Alias ; Fanshipping does not count for love interests and does not even count as a Possible Romance and therefore not welcome on this site, except for the Fan Prefered Couple page. 11 new flairs in today's update, including those for Platinum which was released not three hours ago. Katherine has long curly magenta hair and brown eyes with caramel skin. Lady or Lord Brown At the end of the first year, you MUST get married, or the game will end (robbing you of most of the experiences the game offers from year two onwards). While on The Charon, Katherine encounters the ghost of a woman she once knew. One of the main reasons that this story is well received is the players get to choose Eli's sexuality. Abandon Shipping: There are players who stop pursuing Beckett due to the sheer amount of screen time he has since Chapter 9, when they think he's a Creator's Pet who pushes out other love interests despite the latter group's relevance to the plot. Just like he was a boss in that K-drama, he also played the role of a CEO in Temperature of Love. Nightbound. Nightbound. In the same chapter, Your Character mentions that he/she used to spend hours curled up on the couch, reading about brave adventures and fairytale stories. Romances Full Name Kristin Jones is your friend from college who celebrates your 25th birthday with you. You meet him in Chapter 3 by happenstance as you and Nik venture to his Alpha's hunting lodge in search of Hunter's Sage. When you meet Lord Elric, he tells you that you look a lot like your mother. Killed by Thomas Titles They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character: Vera Reimonenq, Cal Lowell, and Katherine are consistently sidelined in favor of Nik Ryder, whom players know more than enough of at the expense of the other three love interests. Series Info Black/Brown/Blonde/Silver (Choosable) Diamond Choice 7 (If you got Garrus and Krom together) Oooh, pretty (No effect) … We've ranked every love interest that Inquisition offers, from least endearing to most. You are proof that any manner of miracle is possible. Status Make love while making war in Cyberpunk 2077. Diamond Choice 6 (Vera) I love you. She has a tattoo of a butterfly with a sword going through it on her right arm. She wears a blue sparkly, off the shoulder dress and a necklace. Chapter 16 She takes her job as a Nighthunter seriously. ; Author's Saving Throw:. 4 months ago. Katherine is poised, cool-headed, but also blunt and prideful. In Chapter 4, Your Character reveals that he/she took violin lessons for a number of years when they were younger. Though not directly, she asks for your help to search the club and she tells you why she's even at the Nightclub. You can choose to visit the Fae Realm with him (premium scene) and learn a little magic. Rules and Guidlines. Nightbound: Katherine Last Appearance Cause of Death She is first seen in Chapter 4, outside of the Persephone and bickers with Nik. the fight scene between cal and minotaur was woah! In Chapter 1, although Kristin falls into a coma when the bloodwraith grazes her, you don't. I find it difficult to start a new story without having a feel for it. Instead, you feel a white-hot spike of agony in your skull and your body seizes against its grasp. You're amazing. User account menu. Check out Nightbound by David Lindsay on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Nightbound. I loved Nightbound, the latest book in Lynn Viehl’s Lords of the Darkyn series. There are six different visible stats: smarts, boldness, creativity, charm, fun, and money, which influence the way that your potential love interest … Romances Move On (Love Island) - Bobby/MC 03. Cal Lowell is one of your love interests. If you collected all the Tears, a scene is shown of Tialo believing his family and clan have turned on him, struggling to survive in the mortal world and vowing revenge on Alex. Cal Lowell (Determinant) Katherine (Determinant) Nik Ryder (Determinant) Vera Reimonenq (Determinant) Discuss your … Although his/her default name is "Alex", the player can choose to name him/her as they wish. Love Story Game. Beaumaris is Darkyn, one of the Knights Templar who were cursed (or blessed, depending upon your perspective) with immortality. Chapter 4 You can choose gender, skin tone, facial features, and hairstyle. Click to see spoiler. In Book 2, he is removed as a love interest unless you've picked romantic interactions with him in Book 1. Your Character (Nightbound) Hair Color He tells you that you are unique, because half-Fae are exceedingly rare; the number alive can be counted on one hand. Series Info 2. Video Game News, Lists & Guides. In Chapter 3, Your Character reveals that s/he is from a tiny suburb in Wyoming. In Chapter 4, she is investigating the disappearances of young men when you encounter her at the Persephone. 2; Determinant)Fresh blood (By Garrus, Ch. Katherine 29.1k members in the Choices community. She chooses to be alone because she can't imagine deserving companionship and love. She is investigating the disappearance of boys in the town. Nik Ryder is your bodyguard and one of your love interests. Let's get an inside scoop from the book team… Read More 723. This chapter was good i guess? Alternate Female MC in 'Bare Shoulder Babe' Outfit, Alternate Female MC in 'Seeing Red' Outfit, Alternate Female MC in 'Cross my Heart' Outfit, Alternate Male MC in 'Street Smart' Outfit, Alternate Male MC in 'Distressed Denim' Outfit, Alternate Female MC in 'On the Hunt' Outfit, Alternate Male MC in 'On the Hunt' Outfit, Alternate Female MC in 'Maroon Majesty' Outfit, Face 3 Female MC in 'Maroon Majesty' Outfit, Alternate Male MC in 'Maroon Majesty' Outfit, Face 3 Male MC in 'Maroon Majesty' Outfit, Alternate Female MC in 'Timeless Beauty' Outfit, Alternate Male MC in 'Timeless Style' Outfit, Alternate Female MC in 'Fae Enchantress' Outfit, Alternate Male MC in 'Fae Revelry' Outfit, Alternate Female MC in 'Dancing in the Street' Outfit, Alternate Male MC in 'Dancing in the Street' Outfit, A version of MC appears on Loading Screen. Last Appearance Generally, your character is warm and supportive to his/her friends, tries to be brave despite the circumstances, and has a good heart to which his/her love interests are attracted. First Appearance This is a collection of Otome inspired oneshots (mostly Choices), and the summary for each 'chapter' can be found at the start of each page. Alive (Resurrected) Your Character in Nightbound is the main protagonist of the Nightbound book. There are several love interests, but the ones that are actually available for you to date will be decided based off of your choices throughout the game. 1; Determinant) Cupcake/Tiger (By Nik, Ch. Katy (by Nik, Ch. Always found one of the most exciting things about a new book was getting to make a new mc with their own look and personality, and deciding how they fit into the choices universe with my mcs from other books, and its so frustrating when ive got 2 with the same face that I'm playing at the same time (like TE/WT). Series I Only Ate Food That I Grew Or Foraged For One Year - Duration: 10:39. SOS (Love Island) - Rohan & MC 02. Actor Kim Jae-wook is known for many roles and was the lead love interest in Her Private Life. The Fate says you can fuse human magic with Fae and access powers previously unknown. Eye Color He has been hired to protect you … You have a closet available to change your wardrobe. Vera joins you in your search for answers. In Chapter 11, you discover that Lord Elric is your biological father, making you half-Fae. (Public domain/via Wikimedia) The Faustian life choices of this most glamorous star parallel decisions of her many movie characters. 205. Your appearance is customizable according to the player's preferences. Your appearance is customizable according to the player's preferences. HIMEME 1,606 views. She wears a blue sparkly, off the shoulder dress and a necklace. In Chapter 11, it is stated by Lord Elric that your character may live as long as full-blooded Fae. Confession (PM) - Damien/MC 05. Vera Reimonenq is Kristin's coworker and one of your love interests. Jacqueline (Mother) Lord Elric (Father) † Unnamed Adoptive Father †Lady Thalissa (Step-mother) Tialo (Half-Brother) † The drama focuses on two main characters who originally meet online. Hot Stuff (By Unnamed Hunk, Ch. Magenta She chases her through the ship, but doesn't get to speak to her. Scroll down to content. I was going to wait until it was over to start playing Nightbound. 4) To see through "glamour", Katherine carries a charmed antique ring carved with intricate runes. College dropout Edward Cullen can't seem to keep hold of love, or his music. Lana Turner in a 1940s publicity portrait by MGM. Nik is one of your love interests and your bodyguard. He/she first sees Nik following him/her in Chapter 1, but then after a bloodwraith attacks Your Character, Nik springs into action saving Your Character after he/she falls into impending doom. By this admin's definition, a love interest is whomever is being pursued romantically. Series Nightbound You meet her in Chapter 4 when you, Nik, and Cal follow a lead on Donny to Persephone, a club for elite supernatural beings. You’ll make tons of choices, including how to deal with gossip, what kind of relationship you want to have, and so on. Test your knowledge on this gaming quiz and compare your score to others. Harper Emery often receives this from players pursuing Ethan as a love interest since it was revealed that they were in a relationship. Alive Wishful Thinking: Anna Koishi, who only encounters Lydia in her role as a reporter. Chapter 1 This is a fan-run community for the mobile game *Choices: Stories You Play* by Pixelberry. It's a short version of Alexander, Alexandra, and the respective variants. In the same chapter, s/he also reveals that s/he took aikido lessons as a kid, but that it's been, In Chapter 3, Your Character finds and can interact with. The name Katherine is of Latin and Greek origin, which means: Pure, clear, unsullied. One of his/her deep secrets/insecurities is that she/he has felt a distance between his/her mother and himself/herself ever since she/he was a kid. Players know almost nothing about Katherine while Cal and Vera have moments of significance (the former being a werewolf and the latter having a supernatural power) only to be … In Chaper 9, she mentions that despite having all the money and success she needs, she's unbelievably lonely. ;) And yes, everyone's favorite feathered friend is now available as a flair too! 13) Daugher/Son of two realms (By The Fate, Ch. Katherine How will these two cope with life and keep afloat? Eye Color You will be able to do many things that seem impossible, things that no mortal and no 'pure-blooded' Fae can. Age Alias He is different than the rest of his pack and asks for Nik's help in exchange for the Hunter's Sage. With that, he feels he needs to destroy their friends and family before killing them. Weapon of Choice In Chapter 6, Katherine tells you that your ability to see through glamours borders on high magic. Multiple love interests Might be posting at the wrong forum, but is it possible to have more love interests? Choices: Stories You Play Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. They assume Harper is trying to steal Ethan from Casey by having them fired from Edenbrook. Katherine, a character from the Nightbound book, is a Nighthunter and Nik Ryder's rival. With too many secrets and a haunting past she'd love to forget, at seventeen, Bella is sure love doesn't exist. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In Chapter 16, you see him in the Plane of Shadow, where he tells you that you are a miracle whose existence defies possibility. Hair Color But this time his character got "second-lead syndrome." Nightbound Lyrics: On the borders, on the brink of lies / I set off firm in resolve / Down the valley of twilight / To search for something lost / In timeless dusk, dreams unfold / In the backwood's Quiz by Doctor_Arzt r/Choices: This is a fan-run community for the mobile Pixelberry game *Choices: Stories You Play*. Your Character (Determinant) Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. A daily word-prompt WitFit. Full Name Through him, you are introduced to more of the supernatural world and more questions than he has answers. Alex returns to Lamrian (optionally with Cassie) and their love interest to meet Lady Thalissa and learn magic from her. She has a tattoo of a butterfly with a sword going through it on her right arm. To close out the month, we're releasing another special new Choices book on July 27th: My Two First Loves (MTFL)! spoiler. Katherine feels she should have been the one to die instead. This one stars Beaumaris, from the Knight’s Realm, and Dr. Alys Stewart. 12) Half-breed (By Tialo, Ch., Chapter 15: Laissez les Bons Temps Rouler. Family In Chapter 6, she says her employer has interests that run counter to the Pack's, so she keeps an eye on the Pack. Although your interaction with her is brief (unless you choose to spend time with her via a premium scene), she helps the three of you out in Chapter 6 after another bloodwraith attack. D&D Beyond Favourite Nightbound dialogues. This category page contains all characters that are potential love interests for your characters and the main characters from every series. u/Itnoggfys. How are you feeling about the Nightbound MC and love interests? With many books have your character either be male or female, most of them are part of the LGBT+ community. i mean i never would have guessed cal will win that. 2) Rook (By Nik)Sweetheart (By Katherine, Ch. Brown/Blue (Choosable) From there, you become friends, and after his Alpha's death, he joins you and Nik to protect you. Chapter 16 Wow Pixelberry is on fire today with all these steamy scenes lmao.This was a good chapter! Katherine is Nik's rival and one of your love interests. I'm currently dating Piper, but as she didn't like the Brotherhood, I figured I might as well use Cait for that; now I flirted a bit with Cait, and I'm wondering if it's possible to have more love interests, or are there any consequenses? You can choose gender, skin tone, facial features, and hairstyle. Can you pick the love interest that appears in the given books from Pixelberry's 'Choices: Stories You Play'? spoiler. A cottage, a lake, a tree, a muse, wrong choices, and heartache. Family Rafael fans are furious with them for renewing their relationship with him. Nightbound When a bloodwraith grazes her, she falls into a coma and doesn't come out of it until Chapter 6. 4) Foundling (By Tialo, Ch. Poor Sora. I'm sharing the transparents I put together, as usual. If you adopt the Perrikin in Chapter 12, she mentions she has a soft spot for cats. ChoosableAlex (Default) Collision Course (Various Choices) - Crack Fic 04. Katherine will not explain who this woman was or how she died, saying it is too painful, but does express that she feels this woman was a better person than her. Although you meet her in Chapter 1, she disappears, and you do not see her again until Chapter 6 where you reconnect when Kristin wakes. The default name Alex is of Greek origin and means "defender of men". Here are all the primary love interests in the game -- and their requirements. Download Choices: Stories You Play for free. Your Character shares the same default name with both the, It also reuses clothes for the female version of Your Character from the, Two of the male hairstyles originate from. Favourite Nightbound dialogues. First Appearance You two embark on a journey to find out who sent the bloodwraith and piece together what is happening in New Orleans. Choices: Stories You Play Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Status Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Honestly PB are getting lazy w all the re-used faces/clothes/hair. Posted by. ... here are all of my gay edits of Choices book covers that I never got to post before the FA cover was revealed. 205. Choice 14 (Heading home) Nik (No effect) Katherine (No effect) Cal (No effect) Vera (No effect) You get to say goodbye to all of them. This Wiki is meant for love interests. You have a closet available to change your wardrobe. Love Interest Basics. From there, she joins your group to help find the answers you seek and to protect you because you remind her of someone she was once close to. These characters are the. She bears a strong resemblance, similar personality and same first name to. 2)Newbie, Rookie (By Nik, Ch. She is also one of your love interests. When you meet Lord Elric, he tells you that you look a lot like your mother. Katherine has long curly magenta hair and brown eyes with caramel skin. Broken Hearted (PM) - Dames & MC 06. Of the other two love interests, Aubrey works at the station with Lydia while Jaime is a close friend who visits her house often. He has been hired to protect you but doesn't know who hired him. 16) She/he thinks that s/he is not quite what his/her mother was expecting, that she/he is disappointing, and it is deep-rooted in his/her core.,,, Chapter 15: Laissez les Bons Temps Rouler, A version of Your Character is shown on the cover of, This is one of the twelve characters in the game whose last name is not given nor is customizable. Subsequently, she reveals she was pre-med in college. 33:29. He grants you and your friends sanctuary at Lamrian for as long as you need. From VIP access to our merch store launch, there's been lots of excitement around Choices in July! She remains in the hospital to recuperate. In Chapter 1, he protects you when the bloodwraith attacks you. Choices: Nightbound Chapter 11 //Nik (Romantic Moment) - Duration: 33:29. Like most interactive story games similar to Episode, Love Story Game sees you play as a young girl who falls in love with a celebrity (Lance Johnson). Close. 01. The Witcher 3 Wild Hunt – Triss or Yennefer Geralt’s two major love interests are Triss Merigold and Yennefer of Vengerberg; besides these lovely ladies there are also others you can romanticize and get close to, but these two are the protagonists of the story. Three-pronged Sai Unnamed Parents 25 In a premium scene in Chapter 16, she reveals she grew up with Ava in New Mexico. Is first seen in Chapter 16, she reveals she was pre-med college... 16, she 's even at the Nightclub through `` glamour '', the latest in! 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Is different than the rest of his pack and asks for Nik 's rival and one of love. The given books from Pixelberry 's 'Choices: Stories you Play Wiki is a fan-run community for the 's. This admin 's definition, a lake, a lake, a tree, a lake, lake...
nightbound love interests choices 2021