This program provides a monthly 20% or more discount on the electric or gas bill for those who meet the income eligibility guidelines, hold the utility account in his/her name and are not claimed as qualified customers. Servicios Públicos de Riverside (RPU) estableció el programa de Compartiendo Hogares Ayuda la Energia de Riverside (SHARE) en 1989 para proveerles ayuda para sus biles de servicios públicos a los residentes de Riverside de bajos ingresos. Required forms should
When funding is available, it can pay out up to $150, and the money goes directly to the customer’s account. Riverside Public Utilities is a consumer-owned water and electric utility that has been providing high-quality, reliable services throughout the City of Riverside since 1895. Funding is limited so not all qualified applicants may be approved. A person who participates or has household family members who participate in certain other benefit programs, such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) or certain needs-tested Veterans benefits may be automatically eligible. Los clientes deben satisfacer todas las pautas especÃficas y generales del programa de RPU para ser elegibles para incentivos. This public benefit program offers rebates to residential electric customers when they purchase and install new high energy-efficient air conditioning systems or heat pumps in their homes. To apply, you’ll need a valid government issued I.D and ONE of the following listed documents: How long does it take to review and process applications? Box 5760 The maximum combined incentive for all rebates is $25,000 per customer account per year, with the rebate being no more than 25% of the equipment cost. P.O. improvements to income-qualified renters and homeowners. 909-782-0330; 909-826-5485 for … All needed improvements are made at no cost to you. Contact for questions on rebates or programs. 2.I hereby authorize RPU to release information regarding my bills past and future, to CAP. Payments are made directly to the utility … La factura de la utilidad de RPU estar a nombre del solicitante, Todos los ingresos del hogar deben ser proporcionados, Requiere ser re-certificado cada 12 meses, Notifique a RPU si ya no califica (si recibe la asistencia mensual), Identificación válida expedida por el gobierno (licencia de conducir,tarjeta de identificación REAL ID), Aviso de urgencia actual y/o aviso de desconexión, Ingresos de todos en el hogar (últimas 4 semanas), Talónes de Cheques: copias de todos sus talónes/recibos (últimas 4 semanas), mes de paga completo consecutivo, Carta de adjudicación SSI o SSA (que cubra el año en curso), Declaración de Banco actual que directa depósito sólo para SSI, SSA, TANF o pension, Talones de Cheques de Desempleo /depósito directo imprimible, Aviso de TANF de acción actual o imprimible de pasaporte a servicios (incluyendo mes actual), Recibos de manutención de hijos / imprimible, Prueba de trabajo por cuenta propia (actual formulario de impuestos 1040 y horario C), Trabajo pagado en efectivo (trabajos diversos-declaración escrita del tipo de trabajo, el dinero ganado durante las últimas 4 semanas, firma y fecha). *Las Pautas de Pobreza Federal están sujetas a cambios. Important Notice Although Riverside Public Utilities will make every effort to supply
Who can apply to ERAP? In our effort to encourage the community we serve to comply with County, State and CDC guidelines to practice social distancing and remain at home, Community Action Partnership of Riverside County is making the following change: Effective immediately, Community Action Partnership requests that you submit your application for Utility Assistance by mail or online at . Clients whose utilities are included in their rent DO NOT qualify for ECIP/FT. Learn about our assistance programs, off-peak pricing, or energy and water upgrades. Please don't fax in your application. Community Action Partnership of Riverside County (CAP Riverside) administers the federally-funded Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which provides utility payment assistance and weatherization services to low income customers in Riverside County. Government Issued Identification (State Driver's License, State ID, Passport, Military ID), Income documentation for each person in the household (last 4 weeks), Award letter from: CalFresh/SNAP, CalWorks/TANF, LIHEAP, Medi- Cal/Medicaid, Healthy Families A&B, National School Lunch Program, SSI, WIC, Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance. RIVERSIDE COUNTY BUSINESS SERVICES - Whether your business is looking to expand, relocate or grow in Riverside County, we have resources, programs and services to help your business succeed! In the event of a power outage, patients requiring
What are the Benefits?At Riverside Public Utilities, we understand that certain medical conditions require the use of electronic devices or appliances. Riverside Public Utilities SHARE Payment Assistance Program Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) established the Sharing Households Assist Riverside’s Energy program (SHARE) in 1989 to provide low-income residents with utility bill assistance. What are the most common reasons an application would be denied? For more information on closures, please visit COVID-19 information page. Total Annual Income: $8,960
Income qualified customers of Riverside Public Utilities can receive assistance with paying their bills from the SHARE program. Learn More Community Action changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. For any questions or inquires, please email Los solicitantes deben llenar una solicitud en la comunidad de acción de Riverside County, 2038 Iowa Ave., Ste B-102 Riverside, CA 92507. • ECIP or F/T (Energy Crisis Intervention Program or Fast Track): ECIP component of the program consists of gas and electric bill payments, wood, propane and oil payments, and furnace repair and replacement on behalf of those households identified in a crisis situation. The Riverside City Council voted 7-0 to temporarily let businesses with 50 or fewer workers apply utility deposits toward unpaid bills or their … SHARE customers may also apply for LIHEAP. Añadir por cada persona adicional:
Riverside Public Utilities is looking to continue its partnerships to explore ways to utilize technologies available today to make cleaner energy more reliable. Riverside City Public Utilities Information provided by: Riverside County Office on Aging. 3.I certify that I … Add for each additional person:
Elect a 'round-up' option where the cents of your bill will round up and automatically donate to the SHARE fund each month. ... You can locate your account number on your utility statement, or by contacting Customer Service at 951.782.0330. Community Action Partnership of Riverside County,, Riverside Public Utilities Customer Resource Center, Unemployment letter from your previous employer on the company’s letterhead, Furlough letter from current employer on company letterhead, Unemployment claim letter from Employment Development Department (EDD), Did not submit copy of Government Issued Identification, Did not submit proof of unemployment, furlough or reduction of work hours, Documentation submitted did not meet program guidelines (e.g. It is an option for low income families that are struggling and are facing some type of hardship. Every year, over 6,000 eligible low-income households benefit from utility payment assistance and more than 700 homes are weatherized. Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) established the Emergency Recovery Assistance Program (ERAP) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to assist active residential electric customers that have experienced reduced income due to loss of employment or reduced hours as a result of COVID-19. LIHEAP is a federally-funded program that is implemented by the State. To apply by mail, complete the application with required documents attached and mail to: Community Action Partnership of Riverside County
Permanently installed electric space heating for paraplegic, quadriplegic, hemiplegic or multiple sclerosis patients, Permanently installed electric air conditioning for multiple sclerosis or scleroderma patients, Request for an essential electric medical device not listed below is subject to approval, Extremity heating device for respirator pump, In-progress repairs and replacements of water heaters and furnaces which are critical for customer health and safety, Work to mitigate hazardous inspection fails, Inspections of attic insulation and gas appliance repair and replacements, Enrollment of customers identified by SoCalGas as having a critical health and safety related need for appliance work, Refrigerators and recycling of old refrigerators, Insulation, weather-stripping and caulking to lower heating and cooling costs. The program has effectively assisted over 95,000 low-income residential customers. EnvÃe su solicitud SHARE con copias de la documentación requerida a: Recibirá una notificación del estado de la solicitud por correo para el programa SHARE. Total Monthly Income: $747. Dial 909-782-0330 There are two types of air conditioners – split systems and packaged units. Riverside Public Utilities - WebConnect. A separate program application and physician's certification of medical condition are required. EEAP payment assistance is available quarterly to those who participate in our REAP program, and customers may qualify for up to $75 on their electric bill during the 1st and 4th quarter, and up to $125 during the 2nd and 3rd quarter. structure for the use of certain medical equipment. Qualification is based on household income, priority points and energy burden. Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) offers a wide variety of rebates to commercial customers who wish to increase the efficiency of eligible facilities. Non-profits offer money to help with paying rent or transportation/car expenses, free boxes of groceries, grants for utility bills, medical or dental care, and other aid. Write in an amount for a one-time donation on your utility bill payment slip. “Riverside County’s utility assistance program is a resource that can help residents in financial need,” said Supervisor V. Manuel Perez. It takes up to two weeks to receive, review and process the application. Pay your bill, view your history, sign up for paperless e-Billing, whenever it's convenient for you! La calificación de los ingresos se basa en 200% de las pautas de pobreza Federal y el número de personas en el hogar. All other utility customers should fill out a LIHEAP application. • Weatherization Assistance Program: The Weatherization Assistance Program is a federally-funded low-income residential energy conservation program. If you have questions, please call Customer
The Energy Crisis Intervention Program (ECIP) financial assistance for weather-related or energy-related emergencies. For information regarding RPU Assistance Programs, visit or contact RPU Customer Service at (951) 782-0330. does not guarantee service on delinquent or past due accounts. Demonstrate one of the following as of March 1, 2020: For more information, call RPU Customer Service at (951)782-0330 or e-mail The purpose of theEnergy Education copy education is to assist the customer in learning about the costs of energy, the benefits of energy conservation measures and practices, and available resources such as rebates,appliance safety and discount programs. Para más información, llame al(951) 955-4900, el lunes al viernes, 8a - 5p. • CARE (California Alternative Rates for Energy): Customers can also apply for the CARE program. Riverside Public Utilities electric and water assistance programs. Service at 951-782-0330. Customers must fulfill all program specific and general RPU program guidelines to be eligible for incentives. CAP Riverside has over $3 million available to assist residents living in the cities and unincorporated communities of Riverside County with utility assistance for gas, electric, water, sewer, trash, telephone and Internet service. It provides electricity at an adjusted rate structure to any household with a full-time resident who regularly requires the use of any of these electronic devices: Please mail or drop off your Utilicare application with copies of required documentation to: You will receive notification of application status by mail for the Utilicare program. In an effort to enhance the SHARE program, the City of Riverside entered into an Agreement with the County of Riverside Department of Community Action Partnership (CAP) on July 1, 1999 to administer the program. Schedule an appointment today at 1-800-818-4298. Total Monthly Income: $747. No utility shut-offs will be undertaken through the duration of the emergency. 3. Proposals must meet all of the following criteria to be eligible for consideration: P.O. Un cliente es inelegible para la asistencia de $150 de electricidad de emergencia y el depósito hasta que haya transcurrido un perÃodo de 12 meses desde la última vez que solicitara y recibiera la asistencia de SHARE, aunque el solicitante se mude a un nuevo domicilio. 1. IID’s Emergency Energy Assistance Program (EEAP) is here to assist customers who face disconnection for non-payment. The RPU utility bill must be in the name of the applicant, Required to re-certify every 12 months from the date of application, Notify RPU if you no longer qualify (if receiving the monthly assistance), Valid government-issued I.D. El nivel de incentivo para la asistencia de pago de agua es de $2.75 que no exceda $33 por cliente, por perÃodo de 12 meses. For questions regarding your RPU utility account contact RPU Customer Service at (951) 782-0330. The level of incentive for electric emergency and deposit payment assistance is $150 per customer, per 12-month period. • Utility Assistance: The utility assistance program is a one-time assistance program that helps low and moderate-income Energy 003individuals and families with utility payment assistance. Customer Service at 3901 Orange Street, Riverside CA 92501 or 3025 Madison Street, Riverside, CA 92504. Riverside, CA 92517-5760. ERAP will assist active residential electric customers with a one-time $400 credit towards their utility bill. SoCalGas has paused all face-to-face interaction including customer outreach, enrollment, installation and inspection work until further notice, with the exception to the following: The Energy Savings Assistance Program (ESAP) is designed to help
Another option that the Salvation Army is familiar with is SHARE, which is a Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) emergency assistance program that assists qualified, low-income individuals.Get help with paying deposits and utility bills. Documentos requeridos para la elegibilidad: Utilicare is a medical support program for residential electric customers. EnvÃe su solicitud SHARE, copia de su licencia de conducir / tarjeta de identificación, copia de su tarjeta de seguro social y comprobante de ingresos o programa de asistencia gubernamental del año en curso a: Recibirá una notificación del estado de la solicitud por teléfono. Income qualification is based on 200% of the 2020 Federal poverty income guideline and the number of people in the household. physicianâs certification of medical condition are required. Cualquier cambio de domicilio mientras que se está recibiendo el crédito de SHARE del cobro mensual transferido al nuevo domicilio por los meses restantes en el perÃodo de 12 meses. The program provides free home energy conservation services to low-income Riverside County homeowners and renters. These programs are administered by local public housing agencies (PHAs) authorized under State law to operate housing programs within an area or jurisdiction. The maximum combined incentive for all rebates is $25,000 per customer account per year, with the rebate being no more than 25% of the equipment cost. This block grant is funded by the Federal Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and provides utility payment assistance and weatherization services to eligible low-income customers in Riverside County, including the City of Riverside. Effective from March 1, 2020 - 3 Months after End of Local Emergency Declaration. B-102 Riverside, CA 92507. I hereby authorize Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) to: Examine all employment, income, utility and other records pertinent to my application for energy assistance. A bill assistance program that provides a defined quantity of electricity at reduced rates to any household with a full-time resident who requires certain medically necessary electric equipment. Provide valid and recent documents supporting your claim; 2. Program and guidelines are effective until the COVID-19 emergency has ended or program funds have been exhausted, whichever comes first. ATTENTION: ESAP Program is on hold until further notice. uninterrupted service, continuous service cannot be guaranteed. by clicking on the âDownload Applicationâ button on the upper right side of this page. The Section 8 rental voucher program provides rental assistance to help very low income families afford decent, safe, and sanitary rental housing. An ECIP payment is made when an applicant receives a 24 or 48-hour disconnection notice or other utility service disconnection notice that would involve a life threatening and/or emergency situation; or the applicant’s utility services have been terminated; or the applicant requires assistance with establishing a new account. Please sign in to your account. RIVERSIDE COUNTY WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT CENTER - Specializing in helping businesses fill their workforce need, or helping a job seeker find a job. SHARE is funded by the City of Riverside and is specifically for Riverside Public Utilities customers. Please call (951) 782-0330 to have Customer Service activate this option. (driver's license, identification card, REAL ID), Current past due notice and/or disconnection notice, Paycheck stubs: copies of all check stubs (last 4 weeks), full consecutive month of pay, SSI or SSA award letter (covering current year), Current bank statement showing direct deposit only for SSI, SSA, TANF or pension, Unemployment check stubs/ on-line print out showing direct deposit, Current TANF Notice of Action or Passport to Services printout (including current month), Proof of self-employment (current filed 1040 tax form and Schedule C), Job paid in cash (odd jobs -written statement declaring type of work, money earned for the last 4 weeks, signature and date), Current year award Letter from CalFresh/SNAP, CalWorks/TANF, LIHEAP, Medi- Cal/Medicaid, Healthy Families A&B, National School Lunch Program, SSI, WIC, Bureau of Indian Affairs General Assistance. Your household may be eligible based on participation in certain public assistance programs such as RPUâs SHARE (Sharing Households Assist Riversideâs Energy) Program, which assists income-qualified, residential customers with their electric utility bills and deposits. What do I need to provide in order to apply? Housing Choice Voucher Program. Once your application has been reviewed, you will be notified by mail if it has been approved or denied. paycheck stubs, personal letter, SSI/SDI), EDD Claim effective date is not on or after March 1, 2020, RPU utility account/bill must be active and in the name of the applicant, ALL household income must be stated on application, Valid government-issued I.D. The program is funded by Federal Department of Health and Human Services through the State Department of Community Services and Development. Todas las Pautas Generales del Programa se aplican. Box 5760
During Christmas, agency provides food baskets and toys to the needy. CAP Riverside administers both programs. The Weatherization Program services to improve the energy and efficiency of a home, including attic insulation, weather stripping, minor house repairs, and related energy conservation measures. A customer is ineligible for the $150 electric emergency and deposit assistance until a 12-month period has passed since they last applied and received SHARE assistance, even if the applicant moves to a new address. The level of incentive for water payment assistance is $2.75 a month, not to exceed $33 per customer per 12-month period. A new application may be required when there is an address change for the patient. Riverside Public Utilities SHARE Payment Assistance Program Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) established the Sharing Households Assist Riverside’s Energy program (SHARE) in 1989 to provide low-income residents with utility bill assistance. A typical inspection will include blower door testing for air leakage, combustion appliance testing for safety and efficiency, and a Health and Safety inspection. be completely filled out by the utility account holder and their physician, then mailed or dropped off at
To apply, please print the appropriate forms
Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) offers a wide variety of rebates to commercial customers who wish to increase the efficiency of eligible facilities. The CAP CARES Program is a CSBG funded program to assist Riverside County families with emergency assistance to help cover unmet household bills. Any residential water customer that has been identified and verified as low-income (200% below the Federal Poverty Level Guidelines) a 60-day waiting period during delinquency before receiving a 48-hour disconnections notice, qualifies them for an amortized payment plan and reduced same day reconnection fee of $50. To help offset the added expenses a medical condition of this nature places on the household budget, the Utilicare program provides an adjusted rate
Riverside Public Utilities (RPU) established the Emergency Recovery Assistance Program (ERAP) in response to the COVID-19 pandemic to assist active residential electric customers that have experienced reduced income due to loss of employment or reduced hours as a result of COVID-19. Un perÃodo de 12 meses comienza cuando un cliente solicita y recibe asistencia y sólo si el cliente no ha solicitado y recibido dicha asistencia dentro de los doce meses de la fecha de la nueva solicitud. Applicants may be approved where the cents of your bill, make a one-time credit! For more information, call ( 951 ) 782-0330 outbreak in California, not to exceed $ 180 Customer. Credit will have an additional $ 150 per Customer per 12-month period SHARE is funded by Federal of! Home improvements to income-qualified renters and homeowners need, or by contacting Customer Service activate this option for ECIP/FT programa... 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( programa de Asistencia de Pagos SHARE de Servicios Público ) have questions, please visit COVID-19 information.! Been reviewed, you will be undertaken through the duration of the Federal. Copies of your supporting documents to: Community Action Partnership of Riverside and is specifically for Public... Or past DUE accounts upper right side of this page specific and general RPU program guidelines https! The SHARE program fund: 1 receive energy conservation program energy fund ( SHARE ) a... Human services through the duration of the emergency riverside public utilities assistance program Service at 951-782-0330 option... And deposits are PAID up to two weeks to receive energy conservation education account... Towards their utility bill payment slip not all qualified applicants may be required when is! Families afford decent, safe, and disaster services as funding permits en el hogar sharing assist! Meet all of the emergency month period reviewed, you will be notified by if... 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riverside public utilities assistance program 2021