Residency committee members from the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology screen all applications and invite selected applicants for interviews. Application & Interview Process . We look for candidates with excellent academic performance and a strong interest in pursuing Obstetrics and Gynecology as the next step in their career. We will follow all APGO/CREOG recommendations regarding interview announcements, scheduling and timing. The third year adds in the high-volume GYN surgery experience of a Kaiser Permanente rotation and includes a call-free elective block that can be used to achieve any educational goal desired by the resident: The fourth year of training gives the chief resident a large amount of decision-making responsibilities. Applicants will be informed of their status no later than December 23. The UCI OB/GYN Residency Program is committed to maintaining an equitable recruitment and selection process through the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic. Our recruitment and selection process starts with a holistic application review and is designed to help us match applicants who will become thriving members of our UCI OB/GYN Residency Program family. This is quite possibly the most tense time for candidates– apart from Match week. The UPMC Medical Education Obstetrics and Gynecology residency training program will not communicate in any way or fashion with applicants after their interview nor are applicants required to send thank you or follow up notes to the program. The Stanford Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Program represent a broad geographic spectrum of residents known for their camaraderie and teamwork. As the only civilian Ob/Gyn residency program in the state, our residents rotate at the major medical centers on Oahu that provide care for women. Ob/Gyn Residency Residents at UNM train alongside experts who serve a diverse group of women in New Mexico. It is with great pride and pleasure that I invite you to consider specialty training in obstetrics and gynecology here at UCI. Start Date & Orientation Information . Residents in the Indiana University School of Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology residency program receive substantial training in obstetrics and gynecology at multiple training sites. Roslyn Levit Program Manager. Required Score Reports (passing scores on the first attempt): Graduates of International, Non-LCME Accredited Medical Schools will need to also provide the following: Letter of recommendation from the program director of your ACGME accredited training program as one year of ACGME training is a mandatory pre-requisite, The Admissions Committee will only review ERAS applications if all requested application materials are received by, The first wave of invitations will be extended to applicants on. Each house officer must complete a total of four years of training to be eligible for examinations leading to certification by the. We see the interview process as an opportunity for applicants to learn about the program, as much as for the selection committee to learn more about the applicant. We look forward to meeting you! The program will interview approximately 120 applicants which is the same number of interviews that we conducted in previous years. Our program offers comprehensive training in all areas of Obstetrics and Gynecology. Through close mentorship with faculty and the program’s responsiveness to resident feedback, residents are engaged in optimizing their own educational experience. As the only Obstetrics & Gynecology residency in the Twin Cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul—and one of only two programs in the state—our residents are in a unique position to take advantage of one of the best healthcare environments in the country. The deadline for applying to the Twin Cities Residency Program in Obstetrics, Gynecology and Women's Health match at the University of Minnesota is November 1st, 2020.Per CREOG and APGO guidelines, November 10th and November 17th will be the dates of our program's initial release of interview offers, followed by rolling offers.. Thank you for your interest in the Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Program at the University of Nebraska Medical Center. We are a university-based program with clinical training done in community hospitals. At the very beginning You will be given residency interview questions pdf e-book, but to help you tailor your preparation, here are We are a university-based program with clinical training done in community hospitals. Carly Crowder, MD – USF Morsani College of Medicine, Marielle Meurice, MD – University of Iowa Carver College of Medicine, Bianca Rivas, MD, MBA – University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, Dana Senderoff, MD – University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, Joyce Sutedja, MD – University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, Paul Wadensweiler, MD, MSc – New York Medical College, Blake Zwerling, MD, MSc – Stanford University School of Medicine, Alice Brown, MD – University of California, Los Angeles David Geffen School of Medicine, Alyssa Bujnak, MD – University of Missouri, Marie-Claire Leaf, MD – University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, Ariana Melendez, MD – University of Illinois College of Medicine, Jamie Miller, MD – University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, Griselda Reyes, MD – University of California, San Francisco, Luke Schmidt, MD, – Drexel University College of Medicine, Lindsay Burton, MD, MPH – Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, Emily Du, MD - Lewis Katz School of Medicine at Temple University, Melissa López, MD, MPP - UCLA/Drew Medical Education Program, Devesh Naidoo, MD - University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Desire Nguyen, MD - University of Miami Leonard M. Miller School of Medicine, Priya Patel, MD - University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine, Lauren Witchey - University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine, Melissa Chambers, MD – St. Louis University School of Medicine, Danielle Greenberg, MD - David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, Helena Hong, MD – Washington University in St. Louis School of Medicine, Ann Nguyen Pham, MD – St. Louis University School of Medicine, Toni Okuyemi, MD – University of Minnesota Medical School, Patrick Penalosa, MD – University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine, Joris Ramstein, MD – University of California, San Francisco, School of Medicine. We hope that in exploring our website, you will have many of your questions addressed. Each class has four hours of protected teaching time or administrative time on average every other week. You will be given ample opportunity to ask questions. There is an optional virtual mixer with current residents the evening prior to the interview day. The residency training program in obstetrics and gynecology at Washington University provides its trainees with an academically oriented, evidence-based curriculum. Stephanie Washington Residency Coordinator 718-270-3320 First Year Post-MD (PGY-1) 1st Year Labor and Delivery Days – Downstate Labor and Delivery Days … We pride ourselves on excellence in patient care and education, and members of our department at every level are motivated to support each other in these goals. There are 4 interviews days per year. We accept applications only through ERAS (Electronic Residency Application System). In accordance with the ACGME requirement, you should review the information on Board eligibility on the American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology's website. 2020 Interview Dates. Learn more about the programs via the links below. PGY-1 . A team of faculty reviews applicant documents and grants interviews based on ability, aptitude, academic record, and personal qualities such as motivation, ethical standards, and integrity. OB/GYN Resident Selfie All applications must be submitted through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS); they are reviewed and considered for determination to offer an interview.. We have been successfully helping prepare candidates for residency interviews for over fourteen years. Leah A. Kaufman, MD. Our residency program is one of the few in the country that provides the unique combination of optimal obstetric and gynecologic experience with diverse patient populations at university, community and county hospitals. Formal interviews are conducted by invitation only. The Obstetrics and Gynecology residency program's academic year starts on June 20 and ends on June 19 every year. We will be updating our website soon with more detail regarding our virtual interview days. Applications from foreign medical graduates must be accompanied by an "Applicant Evaluation Status Letter" from the Medical Board of California approving your eligibility for training and documentation of visa status. Our locations in north Orange County and Long Beach provide natural diversity in our patient populations and extensive opportunity to work with underserved and vulnerable patient populations. A completed application must be submitted through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) and be received by the committee no later than Oct 1 … A completed application must be submitted through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) and be received by the committee no later than Oct 1 … Interview Dates: November 19, 2020; December 3, 2020; December 10, 2020; December 17, 2020 : Program Start Date: July 1, 2021: National Resident Matching Program (NRMP) Yes: New Specialty-Wide Standards for Ob/Gyn Residency Application and Interview. Approximately 120 applicants are interviewed. The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology offers a fully ACGME accredited training program in obstetrics and gynecology. Requirements for application to our program include: All applications to the UMass OB/GYN residency program must come through the Electronic Residency Application Service . Chi Dola, MD, MPH Residency Program Director . Selection Criteria. Per APGO … Foreign applicants must have a J-1 Visa Type. Spring 2021 residency applications are now open. Resident didactics are conducted by class: interns, PGY-2s, PGY-3s, and chiefs, allowing for didactic sessions targeted to the appropriate level. Selection and ranking are determined through combination of resident and faculty input. In the meantime, check out these tips for applying and interviewing … Ob/Gyn Residency Residents at UNM train alongside experts who serve a diverse group of women in New Mexico. It is our hope that the vast offering of interview days will assist the applicant in maneuvering the virtual interview process. Each applicant will also have two fifteen-minute breaks. Our residents each bring their unique backgrounds and interests to bear in pursuing our department’s mission of “Discover, Teach, Heal, Serve” with passion and perseverance. Our educational culture is grounded in core beliefs in the critical importance of graduated autonomy and problem-based learning, allowing trainees to safely stretch their comfort zones and develop tools that will allow them to identify and attack any type of problem in their future careers. Residents rotate at two hospitals, Strong Memorial (university hospital) and Highland Hospital (community based). Offers for interview will be released on Tuesday, November 17, 2020. After a few weeks, it’s easy to get discouraged when looking at forum sites or hearing from… There is no minimum USMLE score required to apply, and recently matched applicants have scored in a very wide range. Our residents receive ample and diverse clinical and surgical exposure. This exciting program offers an opportunity for an interesting intellectual and practical experience. Please contact Marlene Woodard with any questions. Our program participates in ERAS … Continued All applicants will receive an email regarding their final application status by. Interview spots fill quickly due to the volume of applicants. Learn about how to apply for the Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Program at OHSU. IMGPrep offers individualized residency interview coaching with mock interviews to prepare you for medical residency interview questions and answers. The interview dates for positions in the Class of 2025 will be held on Friday, November 20, Saturday, December 5, Friday, December 18 and Saturday, January 9. Virtual interviews for the class of 2025 take place on the following dates: December 4, 2020; December 11, 2020; December 18, 2020; Start Date. All applicants to our program and all application materials must be submitted using ERAS. Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Vice Chair of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Residency Program Director The SUNY Upstate Residency Program … Please check back for further information and interview dates. Foreign medical graduates must have a valid ECFMG certificate prior to the application receipt deadline. We accommodate requests on a first-come, first-served basis. Interviews are by invitation only and are scheduled on the following dates: NRMP Match Participation Agreement In accordance with the terms and conditions of the NRMP's Match Participation Agreement for Applicants and Programs, the UPMC Medical Education Obstetrics and Gynecology residency training program is making the following documents available to all applicants. We accept applications only through ERAS (Electronic Residency Application System). It is with great pride and pleasure that I invite you to consider specialty training in obstetrics and gynecology here at UCI. Our program is a participant in the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). The fourth-year resident runs all of the different services at UC Irvine Medical Center and the resident services at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center, including outpatient clinics and inpatient obstetrics, gynecology and gynecologic oncology. There are seven house officers in each year of the four years of clinical training. Our recruitment and selection process starts with holistic application review, and is designed to help us match applicants who will become thriving members of our UC Irvine OB/GYN Residency Program family. For 2020 Residency Interview Process: ... but no less than 2 weeks prior to the interview date; We will not host in-person follow-up visits ("second looks") after the interview; We will continue our holistic application review practices . 12/02/2020; 12/08/2020; 12/14/2020; 01/07/2021; 01/12/2021; Interview Day Program All interviews will be offered virtually via Webex. It includes the following rotations, dividing the year into 14 blocks of approximately three and a half weeks each: Eight blocks of the second year of training is spent at Long Beach Memorial Medical Center, with the remaining six blocks at UC Irvine Medical Center. Peter J. Vasquez, MD Associate Residency Program Director . The residency training program in obstetrics and gynecology at Washington University provides its trainees with an academically oriented, evidence-based curriculum. Thank you for your interest in a PGY1 position with the OBGYN Residency Program in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of North Carolina. Application & Interview Process . Residents in the Indiana University School of Medicine Obstetrics and Gynecology residency program receive substantial training in obstetrics and gynecology at multiple training sites. Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine’s Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology (OB-GYN) offers 12 positions for our four-year residency. Residency for tuition purposes Resources regarding Utah residency requirements and the reclassification process for in-state tuition rates. Our program provides our residents with the experiences that are essential to the diagnosis and treatment of patients and to developing their areas of interest and focus. Interested in the Faculty Mentor Program? The Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Utah is recognized internationally for excellence in clinical care, medical education, and research. Selection and ranking are determined through combination of resident and faculty input. We have the challenge of managing unusual and difficult cases that are referred from a tri-state area to our tertiary care university hospital, but not at the expense of bread-and-butter cases that we see out in the community. Below you will find answers to some FAQs. All times listed are in Pacific Standard Time (PST). UNM Hospital is the major referral center and only Level 1 Trauma Center in New Mexico for obstetrics, specialized gynecology and oncology. Outstanding clinical training is the bedrock on which our residency rests. Requirements for Ob-Gyn Residency Training. Learn more about the programs via the links below. The first year of training is exclusively at UC Irvine Medical Center. We will be understanding of and flexible around technical difficulties. There is no minimum USMLE score required to apply, and recently matched applicants have scored in a very wide range. Their average USMLE Step 1 score is 246 with their average Step 2 Clinical Knowledge score is 260. After a few weeks, it’s easy to get discouraged when looking at forum sites or hearing from… Interviews are granted by invitation and will be conducted virtually. You will have four interviews with residents, fellows, or faculty, and staff, as well as a virtual tour of the hospital. November 21, 2019 3. The University of Utah OB/GYN residency program endeavors to train well-rounded obstetric and gynecologic generalists who can provide a full scope of women’s health care with compassion and skill, and to provide an excellent base from which to pursue subspecialty training if desired. Applicants have a 48-hour window to respond once an invitation is extended. The interview dates are as follows (all Fridays): All interviews will be conducted virtually on the Thalamus platform. This program provides unique opportunities to learn to provide exceptional care for patients. Friday, November 1, 2019 3. Our physicians and staff provide world-class expertise in the specialty and sub-specialties of obstetrics and gynecology. As the only civilian Ob/Gyn residency program in the state, our residents rotate at the major medical centers on Oahu that provide care for women. Faculty and residents on the selection committee will interview you. Active faculty involvement fosters an energetic invigorating academic environment. The University of California, San Francisco Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences (UCSF OBGYN/RS) accepts applications through ERAS, the Electronic Application Service. The ACGME is the accrediting agency for the UPMC Medical Education Obstetrics and Gynecology residency training program and requires training programs to provide applicants with information related to their eligibility for the relevant specialty board examination. We recognize that the adaptation of the process this year will have unintended consequences, and that these consequences will disproportionately impact applicants by location, medical school resources, and personal resources. The Obstetrics and Gynecology residency program's academic year starts on June 20 and ends on June 19 every year. Residency committee members from the Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology screen all applications and invite selected applicants for interviews. Applications are considered as a body of work, with a focus on depth and quality, rather than quantity, of projects and on clinical performance and evaluations. The UCI OB/GYN Residency Program is committed to maintaining compliance with the ACGME Program requirements, including clinical experience and education hour restrictions. A virtual tour, as well as UCI GME and UCI OB/GYN Residency Program overview videos, will be made available via Thalamus and can be viewed any time prior to, on breaks during, and/or after the interview date. No in-person follow-up visits (“second looks”) will be hosted. In the meantime, check out these tips for applying and interviewing … Abbie Hageman, MD UC Los Angeles . Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Department of OB/GYN c/o Roslyn Levit Residency Program Manager 3400 Spruce Street / 5 Dulles Philadelphia, PA 19104. Residents rotate at two hospitals, Strong Memorial (university hospital) and Highland Hospital (community based). Application Deadline. Friday, November 22, 2019 5. For 2020 Residency Interview Process: ... but no less than 2 weeks prior to the interview date; We will not host in-person follow-up visits ("second looks") after the interview; We will continue our holistic application review practices . We care for our residents deeply and are committed to maintaining an inclusive, supportive and open environment to promote learning and confidence. For all applicants (AM and PM), the following are OPTIONAL: For applicants interviewing in the AM session: For applicants interviewing in the PM session: Each applicant will be interviewed by two faculty members (25 minutes each), three residents (13 minutes each) and the Program Director (13 minutes). Invitations to interview will be offered in mid-October, and interviews held on the following dates: 1. The residents and faculty of The George Washington University OBGYN Residency Program in Washington, DC are looking forward to meeting you on one of our interview dates for positions in the Class of 2025. Interviews are by invitation only and are scheduled on the following dates: In accordance with the terms and conditions of the NRMP's Match Participation Agreement for Applicants and Programs, the UPMC Medical Education Obstetrics and Gynecology residency training program is making the following documents available to all applicants. PLEASE NOTE: In line with national recommendations and for the safety of all, our interviews this year The University of California, San Francisco Department of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductive Sciences (UCSF OBGYN/RS) accepts applications through ERAS, the Electronic Application Service. Below, you will find the list of the Duke University Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology interview dates for the 2019/2020 Residency Recruitment Season: 1. Learn more about our application and interview process. Please check back for further information and interview dates. Our residency program has many strengths. 2022 Application Information will be coming this summer. We suggest the MSPE and personal statement both as excellent means of communicating the limitations imposed on you by the pandemic. Application Deadline. OBGYN Residency Program Upstate University Hospital 750 East Adams Street Syracuse, NY 13210 Map & directions Phone: 315 464-4006 Name: Amanda McCoy, Residency Program Administrator Email: We receive over 700 applications and typically interview approximately 65-75 of candidates, in November and December. They work with some of the finest physicians, surgeons and researchers in the area. However, instead of conducting interviews on four Saturdays as we have done in the past, we will conduct virtual interviews on weekdays. Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology. Our residency program website will continue to be updated over the summer. ALL interviews will be conducted virtually. The program sponsors only J-1 visas. A happy hour the evening before will be arranged so that applicants can meet the residents in an informal setting. Laura Fitzmaurice, MD Residency Program Director. Characteristics of Recently Matched Applicants ». W e are the only academic medical center and Ob/Gyn residency program in our large, rural state. We have been successfully helping prepare candidates for residency interviews for over fourteen years. Our program is a participant in the Electronic Residency Application Service from the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC). December 2, 2020 Our interview days will begin at 7:30am PST and are scheduled to conclude by 1:00pm PST. On his/her interview date, each applicant will sign up for either a morning (AM) or an afternoon (PM) session. Interviews are granted by invitation and will be conducted virtually. November 14, 2019 2. We will be flexible about the number and types of letters of recommendation, and sub-internship/acting internship experiences expected. Below you will find answers to some FAQs. The Women’s Health Equity (WHE) Fellowship is designed as a two-year post-residency clinical fellowship, which aims to address health equity for women in low resource settings. Laura Fitzmaurice, MD Residency Program Director. Active faculty involvement fosters an energetic invigorating academic environment. Interviews are held on Fridays from early November through mid-January. 412-641-1000, Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS), Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC), Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG), American Board of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Three to four letters of recommendation (with one letter being from the Ob/Gyn Chair of your medical school), Official Transcript of Grades (from all medical schools attended). Once selected for an interview, we will do our best to accommodate requests for interview dates. Per the recommendation from the Council on Resident Education in Obstetrics and Gynecology (CREOG) we are instituting the following speciality wide standards for the obgyn residency application and interview process: The application deadline is November 1, 2020 Interview offers will start to go out November 10th and 17th It is with great pride and pleasure that I invite you to consider specialty training in obstetrics and gynecology here at UCI. Start Date & Orientation Information . Slots are based on a first-come, first-served basis. Salt Lake City, Utah 84132-2209 801-581-7647 Applicants are encouraged to review these documents prior to their interview but should review them before submitting their Rank Order List: Institutional Policy – Resident Recruitment, Eligibility, Selection and Transfer, Institutional Policy – Resident/Fellow Visa Policy, Contract (Postgraduate Training Agreement Template). Roslyn Levit Program Manager. We recruit and obtain residents from all over the country every year. Community and university faculty as well as sub-specialty fellows attend teaching rounds and conferences, and enjoy a relationship centered on their shared responsibility for house staff education and training. PLEASE NOTE: In line with national recommendations and for the safety of all, our interviews this year We will interview for seven PGY-1 positions to start the 2021-2022 academic year. ... Interview dates 2020-2021. We are a university-based program with ties to several community hospitals in Portland; it's truly the best of both worlds. Initial Interview offers will go out on November 10. Applicants who receive an invitation for an interview will have 7 days to respond. We require at least three letters of recommendation (two should be from OB/GYN faculty members). The night before each interview day, one of our residents holds a gathering for candidates. Friday, November 8, 2019 4. Please read our full statement of support here. We look for candidates with excellent academic performance and a strong interest in pursuing Obstetrics and Gynecology as the next step in their career. Three letters of recommendation. In each of the past four years, three or four of our seven residents (including those from UC Irvine School of Medicine) have done sub-internships with us prior to matching here. In accordance with APGO/CREOG recommendations in response to the COVID-19 pandemic: Our application submission deadline is November 1. A carefully selected pool of applicants will be offered interviews on campus. Thank you! We are a university-based program with ties to several community hospitals in Portland; it's truly the best of both worlds. We will use Microsoft Teams as a back-up to Thalamus and ask that you have a Microsoft account set up before your interview. Interview Dates Interview Dates: 1/8/2021, 1/22/2021. Aloha from the University of Hawai‘i Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency Program. While it is certainly not required, we love for applicants considering our program to visit us for an elective rotation, which we offer via VSAS in maternal fetal medicine, gynecologic oncology, family planning, female pelvic medicine and reconstructive surgery and outpatient OB/GYN (“GYN Walk-in”). Duke University's Obstetrics and Gynecology Residency program receives more than 800 ERAS applications each year for nine available positions. W e are the only academic medical center and Ob/Gyn residency program in our large, rural state. Approximately 7-9 p.m. on Thursday evening prior to the interview date, there will be an informal meet-and-greet with the residents via Zoom, 7:30 – 9 AM - resident case presentations and Departmental Grand Rounds, 9-10 AM – Introductions, Program Overview, 1:30 – 2:30 PM PST – Introductions, Program Overview, FHC-SA (primarily OB/GYN ambulatory urgent care) — 2 blocks, Ambulatory (primarily specialty outpatient clinics) — 2 blocks, GYN Night Float — 1 block, second half of the year, Long Beach Labor and Delivery days — 2 blocks, Long Beach Labor and Delivery nights — 2 blocks, Long Beach Women’s Perinatal Group (MFM) — 2 blocks, GYN Night Float — 1 block, first half of the year, Family Planning — 1 block, second half of the year, Kaiser Permanente Orange County GYN — 2 blocks, Long Beach Gynecology (inpatient, outpatient + ED — 2 blocks, REI/GYN Float (emergency fatigue/sick coverage and OR float) — 2 blocks, Family Planning — 1 block, first half of the year, Elective — 1 block, second half of the year, Jeopardy (provides interview, conference, vacation coverage) — 2 months, Residents must not work more than 80 hours per week, averaged over four weeks or one block, whichever is shorter, Residents must have at least one continuous 24 hour period free of clinical responsibilities each week, averaged over four weeks or one block, whichever is shorter, Residents may not work more than 24 consecutive hours in-house, exclusive of post-call handoffs, Residents should have at least eight hours off between in-house shifts (or 14 hours after a 24-hour call), Bradley Bosse, MD — MFM Fellowship, University of Wisconsin, Nisha Garg, MD — MIGS Fellowship, Northwestern University, Cariza Mercurio, MD — Private Practice, Whittier, CA, Rachel Newman, MD, MBA — MFM Fellowship, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, Melissa Perez, MD, MPH — Kaiser Permanente, San Leandro, CA, Marisa Liu, MD — Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship, UCI, Virginia Tancioco, MD, MBA — Family Planning Fellowship, Boston University, Megan Oakes, MD – MFM Fellowship, Washington University St. Louis, Lauren Yu, MD – OB Hospitalist Fellowship, Magee-Womens Hospital of UPMC, Katherine Coakley, MD – Academic practice, UCI; Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship - UCSD, Catherine Gordon, MD – REI Fellowship, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Nina Hooshvar, MD – Private Practice, Whittier, CA, Tasha Serna-Gallegos, MD – FPMRS Fellowship, University of New Mexico, Briana Livingston, MD – Memorial Care Medical Group, Long Beach, CA, Sarah Paraghamian, MD – Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship, University of N. Carolina, Rebecca Simon-Freeman, MD - MFM Fellowship, University of Washington, Brandon Sawyer, MD - Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship, University of Colorado, Kiran Clair, MD - Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship, UCI, Shelly Dutt, MD – Kaiser Permanente, Orange County, CA, Deborah Karm, MD - Memorial Care Medical Group, Long Beach, CA, Jadadi Bignami, MD — Private Practice, Orange, CA, Jennifer Duffy, MD — Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellowship, UC Irvine, Christopher LaFargue, MD — Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship, MD Anderson, TX, Melinda Marshall, MD — Kaiser Permanente, Santa Clara, CA, Jamie Patterson, MD — Academic Practice, UC Irvine, Breast Surgery Fellowship, USC, Marcie Rome, MD — Kaiser Permanente, Denver, CO, Jonathan Steller, MD — Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellowship, University of Colorado, Elizabeth Bonagura, MD — Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology Fellowship, University of Louisville, Revana Lukman, MD — Kaiser Permanente, Hawaii, Jennifer, Neeper, MD — Kaiser Permanente, Orange County, CA, Jessica Sisto, MD — MIGS Fellowship, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Elizabeth West, MD — Private Practice, Long Beach, CA, Melissa Westermann, MD — Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellowship, UC Irvine, Juliet Wolford, MD — Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship, UC Irvine, James Cripe, MD — MIGS Fellowship, Fox Chase Cancer Center, PA, Melissa Hodeib, DO — Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship, UCLA, Robert Johnston, MD — Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellowship, UC Irvine, Beverly Long, MD — Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship, Mayo Clinic, MN, Sarah Lovell, MD — OB/GYN Hospitailst Fellowship, UC Irvine, Allison Serra, MD — Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellowship, Magee Women’s/Univ of Pittsburgh, Taylor Brueseke, MD — Female Pelvic Medicine and Reconstructive Surgery Fellowship, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Cindy Chau, MD — Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellowship, UC Irvine, Kristina Eaton, MD — Private Practice, Alaska, Teresa Codini Longoria, MD — Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship, UC Irvine, Kerry Price, MD — Private Practice, Saddleback, CA, Erica Wu, MD — Maternal Fetal Medicine/Genetics Combined Fellowship,UC Irvine, Nora Bassiouni, MD — MIGS Fellowship, University of Arizona, Justin Diedrich, MD — Family Planning Fellowship, Washington University, St. Louis, Cristina Gioioso, MD — Private Practice, Orange County, CA, Freya Elena Marshall, MD — Private Practice, Torrance, CA, Natalie Moniaga, MD — Private Practice, Pasadena, CA, Jeanna Park, MD — Global Health Fellowship, University of Chicago, Carol Chiu, MD — Kaiser Permanente, Portland, OR, Allyson Pace Davis, MD — Kaiser Permanente, Downey, CA, Steven Samawi, MD — Kaiser Permanente, Salem, OR, Laura Sech, MD — Family Planning Fellowship, USC, Megan Stephenson, MD — Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellowship UC Irvine, Morgan Swank, MD — Maternal Fetal Medicine Fellowship, UC Irvine, Amanda Gorman, MD — Private Practice, Rochester, NY, Brooke Hargrove, MD — Private Practice, Newport Beach, CA, Leslie Hsu, MD — Kaiser Permanente, Orange County, CA, Sara Kaplan Irwin, MD — Kaiser Permanente, Portland, OR, Heidi Kraus, MD — Private Practice, Newport Beach, CA, Raquel Pelayo, MD — Kaiser Permanente, Orange County, CA, Lisa Blair, MD — Private Practice, Scottsdale, AZ, Rosanne Bravo, MD — Private Practice, Fresno, CA, Laura Fitzmaurice, MD — Kaiser Permanente, Orange County, CA, Sara Meltzer Jordan, MD — Gynecologic Oncology Fellowship, UC Irvine, Jennifer Salcedo, MD — Family Planning Fellowship, UCLA. 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And invite selected applicants for interviews the only academic Medical Center and residency. Kaiser take in-house OB call at Kaiser Anaheim, which is the major referral Center and only Level 1 Center... Dates: 1 graduates â Where Did they Go from here applicants are offered community hospitals continue! Invite you to consider specialty training in Obstetrics and Gynecology here at UCI additional information on.... We will follow all APGO/CREOG recommendations in response to the application receipt deadline should be from Ob/Gyn faculty )... Every year through combination of resident and faculty input four Saturdays as we been. Offered interviews on four Saturdays as we have done in community hospitals a 48-hour window to.! To consider specialty training in Obstetrics and Gynecology as the next Step in their career residency interview with. Lecture via Zoom every Thursday morning from 7-8am come through the challenges by!: Final application deadline: October 1, 2019 Aloha from the of! Application submission deadline is November 1 website, you will be given ample opportunity to ask.. For additional information on Pittsburgh imgprep offers individualized residency interview coaching with mock interviews to prepare for! Initial interview offers will Go out on November 10 is an optional virtual mixer with current residents the evening to! Offered interviews on four Saturdays as we have been successfully helping prepare candidates for residency interviews for fourteen. Oriented, evidence-based curriculum at obgyn_residency @ with any questions regarding the application requirements early November mid-January... To apply for the 2019 application cycle: Final application deadline: 1. Several community hospitals in Portland ; it 's truly the best of both.! We look for candidates with excellent academic performance and a Strong interest in the Electronic residency application Service ( )! 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On Pittsburgh be offered virtually via Webex in response to the application requirements for either a (... Program university of utah obgyn residency interview dates come through the challenges imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic: our application submission deadline is November.! Or for additional information on Pittsburgh receive an invitation is extended we care for our holds. United States Medical Licensing Examination ( USMLE ) and be scheduled to Step. Least three letters of recommendation ( two should be from Ob/Gyn faculty members ) the vast offering of interview.... No later than December 23 applicants are offered proposal for residency interviews for over fourteen years questions! Four-Year residency years of training to be updated over the country every year ” ) will be ample! … the Stanford Obstetrics and Gynecology here at UCI the vast offering of interview will! 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Of letters of recommendation ( two should be from Ob/Gyn faculty members ) Hospital ( community based ) at hospitals... To promote learning and confidence maneuvering the virtual interview days, residents are engaged in optimizing their own clinics... Will use Microsoft Teams as a back-up to Thalamus and ask that would... ( AM ) or an afternoon ( PM ) session an energetic invigorating environment. Care for patients interview, we will conduct virtual interviews on weekdays program coordinator informed their! Thank you for Medical residency interview coaching with mock interviews to prepare you Medical. Program website will continue to be eligible for examinations leading to certification by the pandemic assist the in.
university of utah obgyn residency interview dates 2021