Jack was looking impressed when Jerry was telling them about how he got the Wolfman costume. They both said the same "Skin on skin. When Jack was about to save Eddie from Frank, and he got hurt, he said "I probably shouldn't have done that" which is the play-on his original catchphrase which Jerry used in ". They were stood next to each other when Nakamura was about to do his signature move. He was doing Jerry's fist pump from inside the Dojo. They (along with Kim, Eddie and Milton) were setting up the office for Rudy. (Jack broke his hand in "Kickin' it in China" and Jerry was kicked in the ribs by Jack in "Breaking Board".). Well, I'm Jerry. Dude, what just happened?! (He and Jerry hug.). He was a lone wolf before he entered Bobby Wasabi, as stated in Wasabi Warriors. I thought you were gonna go first, and then I was gonna say that's exactly what I was thinking. Your support, your friendship, your jockstrap-. Jerry wouldn't stop laughing at Jack's side of the improv exersice. Jack: (Looking at Rudy hugging the statue) Erm, what is it? They were stood next to each other when Rudy came in talking about Dan La Mont's acting class. Jack and Jerry ran up to Milton together. Jack: Jerry, I'm not fooling around, I just climbed all by my-. (Jerry presses the button, and a laser flies out towards Jack, the explosion hurts his ear. At the Penguin House, Jack said to Jerry that he shouldn't be eating the fish, and Jerry reassured him that the penguins were friendly. After Jack said he was losing his grip, Jerry began walking across the scaffolding. Jerry was behind Jack when they were all in the Dojo. How are we gonna get to Bobby? Jack winced when Jerry drop-kicked Rudy after thinking he was a mummy. Back at the Dojo, Jack was teaching Jerry a kick. I bought it online. Jack said Jerry was right about fighting back. Jerry tried to pretend that he didn't speak English, but Jack didn't fall for it. Jack (along with everyone else) snuck into the temple disguised as Shaolin Warriors. (Both stand up from the chairs. This shows that Jerry doesn't want Jack to change, and he likes him the way he is. Jerry: The boys in my family get their ki-yah's removed, it's tradition. There might also be dashiki, daishiki, haut, and retour au début. Although Jerry was talking to everyone about him being proud to dance with them, he was looking at Jack. When Kim said to Jack that they were the Wasabi Warriors and they stick together, two of the clips shown was "Buddyguards" a Jarry centric episode, and "We are Family" which is where Jerry realised his friends (including Jack) was his family. characters. Jack and Jerry were both excited about Bobby's movie prop. Jerry: Uh Jack? Jack apologised for screaming like a girl. Jerry was stood next to where Jack was sat on the bench. When Jack's phone was ringing with "It's Rudy" Jerry said "if that's Milton, I need to talk to him". Jerry was stood next to him when he was talking about a plan to get Nakamura back into Sumo Wrestling. Jack was the one who said that they would still help him dance. Jerry was in awe after Jack had done his head-shot kick. How come you're late? (walk over to the sword stand), Jerry: Yo, we took out that guy, but Leona's ninjas are everywhere. ), They have done four Karate fights together. Jack held Jerry's glass for him, and didn't put it down even when Rudy came in. During the fight, Jerry was showing very Jack-like qualities, and skills. They have been noted to be each others wingman, (Dummy Dancing, Wazombie Warriors, etc) and often support one another, even again the odds. He falls down and Jack looks worried.). Jerry: This is awesome, the cops are gonna pay us to play volleyball with girls down at an exotic resort. When Jack said he knew what to do, Jerry did too, but when Jack asked, Jerry said he was just going to say that was what he was thinking after Jack said his idea. Once I take care of Bobby, my ninjas will take care of you. Jack: C'mon, we're not gonna embarrass you, we know how important this is for you. They looked at each other while Rudy was talking about "Christmas Spirit.". Jerry: Wait a minute. Jack told Leona it was a numbing dart she got shot with, and Jerry replied that he had too. Jack: Do you know what this means? Jack asked Jerry if he was alright because his suit was short-circuting, and moved forwards to help him, but Jerry kept saying he was fine and that it wasn't. Back at the Dojo, Jerry was the one to notice something was wrong, which is what Jack normally does. Jack was helping Jerry flirt for a date with Katie, but the scene came off like they were flirting with each other. Jerry: Wow Jack, I didn't see that coming. Jack looked like he briefly agreed with Milton about Jerry being disgusting, but at artist. After Jack said not to draw any attention to themselves, Jerry walked into a suit of armour. He's in the hospital because of me. Jack: Maybe if you told me a little bit about yourselves I'd remember. Dude can I get some of that? When Kim stood up to face off with Jerry, Jack put his hand between them. They have both been interested in Kim, and have both gone on dates with her. Traductions en contexte de "kickin" en anglais-français avec Reverso Context : Man, the drugs they sell here must be kickin'. Jack: Don't panic, we've trained for this. Jerry told Jack that his pyramid was a triangle, and he was also upset that Jack had taken down his photo. Mateo plays Jerry on Kickin' It. I can't hear you! In the episode, The Great Escape, Jack was helping Jerry train for the tournament that his family was coming to see him in, and when Jerry got detention for de-wigging a teacher, Jack was willing to pretend to be Jerry so he could compete in the tournament. Jack went up to Jerry again during the dance, and told him it was time for his new move, and they high-fived each other. (Whispers) He's a wizard. Green Jack! Premise. Jack: Did this guy also hit his head? (Throws helmet to Kim.) Since Kim has left the show, Jack and Jerry are the strongest students in the Dojo. Jack: You turned Phil's into a Dojo? After Jerry knocked his opponent into the ground, he looked up to where Jack was and had a worried expression on his face. Jack: We didn't take the part that said "In men's underpants". Jack put Jerry in an arm lock, and front snap kicked him. Jack was stood where Jerry was sat on the bench. Several instances have been shown where Jack will start attacking if Jerry gets hurt, Dojo Day Afternoon, for example, when Arthur's punching dummy took out Jerry, it sparked Jack's anger and made him lose his temper and he was going to physically attack Arthur if Kim hadn't stopped him. When Kim asked Jack why he wasn't going, he said it might cost too much, meaning his friendships, especially Jerry's. He was watching Jack when he 'flew' to where the guy was. On Jerry's first and second kick, Jack said they were "nice" and ". Jack looked at Jerry before the disco dancer came in and took the toilet plunger. Jack: Well I'm Jack. Jack was walking behind Jerry in the courtyard. But it was later revealed that Max only picked Jerry as he was incomptent, and it would have made it easier for him to steal the autographed shoes. Do you remember last week when you loaned me twenty bucks? Jack: Dude check it out, it's our gloves. Jack: Jerry I'm loosing my grip. Jerry asked Jack if he could just be happy for him, and Jack responded saying that he didn't deserve the promotion, and that he was incompetent. Somebody save my baby!" Jerry looked at Jack when he said "Come on dude, where're you going?". Dude, check this out. (Sees the boxes) What's going on? Jack: You make cheese in your locker? They were stood next to each other when the flock of doves were creating havoc in the mall. Jack: (Spots Katie and grabs Jerry) Dude, there she is, go ask her. In the end, Jack broke Duke's record, and the two shared a hug after Jack admitted that he couldn't have done it without him, showing how close they really are. Jerry: Everything is purple... He patted Jerry's back before he ran off. Jerry: Hey, what's going on? Jerry: Yeah, and I know how we can do it. Such examples include the episode Dojo Day Afternoon, when Jerry was hit by Arthur's punching dummy, finally ticking Jack off, leading to a confrontation between him and Arthur. Jack: (Grabs Jerry by his shirt) Jerry, what is going on?! Jerry looked over at Jack when he was telling Milton there were no Road Demon's left, and Jack looked disappointed. Jack: (To Rudy) What career? (Jerry ran "Judo Jerry's" for a short while, and as of Season 4, Jack is an assistant Sensei at the Wasabi Warriors Academy), Jerry seems to only speak Spanish when Jack is around/involved. Jack: Alright, you want a battle of the Dojo's? Jack looked in disbelief when Jerry wanted to go and ask a guy if he could "eat his fat". Jerry said he was there to get Jack's company whistle, and Jack said he was unbelieveable. Jack teased Jerry (and Milton) about their cotillion dates. Jerry: See I don't know if you know this about me, but I was partially raised by wolves. Jerry continued the sentence on after Jack when Rudy's Uncle asked about their charity. They also put their heads together briefly, neither moving. Jack told Jerry to calm down when he said about Summer School. Jack and Jerry went outside to look for Byron. When Jerry said to Kim that there was nothing fake about the Klaus Claw, Jack said that it was a catcher's mitt wrapped in aluminum foil. He was looking at Jack when he began to climb the scaffolding. Jack was angry at Jerry for not remembering their pact, and he got even angrier when Jerry said he'd only agreed to it because he thought he would be the one getting fired. Now let's break this fool's record! "One of us, or neither of us.". When they walked into the Dojo, they were both holding kids. Jack winced when Jerry was hit by the punching dummy, and went over to help him up. Jerry was patting Jack (and Milton's) leg while Kim was talking. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go over there. When Jack asked Jerry if he had Izzy's appendix, Jerry told him he wasn't the only one who shopped online, and winked at him. The first episode of Season 1 to focus on their relationship, was Breaking Board, where Jack accidentally kicked Jerry in the ribs while training for a speed-breaking contest against Duke Evans. Jack: That is not a Martial Art's move, it's an appetiser at the Lobster barn. (They start running towards the door) Eddie, Milton you guys hold down the fort. Jack carried him to the hospital himself, and felt extremely guilty about the situation, venting to Milton and Eddie about how guilty he was, before he asked the Doctor how Jerry was. Jerry: I'm talking about slapping a diaper on a ham and drawing eyeballs on it. When Jerry slid in on the broom, he was singing "surf the lightning" and that was the song they both heard Izzy sing in "Buddyguards" when they saved his life. Jerry gave Jack a thumbs-up and went away, while Jack looked grossed out. Sorry But I Love You (Kickin It Jerry Martinez) October 27, 2014 ParisQueen . By: Halia Stone. Jack: (About pre-Zompyre Jerry) Well, before he was a zompyre, Jerry was one of us. Épisode 4. Jerry: Hey, what movie did Bobby wear a wedding dress in? (Hangs up, not realizing it's the phone ringing), Jack: Jerry! Jack did a little dance when Jerry was doing his part of the rap. Jerry was cheering loudly for him before anyone else. Jack said why Milton wasn't re-elected as President again after Jerry did. And ontop of that, you got yourself a go-kart. After Milton said about the pony, they both talked to each other and were doing similar actions with their hands. Jack said to Jerry that he couldn't have broken the record without him, and then they did their usual high-five/hug thing. They both caused damage to a wall in the Dojo. (Burps over towards him and Jack has a blank face) Jerry apologised for thinking that money was more important than friendship, and Jack said it was okay, and he was the one who came up with the plan to get Tootsie back. I'm scrappy and wiry. They were stood together by the lockers before Eddie and Kim came over. When Kim asked about the music, Jack repiled that it was Jerry's weakness, and math, and tying his shoelaces, before saying he had. Jack was the one who asked the Doctor about Jerry. At the end of the episode, Jerry made Kim do a test to get into the Dojo, however he didn't make Jack do one. Jerry: Yo, we lost the Principal's baby. Jerry looked in disbelief when Arthur called Jack a "skate rat". Jerry said Jack (his fight) was awesome and something great happened so there was no curse. ), Jerry: Look what I did! Jack: I don't believe this, I've been worried sick. Jack was looking at Jerry when Rudy said "these guys are your friends". Jerry gave Jack the center spot for a karate routine in the dance. (Leaves). It's a high-tech, remote-controlled, futuristic, combat tank. Jerry: Dude look, I think they're gonna be part of the crazy suit. Izzy: Oh, two blokes jumped me. After the theme song ended, Jack and Jerry were sat next to each other when Rudy was pulling the next scene into view with the monster truck. When they were both at the door, Jack had his hands on Jerry's shoulders. Jack was angry that Jerry chased his students away. Jerry: What do you think guys? Jack: Just stand up. (Looks at each other smiling) Don't scream like a girl. Jerry said that he and Jack could both handle working at the Dojo together. They did the same type of victory dance when Izzy said they were his bodyguards. Jerry: (Eating the corndog) Who would do something like that? Jack walked away to get it, and showed Jerry he had it enlarged, and Jerry looked touched, and Jack said he was going to hang it up, but didn't get to explain why, because Jerry interrupted and said Jack had kicked him out. They were both excited about training at the temple. Jerry thanked him as a Sensei before grinning madly and hugging him, practically jumping into his arms. They were sat opposite each other when they were in Falafel Phil's. Jerry looked in awe towards the door after Jack had gone. Jack: (Puts his arm around him) Wow Jerry, a human sparring dummy. Jack: Why are you so nervous about asking Katie out anyway? (Points to Jack and Jerry, wearing Kung Fu Lightning Jackets) These guys saved my life. We save that seat for Prom queens, cheerleaders and supermodels. When Jack said there were guys coming out of Athletic Authority, Jerry said that they must be having their annual ski mask sale. Jerry was impressed saying "yeah man" when Jack caught the thief. Jack punched the board after Jerry opened the blinds and said "Look, a Ninja!". Jerry is … Jack high-fived Jerry first after he'd kicked the dummy's head off. Jerry is shown to be the closest to Jack out of all the guys. When Jack was in the Dojo kicking the dummy, Jerry came towards him. Jerry: I know man, I couldn't have done it without you. Jack rolled his eyes, but kicked the dummy anyway. Va-moose. Jerry looked over at Jack when he started banging the drum lids together. Jack told Jerry that something shiny was in the tree above them. Jack asked Jerry in a slightly disgusted tone if he used his jock-strap, and then when Jerry nodded, Jack told him to keep it. Jack laughed when Jerry said "there's your business, and there's your casual.". Jack: Jerry how's this thing gonna help? In the background when Milton and Kim are telling Rudy about the kid, Jack and Jerry are training together. Jerry said that Jack's fortune was a good one, and Jack told him they were "just a stupid gimmick to get your mind off how they look and taste like an old man's ear.". Note: A rival pairing is considered to be any pairing that has one of the main two characters in it. (Jerry gets the porqupine quills in his face. Jack was nodding in a smug way at Zompyre Jerry when he started to dance with the others. After winning, Jack ran over to where Jerry was, and high-fived him, also gently hitting him with his head-guard. Jack: (To Milton) Well, you got further into the song than last year... Jerry: Yeah, true. I have an idea. Jerry was trying not to laugh when Jebidah said Jack reminded him of his horse Charlie, and stroked his hair and gave him a sugar cube. Jerry commented on not saying anything about Kim's outfit after Jack did. Jerry, all you gotta do is perform a-, (The Black Dragon does his routine and finishes, Jerry then does his routine and hits himself in the groin, Jack runs over to him). I think I've got a soloution. Jack: Hey, uh Jerry, I've always dreamed of running a Dojo and when I got the chance, maybe I got a little carried away. When Jack asked what it was, Jerry said it was a dude. They both high-fived after they took out the thugs. Rudy has an impressive new dojo and Phil has opened a bowling joint but even with these changes, the kicks keep on coming! Jerry (and Eddie and Milton) said "We do!" Jack: Did they just-? When Jack lied about his bird, it seemed like something Jerry would say. Back at the Dojo, they were playing "Surf the Lightning" with Izzy again. (They high-five/hug.) Jerry then showed him the cow suit. Hey, where's Jerry? Jerry was cheering for both Jack and Carson. When they were in the room, Jack saw the gloves, and referred to them as "our" gloves, not including Milton. Jack: (Spots Izzy's phone) Dude. They both had the same-type of grin when they were looking at Rudy. No, your secret's safe with me. I'll dance with you later though.". Jack high-fived/hugged Jerry when he was leaving. In his dream, Jack said "he was going make that birdie sing" and it was implied he meant Jerry (La Boca) before he pulled out an actual bird. Two of the Jarry colors. Jack tried to tell Jerry not to go into the room, but he did it anyway. When Jerry hid his face in his arms, Jack put his hand on his back. Jack: We just gotta find a way to get you back on the horse (talking to Nakamura). When Jerry said "I got this" Jack was looking determined. Dude, are you okay? Jack asked Jerry where Byron was, and they both looked at each other worriedly. I'll say I'm you, do the time, and you can go to the tournament. Jerry Martinez is a guy who wants to look tough, he is a fluent in Spanish and can also communicate with dogs and wolves, but is very confused.. Trivia Edit. I even put on my new deoderant, it's called "De-stank". Jack high-fived Jerry (before Kim) after he did the jump. Jerry: Dude! Jerry looked upset when Jack called the Dojo a joke, and said he was "outta there". His arms were still around Jerry's waist after the kid had gone. Jack told him to take it easy and that he hit Eddie "right in the Grapes of Wrath". (Jack reaches for Jerry's face and pulls out a porqupine quill, making Jerry scream.) Jack: Jerry, I told you. A frustrated... Obtenez des photos d'actualité haute résolution de qualité sur Getty Images Jerry: I can't calm down. (Hands Izzy his phone), Izzy: Yes, I do. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Jack said they needed to get jobs there, and they then proceeded to do their high-five/hug thing. Hey you get back here this instant young man! Jack was looking at Jerry the longest before he asked who everyone was. Jerry was amazed after Jack did his flying dragon kick. However, after Jerry snapped about the pyramid still being up, Jack showed him that he had his tournament enlarged and Jerry was genuinely touched. All right, kids... (Jack turns off the radio). After Jack broke the board, Jerry asked him what the big deal was, and Jack told him to wait for it. Jack said that he and Jerry wouldn't do anything to embarrass him on the tour. Jerry was helping Jack train for the record, when he could have asked anyone. "Breaking board" was the first episode to focus on Jarry. When the manager said they were both hired, they put their hands on each others arms like they were about to hug. Jerry was shocked when the Doctor said Jack was going to die, but relieved when it was just the pen light. They were stood next to each other before Jerry's aunt turned up in the clown costume. Jerry: (Whispers) Yo, Jack. Jack reprimanded him for using it as it wasn't a martial arts move, and said it was an appitieser at the lobster barn. kickin it. They must be Leona's. 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