Topics and Subtopics in NCERT Solutions for Class 11 Physics Chapter 6 Work Energy and Power: Section Name: Topic Name: 6: Work Energy and power: 6.1: Introduction: 6.2: Notions of work and kinetic energy : The work-energy theorem: 6.3: Work: 6.4: Kinetic energy: 6.5: Work done by a variable force: 6.6: %PDF-1.3 Terms in this set (17) Work. POWER (P) is the rate of energy generation (or absorption) over time:P = E/t Power's SI unit of measurement is the Watt, representing the generation or absorption of energy at the rate of 1 Joule/sec. 2 0 obj Power can be determined using work by considering the time. power = work ÷ time = 3,640 joules ÷ 15 sec = 242.7 joules/sec = 242.7 watts. Unit of power to compare work done by a steam engine to a horse. The Work/Energy Equation says "The work done on an object by the net force on it equals the object's change in kinetic energy." In this formula, E stands for energy, H stands for height above the ground and W stands for weight of the jar. The concept of horsepower (the English unit for power) tells you how much energy a car generate in a given time period. Conservative forces. Engineers must know how to calculate the power and energy needed to do the necessary work or provide the required heat. Intro to springs and Hooke's law (Opens a modal) What is Hooke's Law? Work/energy problem with friction (Opens a modal) Conservative forces (Opens a modal) Power (Opens a modal) What is power? One of the most important concepts in science is energy. or, in symbols: In this lab, you let gravity do work on a dynamics cart and compare the work done on the cart to the cart's kinetic energy. CONCLUSION. Gravitational potential … Work, energy and power are the most used terms in Physics. They are probably the first thing you learn in your Physics class. The Laboratory. Theory: The work-energy theorem states that the net (total) work done on a system is equal to its increase in kinetic energy. Laboratory #5 Energy, Work, and Power Part A. I am More Powerful Than a Ford Mustang! It is the energy that measures the potential for work to be done. Force exerted on an object that causes it to move. Energy 3. Therefore, I conclude that work is related to power. Summary on Work, Power and Energy Work is done when a force produces motion. << /S /GoTo /D [6 0 R /Fit ] >> 9 0 obj << In doing so, we first need to define (review) some concepts. �I��y�^I&{%�q������|�Es�踘��1P�4CU3n9 )��8���f�~����}��1��s~���x�T�M�NK�UM��|i����οnϞ�D.�4m��ٕ����ɨ�l�vC���m7�JW�+��X:Mv���]��R��}{*�%��NOs*�4=��S�y[ �����@�'Y7}�O�E�a'�?8�Ӱ�ھ���L�����u����Q��]=�Qy4��1@뷈f�|^^Q9/��ܢ���1w��-�y?��u�� ��Ҵ�w�F-웇�tŦ�y�=�S��墵ލ������:�E��u9-4�lVEy�_�����]����^ɁL��c�i&B�{Λ�B4�uA,�W��E����,E;�(��K�|1�D�?�D�+e1 3;�ܻ��.����̂Yn�&��}��X#���2�����l��. Mathematically, work is represented by: /Length 2761 (Answer shown below.) Lab 6.Work and Energy Goals •To apply the concept of work to each of the forces acting on an object pulled up an incline at constant speed. But in physics, we define work a little differently. The goal for today's lesson is to apply that knowledge of work and energy (HS-PS3-3) in a lab activity. %PDF-1.4 The unit used to measure work and energy is a joule. The basic concepts of work, force, energy and power are fundamental physics concepts utilized in many engineering calculations and design. When work is done on an object by a force acting parallel to its displacement the formula is: workdone = force x displacement For positive work to be done, F and s must be parallel and pointed in the same direction. In /Filter /FlateDecode That attraction arises from the Earth’s large mass, not the fact that it is spinning. For the experiments done here, energy can be measured according to the following formula: E = HW. Finish word problems Day 3: 11/15 1. This is so helpful, consice and easy. Concepts Energy, Work, Power Introduction Ever wonder if you can be more powerful that a Ford Mustang? 1. The rate of doing work. It is from its definition that power is the rate of doing work at specific displacement. Learn. Work and Energy are closely related terms which are quite often used in our daily life activities. Title: mso2B794.PDF Author: SColeman Created Date: 8/1/2005 10:12:40 AM When we lift a book away from the center of dear old Earth, we do work on that book. equal to Joules(J)/Time(s) Horsepower. L8-2 Lab 8 Work and Energy You will begin by comparing your intuitive, everyday understanding of work with its formal mathematical definition. If you provide more examples and problems on work, energy, and power then it will be a great post. That is, when an external force moves an object through a distance it does work on the object which is evidenced by a change in its velocity or its kinetic energy, KE = ½mv 2. Use an organizational system and label all … Work and Power Concept Check Day 4: 11/16 1. Review simple machines 2. You have provided all information about work, energy, and power. Finish Workout Lab 2. Work and Power Newton's Laws, and dynamics as a whole, provide us with fundamental axioms for the study of classical mechanics. Equal to 746 watts. And for doing work energy is required. PHYS 1030 General Physics I Lab – Work - Energy Principle In this lab you will perform an experiment to understand and analyze the relationship between work done on an object and the change in its kinetic energy. SI units for power. If she applied a 650 N force during that time with the same power output, how far did she swim? In this article, we will learn all about the concept of work, power and energy. •To compare the total work on an object to the change in its kinetic energy as a first step in the application of the so-called Work-Energy Theorem. (Opens a modal) Potential energy stored in a spring You will first consider the work done on a small point-like object by a constant force. Every engineered device that moves, lifts or pushes requires energy. The work has linear relation with displacement. The Work, Energy and Power chapter of this course is designed to help you plan and teach the students in your classroom about the various forms of energy and power in physics. But memorizing the equation for work isn't actual workin physics. Here in this topic, students learn more in detail about work, power, force, energy and how are they interrelated to each other. During this lab, we will focus on the concepts of work, energy, and power as applied to human movement. Work and energy can be considered as two sides of the same coin. Watts. Lectures by Walter Lewin. Lab 3: Work, Energy & Power Essentials of Physics: PHYS 101 Most of us love the dear old Earth, in fact we’re quite attracted to it. I love this. Power is the time rate at which work is done. Spierings, Spring 2012, Physical Science, Motion/Force - Work, Power, Energy. >> Because energy is the capacity to do work , we measure energy and work in the same units (N*m or joules). So, for example, pushing a box with 10 Newtons of force for 15 meters is work. They will make you ♥ Physics. They should be clearly organized and easy to find. Similar to work and energy, power is a scalar quantity. Begin Workout Lab 3. That energy can be measured by looking to the weight of the jar and the height of the incline. Therefore, the power is calculated as follows. If we increase the displacement twice, work is also increasing twice. 5 0 obj velisa October 17, 2016. Here's how it's done. Finish work and power notes 2. %��������� stream .if you can't see the answers.. download the file and view it in Microsoft Wor Specifically, students will use spring scales to determine the mass of different objects (SP5) and then explore the relationship between work done and the mass of an object (SP3, SP4, & SP8). In this lab you will examine three physical quantities: Energy, Work, and Power and the related units of measure. (Opens a modal) Springs and Hooke's law. Power = Work Done = Energy used time time In the first part of this lab you will learn how the work done on an object is stored as potential energy of that object. Theoretical Background: Work done by constant force, F acting on an object so that it moves through a displacement, d is Now is your opportunity to find out! The rate at which work is done or energy is transformed is called Power. x��}�nɕ�{|E=Ȁ&�K����=32,�q J�HZT-���ߟ�K�Ȍ�,�Ur�$9/�}]{������ʯ�`��!�U�f(���J�9�>]�~^�W����f���J��������+��VZ��?�L�Wɕa|������7����Ǜ����_3�Y�y�z�_�[�����������f�&{���c�G^5�2>��������~9�Z�_�Չ��u�ژ��]�G7��x�fc~�y�G��z�YNB0f��\�Aq@���\x�Ȟ�k�s����n�qT�7�q�džeN>�2h�}ɓ�u��2e���m������aY֟wê���=/Κ)���1��Ȫ��&��W�I���}ȚI���^I��6rE��83I�O�3�O?����'���pE�h�A^>�պ���C;-4��-\���.�+QOW���W|$��q����.�q�+ Work simulation and problems Day 2: 11/14 1. Work is defined as a force applied through a displacement in the direction of the force. By converting our sims to HTML5, we make them seamlessly available across platforms and devices. Work can also be defi… endobj Whether you have laptops, iPads, chromebooks, or BYOD, your favorite PhET sims are always right at your fingertips.Become part of our mission today, and transform the learning experiences of … As the diligent students we are, we've all felt like we have way too much work to do. There are, however, many cases where the force is not constant. Reply. stream EXPERIMENT 6: WORK AND ENERGY Objective: To validate the work-energy theorem and to study the conservation of energy principle. Conservation of Energy Day1: 11/13 1. Energy stored in an object is its potential energy as a result of its position. The work-energy theorem states that the net work done on an object equals the change in its kinetic energy. Work and Power 2. xڭ]�����~��ƛ�6�Mr�T�Nk�ۤ�5�N�J�N�)R&�\��,v)��tv���\bA`�
8B�2~ٟc+�R�k�IeY�r1�e�]�&-gB���h��"l|�`HfV���ɥ�f�����0Q�t���T+&лi9��Yv��rHh^B�[.QB-���]�512;�$aJ*��$���I��!�d&�f���E�2ql�1� ���̤�.������:�a�h�O� ��4�Q��j��%����b��-jCoH ~�p�$��.KD"��^��7� �\q,�VY��X��R*T (]
q�J�H�=LJ˨h�n���J�U[Ա�;�#&}!�mS�i�Uыzs�3,�$���. Like Like. In that sense, work might be something you need to finish or learn in a certain amount of time. 8.01x - Lect 11 - Work, Kinetic & Potential Energy, Gravitation, Conservative Forces - Duration: 49:06. Power. Work is a force applied over a distance. Gravitational potential energy and conservative forces.
work, power and energy lab 2021