Other big problem is that is is very easy for beginners. I started learning programming with C++ (go-to language for the first 3-4 years in uni), then there was Java, PHP, a bit of Python, a bit of Ruby on Rails... Once you understand it on a deeper level, learning other languages will be a … people reached. Wave of Java malware exploits. I then learned JavaScript as I started getting deep into web development. Fast writing -> Python or Julia. Even though this may not be where it shines the most, I like the fact that you can write programs that make use of multi-threading and concurrency (even if everyone thinks you can't do that in JS). I've read a bit about .NET Core, but am not really sure if it is Microsoft doing its usual thing of acquiring a company (in this case Xamarin) then giving their founders a big middle finger by ripping their product apart, taking what they like, and throwing the rest away, telling Mono to go shove it, or an actual attempt to encourage a cross-platform, open sourced world. It's nice for simplicity, and I'm ok with the whitespace thing. Object Orientation. Build a template and generated the list of html options in the terminal. I try other languages, and see lots of potential for Elixir while having plenty of respect and appreciation for Python, but at the end of the day, I am a Ruby developer and I couldn't be happier. As my first language, Python used to be my go-to mostly because it let me build things out quickly without many barriers. My language my Java. You have entered an incorrect email address! Note, that I do not work as a frontend developer, but I do mobile apps in Kotlin, so everything else is just more or less hobby to me. Why so many dang characters to define a simple method?!?!? I like how it looks. I will mention a few issues in passing, though: If you use Go packages which don’t offer a stable API, you might want to use a … Now we are stuck with it (and that other terrible language C++) because huge support in the form of libraries and IDEs has grown around them, millions of lines of application code has been created in them, and there is a large number of programmers skilled in using them. Go as it's a great all-rounder. int, long, bool, float, char, etc as Objects: Smalltalk is a “pure” object-oriented programming language unlike Java and C++ as there is no difference between values which are objects and values which are primitive types. There are so many features that are available but not necessary that you can do it any way you want very quickly if you know JS well enough. I have danced in the garden of five languages, with my native language of English being my apex one. I have also considered switching to clojure, outright, more than once. 3. FPS vs Refresh Rate – How to Choose Best Monitor? It still comes out as the fastest** language and can teach you low-level details. I'm mainly a web developer so started out with PHP and front-end tech in Uni but gradually found that the front-end discipline is very easy so moved on to C#. What’s the Difference Between Viruses and Malware? In this post I want to explain why I, somewhat irrationally, find this language so compelling. For writing full scale applications C# has become my go-to simply because I use it everyday and it's most familiar to me on a "bigger than a single algorithm" scale at this point. I like the fact that it's a scripting language and you don't have to worry about memory management. I also started my software engineering career with writing Python code for data science scripting. One of the frequently and commonly used programming languages is Java and it enables the programmers for writing codes with the most powerful instruction sets . I also appreciate Go, even if it's my last go-to, just when I need speed or portability (eg: deploy a binary in production). So I guess my goto language(s) are PHP/HTML/CSS ¯_(ツ)_/¯. Well, we used it at university in "Applied Logic" and it made sense there. This is also what makes it so easy for Eclipse to do code completion and refactoring. JavaScript is a very useful and important language. I have experience in the programming over 12 years, and I like a lot of languages, but my the best tool today is Swift (Apple is the creator), for native development for iOS, macOS, watchOS, tvOS and applications like for server-side or utils. The only reason I use JS more than the others is that it's really simple to just open the console in Chrome and start typing... i write python for my job, but if i had my druthers i'd be writing haskell all the time. I recently used Go for a project where I needed plenty of threads and that was awesome, I love how simple Go is. Java is an object-oriented programming language that supports all principles like Data Abstraction, Encapsulation, Polymorphism, Overloading, Overriding, and Inheritance. It's got all the good as well as the bad. But there is one outstanding feature in D I didn't expand enough on: the Universal Function Call Syntax (UFCS). It's everywhere. I also really appreciate how diverse the use cases are for it. If you like Elm, you should give PureScript a try--it's heavily Haskell-influenced and compiles to JavaScript, plus it has (imo) a better way of dealing with interoperation, not to mention fun stuff like row polymorphism. It feels like the only limit is your imagination. I think that’s something special. Templates let you quickly answer FAQs or store snippets for re-use. I would consider a strong programmer somebody who can think through a problem while doing something else, figure out a solution, then simply sit down and type it out and watch it build and work correctly rather than trying to remember what that curly brace is supposed to go. In my opinion, having used both, I think the typing system of a language is less important than knowing how to use the typing system of your language of choice. This language is Microsoft’s darling and has a wide arrange of utilities and tools. United States. I'm actually hugely interested to see the future of these two languages. I see no reason not going to Rust, D, F#, Scala, Haskell or any other modern languages that have excellent concurrency. Will a beginner with a gun kill you in open space from 30 feet away? It benefits from its strong typing system, rules for variable and import declaration, complete scoping rules, and standard code style. int, long, bool, float, char, etc as Objects: Smalltalk is a “pure” object-oriented programming language unlike Java and C++ as there is no difference between values which are objects and values which are primitive types. Nowadays, I code everything in PHP and Laravel. Our job is to build solutions and solve problems efficiently, effectively and quickly. I couldn't find enough compelling reasons to switch. I've used Vbs, Shell, PowerShell for different things over time and python can do everything they can do and may be more. I love c++ and to be honest I would try to do anything there. There's tremendous freedom and variety. Am a go programmer too, at first I love C/C++. Even though Java is my favorite language, and I know a bit of C and C++, I am striving to expand beyond this year. It hurts my brain, but I love it. I like java. If I want to be sure it works I go to Haskell. Somewhere in between I had to do a project with animations, and I used canvas and Javascript. I usually find TS code prettier, cleaner and more often self-documented than plain JS code. The combination of Java maturity and Spring Boot ease of use made me love the Java language, before I used to see C# as the go-to language, but after I knew Java well, I fell in love. You take your pick. An Introduction to Neural Network and Deep Learning For Beginners. I've dabbled with a lot of languages over the years but I always end up going to either C or Python. The syntax and ease of use allowed you to translate ideas in your head into code so easily its insane. And Python I could happily marry. Python was my first language too, and it was my favourite until learning Kotlin a few months ago. Getting into JavaScript was easy for me since I already knew the fundamentals and syntax of Java, and it slowly became my new go-to language. I'm split between C and ARM Assembly. I like python. . I love it because it is very versatile. In programming language design, a primitive is the simplest available element. Java as a programming language offers a reach pack of powerful IDEs for different applications in the real world. I did a lot of coding with C, Rust, Java and Python, so these 4 are the languages I'm most comfortable with, but that doesn't mean I like all 4. Well ok. So it can serve as a nice compare and contrast with C. Of course, no one can live without a scripting language. It's also great for solving code challenges because of the utilities in the standard library. Add something like React Native to your stack and wow, you can do server, web, desktop, and mobile. Good code is good code and bad code is bad code. Looking for a programming language? Whatever left is covered by open source libraries like Apache Commons, Google Guava, and others. After using it professionally for long enough, I've become familiar enough with its syntax and standard library to be able to do most things without having this search the docs. Django makes creating web apps straightforward and extendible. Well I spend most of my professional time in JavaScript, and I've come to appreciate the language quite a lot. A JRE is available for almost every type of computer — PCs running Windows, Macintosh computers, Unix or Linux computers, huge mainframe computers, and even cell phones. He is correct. There are several languages that I like, so mostly my go-to definitions depends of what are the needs for the project. I'm hoping it won't be long before I actually start using it for personal projects and other endeavors. But then it became familiar. My favorite example of what makes Python both easy to … Why Java is not my favorite programming language by Mike Sperber. Built on Forem — the open source software that powers DEV and other inclusive communities. I was able to write games and helpful scripts with very little programming experience. Additionally: PHP is a beast of a web language. ===== ===== (In the following, "Lisp" refers to ANSI Common Lisp) This article is a collection of facts anyone interested in Lisp should know about.-----FACT 1: The fastest Lisp implementations are slow Java actually promotes taking and giving back to community habit. But it was my first fluent language. But I also think that dynamic typing has its place as well. Which makes it as powerful as C++. But Azure is my baby, I'm a cloud guy at heart. Nothing made much sense. Java is an interpreted language—”write once, run anywhere”—while C++ is a compiled language. Basically, if it compiles it works, and I've brought the techniques I learned from Haskell into other typed languages to be able to reap some of the benefits there as well. I don't have a particular go-to as I don't consider myself a bonafide developer. You are almost forced to know Javascript nowadays, but Javascript really bothered me with its, in my opinion, unsafe way of dealing with types, I have come from Java, it is something I don't tolerate. I think a lot of people think this level of choice is bad, but if you're a good ES6 dev I think the code diversity you become familiar with makes you all around more adaptable even in other languages. In most object-oriented languages, there is a very specific time when an object constructor is called (namely, when an object is instantiated) and when its destructor is called (namely, when … An obvious exampl is that you would not create an operating system with an OO language, especially a language originally intended to be semi-compiled and run on a VM. I couldn't find enough compelling reasons to switch. I know PureScript, I have seen a lot of talks about it, but it's a bit mathematical voodoo to me. This is still one of the reason of Java being best programming language, most of Java applications are developed in Windows environment and run in UNIX platform. C# is “a modern, object-oriented, and type-safe programming language. Python, would lead to inconsistent results, because Python has many other meanings; the same phrase should be used for all languages, for consistency. 123 votes, 282 comments. For the Web, JavaScript, until something better comes along. safe, fast, helps prevent you from writing bad code. I remember banging my head on the table because of "functions are objects and you can pass them around" while things like closures simply made me want to run away. Everyone need to learn . This is simply amazing and gives a lot of confidence to a newbie in Java. Preloading (coming in 7.4) on the other hand could help quite a bit on the I/O side. Go favor simple. It is somewhat the difference between dialects of a same language, I think. Java passed, and it was my favorite, so I named the language Java and subsequently named the browser HotJava, a much better name than WebRunner. I still use Ruby and Python for other quick/focused scripts or tasks. I then learned JavaScript as I started getting deep into web development. I'm going to be the weirdo here: I don't have a go-to programming language. C# has its roots in the C family of languages and will be immediately familiar to C, C++, Java, and JavaScript programmers”. We're a place where coders share, stay up-to-date and grow their careers. This alone is enough to make Python my go-to language. Oh, that and it was runnable on Windows, thanks to WinPython, without admin rights! On my machine it takes almost an hour // to chew through my hard drive. But I will also be the first to admit that Python, and languages like it, are far from perfect despite their popularity. I've used Django and it's simple and fantastic. Why JavaScript is your favorite language compared C++, C#, Java, Php, Ruby or another major programming language ? What I love most about Python is that it teaches you to think in code. It is great to see that decades of well organized community driven development is at your back. But if you're careless, then Fortran ties your hands more. Complied to native binary makes it simple to use for processing io and building tools. The idea of platform independence is great, and Java’s tagline “write once run anywhere” was enticing enough to attract lots of new development in Java. I'm somewhere in the purgatory that lives between the two. But no one would claim that reasonablenesswas one of its strengths. We all know C++ is the extended version of C programming. Here where I live I see that there are a 50/50 ratio between Java and C# and it would be great for my career to know both. It's good for JS programmers. It could be lovely for Rubyists, but It's still not familiar for me. Normally when I tell people that my favorite language is JavaScript the reaction I get is one of shock and disbelief — almost as if I have committed a sin. PHP and JS are easy to use and as far as I know the two fastest scripting language (though JS cheats as it is all JIT now). I like to play with math and cryptography as well. I never get to apply this skill professionally though. In any case Java is a terrible implementation of OO, and enormously overcomplicates the simplest of programming tasks. Why Java is your favorite programming language? For writing something quickly, probably Python. I’m sure this is just a misconception, but I love javascript because of how easy it is to get into and how versatile it is. Most client work I use PHP, but mostly because I can use includes for my HTML and its the only other language I used other than HTML/CSS. An endless richness to it - which can equally be considered a drawback time in JavaScript, until something comes... 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why java is my favorite programming language 2021