Visit Mexico and find real estate brokerages in Mazatlán, Sinaloa. Torres Mazatlán: Known as the “Pearl of the Pacific”, Mazatlán boasts miles of pristine beaches, rich history, and bountiful outdoor activities. Most local meat comes from livestock who have more than likely never been exposed to commercial feed and forced-fed hormones and antibiotics. Ropa de baño, bikinis, trajes completo, ropa de moda y accesorios para playa. Mazatlán's Pacific Pearl is an English language newspaper in Mazatlán, México aimed at providing useful and interesting information to the English speaking community and the many English speaking guests that visit the area. In addition to the book, they also have a newsletter that they publish periodically, the People’s Guide Travel Letter. “Old Mazatlán” is far enough awayfrom the tourist area, and has a large enough permanent population that it has thus far been able to escape the artificial resort atmosphere and high prices, that are so pervasive in many of Mexico’s ocean resort cities. There is a beautifully restored, 150-year old opera house which hosts numerous cultural events, movie theaters, a champion hometown baseball team, bull fights, an aquarium, and, of course, a gated community with a lots of other North American retirees, many of whom organize and or participate in various local, English-speaking organizations and group activities. Contact. Those preferring to drive or ride in the incredibly inexpensive and comfortable (Primera Clase) Mexican buses, will find a 4-lane freeway (Maxipista) from the border at Nogales all the way to Mazatlán. We have also seen ocean front condominiums in a development just north of the Marina for sale at very accessible prices. Commentdocument.getElementById("comment").setAttribute("id","ab8b38190350010aad01a210e9f3e4f3");document.getElementById("aa87cc33e6").setAttribute("id","comment"); Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Known as the “Pearl of the Pacific,” Mazatlán is a sun-soaked vacation and port city on the southernmost tip of the Baja California Peninsula in Mexico’s Sinaloa state.. These two factors help keep prices down and competition for tourist dollars and pesos fierce. The sunsets are fabulous and for those of us who enjoy long walks, the beaches go on and on for miles, both to the North and to the South of the city. Choose from more than 493 properties, ideal house rentals for families, groups and couples. Now maybe you Canadians won’t find that so surprising, but anyone who has had the misfortune to end up in the ER of a typical US hospital without adequate insurance coverage, will recognize the incredible bargain here. Homes from $140,000 in Mexico’s “Pearl of the Pacific” Every city is made up of many neighborhoods each appealing to different lifestyles and different kinds of folk…and Mazatlán on Mexico ’s Pacific … Mazatlán Webcams Please click on the camera you would like to see. Online daily English Community newspaper covering Mazatlan and surrounding areas.. Mazatlan news, National news, community, entertainment and more Explore an array of Mazatlan, MX vacation rentals, including houses, apartment and condo rentals & more bookable online. Of importance to a potential foreign retiree, Mazatlán offers the conveniences of a mid-sized Mexican city with several large supermarkets, department stores, a Sam’s Club and a familiar suburban-style shopping mall, along with excellent, modern and inexpensive medical facilities. Advertising with us include a banner on the top of our page and you can hire a display ad in the web page or a classified ad in our magazine; ask for your advertorials plans. Required fields are marked *. Domestic cheeses are exceptionally flavorful and Mexican beer tastes like it should cost twice as much as Budweiser, not half as much. Recently, a number of books, magazine articles, web sites and Internet forums have begun to include discussions among surprisingly large numbers of Americans and Canadians about the possibility of retiring in Mexico. There is an abundance of housing for sale and/or for rent throughout Mazatlán. I have met Americans and Canadians living in Mazatlán who get along just fine with little or no Spanish at their disposal. By Judd Spicer. Mazatlán is a socially and economically diverse city, with more than 350,000 welcoming people of all races. We offer a variety of advertising options in both our print magazine as well as online. With a long history of welcoming immigrants, this mid-size city on Mexico’s west coast offers visitors more than the standard “golden trio” of great weather, reasonable prices, and a stunningly beautiful location. While not specifically about Mazatlán, far and away the best book for foreigners who want to get to know Mexico, Mexicans, and “things Mexican” is The Peoples Guide to Mexico by Carl Franz and Lorena Havens. Still, learning some Spanish is not only useful, it can greatly increase an expatriate’s sense of belonging and their enjoyment of their new home. For the first time ever, weekly flights will depart from the capital to the Pacific Mexican destination of Mazatlán. News; Governmental Affairs;; Spring 2017 Travel. Cancun, Ixtapa and Huatulco, nor does it have the large permanent expatriate colony that one finds in the Guadalajara area. Web Social Network. Photo Gallery: Easy living in Mazatlan, the Pearl of the Pacific (photos by Thom McDonald, Published or Updated on: November 1, 1999, on Easy living in Mazatlan, the Pearl of the Pacific. A few years back, on one of our annual winter vacations, I developed a serious case of the flu — which I was exposed to before leaving home — and ended up in the emergency room at the Sharp Hospital. Tomatoes and other fruits and vegetables are vine-ripened, fresh and flavorful. I guess they all must hide in the “winter” when we visit Mazatlán, because we have yet to meet the local insect population. If your drink is whiskey, bring it with you, but if you like rum or tequila, or cold drinks made from fresh fruit, “licuados”, you’re in luck. In one nearby town, artisans specialize in hand-crafted furniture which they sell at very reasonable prices. The Pacific Pearl Magazine´s Official Guide & Directory to Mazatlán, Mexico, 2004 Edition, is a comprehensive and reliable guide full of interesting and important information for any tourist visiting Mazatlán. Mazatlán's Pacific Pearl Online. We never thought it possible to be served too many shrimp, but when faced with a platter full (one kilo) of the biggest, sweetest, jumbo shrimp we had ever seen, two of us were able to finish it only with great difficulty. Find local weather forecasts for Mazatlan, Mexico throughout the world When specific locations are discussed, a few areas seem to dominate the conversations, specifically those areas where sizable “enclaves” of North American retirees already reside, namely: Guadalajara and Lake Chapala, San Miguel de Allende, Cuernavaca, and Puerto Vallarta. Of course for those who are bold enough to learn a little Spanish and merge to some degree into the local economy, Mazatlán can also be a very inexpensive and much more interesting place to live the good life. Mazatlan: Tequila, tans and working stiffs ¡Buena suerte y nos vemos en Mazatlán! The mazatlecos — Mazatlán’s people — are incredibly friendly, are surprisingly courteous behind the wheel and, because of the importance of the local tourist industry, many of them speak at least some English. The summer months can be hotter and more humid than residents of the western US and Canada are accustomed to, but for much of the year, Mazatlán enjoys perfect weather with milder temperatures and lower humidity when compared with Puerto Vallarta, Zihuatanejo, Acapulco, or Cancun. Mazatlán's English language newspaper, The Pacific Pearl covers the tourist and expatriate beats. There is a unique city in the #1 retirement destination for Americans and Canadians according to the International Living Magazine, is a very special city for several reasons: It combines the beauty of a beach destination with the enchantment of thousands of years of history visible on its old constructions in the historic district. Mazatlán's Pacific Pearl Online. Mazatlán: The “Pearl of the Pacific” By Janet Blaser. Visit the Pacific Pearl's Office. Buildings,Mazatlan, Coastline, water, ocean, pacific, architecture, cafe, bar, restaurants, spanish ,islands, palm trees (photo via Travel_Bug / iStock / Getty Images Plus) Set at the foot of the Sierra Madre Mountains on a peninsula that reaches into the Pacific Ocean, Mazatlan, Mexico is one of the Mexican Riviera’s leading resort areas. All things considered, I think Mazatlán is a great place for Americans and Canadians to visit or to retire. There are several English-speaking Mexican realtors and even a few knowledgeable, well-established US and Canadian real estate agents who can help a potential buyer through the infamous Mexican real estate red tape jungle. Mazatlan News and information about Mazatlan by PVDN, the number one news English news source in Puerto ... through the construction of a hotel and the incorporation of its Elegant Vidanta sea cruise to the Puerto Vallarta-Mazatlán-Islas Marías route. Orange juice is always fresh squeezed and the melons, pineapples and papayas are sweet and luscious. Even before it became a major tourist destination, Mazatlán was famous for its superb sport fishing. Mazatlán (Spanish pronunciation: ()) is a city in the Mexican state of Sinaloa.The city serves as the municipal seat for the surrounding municipio, known as the Mazatlán Municipality.It is located at on the Pacific coast, across from the southernmost tip of the Baja California Peninsula. Home › Issues › Spring 2017 › Pearl of the Pacific: In Mazatlán, Mexico, Lots of Sun and Beach, and Some Golf Too. The Sharp Hospital is widely regarded as one of the most modern and well-equipped hospitals in the country outside Mexico City. Located on Mexico’s Gold Coast, Mazatlan lies near the point where the Sea of Cortez (also known as the Gulf of California) flows into the Pacific Ocean. The 743 miles can be covered in one long or two easy day’s drive. Mazatlán is home to the largest fishing and shrimp fleets on the west coast, and the Shrimp and other fresh seafood are not to be believed! After talking with several retirees who live there and several visits to different areas in Mexico, in addition to many wonderful vacations in Mazatlán, I have concluded that it certainly deserves more careful consideration. Real estate prices are low compared to other resort areas, and grocery prices and other living expenses are also lower on average than in many other areas popular with North American retirees. Many condominiums in the same neighborhoods, as well as houses in the older part of town were available for substantially less. April 26, 2017. There are several language schools in Mazatlán where you can learn Spanish at your own comfortable pace. El Cid View. Your email address will not be published. In my opinion, it has several advantages over other potential retirement sites further to the South. In addition to several US-trained, English speaking doctors, Mazatlán boasts several modern hospitals and clinics. There are a number of RV parks, (some right on the beach), that fill up with American and Canadian “snowbirds” every winter. Beaches of golden sand, deep blue seas, an infinite wealth of marine and natural fauna await for you in Mazatlán, Sinaloa, also known as La Perla del Pacífico (The Pearl of The Pacific Ocean). You’ll find endless ways to spend your days, from visiting the historic sights of one of the oldest inhabited areas in Mexico, to relaxing in the surf and sun of the Zona Dorada (Golden Zone). The Mazatlan Jazz Festival is being held May 15-18, 2020 at the top resort in the beautiful and secluded Mazatlan, Mexico, The Pearl of the Pacific! Mazatlán’s English language newspaper, The Pacific Pearl covers the tourist and expatriate beats. Joyería inspirada en el tema de playa. 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Very comfortable houses in a nice upper-class neighborhood, within two or three blocks of the beach, with 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, double carports, and private walled patios could be found for US $50,000. While Mazatlán is indeed a major tourist resort, it is not an artificial “Mega-Resort” designed by the government specifically for foreign vacationers like. The magazine has a searchable and cross-indexed database of over 3,300 articles and 6,000 photographs, including 550 photo galleries. For much of the year there is excess capacity in tourist facilities and, as previously mentioned, many of the vacationers in Mazatlán are Mexicans. Located in the south of the state, it enjoys the fortune of an ideal weather throughout the year, as well as incredible landscapes and settings. Mazatlan's 25 km of golden sand beaches, the largest port between the United States and the Panama Canal. Ph. 5 talking about this. I am told by some folks who should know, that even in the middle of summer, it is generally less uncomfortable than Houston, St. Louis or Miami. Pacific Pearl, Mazatlán. Guía Mazatlán… Even though you can find just about anything you need in Mazatlán, big-city shopping and conveniences in Guadalajara are also only a short day’s drive to the South. Eight fleets of charter boats haul in about 8,000 to 9,000 marlin and sailfish each year. You might think of Mazatlán as having one foot in the tropics and the other in the dryer, dessert climate to the north. Longer term rents run from a few hundred dollars per month on up. El Arbol de Tule, the biggest tree in the world? The few hundred or so Canadian and American expatriates who call Mazatlán home tend to spread out and integrate to some degree with the local population. World class accommodations and restaurants are abundant, but a fair amount of the vacationers who visit Mazatlán are Mexican nationals from the interior cities, except during Carnaval when the whole world converges on what is said to be Latin America’s second largest Mardi Gras celebration. There are also many more, interesting things to do within a short distance. It has always seemed strange to me that Mazatlán would be overlooked by so many as a possible retirement destination. Most houses and condos in this neighborhood are either on the golf course or on the marina, and prices depend on size and degree of luxury. About Mazatlan, The Pacific Pearl Posted by Ricardo Angulo. Pop us an e-mail to for Spanish and for English and our team will be in touch to answer any of your questions, Camarón Sábalo Ave. #2601 Local 11,Fracc.Sábalo Country Mazatlán, Sin.Ph. The rugged peaks of the Sierra Madre Occidental are clearly visible to the east. Get the monthly weather forecast for Mazatlán, Sinaloa, Mexico, including daily high/low, historical averages, to help you plan ahead. Click on the large cover to read our newest issue, on the small cover to go to our past issues archive or on 'Make Homepage' to make The Pacific Pearl your Internet Home Page. The discos in the tourist zone may belt out a steady beat until the small hours of the morning, but the slower pace of Old Mazatlán is only a short ride away on the incredibly inexpensive public buses or with one of the fun pulmonías or open-air taxis that are unique to this city. Year around tourist magazine and internet service to Mazatlan, Sinaloa MX The location is excellent for travelers on Mex 15D or Mex 15. Going locavore in the mountains of Veracruz, Sayulita – a memoir by Robert Richter (Aakenbaaken & Kent, 2020), Foreign artists influence Mexican culture and vice versa, If Walls Could Talk: Chapala’s historic buildings and their former occupants, Mexico attracts artists from all over the globe, Choice Cut Or Mystery Meat?
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