For more details, read How This Site Is Financed. MSE Will also had a nice surprise, when he found he was owed money by Manchester City Council after a new tenant successfully lowered the council tax band. Your credit will automatically transfer to your new council tax account. Group and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FRN527029). Overpayments may be due to: Vacating a property; Discount or exemption awards; Pensioner reductions; Band reductions; Disabled relief; Once we have validated your request we will aim to issue your refund within 7 to 10 days. In all likelihood, if you owe your ex-council money, it'll have chased you for it already. Cold weather payments triggered - can you get £25 towards your energy bills? Martin Lewis explains how to check Council Tax bill for overpayments and possible refunds The money-saving expert shares two simple checks you can do … Which? The line item of central charges has a projected surplus of $93,000 due to tax refund overpayments being less than budgeted – partially offset by projected over-expenditures from the homelessness initiative that the board approved earlier this year. Hackney Council was initially included in this list. W E HAVE recently received a £2,600 refund from our local council for overpayment of council tax over 13 years. Top 15+ holiday destinations from the UK – where can you still travel to? 20 November 2020 at 9:41AM in Other Reclaiming: Mortgage Fees, Council Tax etc. To claim your refund, you will need to have your council tax reference number. If the email address you registered with your old council is one you no longer frequently use, it may be worth checking if it's contacted you on that address. In the event that this isn't possible, please provide details of where the refund should be issued. You can use our 2020 council tax calculator to work out how much your bill is likely to be. Please note – If you have any other Council Tax accounts that are in arrears, we will transfer any credit to these accounts to offset these debts before we consider processing your refund. If the VOA puts you into a higher band, you could find yourself paying more council tax as a result. Don't miss out, 'Severely mentally impaired' council tax discount, Travel insurance for pre-existing conditions. So if you're someone who's moved home since 1993, especially if you changed council or local authority area and didn't pay by direct debit, you should take a look at this guide, see how your council does it and then try and get your money back.". Find out how much income you keep and how much the taxman takes. This guide gives information and advice about: all aspects of Housing Benefit overpayment; all aspects of excess Council Tax Benefit; the legal requirements on local authorities. If not, check with the council. Two councils had over £10 million in unclaimed council tax credit, and a further five had over £5 million. Council Tax refund for overpayment. Which? If your Council Tax account is in credit, you can apply for a refund. Also see how to check and challenge your council tax band and how to claim the 'severely mentally impaired' council tax discount. Financial Services Limited. Moved home since 1993? Financial Services Limited is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Which? We use cookies to allow us and selected partners to improve your experience and our advertising. You shouldn’t notice any difference and the link will never negatively impact the product. You're MOST likely to be able to claim if you've moved out of a council or local authority area in the last 26 years, and weren't paying by direct debit. Recovery is usually made by adding the overpayment back onto your council tax bill and increasing your subsequent instalment amounts. Shows which top cards and loans you're most likely to get. But if you're not in a rush (after all this is money you didn't know you had) it might be better for the council if you contact it via its preferred method. A spokesperson for the City of Edinburgh Council told us: "As a capital city, Edinburgh has a fairly transient population where residents move regularly from one property to the next. Don't miss out, Cold weather payments worth £25 have been triggered in some parts of the UK after another cold snap. If you have received a Council Tax bill with a credit on it, either through changing address or an overpayment of a discount or exemption, we will need to issue a refund to the account holder. If you have moved out of the borough a refund can be made. A change made to the valuation by the VOA is wrong, or hasn't been made. We want to hear your stories. . ) Find cheap pick-up only items near you - they often attract fewer bids. If that's you, you'll need to weigh up whether it's worth contacting your council anyway. Refunds and overpayments. Most people know that students are exempt from paying council tax… For that reason, our total credit value may appear comparatively high.". Make sure you have any documents needed for proof. If you apply for the VOA to review your council tax banding, you should get a formal written decision. You need to keep a few things in mind to record an income tax refund journal entry. The best way to check if you're owed cash – and to reclaim it if you are – will depend on your council, as some have different options: It should be on an old bill – though of course you may have long since shredded these. When completing any e-forms in the future, simply log in and your personal details will already be completed for you. A change in your circumstances that results in an overpayment of council tax could entitle you to a council tax refund. For example, if nearby long-term roadworks have affected the rateable value of your property, you can submit one challenge for works that started on 31 December 2017, and a new challenge for roadworks starting on a different date. Below, we explain the process of appealing your council tax bill. . If there is an overpayment showing on your account, we will allocate it to any other outstanding Council Tax accounts you may have. 3 replies 51 views [Deleted User] Forumite. is part of the MoneySupermarket Group, but is entirely editorially independent. To request a band review, you need to contact your local valuation office and explain why you think your banding is wrong. Once you have an account you will be able to see a history of your requests and link to other council services such as council tax. If you've moved within Bristol and have overpaid. I thought this was ridiculous given the ease of simply returning the credit to the bank account that it came from. If you think there is a discrepancy, you should then check the 1991 value of your home and compare this to the range for your current band. So if you set up a redirect on your post, this notice from the council would hopefully have made it to your new address. If they reject your appeal, you can apply in writing to the Valuation Tribunal to request a review - you can visit their website here. This is the first incarnation of this guide. You cannot claim a Council Tax refund if your bin hasn’t been collected or if you don’t wish to pay for certain council services. Our investigation in 2019 showed 283 local authorities in England, Scotland and Wales currently had more than £230 million in just over 1.7 million closed or dormant (no longer active) accounts – an average of £137. There was only credit because I left the borough part way into the month after my direct debit had gone out. If you move from one property in North Somerset to another in our area, and you have overpaid your Council Tax, we will automatically transfer the overpayment to your new address. Thousands of people could be due a council tax refund because they've been paying it unnecessarily. We think it's important you understand the strengths and limitations of the site. Claim a year's worth of tax relief. However, it's since clarified a proportion of this is in live accounts and the total in closed or dormant accounts is £5,536,132. The deadlines for free and cheap delivery before Christmas are FAST approaching. Martin Lewis is a registered trade mark belonging to Martin S Lewis. I genuinely thought it was a scam. However, to be clear, there will be exceptions – some who have moved within local authorities and/or paid by direct debit WILL be owed too. That means we all need to take responsibility for ourselves. Reasons for overpayment: Plus the editorial line (the things we write) is NEVER impacted by these links. If you have been paying your Council Tax by Direct Debit, we will refund your money back into the bank account that the money was sent from. The government has announced a COVID-19 Council Tax Hardship Fund for people who are working age and on a low income. Money Compare is a trading name of Which? If the VOA finds that your property has incorrectly been put in a higher band, not only will your council tax bills be lowered in future, but your council will refund you the money you've overpaid. As we explain above, we believe those who paid by direct debit are less likely to be owed, because many councils issue refunds to those paying by direct debit automatically. We will only refund you if you do not owe any further amounts of council tax to us. It'd waste your time and kill their switchboards - especially during the coronavirus pandemic when many will be needing to speak to their council for essential support. Limited is an appointed representative of Financial Group Limited. Which? Eight out of 10 councils told us they try to refund credit wherever possible, and if your council has your direct debit details, this should have been straightforward. Many people aren't aware they pay council tax a month (or sometimes a year) ahead. Council Tax refunds If there is an overpayment showing on your account, we will allocate it to any other outstanding Council Tax accounts you may have. If you are the executor of someone's estate, you should be able to claim for their council tax credit, but it's possible the council won't have your details. This is called a set-off. See MCL 211.154 (3) and (4) regarding the applicability of penalty and interest. Glasgow City Council and Birmingham City Council did not respond to requests for comment. When a claim is made, refunds are processed as a priority. how to check and challenge your council tax band, how to claim the 'severely mentally impaired' council tax discount, the Council Tax (Administration and Enforcement) Regulations. Find out how to apply for a refund if you have an overpayment on your council tax account. Within the last week, we've seen the extension of coronavirus credit card, personal loan and overdraft help to 31 October 2020, with mortgage payment holidays already extended. Yet strictly speaking, councils can apply the statute of limitations to reclaims as long as they have previously tried to notify you of the credit, so in England and Wales they can stop you reclaiming six years after the account was closed, and in Scotland, five years. Which? If you started university between 1998 and 2012, or since then in Scotland and Northern Ireland, you'll have a Plan 1 student loan. A couple of minutes of your time today will make managing your online services quicker and easier. If you're worried about work during the coronavirus crisis, this guide looks at your rights if you're self employed, including what help's there for limited company directors. If you pay by direct debit, you'll find your Council Tax account number next to any Council Tax payment on your bank statement. We can refund this credit to you after we've checked any changes in your circumstances. Here's why closed accounts can end up in credit (in rough order of likelihood): Knowing whether or not you fall into the categories above can be difficult, and we don't want everyone just calling their council on spec to find out. To challenge your tax band, follow the process set out above for challenging your council tax bill. If you still cannot find it, contact us. You can request a refund if your council tax account is in credit. He was owed despite having paid by direct debit, and his story (he even sent his own freedom of information request to Tower Hamlets) inspired our investigation. We may use any credit to reduce overpayments of Housing Benefit. Laurence Prax, 28, from London, recently reclaimed council tax credit after moving away from the London Borough of Tower Hamlets – though in his case, he did so after being told by the council he could reclaim. For all the latest deals, guides and loopholes simply sign up today - it’s spam free! Its response to our FOI request asking how much credit it held in closed/dormant accounts gave a total figure of £7,473,897. If you have received a credit on your account due to an exemption, discount, relief or council tax support; we may use the credit to reduce the balance on your account rather than issue a refund. By law, the council has to try to let you know you're in credit if your account's closed. Be warned, however, that the Valuation Office may decide that your property belongs in a higher band - and may increase your band instead of reducing it. Refunds are usually paid directly into the bank account of the person who’s name is on the council tax bill. 'I'm self-employed but confused about whether I can claim the third grant' – Unsure? By continuing to browse you consent to our use of cookies. This info does not constitute financial advice, always do your own research on top to ensure it's right for your specific circumstances and remember we focus on rates not service. Recovery is usually made by adding the overpayment back onto your council tax bill and increasing your subsequent instalment amounts. If you move out of North Somerset and you’ve overpaid your Council Tax by direct debit, we will make a refund by BACS. I paid by direct debit – is there a chance I could still be owed? Always remember anyone can post on the MSE forums, so it can be very different from our opinion. Its stance of putting consumers first is protected and enshrined in the legally binding MSE Editorial Code. Martin Lewis VIDEO: Should you pay off your Plan 1 student loan? Normally, this isn't a problem – in fact, as council tax is usually paid in advance you'll often be in credit. Discover the household bills and maintenance costs you need to budget for when you buy your first home. So there's more of a chance your closed account could be in credit if you shared a home, even if you paid by direct debit. Find out who is responsible for paying Council Tax and if you don't need to pay because you're exempt from paying. The registered office address of both Group PLC and Financial Group Limited (registered in England No. Yet strictly speaking, councils can apply the statute of limitations to reclaims as long as they have previously tried to notify you of the credit, so in England and Wales they can stop you reclaiming six years after the account was closed, and in Scotland, five years. It was only when I got round to ringing the council directly that they confirmed it was real. "Yet we don't want just to encourage everyone to call their council on spec – that'd waste people's time and clog up council call centres. Limited and part of the Which? This guide explains how to check if you're owed and claim if you are. You can lodge an appeal if your bill is incorrect – for instance, if you have not been given a discount that should apply. If you go through it, it can sometimes result in a payment or benefit to the site. How to record a journal entry for a tax refund. Many councils we've spoken to though have told us they don't apply this time limit, and some have confirmed you definitely can claim as far back as 1993. A couple of minutes of your time today will make managing your online services quicker and easier. "Due to resource restrictions it is not practical to individually investigate each case where a claim has not been made. It's worth noting this means the third party used may be named on any credit agreements. The first step towards appealing your council tax is writing to your council to explain why your bill is incorrect. As Council Tax payments are mostly paid in advance, where there is a change in your circumstances a credit may occur on your account. This means it's common to be in credit when you move home. Is coronavirus a valid excuse for missing the tax return deadline? You will then receive a revised bill with the instalments adjusted. We don't as a general policy investigate the solvency of companies mentioned (how likely they are to go bust), but there is a risk any company can struggle and it's rarely made public until it's too late (see the. So it's unlikely you'll call your council to be told you owe cash (though of course it's not impossible). We will try to process the refund via the method the original payment was made, such as to the Debit/Credit Card the original payment was made by, or to the bank account the original Direct Debit payments came from. 20 days after receiving this order, submit a corrected tax bill, itemized by taxing jurisdiction, to the owner of the property. If you have received a Council Tax bill with a credit on it, either through changing address or an overpayment of a discount or exemption, we will need to issue a refund to the account holder. A major investigation in 2019 found there was at least £230 million in overpaid tax sitting in council coffers – and if you've moved home since 1993, you could be owed £100+ of it. If you have paid too much Council Tax you can apply to claim a refund. Claim a Council Tax refund. and they owe you a tax refund, the government can keep your tax refund to satisfy part of the debt you owe. Larger councils are naturally likely to have more unclaimed credit, and there will be differences too because some councils' records date back to 1993, and others are more recent. If you lived in a house where there were multiple billpayers, it might have been harder for the council to establish who should have been refunded. Sometimes, you may receive a council tax bill that you don't believe is fair. Of course, there is a wide range of factors behind the different amounts held by councils. Here's what you need to know, Coronavirus Self-Employed & Small Limited Company Help, Martin Lewis: What happened to my pledge to give £10m to charity – 2021 update, Martin Lewis: Working from home due to coronavirus, even for a day? How do I find my old council tax reference number? Councils tell us someone passing away is often a reason for an account being closed, and some accounts may be left in credit. You can check other properties' bands on the VOA's website. When completing any e-forms in the future, simply log in and your personal details will already be completed for you. There have been changes to your property since the original valuation, such as part of it being demolished, or if it has been converted into flats. A new self-service digital process will be available early in the next financial year which we hope will streamline the process.". Before we give you a refund we’ll check you do not owe any council tax for previous years or other properties. Expect delays if you mailed a paper return or had to respond to an IRS inquiry about your e-filed return. A law dating back to 1992 – the Council Tax (Administration and Enforcement) Regulations – says overpaid council tax should be refunded. This can result in situations where council tax is under or overpaid. You can understand more and change your cookies preferences here. (See how much your council owes below – in Northern Ireland, where you pay rates not council tax, it works differently.). The property details are wrong or incomplete. A valid set-off is not subject to avoidance even if it happens in the 90 days before filing a bankruptcy. Those with the most sitting in their coffers (when we contacted them in January) are listed below: Councils holding the most credit in closed or dormant accounts.
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