Yet some books seem almost to defy explanation for their runaway popularity. I am fortunate to share my work with a broad audience. Welcome back. LewisPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #11 – The Da Vinci Code (80 million copies sold)by Dan BrownPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #12 – Think and Grow Rich (70 million copies sold)by Napoleon HillPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #13 – Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince (65 million copies sold)by J.K. RowlingPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #14 – The Catcher in the Rye (65 million copies sold)by J.D. Top 10 "How to Sell" Books of All Time These classic sales books should be in every business library. TolkienPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #9 – She: A History of Adventure (100 million copies sold)by H. Rider HaggardPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #10 – The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (85 million copies sold)by C.S. Discussion is encouraged. Listing the top selling books of all times is a bit challenging. And if you think Harry Potter or Twilight top this list, think again, they're not even close. We chose to exclude those books because people had a spiritual or political reason to buy them. The Da Vinci Code is a mystery, thriller and conspiracy fiction novel written by Dan Brown in 2003. Freese calls out one of the biggest misconceptions in sales – that it’s the prospects job to ask questions and the salesman’s job to answer them – and shows how flipping the script can help you, the sales professional, close more deals. After all, this is a group discussion meant for personal growth and self development. The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here for? These are the books that offer ideas and strategies that change the way people think and disrupt the way business is conducted. You must have read many type of books in your life. That being the case, we decided to put pen to paper and publish our list of the top 25 Leadership Books of All-Time. Top 10 Greatest Business Books of All Time 11/10/2014 10:16 am ET Updated Sep 29, 2017 Go ahead and Google or Bing the phrase "Top 10 Business Books" and you get nearly 1.8 Trillion returns. J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter franchise is the best-selling book series of all time with 500 million copies sold; The series accomplished this feat over only seven total novels This page includes a list of the 25 best-selling books of all-time as well as the 25 best-selling book series of all-time. 25 Best-Selling Books of All Time - The Greatest Books to Read. Given the number of books in the series (11 all told, consisting of Word & Void, Genesis of Shannara, Legends of Shannara, Paladins of Shannara, The Original Shannara Trilogy, Heritage of Shannara, Voyage of the Jerle Shannara, High Druid of Shannara, The Dark Legacy of Shannara, The Defenders of Shannara and The Fall of Shannara), it’s little wonder the franchise has pulled in around … The most startling result is that even going out to the top 20, we still fell just shy of the top-selling individual book by Dr. Seuss; the Cat in the Hat, with around 11 million copies sold. WhitePrint | eBook | Audiobook, #25 – Black Beauty (50 million copies sold)by Anna SewellPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #1 – Harry Potter series (450 million copies sold)by J.K. RowlingPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #2 – Goosebumps series (300 million copies sold)by R.L. Interestingly, although the book’s manuscript was originally in French, the first publication was actually done in English. Benjamin Graham’s first book, Security Analysis (co-written with David Dodd), comes in at #2 on the list of best investing books of all time. or for being critical of a book. The Little Prince was originally written in French, so it comes as a surprise that it is among the top Best Selling Books of all time. 1. For these reasons, major religious and political texts are not listed here, but we can all agree that they are among the top selling books of all-time.1, #1 – Don Quixote (500 million copies sold) 2by Miguel de CervantesPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #2 – A Tale of Two Cities (200 million copies sold)by Charles DickensPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #3 – The Lord of the Rings (150 million copies sold)by J.R.R. A book’s total score is based on multiple factors, including the number of So let's begin the adventure. pornography, pro-Nazi, child abuse, etc). The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo (Millennium, #1), The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Powerful Lessons in Personal Change, The Celestine Prophecy (Celestine Prophecy, #1), The Secret Diary of Adrian Mole, Aged 13 3/4 (Adrian Mole, #1), The Pillars of the Earth (Kingsbridge, #1), The Shadow of the Wind (The Cemetery of Forgotten Books, #1), The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, #1), Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (Charlie Bucket, #1), The Naked Ape: A Zoologist's Study of the Human Animal, Things Fall Apart (The African Trilogy, #1), Goodreads Members Suggest: Favorite Winter Reads. From the greatest novels ever penned to the best self help books and the most beloved children's books, these 25 books are some of the best-selling books of all time… This list is a compilation of the 50 books that users have rated as the books that everyone should read in their lifetime. To honor this creativity and adventure, we have assembled the 10 best-selling books of all time, which you may have already read. The Little Prince was first published in 1943 and has since sold over 140 million copies. 1. Herein, we've rounded up the 30 best-selling novels of all time. No spam. Julia Donaldson's The Gruffalois right behind with 1,781,269 sales. Flagging a list will send it to the Goodreads Customer Care team for review. What are the best selling books of all time? The numbers were current as of 2018. To keep the list manageable, only authors with estimated sales of at least 100 million are included. We will not remove any content for bad language alone, The books are listed according to the highest sales estimate as reported in reliable, independent sources. Discover the ultimate reading list with 25 of the world’s must-read books. Don Quixote was published in 1605, so it is very old and sales figures are hard to track. Harry Potter touched something in the hearts and minds of readers whose love for the orphaned wizard is unrivaled. Let’s know about it-10# The Da Vinci Code. Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Inc. Any fan of stories that involve juicy subjects like adultery, gambling, marriage plots, and, well, Russian feudalism, would instantly place Anna Karenina at the peak of their “greatest novels” list. Additionally, these books have often been printed by a wide range of publishers over centuries, many of them unreported. Best-selling books are ranked by number of copies sold, not my personal ratings. Several reputable list makers, including Amazon, say that the two best selling books are … (eg. On Becoming a Leader Written by British author J.K Rowling, the Deathly Hallows is the seventh instalment in the Harry Potter series. Starting off the list of the 20 best-selling books of all time is Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Top 50 Books of All Time show list info. And that’s exactly the ranking that publications like Time magazine have given the novel since it was published in its entirety in 1878. This page provides lists of best-selling individual books and book series to date and in any language. The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe (Chronicles of Narnia, #1), Think and Grow Rich: The Landmark Bestseller Now Revised and Updated for the 21st Century, Anne of Green Gables (Anne of Green Gables, #1), Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, #7). Download the data for yourself and see how they compare First up we have the Shannara series by Terry Brooks. I’m looking forward to hearing from you! Comics and textbooks are not included in this list. SteinPrint | eBook, #3 – Perry Mason series (300 million copies sold)by Erle Stanley GardnerPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #4 – Berenstain Bears series (260 million copies sold)by Stan and Jan BerenstainPrint | eBook, #5 – Choose Your Own Adventure series (250 million copies sold)by various authorsPrint, #6 – Sweet Valley High (250 million copies sold)by Francine PascalPrint | eBook, #7 – Noddy series (200 million copies sold)by Enid BlytonPrint, #8 – Nancy Drew series (200 million copies sold)by Carolyn KeenePrint | eBook | Audiobook, #9 – Thomas the Tank Engine series (200 million copies sold)by W. AwdryPrint | eBook, #10 – San-Antonio series (200 million copies sold)by Frédéric DardPrint, #11 – Robert Langdon series (200 million copies sold)by Dan BrownPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #12 – The Baby-sitters Club (172 million copies sold)by Ann MartinPrint | eBook, #13 – Star Wars series (150 million copies sold)by various authorsPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #14 – Little Critter series (150 million copies sold)by Mercer MayerPrint, #15 – Peter Rabbit (150 million copies sold)by Beatrix PotterPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #16 – Chicken Soup for the Soul series (130 million copies sold)by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor HansenPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #17 – American Girl series (120 million copies sold)by various authorsPrint | eBook, #18 – The Chronicles of Narnia series (120 million copies sold)by C.S. It makes a difference. People are really taking this list too seriously, it's just two people's opinions and their favorite books from 1923 to 2005; nothing more. If we were to include them, they would be the top three in the order that they are listed. Top 10 Best Selling Books of All Time. I donate 5 percent of profits to causes that improve the health of children, pregnant mothers, and families in low income communities. is a website that lets users rate and review books that they have read. Since religious and political books, such as The Holy Bible, are often given away for free, they have not been included on this list. Stacker has compiled a list of the 25 best-selling book series of all time. Because it's the name of their magazine, that's all. But, these books are the best selling books of all time, which may have never noticed. • Top … Little Red Book of Selling - Jeffrey Gitomer. It is no wonder that a list of top 10 best selling books of all time will receive a grand welcome from books lovers. However, sales numbers for these books are nearly impossible to track because many are given away by churches or governments. We've also expanded this list beyond the normal top 10, so we can showcase some of the other high-selling books that aren't about a young English wizard and his friends. Although the exact number of copies sold is unknown, it is thought to be over 500 million and certainly more than any other non-political or non-religious book on the list. TolkienPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #4 – The Little Prince (142 million copies sold)by Antoine de Saint-ExuperyPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #5 – Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (107 million copies sold)by J.K. RowlingPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #6 – And Then There Were None (100 million copies sold)by Agatha ChristiePrint | eBook | Audiobook, #7 – The Dream of the Red Chamber (100 million copies sold)by Cao XueqinPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #8 – The Hobbit (100 million copies sold)by J.R.R. These are the best fiction books to read, listed by category. "Best-selling" refers to the estimated number of copies sold of each book, rather than the number of books printed or currently owned. So here is my list of the 11 best self-development books of all time. The Top-selling 100 books of all time (well, since Nielsen records began in 1998) are published today. Top 10 Best Selling Novels Of All Time By Pramesh Pudasaini January 11, 2014 For millennium, knowledge has been passed on to newer generations through the written cord. Based on the number of copies sold, these books have withstood the test of time—and sales! List of Top Sales Books of All Time (2019 Update) The Ultimate Sales Machine - Chet Holmes. Buffet, who also wrote the forward, is quoted on the back cover calling it, “a roadmap for investing that I have now been following for 57 years.” The tale about a young boy who discovers he has magical powers and goes to attend the famed Hogwarts has won the hearts of hundreds of millions of people. These top selling books of all time span multiple centuries, covering many genres (like horror and romance), writers, and original languages. Over 80 million copies sold. Every book is an escape from reality; every book is a new door to the world of creativity and imagination. Since these are the bestselling novels of all time, you will not find any non-fiction, religious, or political books, like The Holy Quran, The King James Bible, and Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-Tung. What books sell the most? Thanks for reading. She: A History of Adventure Sales data for the best-selling books can be found on this page. These top selling books span multiple centuries, covering many genres and original languages. 10. Since then it has sold more than 100 million copies worldwide, and it remains a top-selling book. We have helped over 30,000 people so far. #1 – Harry Potter series (450 million copies sold)by J.K. RowlingPrint | eBook | Audiobook#2 – Goosebumps series (300 million copies sold)by R.L. A Tale of Two Cities book. Here, we listed Top 10 best-selling books of all time. Just the highest quality ideas you’ll
find on the web. The only content we will consider removing is spam, Over 1,000,000 people subscribe to my weekly email newsletter. Secrets of Closing the Sale - Zig Ziglar. or extremely offensive content As for the 'top book,' Time never ranked them, they just listed 100 books. As a general rule we do not censor any content on the site. LewisPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #19 – Mr. Men (120 million copies sold)by Roger HargreavesPrint | eBook, #20 – The Twilight Saga (120 million copies sold)by Stephenie MeyerPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #21 – Diary of a Wimpy Kid series (120 million copies sold)by Jeff KinneyPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #22 – Clifford the Big Red Dog series (110 million copies sold)by Norman BridwellPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #23 – James Bond 007 series (100 million copies sold)by Ian FlemingPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #24 – Martine (100 million copies sold)by Gilbert Delahaye and Marcel MarlierPrint, #25 – Fifty Shades trilogy (100 million copies sold)by E. L. JamesPrint | eBook | Audiobook. Explore our picks for the best sales books of all time, ... to put together our list of the top 31 sales books of all time. Although all of the books in the series are among the top twenty best selling books of all time, Philosopher’s Stone has sold the most copies. By Geoffrey James @Sales_Source. Only flag lists that clearly need our attention. The Best Damn Sales Book Ever - Warren Greshes. But as much as popular as those comic book movies are, that term can also apply to a great read as well. Read 17 782 reviews from the world's largest community for readers. people who have voted for it and how highly those voters ranked the book. SalingerPrint, #15 – The Alchemist (65 million copies sold)by Paulo CoelhoPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #16 – Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets (60 million copies sold)by J.K. RowlingPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #17 – Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban (55 million copies sold)by J.K. RowlingPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #18 – Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire (55 million copies sold)by J.K. RowlingPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #19 – Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (55 million copies sold)by J.K. RowlingPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #20 – Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (50 million copies sold)by J.K. RowlingPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #21 – One Hundred Years of Solitude (50 million copies sold)by Gabriel García MarquezPrint | Audiobook, #22 – Lolita (50 million copies sold)by Vladimir NabokovPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #23 – Anne of Green Gables (50 million copies sold)by Lucy Maud MontgomeryPrint | eBook | Audiobook, #24 – Charlotte’s Web (50 million copies sold)by E.B. If so, please share it in the comments section and why you feel it should be included. These are the best nonfiction books to read, listed by category. To vote on existing books from the list, beside each book there is a link vote for this book clicking it will add that book to your votes. For example, some might list the top selling novels of all time, or include all types of writing as a book. "Best selling" refers to the estimated number of copies sold of all fiction books written or co-written by an author. Stephen wrote: "But why do they say "all-time"?" It seems that no list of best-selling books of all time (yes, those are all different links) can exclude A Tale of Two Cities and its supposed-200 million copies. We get it: When you hear the word "blockbuster," you probably think of some handsome guy named Chris flexing his muscles across the big-screen. Discounts and offers on my books and products. Think and Grow Rich. But first, here’s how to get the most out of reading these sales books. slanderous attacks on other members, Was there a book you felt should have made the list of the Top 20 Best Self Help Books of All Time? We take abuse seriously in our book lists. Also, it is worth noting that some religious and political books such as The Bible, Quran, and Quotations from Chairman Mao are believed to have more than a billion copies each in existence. Error rating book. This article provides a list of these books at a glance. The book was released on 21, July 2007 by Bloomsbury publishing in the United Kingdom and Scholastic in the United States. Without further ado, here is our list (in no particular order): 1. No book better teaches you how to harness the power of the question to close deals than Thomas A. Freese’s Question-Based Selling. ... then you should question the value of what you are selling.” Sales Books on Management. At the top of the best-selling self-help books list sits this classic by Napoleon Hill. Refresh and try again. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. Amazon contains 340,737 book … But as an overview, the following provides a list of the best-selling self-help books of all time. 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top selling books of all time 2021