It can, however, have a substantial impact on the measures of student achievement for which schools are currently being held accountable. A Case for Social Connectedness and Student Mental Health by Sam Fiorella | Oct 31, 2016 We often talk about the importance of good diet and exercise in the maintenance of good mental health in school; however, building and maintain social connections is just as important. The Journal of School Violence, 1, 35-51. Connectedness to the school community may be a key element within that choice. Predictors and Consequences of School Connectedness: The Case for Prevention. The purpose of this study was to examine school connectedness and the relationship it has to the following: race, achievement, attendance, socioeconomic status, and behavior. Programs and approaches that create positive and purposeful peer support and peer norms. Additional food provided by schools at breakfast clubs 29 Figure 6. Copyright © 2005 by Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development. Wentzel, K. R. (1998). Students are more likely to engage in healthy behaviors and succeed academically when they feel connected to school. School connectedness happens when students have a sense of belonging, like school, and believe that school s taff are caring and supportive. The study identified a total of 1,169 titles via the bibliographic databases PsycINFO, Academic Search Premier, and Pubmed (see Supplementary Figure …
Australian Psychologist, Vol. Evaluation of new and existing curricular approaches, staff and administrator training, and various institutional structures. Address
Extend the class period, school day, and/or school year. High levels of school connectedness have been found to have a positive impact on academic and social outcomes for students. What are the factors that influence school connectedness? Cooperative learning tends to break down social isolation by integrating student teams across gender, academic ability, and ethnicity. For example, when a school allows a young person to fail—when it doesn't do everything in its power to retain that student—students get the message, “In this school, there are winners and there are losers.” This assumption sets up a dysfunctional dichotomy: Those less likely to do well academically will strive to create an anti-academic climate because they know they can't win at the game. These findings apply across racial, ethnic, and income groups. In gauging participants’ perceptions offactors that impede school social connectedness, four … Works Cited Anderson-Butcher, D. (2010). Subscribe to
A Case for School Connectedness. A multiple regression analysis was conducted to examine whether or not a family’s sense of connectedness to their child’s school community affected the degree to which they took part in the school community while controlling for participant educational … DOI: 10.4236/ojl.2015.43009 4,632 Downloads 5,441 Views Citations. Ensuring that every student feels close to at least one supportive adult at school. Students who experience school connectedness like school, feel that they belong, believe teachers care about them and their learning, believe that education matters, have friends at school, believe that discipline is fair, and have opportunities to participate in extracurricular activities. Blum, Robert W. Educational Leadership, v62 n7 p16-19 Apr 2005. Is it possible that half of our high school students may not believe that adults in school care about their learning and about them as individuals? (2009). Alexandria, VA 22311-1714, April 2005 | Volume 62 | Number 7
Pages 16-20. TY - JOUR. In the last decade, educators and school health professionals have increasingly pointed to school connectedness as an important factor in reducing the likelihood that adolescents will engage in health-compromising behaviors. Students who feel connected to school report lower levels of physical and emotional A great deal of research looks at school … Monahan, Kathryn C.; Oesterle, Sabrina; Hawkins, J. David. Wilson, D., & Elliott, D. (2003, June).
These data were then used in a cross-case analysis in order to develop a theoretical model. The study … We titled this synthesis the Wingspread Declaration on School Connections (see p. 20). Volume of food distributed (kgs) by years and product 27 Figure 5. Extensive research has found a high level of school connectedness is one of the most important protective factor s for current and future mental wellbeing and positive adolescent development Approximately 0.5% of those students reported that they “strongly agree” on two of the items and “neither agree nor disagree” on three of the items. When one looks at the research literature across the different fields of inquiry, three school characteristics stand out as helping young people feel connected to school while simultaneously encouraging student achievement: (1) high academic standards coupled with strong teacher support; (2) an environment in which adult and student relationships are positive and respectful; and (3) a physically and emotionally safe school environment. Applying fair and consistent disciplinary policies that are collectively agreed upon and fairly enforced. Journal of School Health, 74(7), 262–273. A conceptual framework, based on the theoretical understanding of how the health promoting school approach influences school connectedness, was developed and used as a guide to investigate the relationships within the case … Journal of School Health, 74(7), 235–251. Three school communities were investigated as single, related case studies to examine the impact of the health promoting school approach on school connectedness. Samdal, O., Nutbeam, D., Wold, B., & Kannas, L. (1998). High academic expectations and rigor coupled with support for learning. The purpose of this paper is to explore the promotion of school connectedness through the practice of shared lunches within a secondary school context in New Zealand. When teachers make learning meaningful and relevant to their students' lives, students develop a stake in their own education. School connectedness is a psychological state of belonging in which individual youth perceive that they and other youth are cared for, trusted, and respected by collections of adults that they believe hold power to make institutional policy decisions (Whitlock, 2006). A Case for School Connectedness BY: ROBERT W. BLUM 6 |ACE REVIEW WINTER 2016 ACEREVIEW.ORG. Journal of Educational Psychology, 90(2), 202–209. Phone
Objectives: To examine cross-sectional and 2-year longitudinal associations between school victimization and aggression among middle and high school students. School bonding, school climate, teacher support, student engagement: Researchers have used these terms over the years to address the concept of school connectedness. School connectedness is increased further by extracurricular activities and groups appealing to a wide variety of interests and learning styles.
a case for school connectedness 2021