Explanation . Fostering talent and networking in visual culture Menu + × expanded collapsed About; News; Team; Editions. Synonyms for read between the lines include read something into something, infer from, assume from, attribute to, interpolate from, get hold of the wrong end of the stick, interpret, construe, take and understand. “Capital” vs. “Capitol”: Do You Know Where You’re Going? For the fifth edition, we have received 151 very high-quality projects coming from 38 participating photography schools worldwide. Sometimes meaning "to push the envelope" or test the boundaries of acceptability. Synonyms for blurring in Free Thesaurus. To make the line less noticeable, use Publisher's edge-softening tool. BLURRING THE LINES. to make the difference between two things less clear, or to make it difficult to see the exact truth about something. Born in Detroit but based in New York since the early 1970s, Ming Smith was the first female African-American photographer to have her … Fatiha Guessabi argues that culture is a language in itself. You can perhaps say blur, as in blurring the lines. A commonly used expression to reference a situation where things are ambiguous or unclear. [Cambridge Online] Usage: A metaphor is a comparison which may be used to emphasize, explain or embellish a point, as seen in this comic when Cueball likens himself to Michael Jordan. Coated markets improve, technology marches on The Psychology of Entertainment Media: Blurring the Lines … Synonyms: blear, bleary, dim… Antonyms: clear, definite, pellucid… Find the right word. 'Blurring the Lines' is a dark dystopian that revolves around the interactions (or lack of) between a new breed of people and humans. Freddy Farmer's screaming voice seemed to tear away the blurred veil that covered Dawson's eyes. (Ed.). The code for attribution links is required. In pre-pandemic times, the typical sidewalk parade of assorted furry creatures — led by their human companions clutching plastic bags of doggy poop — could seem a blur, hardly worth noticing. Another word for blurred. It was after midnight then, and a cold fog made the station a gloomy thing of blurred yellow lights and raw chill. However, instances occur, which could be perceived as more than "just friends" behavior. Learn more. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. For example, if you search for the word ‘plane’ in WordNet, you first see a list of its various meanings (an airplane, a carpenter’s tool, and … Blurring the Lines is happy to announce the winners and finalists of the 2020 edition selected by curators Steve Bisson, Lisanne van Happen, and John Fleetwood. The flickering, blurred flames of gas-lamps seemed to be dissolving in a watery atmosphere. 1. Find another word for blurry. (Reviews: National), Black Women Writers and the American Neo-Slave Narrative: Femininity Unfettered, Assisted living: redefining the continuum. See more. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! ring , blurs v. tr. The analysis suggested that the streaks in these images were not actually lines extended across the sky, but only appeared that way due to motion blur, as spherical blobs of glowing gas moved through the atmosphere. To make indistinct and hazy in outline or appearance; obscure: The haze blurred the skyline. 2. if the difference between two things blurs, or if something blurs it, they become more similar, so that you are no longer sure that they are clearly different. “Affect” vs. “Effect”: Use The Correct Word Every Time. blur - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Synonyms for blurred include indistinct, fuzzy, hazy, faint, unclear, blurry, foggy, misty, vague and nebulous. Find more ways to say blurred, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Antonyms for blurring. Toshi is a result of the two worlds colliding, human and I/S. View in context. In the comparative silence of this deserted cavern, now, there were also the blurred sounds from overhead. = this new movie is both a comedy and a … Synonyms and related words. * The blurring line between coated and uncoated paper markets. All content on this website, including dictionary, thesaurus, literature, geography, and other reference data is for informational purposes only. Copy the code below and paste it where you want the visualization of this word to be shown on your page: Dictionary, Encyclopedia and Thesaurus - The Free Dictionary, the webmaster's page for free fun content, An Adaptive Iterative Algorithm for Motion Deblurring Based on Salient Intensity Prior, An investigation of fast real-time GPU-based image blur algorithms, Likelihood of destruction - restructuring the trademark dilution by blurring factors in the Trademark Dilution Revision Act of 2006, Blur resistant image authentication method with pixel-wise tamper localization/Atvaizdo autentiskumo tikrinimo metodas, leidziantis lokalizuoti atvaizdo pazeidimus vieno pikselio tikslumu nepriklausomai nuo ryskumo, Shrum, L. J. There certainly did seem something scrawled on the smooth green sticks, and a blurred outline revealed itself. The cepstrum of the blurred image gradient is neither sensitive to the effect of the random path [2] nor to the random noise which produced in the, So here are my observations about Make Up For Ever Matte Velvet Skin, To know where the future of trademark dilution by, Our goal is to present digital signature method with pixel-wise tamper localization ability, capable to resist blur/sharpen procedures, as usually image, Therefore, these authors would have had difficulty concluding that retinal hemorrhages caused, Health Perspect 113:A664-A668 (2005)] and "Are EDCs. The relationship has strict boundaries to remain as a friendship. So at times it is difficult to tell one from the other. Blurred Lines is not about rape in the same way that Cop Killer is about the fantasy of killing cops, so it is a question of interpretation. to blur the lines between ~ and ~ = to cause two different things to become or seem more similar; to make two distinct things overlap with each other This new movie blurs the lines between comedy and drama. ring , blurs v. tr. Blurred Lines – piosenka amerykańskiego muzyka Robina Thicke’a nagrana przy gościnnym udziale T.I. Translate Blurring the lines. Principal Translations: Inglés: Español: blur the lines v expr verbal expression: Phrase with special meaning functioning as verb--for example, "put their heads together," "come to an end. ‘After blurring the lines between good and evil so skillfully, this ending comes as a somewhat hollow conclusion.’ ‘The line is blurring between the people who make things and the people who buy them.’ ‘He is determined not to commit the past mistake of blurring the thin line between an actor and writer.’ 22 synonyms of blurry from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 15 related words, definitions, and antonyms. 'a i Pharrella Williamsa, wydana na singlu w 2013 roku, który promował eponimiczny album piosenkarza (szósty studyjny w jego dyskografii). When you overlap pictures in your Microsoft Publisher layout, you end up with a sharp line where the images join together. A "blurring of the lines" means that the distinction between one side or the other is not clear all the time. Find more similar words at wordhippo.com! en Pharrell uit 2013. blur definition: 1. something that you cannot see clearly: 2. something that you cannot remember or understand…. BLURRING THE LINES 20191st Edition, 201917 x 23 cm, 136 pagesSoftcover packageEnglishISBN: 978-88-32108-08-8Published by Urbanautica Institute BLURRING THE LINES 2018 1st Edition, 2018 17 x 23 cm, 136 pages Softcover package English ISBN: 978-88-32108-03-3 Published by Urbanautica Institute This information should not be considered complete, up to date, and is not intended to be used in place of a visit, consultation, or advice of a legal, medical, or any other professional. Het werd gekozen tot Alarmschijf en het is de eerste ooit die in totaal meer dan duizend punten wist te verzamelen in één kalenderjaar. blur the line/difference/distinction between: Their adverts blur the line between art and advertising. Traveling through the pandemic in the company of dogs, STEVE may be even less like typical auroras than scientists thought, The iPhone 12 Pro Max might be worth it—for the camera alone. Learn more. Shrum summarizes The Psychology of Entertainment Media: The choreography was transparent, much of it in unison, often concentrating on a single body part: fiercely fluttering hands, Beaulieu's approach draws attention to Morrison's original treatment of gender roles, as well as to her use of ", Now we are seeing changes that are leading to a ", "That helped to relieve the pain of moving my eyes," she said, "and subsequent treatment with intravenous steroids improved the, While Moriyama tries to arrest the invisible by means of radical. blurred definition: 1. difficult to see: 2. difficult to understand or separate clearly: 3. unable to see clearly: . Language always carries meanings and references beyond itself: The meanings of a particular language represent the culture of a particular social group. Blurry: not seen or understood clearly. All Free. SINCE 1828. Blur the line definition: A blur is a shape or area which you cannot see clearly because it has no distinct outline... | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The inscription, cut in script, was faint in places and blurred by moss, in others. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations. Another word for blurred: indistinct, faint, vague, unclear, dim | Collins English Thesaurus Join our early testers! BLURRING THE LINES: A Profile of State and Local Police Enforcement of Immigration Law Using the National Crime Information Center Database, 2002-2004 By Hannah Gladstein Annie Lai Jennifer Wagner Michael Wishnie Prepared for the Migration Policy Institute at New York University School of Law under the guidance of Muzaffar A. Chishti Blur: to make (something) unclear to the understanding. This film blurs the line/ distinction/ boundary between reality and fantasy. In other words using my example, sometimes the good are less than good and the evil do good things once in a while. ... Four blurred lines appeared of not more than two or three words each, running out one beyond another regularly from left to right. Blurring the Line: Title text: People into masturbatory navel-gazing have a lot to learn about masturbation. Blurring the Lines Ming Smith: An Aperture Monograph , offers a comprehensive survey of a pioneering body of work. Synonyms: becloud, befog, cloud… Antonyms: clarify, clear (up), illuminate… Find the right word. Just because a camera creates more bokeh, doesn’t mean it’s beautiful blur. The Psychology of Entertainment Media: Blurring the Lines Between Entertainment and Persuasion, Hearing Dance, Portuguese Style. Blur definition, to obscure or sully (something) by smearing or with a smeary substance: The windows were blurred with soot. You have a significant other, and also have a strong friendship with someone else. Blurring the Line between Language and Culture. 1. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Blurred lines is een single van de Amerikaanse R&B singer-songwriter Robin Thicke in samenwerking met T.I. WordNet groups synonyms together according to their meanings, but also shows the place of each word in a bigger semantic network. Zulma wrote hers in a large steady hand, but a tear, which she could not restrain, fell upon the letters and blurred them.
blurring the lines synonym 2021