but beset by wickedness and contention. La cérémonie terminée, le commandant peut monter à l'étage où l'attendent plusieurs messages du Drell. Il confesse à Shepard être mourant, atteint du syndrome de Képral, un mal incurable touchant la population drell exposée à l'atmosphère humide de Kahjé. 1. Il fit la rencontre de celle qui devait devenir sa femme, Irikah durant l'une de ses missions, lorsqu'elle repéra le laser de son arme et intervint pour empêcher le tir. Kolyat convinced Thane to stay at Huerta Memorial Hospital after that. Mass Effect 2; Missions De Loyauté; Thane : Les Péchés Du Père Thane : Les Péchés Du Père. and s/he will be a companion to you as s/he was to me.”. See more ideas about mass effect thane, mass effect, thane. Alors qu'il essaye de convaincre Nassana Dantius qu'il n'est pas un tueur envoyé à ses trousses, le Drell fait irruption dans la pièce et anéantit l'escorte de l'Asari avant de l'exécuter. See more ideas about mass effect thane, mass effect, thane. Irikah gave him a coin that once belonged to her father, telling him to rub it whenever he felt restless. thane mass effect – Captain-Radioactive-Mentality. Kalahira, whose waves wear down stone and sand-- When he reached the age of six, he was chosen by the Hanar to be trained as an assassin. He ends the message with a request for Shepard to reply. They advance the narrative and story, and with some, it is tough if and when they die on screen. Spielzeug . Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. Inhalt ist versteckt. But by the end of his life, he discovered his true purpose. Thane révèle éventuellement ce nom comme étant celui d'un des "Anges guerriers de la déesse Arashu. Eventually Irikah gave birth to their son, Kolyat, and Thane worked very hard to keep his work and his family life separate. “Kalahira, mistress of inscrutable depths, I ask forgiveness. He claims these murders are the only ones where he made the decision that they should be killed, and the only time emotions have affected his actions. Commando de ShepardIntérêts personnelsCommanditaires Dec 9, 2018 - Explore Ariel Burke's board "Thane Krios" on Pinterest. His mind slipped into darkness and he disregarded his clean-kill approach for brutal torture. Il fit sa première victime quelques six années plus tard, ayant alors douze ans. Après un affrontement intense, au cours duquel Thane parvient à prendre le dessus malgré sa condition, il est finalement grièvement blessé par la lame de l'assassin. ThaneMOD is a series of changes to the handling of Thane Krios’ character in Mass Effect 3. Table of Contents. The primary intent of the mod is to provide players with the option to prevent Thane from engaging Ken Lame...er, Kai Leng...in the Priority: Citadel II mission (aka, “The Coup”). Thane notes that while he has always striven to kill his targets as quickly and cleanly as possible, he took extra time with them. 57.627. After mentioning Kolyat, Thane begins to look worried and then expresses that he thinks his first attack from his Kepral's Syndrome worried his son. Shepard can then call Kolyat to the apartment and gather everyone who knew him there. There are a lot of characters in the Mass Effect series; some make severe impacts on the gameplay and storyline for gamers. Commander Shepard first encounters Thane on Illium, where he had been based for the past two years, on a mission to assassinate Nassana Dantius. Thane tossed the coin Irikah gave him into the sea, vowing to follow the path he's given to its conclusion. Thane tells Shepard that in case she feels the same way when he's gone, she made his life better. Despite his profession, Thane is a deeply spiritual man who prays for success in his missions. But the Commander can't do … the lover never leaves, the hungry never starve. Il s'engagea dans l'armée par la suite. If Shepard chooses not to join Kolyat in prayer, then the prayer spoken will differ greatly. When Mordin notices Shepard's attraction to Thane, Shepard can ask him for advice regarding the drell. Irikah's intervention defied logic, and for the first time in Thane's life unfamiliar emotions surged through him: guilt, shame, regret. Thane Krios est un personnage apparaissant éventuellement dans Mass Effect 2 et Mass Effect 3. Mass Effect - Rated: K - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,659 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 5 - Published: 1/28/2013 - Shepard (F), Thane K. - Complete The Fading Sun by Orifiel reviews "Her sweet whispers urge my heart to persist in beating, shield my mind from suffering the toll, bid my flesh to remember our meeting, and write her love all across my soul." Überlebt Thane den Angriff auf die Kollektoren-Basis jedoch, dann rettet er in Mass Effect 3 Ratsherr Valern / Esheel vor Kai Lengs Attentat. Over the course of the Mass Effect games, Commander Shepard becomes the first human Spectre and goes on more than one quest to save the galaxy from doom. Si le commandant parvient à empêcher l'assassinat, les deux Drells, réunis, commencent à rattraper le temps perdu. Thane was interviewed by Cerberus in their bid to assemble a team for Shepard. Should Shepard choose to receive Thane callously, she will comment on how he is just nervous about the upcoming battle. Lieu de mission : Citadelle, Nébuleuse du Serpent. Leng escapes and Shepard is able to call medical aid for the drell as he falls unconscious. Il mentionnera aussi à Shepard qu'il aimerait séjourner dans un désert et qu'il a hâte de pouvoir consacrer du temps à se détendre une fois que la mission sera terminer. Despite their rocky first meeting, Thane and Irikah eventually grew close. His name is later added to the Memorial Wall onboard the Normandy. 3. Male He reveals he is slowly dying of a disease which is later revealed to be Kepral's Syndrome. Die im Maßstab 1/4 gehaltene Statue aus schwerem Resin ist ca. C'était le moment le plus triste du jeu on est d'accord ? After Shepard participates in several encounters with other characters by inviting them to the apartment or meeting them on Silversun Strip, Kolyat emails Shepard with the message that the Council has requested him to hold a memorial service in honor of Thane. Thane Krios Bewährter Verkäufer. On one of their dates Irikah suggested that he was free to decide his own future, causing Thane to seriously consider a life with her. This acknowledgement brings tears to Shepard's eyes. Companion quests. His handler warned him that not all were destined for happiness, but Thane was willing to take the chance. / mass effect. Guide de la mission de loyauté de Thane : les péchés du père Free iOS App iPhone & iPpad. Post Comment. Drell After completing Lair of the Shadow Broker, if Liara is allowed aboard the Normandy for a catch up, she will comment on how Shepard has spent "a few stolen months" with Thane and ask whether Shepard is fighting for him. ThaneMOD is a series of changes to the handling of Thane Krios’ character in Mass Effect 3. It has been so long since he had someone that the thought of losing them concerns him. He wishes Shepard good luck in getting the Alliance to listen to Shepard about the Reapers. Les deux finirent par se confondre lorsque Irikah fut assassinée par des mercenaires, en représailles de l'exécution d'un Butarien menée par Thane. Il a des implants L2 qui lui donnent souvent des migraines. Should both Tali and Legion be chosen for your squad to fight the Oculus, and Kasumi hasn't been acquired, Thane will appear in their place on the engineering deck during the crash in the debris field. Cela inclut les quatre jeux vidéo, les romans, les comics Le lieutenant Kaidan Alenko est l'un des premiers biotiques humains. Thane had a spiked drink sent her way, and an unsuspecting Rasa quaffed it. 5 von 5 Sternen (510) 510 Bewertungen. Genre Thane finished the job, killing everyone involved in his wife's murder. One by one Thane hunted down the people responsible. Thane managed to elude them at the hospital, and he suspects that C-Sec headquarters may have been compromised. 11.12.2013 27.04.2015 23. He apologized for his actions and carried her off, offering a prayer to Kalahira to guide her through the dark and to show her how to live her life. After successfully gaining Thane's loyalty, a female Shepard has the option to romance him. Les meilleures offres pour Mass Effect Thane Krios & Legion 1 figures 6" sont sur eBay Comparez les prix et les spécificités des produits neufs et d'occasion Pleins d'articles en livraison gratuite! Romanced female Renegade Shepard. Thane traveled back to Kahje for Irikah's funeral and left Kolyat in the care of his aunts and uncles while he hunted down his wife's killers. Drell In one of the trailers Thane was shown using "Pull field", but in game he doesn't have this power. In Mass Effect 2, if players opt for the female version of Commander Shepard, they’re eventually presented with the chance to romance Thane, the green-skinned drell assassin. The first message opens with Thane thanking Shepard for letting him leave the Normandy before the Alliance could interrogate him, then continuing to inform Shepard that he has rented an apartment not far from Kolyat's. Thane was mindful at first of staying close to his family, but his work inevitably took him farther and farther away from them. Keine zusätzlichen Gebühren bei Lieferung! Geschichte: Fanfiction / Computerspiele / Mass Effect / Mass Effect : Thane Krios. He then informs Shepard that he has good news and bad news. He felt his conscious mind slipping away from his body once more, and was content to let it. His biotics are honed to combat ability, and he also carries with him modified shredder ammo to increase his deadliness. Strikingly-detailed and towering at 18.5 inches tall, he is truly a sight to behold. He stalked his prey from afar and an opportunity presented itself when she walked into a bar. Some time after Kolyat was ten years old, Irikah was murdered in revenge for a batarian mercenary leader whom Thane had killed. Even if the player manages to save themselves or the world at the end of the trilogy, there are a lot of deaths that are not preventable. Infos IRL Thane remarks that Kolyat speaks as the priests do. Eventually he learned the name of the final culprit, a goon named Stiv Kay. When Thane is asked how he feels about killing, he will respond that he is "merely the weapon" which his employers use to kill. Espèce His memories of Irikah blocking his scope came unbidden, but Thane pulled the trigger anyway. 10 Beobachter. When people start clearing out, Kolyat informs Shepard that he has been going through Thane's bequeathed possessions and has found three video messages that Kolyat has sent to Shepard's extranet address, but were intercepted while Shepard was incarcerated. Prime Panier. In his words, it was as if his soul had gone to sleep while his body carried on. Along with Miranda , Thane is one of the "poster" characters for Mass Effect 2 and appears on most of the promotional art and demo footage, and in several trailers. Il commente aussi Thane comme étant lui-même "complexe". Thane… This mission doesn't appear in Shepard's journal! Soluce Mass Effect 2 de la mission-suicide. He met his wife Irikah during an assassination, when she noticed the targeting laser on Thane's target and stepped in to block his shot. Thane has learned that in spite of his efforts to prevent his son from following in his footsteps, Kolyat is preparing to take part in the assassination of a turian politician, Joram Talid, on the Citadel. >_< Quand ca? Serge Thiriet. Thane étant mourant, vous pourrez aussi choisir de mettre un terme poliment à votre relation. Thane tells her to finish it and when she goes to the sea, he "will be waiting for her at the shore." Thane is a possible romantic interest for a female Shepard. He found that he… Ce dernier discute sur un terminal de transmission dans le salon de l'étoile noir de la zone 28 (image 1). Mass Effect 2 Game Guide & Walkthrough . Bekundet euer Interesse an ihm und er wird nach Erfüllung seiner Loyalität-Mission darauf eingehen. 0. Étonné de voir une civile risquer ainsi sa vie pour sauver un complet étranger, il garda le souvenir de son acte et chercha à la revoir. Prepare and arid spot on your ship for this limited-edition Thane Statue. Let him stand beside the other members of your crew or give him his own space as the highlight of your Mass Effect collection. Over time he became proficient at killing, even to the point of taking on multiple close-range targets simultaneously. After Thane dies, the letter from his Shadow Broker dossier will appear in Shepard's e-mail. Mordin will advise her that human-drell romances are complex, as there is a chance of a rash with some itching and that oral contact may induce hallucinations. During one particular assassination mission, a civilian woman noticed Thane's targeting laser. He will also tell Shepard that he would like to visit a desert and that he looks forward to spending some time relaxing after the mission is finished. During later conversations with him, Thane tells Shepard that he hoped this mission would be his last, expecting that he would have been killed by Nassana's guards. Drawing Mass Effect 2: The Creation of Thane - Game Informer. Thane utilizes an M-12 Locust and M-97 Viper in combat. Irikah smashed the attacker's head in the chaos, and in the aftermath guessed Thane wasn't one of them. Thane: Sins of the Father | Mass Effect Wiki | Fandom. Days later, at the Illusive Man's sanctum, Thane's mugshot was already present on a dossier display of Shepard's prospective team. According to the assassin, the memory "possessed" him and he felt compelled to seek Irikah out. This is similar to the philosophy of HK-47, an assassin droid companion in BioWare's. 0. One of his jobs eventually had him cross paths with batarian slavers preying on hanar colonies. After saying so, he abruptly breaks into narration of another event: drell-style recollection of a beautiful sunset in New Mexico and a scorpion eating a cricket. With a picture of Thane and some flowers propped up on the ground floor's piano, Shepard gives the opening speech then some of the gathered people share their thoughts and memories of Thane. In retaliation for his kills, the remaining slavers paid the Shadow Broker for his identity. He was eventually granted his freedom with the hanar's blessing. Female Shepard (Mass Effect) (796) Thane Krios (764) Garrus Vakarian (305) Shepard (Mass Effect) (171) Kaidan Alenko (135) Tali'Zorah nar Rayya (125) Liara T'Soni (117) Jeff "Joker" Moreau (109) Miranda Lawson (106) Kolyat Krios (106) Include Relationships Thane Krios/Female Shepard (930) Thane Krios/Shepard (155) Female Shepard/Garrus Vakarian (106) Kaidan Alenko/Female Shepard (96) … This guilt, combined with an impending death, compels Thane to join Shepard's campaign against the Collectors as a gesture of penance. Last Edited: 9 Jun 2014 6:50 pm. Jan 24, 2019 - the measure of an individual can be difficult to discern by actions alone. Thane… Thane was born in 2146. Son état nécessitant une médication quotidienne, il affirme être dépendant des soins prodigués sur la Citadelle. He spent much time being molded into what the hanar needed him to be, often in the middle of demanding exercises like standing barechested on one foot on a pole with waves crashing all around. Mass Effect : Thane Krios. They advance the narrative and story, and with some, it is tough if and when they die on screen. / mass effect. He later claimed responsibility for the agent when she groggily stumbled out of the bar and ran afoul a turian cop who was holding her up for drunkenness. Thane Krios is a drell assassin trained by the Hanar Illuminated Primacy under the Compact. Un protecteur tenace." Share Share Tweet Email. Il participa très jeune à un programme d'entrainement mené par un extra-terrestre impitoyable et détesté, ce qui changea sa vie à jamais. Il se met alors à prier pour le salut de son âme. Thane returned to Irikah with the news and wed her in short order. Sims 3: Mass Effect - Thane Krios & Drell Skintone Copy from my old blog. Factions If Shepard asks how Thane can reconcile his deep spirituality with a violent profession, he explains that the body and soul are seen as separate entities by his faith. Décédé 47 cm groß und wird mit Echtheitszeritifkat in einer bedruckten Box geliefert. If romanced, he will second-guess whether he should have mentioned that, as he does not want Shepard to feel guilty that she can't be with him. Shepard can then go to the main bedroom upstairs and use the flat screen to watch Thane's messages. Er ist ein ausgezeichneter Scharfschütze und verfügt über diverse biotische Fähigkeiten. but beset by wickedness and contention. To find a target, he prays to Amonkira, the lord of hunters; when defending another, he prays to Arashu, goddess of motherhood and protection; after taking a life, he prays to Kalahira, goddess of oceans and the afterlife. The mercenaries paid the Shadow Broker for his identity and killed Thane's wife because they were unwilling to face Thane himself. He is absent the first time Shepard visits the Citadel to visit Ashley/Kaidan in the hospital and to meet with the Council, but after Shepard rescues Primarch Victus from Menae and brings him aboard the Normandy, Thane will send Shepard an e-mail explaining he heard a rumor that the Normandy was docked at the Citadel, and he wants Shepard to come visit him at the hospital. It is also noted that Thane was originally designed with three metal earrings on the ridge on the right side of his head, but these did not make it into his final model for Mass Effect 2 and were instead incorporated into Thane's alternate outfit in the, Thane may have been intended as a bisexual romance option, as indicated by. The lock-in response was paraphrased as "I'm here for you", which inadvertently led people who aren't interested in romancing Thane to go down that path and people who. Download Game Guide PDF, ePUB & iBooks. The target was still alive and managed to hurl final insults at him, and Thane put the man's words to the test. Einloggen und zur Kasse gehen Als Gast kaufen . While Shepard talks with Nassana to discern the assassin's whereabouts, Thane drops from the ceiling and takes out Nassana's bodyguards before killing her with a pistol shot at point-blank range. 2. Thane - Sins of the Father part 1. Drawing Mass Effect 2: The Creation of Thane, https://twitter.com/PatrickWeekes/status/1263932798991085568, https://masseffect.fandom.com/wiki/Thane_Krios?oldid=519394. Si celle-ci est poursuivie, Thane s'adressera affectueusement à Shepard en l'appelant "Siha" pour le reste des conversations. If Shepard has no other love interest who stops for a final word with her, Thane's spirit walks up to her, telling her that he is glad that she was able to have the time to celebrate. If romanced, he also tells Shepard that he loves her. 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