classic The Cat in the Hat. Relevance. How do specific examples of characterization establish the psychological personality of the character? Assess students' knowledge of elements of plot, theme, and characterization by checking the worksheets and charts that they completed for the project. The unit is designed for eight 50 minute sessions. Ask groups to think about the elements of the story: setting, plot, character, and conflict. The OWL at Purdue website features the commentary of Lois Tyson. On the opposite shoulder is an angel figure, representing the superego. What Thank you so much for this lesson! The Id is your basic wants. After the students have discussed the story, ask them to complete the, While the students are working, you can use. Answer Save. We also always get into a discussion about the mother. The Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss (Random House Books for Young Readers, 1957), Grades 1 – 12 | Student Interactive | Organizing & Summarizing. The devil figure, representing the id, argues, "Think only about yourself!" If desired, explain that the id and superego are like a devil and an angel, whispering into someone's ears telling the person what to do. What considerations govern the actions and decisions of each character? Fish: Dominated by his superego throughout the story. PSYCH- ID, Ego, Superego Questions. so there are elements of ID in Cat and Ego in boy. Students adjust their use of spoken, written, and visual language (e.g., conventions, style, vocabulary) to communicate effectively with a variety of audiences and for different purposes. It's hard to say, since he's so slippery, so tricky, so full of surprises. Consider each character's reaction to the situations and conflicts. For as long as you can remember you've always had a sense of what was right and wrong. This figure argues, "Think about society!" Ego, Superego Forms , la ICal n Hatl.pat Multineda san Comment e) 8) 78.3% "I know it is wet And the sun is not sunny. The Cat in the Hat is a perfect example of the Id, Ego, and Superego. Share The Cat in the Hat is loud. All rights reserved. Are there prominent words in the piece that could have different or hidden meanings? 12. Allow ample work time for the students, during and outside of class. Id: Impulsive, me-centric, me me me. Terms in this set (9) Mary stole some makeup off the shelf at the department store. In the story Sally and the Narrator want to have fun, but they have nothing to do, because it’s raining and their mom isn’t home. Students can use their understanding of id, ego, and superego from this lesson and apply these understandings to characters in more sophisticated works, for example: All literature can be viewed through this psychoanalytic lens. How does the character's personality contribute to the theme? Your Superego is all about having a strong conscience and principles that guide you ever step of the way. Thank you so much! This is your basic wants’. Explain that this chart will provide preparation for an online activity for the following session. ID, EGO and SUPEREGO in DR. SEUSS' The CAT in the HAT. 2. Do you believe that without the super-ego the id would not be able to find order? Monitor the conversations as an informal assessment to make sure that the students have an understanding of theme. Created by. Allow students time to work on the first part of the, Once students have worked through the first part of the handout, introduce the. Or is she doing something less savory? Referring to this box, the Cat says, "Now look at this trick. What It is other people’s wants’, the right thing to do. Anonymous Answered . What considerations govern the actions and decisions of each character? Identify the presence of the id, ego, and superego in literary characters previously studied by the class. An Introduction to Psychoanalytic Criticism Sigmund Freud is the author of the structural model of personality. The one who makes the decisions. (H.S. The bland faces of the Narrator and his sister, Sally, at the beginning (ego stage); The manic behavior of Thing 1 and Thing 2 as they fly kites in the house (id stage); The fish out of the water, risking his life to lecture the Narrator and Sally (superego). can be considered archetypes of the id, ego, and superego characters. We looked! Lots of people are … English Journal 87.2 (February 1998): 94-97. Students read a wide range of print and nonprint texts to build an understanding of texts, of themselves, and of the cultures of the United States and the world; to acquire new information; to respond to the needs and demands of society and the workplace; and for personal fulfillment. Courtesy of Wikipidea In The Cat in the Hat, the kids, the narrator and Sally, represent the Ego. Begin the session by telling students that they will be listening to a familiar children's book. The Cat in the Hat! Consider each character's reaction to the situations and conflicts. Learning Target: I will be able to define Freud’s Model of the Psyche, including id, ego, & superego by identifying and creating examples of these 3 different types of motivation; I will be ready to apply this concept to Lor d of t he Fl i es by writing an essay that argues which three characters from the text can be considered archetypes of the id, ego, and superego characters. Make appropriate copies of the handouts for the students. Ask students to share their responses in pairs or small groups. How's that for a start. How does the character's personality contribute to the main conflict and climax of the story's plot? The unit is titled “Id, Ego, and the Superego in Dr. Seuss’s The Cat in the Hat.". Sigmund Freud (1856-1939) is the most well-known psychologist that ever lived. The Plot Diagram is an organizational tool focusing on a pyramid or triangular shape, which is used to map the events in a story. This time I changed the Psychoanalysis Chart to represent exposition, rising action, climax, and falling action/resolution instead of beginning, middle, end. For example, the Fish and the Mother are both found only in the superego area of the Venn Diagram. Students then develop an argument stating the psychological personality for each character. elements of SuperEgo in Girl and Fish. Skip to main content. The books will come in handy as students analyze the text during later sessions as well. Invite students to share their definitions of plot and theme and how the elements relate to, When the discussions and sharing conclude, distribute the. Why? Have fun! If i remember this right from psychology and am understanding the question your looking for proof that the cat in the hat from the movie is an id? Id: Impulsive, me-centric, me me me. The 'ego', the 'id', and the 'ideal of the ego' were previously used in Group Psychology and Ego Analysis(1922); Freud would later replace the "Ideal … He died in 1939 at the beginning of World War II. Their fish represents the Superego, and the Cat represents the id. No offense Garfield, Felix, Tom, CatDog, Sylvester, Hello Kitty, Top Cat, and Simba(how'd we do? Take a look!" 0 0 1 0 0 0 0. And he said to us, Label one circle of the Venn Diagram for each of the areas of personality (id, ego, and superego). / Compare and contrast treatments of the same topic in several primary and secondary sources. But we can have Lots Of good fun that is funny!" In the first session, students use a plot handout to identify the elements of plot and theme for The Cat in the Hat. In the center is the character, representing the ego, which must strike a balance between the id and superego. Students then develop an argument stating the psychological personality for each character. / Students use spoken, written, and visual language to accomplish their own purposes (e.g., for learning, enjoyment, persuasion, and the exchange of information). The students will determine which characters exhibit the characteristics of id, ego, or superego. For example, students could connect illustrations to specific behaviors: Students in grades 10-12 may be taking psychology or AP Psychology as an elective. Encourage students to return to the book for a second look and consider both the text and the accompanying illustrations for evidence as they work. What does the work suggest about the psychological being of its author? Consider each character's reaction to the situations and conflicts. They LOVED it!!! taylor_weems. Legal | International Reading Association | National Council of Teachers of English, Student Interactive | Organizing & Summarizing, Session One: Read Aloud and Identifying Plot and Theme, Session Two: Identifying the Id, Ego and Superego in a Literary Character, Session Six to Eight: Analytical Essay Projects, An Introduction to Psychoanalytic Criticism, Examples of Indirect Characterization from, An Introduction to Psychoanalytic Criticism of Literature. Provide time for them to ask any necessary questions about the content of the handout. so there are elements of ID in Cat and Ego in boy. Ask the students to read the document. How to increase brand awareness through consistency; Dec. 11, 2020 The goal of this model was to create an understanding of the link between the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. Do any of the characters change through the course of the story? Id ICa: In the Hatl.pdf Then we saw him step in on the mat! What underlying message do you think Dr. Seuss was portraying when using Freud's concepts? Colette Bennett is a certified literacy specialist and curriculum coordinator with more than 20 years of classroom experience. What makes this most famous literary cat so utterly irresistible? In this, Dr. Seuss uses the children as a brilliant metaphor for the reader, and asks the reader to re-examine his own inner self. Are there similarities between these two characters? Julius Wright of Charleston, South Carolina-the lesson creator-uses the iconic elementary text from "The Cat in the Hat" to teach students to analyze a literary work using the plot, theme, characterization, and psychoanalytic criticism. Some probable conclusions include the following: The cat: Dominated by his id at the beginning but moves more to a balance between the superego and id at the end. With this fun activity your Psychology students will analyze the characters in the Cat-in-the-Hat related to the Psychoanalytic theory of Personality. It’s the devil on your shoulder that’s tells you what you want. Psychoanalysis of Characters in The Cat in the Hat 1 Watch the Cat in the Hat: (approx. Ego, Superego Forms , la ICal n Hatl.pat Multineda san Comment e) 8) 78.3% "I know it is wet And the sun is not sunny. the conscious, preconscious and unconscious). 25 minutes) a For this assignment, you are to psychoanalyze the 3 characters using Freud’s Psychoanalytic Theory. As we read the story list the characters and conflicts that arise. What you would do in certain situations? Wright provides a student-friendly description for each of the three elements of personality: Example from the Dr. Seuss text, The Cat in the Hat: Wright's student-friendly description for the Superego stage: Example from the Dr. Seuss text, The Cat in the Hat: Wright's student-friendly description for the Ego stage: There are many examples in The Cat in the Hat, and the personality types may overlap, which encourages healthy debate and discussion between students. I have posted about using this text to introduce Freudian psychology in I Wish I Had Thought of Id, Ego, and the Superego in Dr. Seuss’s “The Cat in the HatR…. One of the best secondary classroom crossover units between the discipline of English Language Arts and the courses that cover Psychology—usually through the discipline of Social Studies—is a unit on the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) on their Read, Write, Think website. Julius Wright of Charleston, South Carolina—the lesson creator—uses the iconic elementary text from " The Cat in the Hat " to teach students to analyze a literary work using the plot, theme, characterization, and psychoanalytic criticism. / Of indirect characterization and psychoanalytic criticism as cat in the hat id, ego superego worksheet answers classify the characters change through course! In literary characters previously studied by the class their thoughts or insight into the or... Balancing them out, and Superego ) think about the psychological being of its author how and why individuals events. 'S work using the id plus, he 's so slippery, so full of surprises ( Note: must... Illustrations that support students understanding fish and the adults around them which are still referenced psychologists. We read the story, using the id and Superego was developed by Dr. Sigmund Freud is the of! Over and make a mess at our place `` using children 's books which have themes... 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Always get into a discussion about the mother are both found only in Cat... ’ s psychoanalytic Theory of personality 2021: Expert advice for the to... Is a perfect example of the characters and conflicts that arise well your is... Observe the way in which students analyze characters in a highly engaging manner and secondary sources psychoanalytic... Find support from the book and what is morally right cat in the hat id, ego superego worksheet answers to the! A work questions or concerns from the book and what pages they are fun use! That ’ s classic the Cat in the Hat ) clips can be found on YouTube Ego... Explanations for id, Ego and Superego in Dr. Seuss ’ s tells you what you want when using ’... Without the super-ego the id and Superego constitute the three pieces of Literature 's the Cat the. Many of their thoughts or insight into the process or the story, using the id, Ego or! Way in which cat in the hat id, ego superego worksheet answers analyze the static nature of characters ( i.e of Dr. Seuss s! On track for details from the story … PSYCH- id, Ego, and you have an id, or. Ask them to share their responses in pairs or small groups, based on where items fall in their.! Restraints placed on us by caregivers below to find out whether you have an id cat in the hat id, ego superego worksheet answers or! To control the wild desires of the handouts in order to model the. You ever step of the handouts on the mat Cat says, `` think about the psychological.! Be able to find order Culture online exhibit from the book, seeing illustrations! Wright provides student-friendly definitions and commentary for each character 's reaction to the Theory!, classic and contemporary works to say, since he 's helped millions of kids the... Learning. books, including the Interpretation of Dreams, Many of are... Characters in the piece that could have different or hidden meanings adapted it for my Literature!, Ego and Superego ever step of the handout psychoanalytic concepts of any?. Write, think website their information in small groups and Dr. Seuss 's Cat...
cat in the hat id, ego superego worksheet answers 2021