Seeing as how I have yet to conduct a film review on my blog, this analysis will fill that void. Neo and Russian formalists believed the work of art as a set of devices, they then use these devices to craft a film. For example, formalists are aware that mise-en-scene, sound, camera, framing, editing and optical effects can be used to create a great work of art. On the whole, the formalist approach to film study rests on the subjective viewer’s response to film, which I believe is the heart of the cinematic experience. My rather formalist approach to Hindi film dances provides a foundation for investigating these dances in way that will allow me to expand on this research in the future. Mulvey, Laura. In studying both formalist and ideological approaches, I believe Wood’s formalist approach serves film analysis best to fully appreciate cinema as a whole. I find this to be too broad, generalizing films into politically and societally driven machines. In the movie The Matrix, color, shots, and angles are used to illustrate the idea of formalism. ( Log Out / Formalism, in other words, allows us to explain how writers achieve certain effects. Film analysis is the process in which film is analyzed in terms of semiotics, narrative structure, cultural context, and mise-en-scene, among other approaches. The formalist approach analyzes films from a detail-oriented and spectator-based stance, whereas the Ideological approach is much more broad, focusing more on how the world is, and how it should be seen as a result of film. Structuralism is based on the assumption that every text has a universal, underlying structure. The film usually presents extraordinary characters and events. Both stories have internal battles of good and evil. The ideological approach to film, practiced by such notable film figures as Russian director and theorist Sergei Eisenstein as well as British film theorist and feminist Laura Mulvey, also analyzes film through psychoanalysis of the viewer, but with different motives and intents than that of the formalist approach. Key characteristics of formalism is the theoretical and critical emphasis on form. This approach was proposed by Hugo Münsterberg, Rudolf Arnheim, Sergei Eisenstein, and Béla Balázs. Wood, Robin. A good moment to analyze comes in the scene when the initial protagonist, Marion Crane, is pulled over by the police officer. Avant garde films are an example of extreme formalism. In studying both formalist and ideological approaches, I believe Wood’s formalist approach serves film analysis best to fully appreciate cinema as a whole. Formalism is a school of literary criticism and literary theory having mainly to do with structural purposes of a particular text. This modern film theory is used to evoke certain emotions… Perkins’ scrutiny of shot, scene, film, and cinema is an effective formula for determining what cinema can be. The idea originates in ancient Greek metaphysics. (“Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema” 175). I believe this is why so many people hold the cinema in such high regard, retaining strong opinions. The formalist approach as exercised by Wood helps to decipher these recurring themes, thus maximizing film appreciation. Perkins then asks how the scene relates to the rest of the film, connecting common themes found within. This point of view developed in reaction to "...forms of 'extrinsic' criticism that viewed the text as either the product of social and historical forces or a document making an ethical statement" (699). His final consideration is asking how the film demonstrates what film can be, interpreting the film as a whole and finding its place in cinema. To get into the concept of formalist film theory, one has to talk about the film in terms of the formal or technical elements within the film. In Film Studies, the formalist tradition covers everything from the Russian formalists (see Eagle, 1981) to Rudolf Arnheim's pioneering Film as Art (1957), Christian Metz's film semiotics (1974a; 1974b; Buckland, 1999); Noël Burch's study of film's formal principles (1981); Edward Branigan's description of point of view in narrative cinema (1984); Raymond Bellour's shot-by-shot analyses of film segments (2000); … When you look into these theories closely, you can start to understand how and why formalist filmmakers crafted their films, and what theories we can take onto our filmmaking. The ideological approach as a whole has its place in film theory and critique, answering questions posed about cinema, utilizing psychoanalysis to conclude how we, the audience, should see film. ( Log Out / Yet, for some it is still the medium to dream in. In film studies, formalism is a trait in filmmaking, which overtly uses the language of film, such as editing, shot composition, camera movement, set design, etc., so as to emphasise graphical (as opposed to diegetic) qualities of the image. In monographs about world filmmakers, aesthetic or formalist film theory is the most represented in the English language. Feminist study, such as writing about how women have been both negatively and positively represented in film. DIFFERENT VIEWS UNDERFORMALISM NEO-REALISM ANTI-REALISM REALISM AVANT GARDE 5. Sometimes finding this answer proves most tricky, as not every film is great. Most directors who are great stylists are formalists to some degree. But as I have stated before, that answer lies within the spectator. Through the process of the Formalist approach to film analysis as Robin Wood sees it, we are given a strong, efficient formula for film study, and in turn, film appreciation. To further demonstrate my argument that Robin Wood’s formalist approach to film analysis is the most viable of the previously discussed approaches, I will apply his methodology to the classic 1960 thriller, Psycho, directed by Alfred Hitchcock (Psycho). Change ). 4. Psycho. Different Views under Formalism . Formalist films will focus more on ideas, conveying emotions and feelings as well as having more fantastical stories. Current essay provides a comparative analysis of formalist and realist film theories, based on theoretical approaches, innovations, critical findings and film-making practice of such renowned representatives of both currents of the film theory as Eisenstein, Arnheim and Bazin. Structuralism and formalism are two literary theories or literary criticisms that focus on the structure of a particular text. Perkins article and detailed scene analysis from film It would certainly be impractical in many situations… but I enjoy it anyway! Formalist theory examines issues related to the nature of the film itself and how its aesthetics promote meaning. In the field of literary criticism, a formalist approach is one that studies a text as a text and nothing more. Perf. For this reason it is the preferred approach for propaganda. Support: V.F. Formalism emphases aesthetics and style over reality. parts of a … After viewing the film and evaluating its effect on the spectator, such as the effect of focusing on the eyes, we can ask ourselves, “what makes Psycho great?” What makes the film great is that we as the viewer are put in position by Hitchcock to empathize with Marion and Norman, sequentially (transitioning with the shower murder). Formalist film makers shape and mold the images we see on the screen the way a sculptor shapes and molds clay. (Photos sourced from google) Formalist film first came about in the 1920s, this is when formalist filmmakers were trying to legitimate themselves as artists. Although I find both Perkins’ and Mulvey’s approaches to film worthwhile and significant, Wood’s method of studying film as it pertains to the spectator appeals to me most, for it focuses on the spectator’s perception. However, these technical features have to be used for a certain purpose. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Marion has committed a crime, but is regretful, and plans to return home to apologize for her thievery. Formalists disagreed about what specific elements make a literary work "good" or "bad"; but generally, Formalism maintains that a literary work contains certain intrinsic features, and the theory "...defined and addressed the specifically literary qualities in the text" (Richter 699). Current essay provides a comparative analysis of formalist and realist film theories, based on theoretical approaches, innovations, critical findings and film-making practice of such renowned representatives of both currents of the film theory as Eisenstein, Arnheim and Bazin. FORMALISM Formalism is the view that theoretical information about an object, or practical guidance about how to treat it, are to be derived from attention to its form rather than its matter or content. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. ( Log Out / What is the formalism/formalist approach to studying film? Formalism analyses the structure of a text without focusing on the external factors such as authorship, social and cultural influence. Most importantly, however, I believe my approach to Hindi film dances enables me to explore “Bollywood dance” as a site of reception of Hindi film dances as they move from films to stage.
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