The high acidity of this variety makes for a tangy, yet sweet flavor. They hang in long trusses from tall indeterminate vines. Husky Cherry Red; Jasper F1; Jolly F1; Lizzano F1; Maskotka F1; Matt’s Wild; (Heirloom) Mt. FLAVOR: Complex, sweet P.O. Mid season(75 days). A sampler of six heirloom cherry tomatoes: Cream, Black Cherry, Golden Nugget, Green Grape, Purple Bumblebee, and Pride of Flanders. Purple Bumblebee is a crimson fleshed cherry tomato featuring dark green stripes. Cucurbits. Purple fruit is striped with green . Perfect tomato for beautiful summer salads. Market growers love the new colors for mixed pints of cherry tomatoes. Annual. AP22387. You will love this popular variety because of its highly crack-resistant nature and … Very crack free and disease resistant. Purple Bumble Bee Tomato. Sunrise Bumblebee is a true-breeding cherry tomato we bred on our farm. Heavy yields will be produced all season long on short vines. Crack resistant with fruits measuring 1.5 inches around. Big plants (provide support) produce big yields throughout the season. VARIETY: Purple Bumblebee. Cherry tomatoes 100 2 by Valerie Jackson. Colourful striped cherry with rich flavour. Purple Bumblebee is a true-breeding cherry tomato we bred on our farm. Purple Bumble Bee Tomato pk/10. Indeterminate – A unique purple cherry variety with green marbling. It is a yellow cherry tomato with pink marbling and yellow stripes. They develop the blue-purple color as they grow, and the more sun that each tomato receives, the deeper that color becomes. Ideal for fresh eatin Open Pollinated. Purple Bumble Bee #5806 (30 seeds) Chefs and gardeners alike are going to be talking about this cherry tomato because of its striking looks and delicious, sweet flavor. Planting Instructions. Pink, Purple, and Sunrise Bumble Bee tomatoes make up this sweet and tangy blend. Please check your entries and try again. In the past two years, we have grown the Bumblebee Series, from Artisan Seeds™ with great success. Indeterminate. AVAILABILITY: July- September. 20-25 gm. PURPLE BUMBLEBEE .....malgré la crise sanitaire et le confinement, les livraisons continuent et s'effectueront avec un délai de quelques jours supplémentaire .....Despite the health crisis and containment, deliveries continue and will be made with a delay of a few additional days..... TRANSLATOR . Each tomato is striped, no two are alike, and mixed together they are stunning. Six were heirloom or OP (open pollinated) varieties and one was a hybrid. Purple Bumblebe's flavor is bright and tangy. Something went wrong. Tomato Cherry Artisan Purple Bumblebee. small 3oz fruit, purple bumblebees look as if they were purple, then dipped or rolled in some metallic green paint. Regular Leaf Indeterminate Mid Season FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS -- LARGE AND SMALL (US only), Bulk seed available from Johnny's Selected Seed and AP Whaley Seed Company. 07274. Slightly elongated little cherries with the most outrageous striping in lime green and bronzy-purple! So productive I could hardly keep up. Purple Bumblebee is a crimson fleshed cherry tomato featuring dark green stripes. Plants are ideterminate vines that grow well both in containers and in the ground. This newly bred cherry tomato line is sure to create excitement with its extraordinary beauty and superb flavor. Purple Bumblebee is a good producing vine that needs to be staked up for maximum production. ARTISAN™ Bumblebee is an exciting new series of open pollinated 2-3cm (20-25 Gram) round cherry tomato varieties, which are best for greenhouse production or outdoor QUICK FACTS. The flavor is complex but sweet. Sunrise Bumblebee is a good producing vine that needs to be staked up for maximum production. Green Doctors Tomato $2.75 Romanesco Italia Broccoli $3.00 Cinnamon Basil $2.75 Taiwan Yard-Long Bean $4.00 Artisan Purple Bumblebee Cherry Tomato Seeds Price for Package of 10 seeds. A heavyproducing semi-determinate plant. Try Purple Bumble Bee in a 5 gallon (or larger) container, but be sure to provide the support of a trellis or string, as the vines are vigorous. May 9, 2020 - RARE HEIRLOOM PURPLE BUMBLEBEE CHERRY TOMATO - Plants are VERY PRODUCTIVE, yielding all season. Smokey sweet flavor and extra large for a cherry. Indeterminate. The high acidity of this variety makes for a tangy, yet sweet flavor. Purple bumblebees are slightly larger than cherry tomatoes—crimson-fleshed, they are zigzagged with green and purple. Each seed packet contains approximately 30 untreated heirloom tomato seeds. Tag Archives: Purple Bumblebee tomato Cherry tomato varieties review. PROLIFIQUE DE FALISOLLE PURPLE DRAGON. or gradually acclimatise them to outdoor conditions and plant out 18 inches apart in a warm. In stock. Each seed packet contains approximately 30 untreated heirloom tomato seeds. Is an exciting new series of open pollinated 2-3cm (20-25 Gram) round cherry tomato varieties, which are best for greenhouse production or outdoor growing in warm, sunny and sheltered spots. SKU TM875-10. Their flavor is deliciously sweet . Transplant the seedlings when large enough to handle into 3 inch pots. RANCHO SOLITO Tomato . Artisan Purple Bumble Bee is an indeterminate cherry tomato variety sure to create excitement with its extraordinary beauty and superb flavour. AVAILABILITY: July- September. Description. Purple bumblebees have a deep, complex flavor, and are hardy growers. Indeterminate, potato leaf plant. Tomate ARTISAN PURPLE BUMBLE BEE Type tomate cerise de 2 à 3 cm et 20 g à 25 g Tomate ronde marron foncé presque violet et aux rayures vertes. Purple Bumble Bee is an eye-catching combination of the dusky purple seen in heirloom tomatoes and metallic green striping. Crack-resistant with fruits 1.5 inches around. Array. … Previous. It is an indeterminate vine and grows well in containers and in the ground. 70 days to maturi Sweet Orange II cherry tomatoes by Valerie Jackson. Purple fruit with green stripes. Pair them with the other Bumble Bee cherries. Flavors change with different stages of ripening, and growers are encouraged to try all ripeness stages, starting with those where there are still green streaks on the shoulders of the fruit. Juicy right off the vine or in a salad. Bosque Bumblebee is a rare eye-catching tomato that is bright yellow, with dark blue marbled shoulders. Chefs find the 1.5″ round… Your Price $3.75 $3.50: pack * Availability: In Stock. TYPE: Fruit- cherry tomato. Ask a question about this product. A favorite of gourmet chefs, farmers and casual tomato growers, Purple Bumblebee tomato is the perfect go-to variety. The Sunrise Bumblebee cherry tomato is an orange colour with yellow stripes, the Purple Bumblebee cherry tomato is dark green with deep purple stripes, and Pink Bumblebee tomatoes are scarlet red with light pink stripes. Purple fruit is striped with green. Purple Bumblebee Heirloom tomato These little guys are AMAZING! A purplish-red cherry tomato with striking green stripes bred by Fred Hempel of Baia Nicchia Farm. No items are added to compare. $ 35.00. Qty * * Email Page To A Friend. Fruit should be picked when the tomatoes are purple with green stripes and before significant softening. This is a great tomato for fresh salads and appetizers, where the appearance and texture of the fruit can really shine. Artisan Purple Bumblebee Cherry Tomato Seeds Price for Package of 10 seeds. 20 seeds. May 9, 2020 - RARE HEIRLOOM PURPLE BUMBLEBEE CHERRY TOMATO - Plants are VERY PRODUCTIVE, yielding all season. This is a great tomato for fresh salads and appetizers, where the appearance and texture of the fruit can really shine. Sunrise Bumblebe's flavor is bright, sweet and tropical. FLAVOR: Complex, sweet Purple Bumblebee is a good producing vine that needs to be staked up for maximum production. All of our seeds are grown and hand harvested on our Great mixed with the other Artisan varieties. A heavyproducing semi-determinate plant. small 3oz fruit, purple bumblebees look as if they were purple, then dipped or rolled in some metallic green paint. Super cute cherry tomatoes with red skins and purple stripes. We didn’t have a single one crack in the field or after harvest. Artisan Purple Bumblebee Cherry Tomato Seeds Price for Package of 10 seeds. Previous. Purple Bumblebee is a crimson fleshed cherry tomato featuring dark green stripes. It is a purple cherry tomato with green stripes. Tomato ‘Bumblebee™ Purple’ Cherry Tomato. Bears full-season. The flavor is complex but sweet. Purple Bumble Bee is a new and wonderful cherry variety bred by Fred Hempel of Baia Nicchia Farm in Sunol, CA. Bears full-season. Very crack free and disease resistant. Brassicas . Bosque Bumblebee tomatoes are most widely known for their high levels of anthocyanin, a naturally occurring antioxidant found also in blueberries and red cabbage that shows itself in the blue-purple pigmentation, and is reported to combat disease.
purple bumblebee cherry tomato 2021