It is a preset setting assigned to a software application, computer program or device. In computer technology, a default (noun, pronounced dee-FAWLT) is a predesigned value or setting that is used by a computer program when a value or setting is not specified by the program user. by default phrase If something happens by default , it happens only because something else which might have prevented it or changed it has not happened. Computer dictionary definition for what default printer means including related links, information, and terms. By default synonyms, By default pronunciation, By default translation, English dictionary definition of By default. default meaning: 1. to fail to do something, such as pay a debt, that you legally have to do: 2. the thing that…. 5 lack, want, or need. Sometimes, people specifically point to hardware arrangement as hardware configuration and to software components as software configuration. ‘The court document noted that personal computer makers are free to set the default search engine to any service they choose.’ ‘Stephen informed us that there is such an option in the software but that the default setting is off.’ Learn more. Hier kannst du sie vorschlagen! Automatic Private IP Addressing (APIPA) is a feature of Windows -based operating system s (included in Windows 98, ME, 2000, and XP) that enables a computer to automatically assign itself an IP address when there is no Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol ( DHCP ) server available to perform that function. Found mostly on TikTok in response to LGBTQ+ related content. For example, with Microsoft Windows programs, the default location for installing programs is the \"Program Files\" folder and the default location for documents is the \"My Documents\" folder. 2. Learn more. 4 ♦ judgment by default (Law) a judgment in the plaintiff's favour when the defendant fails to plead or to appear. What Does "default" Mean in Computer Language. Similarly, user accounts, computer accounts, and groups that were created by using earlier-version APIs are put in the CN=Users and CN=computers containers. Related Searches. Default values are standard values that are universal to all instances of the device or model and intended to make the device as accessible as possible "out of the box" without necessitating a lengthy configuration process prior to use. The program user can be either an interactive user of a graphical user interface or command line interface, or a programmer using an application program interface . ‘The court document noted that personal computer makers are free to set the default search engine to any service they choose.’ ‘Stephen informed us that there is such an option in the software but that the default setting is off.’ A default, in computer science, refers to the preexisting value of a user-configurable setting that is assigned to a software application, computer program or device. A word used by homophobes to imply that being straight is the default of what people should be, the opposite being "custom" which implies that being gay is a choice. With macOS on Apple computers, the default browser is Safari. In computer terminology, the word "default" refers to the response a computer is programmed to have unless the user instructs it to do something different. If the file opens in Microsoft Word, then Microsoft Word is the default program. • by default by definition by degrees by deputy by derogation from by design by devious means by dint of by doing sth. What Does George Soros' Open Society Foundations Network Fund? The default location is where a program defaults to first when wanting to save or install a program. Definition of BY DEFAULT (phrase): happening only because something else is not done; winning because someone does not play or finish BY DEFAULT (phrase) definition and synonyms | Macmillan … How Does the 25th Amendment Work — and When Should It Be Enacted? Als Beispiel wären Einstellungen an einem installierten Betriebssystem, eventuell bei der grafischen Auflösung der Bildschirmanzeige zu nennen. See also: by, default. If a MySQL Enterprise server has been selected during the previous step, use this window (see the figure below) to specify its name in the MySQL Server name field (by default, the system uses the IP address of the computer where Kaspersky Administration Kit is being installed) and the port for connection in the Port field (the default port number is 3306). The default can also be an action that a device or program will take. The default browser is the Internet browser the computer has chosen to browse the Internet. default definition: 1. to fail to do something, such as pay a debt, that you legally have to do: 2. the thing that…. Default Program: A default program is an application that opens a file when you double-click it. In computer Language the meaning of "default" would mean standard settings, but the actual word has a different meaning when used in a general sentence, for example : He won that game by default. For example, with Microsoft Windows, the default browser is Internet Explorer in Windows 8 or earlier and Microsoft Edge in Windows 10. Meaning, pronunciation, picture, example sentences, grammar, usage notes, synonyms and more. Default responses can generally be changed in the settings menu for the computer or program. For example, the file extension .XLS may be defaulted to Microsoft Excel, and when opening the file, it opens in Microsoft Excel. How to enable or disable the set as default option. If a MySQL Enterprise server has been selected during the previous step, use this window (see the figure below) to specify its name in the MySQL Server name field (by default, the system uses the IP address of the computer where Kaspersky Administration Kit is being installed) and the port for connection in the Port field (the default port number is 3306). Default settings can be programmed by the user or by the company that manufactures the computer or software being used. Likewise, the default directory is the directory the operating systemsearches unless you specify a different directory. The default may also be the position of a toggle selector if you don't interact with it, or data automatically entered in an unedited text box. Configuration consists of both hardware and software components. While it is not specific to computers, it is commonly used in IT terminology. Definition of default_1 noun in Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary. In computer operating systems and programs, the default option is chosen if you press Enter without making a selection. The default location is where a program defaults to first when saving or installing a program. What Are the Steps of Presidential Impeachment? default definition in English dictionary, default meaning, synonyms, see also 'in default of',judgment by default',defaulter',dealt'. The History of the United States' Golden Presidential Dollars, How the COVID-19 Pandemic Has Changed Schools and Education in Lasting Ways. By forfeit. How to associate a file with a program in Windows. Different types of files may have different default programs. Default Password, Default printer, Default user, Software terms. © 2015 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved. By doing this by drawing lots: Kennst du Übersetzungen, die noch nicht in diesem Wörterbuch enthalten sind? For example, with Microsoft Windows programs, the default location for installing programs is the "Program Files" folder and the default location for documents is the "My Documents" folder. With a program, the default program is what program opens when opening a certain file type, more commonly known as the file association. Fact Check: Is the COVID-19 Vaccine Safe? The by default means automatically; something happens without change or effort. vb. b (as modifier) default setting. English Language Learners Definition of default (Entry 1 of 2) — used to describe something that happens or is done when nothing else has been done or can be done — usually used in the phrase by default — … Default settings can be programmed by the user or by the company that manufactures the computer or software being used. n. 1. Failure to perform a task or fulfill an obligation, especially failure to meet a financial obligation: in default on a loan. Default is an adjective that describes a standard setting or configuration. Used to describe a contest whose outcome is determined by a competitor's absence. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary When installing a new program, it is not uncommon for the default program file association to change unless the program gives you the option of not changing the settings. How to reset default settings in an Internet browser. There may be other choices to play music files, such as Windows Media Player, but the computer is programmed to attempt to open this type of file in iTunes first as its default software option. When talking about settings of a program, the default settings are the settings chosen by the software developer and not the user. Such settings are also called presets or factory presets, especially for electronic devices. Example: by default you had 100 points when your created … Facts about Solar Power. Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. 6 (also) (Computing) a the preset selection of an option offered by a system, which will always be followed except when explicitly altered. In computing, "default" may describe several things, including hardware, software, and network configurations. For example, if you double-click a .TXT file in Windows and it automatically opens in Notepad, then Notepad is the default program for files with a ".txt" extension. The following are examples of defaults you may encounter when using your operating system. In a default installation of an Active Directory domain, user accounts, computer accounts, and groups are put in CN=objectclass containers instead of being put in a more desirable organizational unit class container. If the other team can't field enough players, then we'll win by default. In general, a default is the option offered to you, which is either recommended or safe to choose if you're not sure. In computer terminology, the word "default" refers to the response a computer is programmed to have unless the user instructs it to do something different. An example of a default is when the user opens a music file and the computer automatically opens it in iTunes. Der Default Wert ist, allgemein ausgedrückt, der Standardwert, der übernommen wird, wenn keine spezielle nderung vorgenommen wurden. Configuration is the manner in which components are arranged to make up the computer system. For example, when opening Microsoft Word, the default font setting is a font size of 11. The default drive is the disk drive the computer accesses unless you specify a different disk drive. An example- Rams quarterbacks Marc Bulger and Kyle Boller are both …
by default meaning in computer 2021