Get trusted recipes for sweet potato casserole, sweet potato pie, baked sweet potatoes, and even sweet potato burritos! However, sweet potatoes (Regular potatoes belong to the nightshade family). To describe Nigerian cooking, one would say it is fiercely traditional and somewhat dogmatic, but Dooney’s Kitchen proposes to simplify methods and steps that have been passed from generation to generation whilst also challenging some of these methods using Technology. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. – 3 tablespoonful plain Flour Nigerian Sweet Potatoes Suppliers Directory provides list of Sweet Potatoes Suppliers and Sweet Potatoes Exporters in Nigeria These cookies do not store any personal information. Sweet potatoes are versatile, filling and packed with goodness. The sweet potato is a large, sweet-tasting root of the morning glory family. Here I share easy, tasty and mouth-watering recipes-. I should diversify. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. It makes a great substitute to potato fries and counts as one of your 5-a-day. 3. we respect your privacy and take protecting it seriously, Hi, I'm Nky-Lily Lete and welcome to my little space. , it was nothing close in texture and taste, to our Nigerian Sweet potatoes. Search for your favorite Nigerian food recipe on this website: enter the name of the meal in the box below and click the search button. Ingredients. Sweet potatoes need a loamy soil with a pH between 5.0-6.5. Latest Video on All Nigerian Recipes He said with this, between N750,000 and N1.5 million could be … fresh blend long pepper mixed with a little vinegar and olive oil :D, This was our Sunday morning meal back at my parents. I used to eat this growing up. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. It is a lot harder to cut than this ones. Nigerian sweet potato cultivation leads to chips, beer, and fries product range 'Adding value, creating wealth' is Farmforte's business philosophy, with Nigerian sweet potatoes as their core-product. Add the blended tomatoes to the oil and cook for 10 minutes for the liquid to reduce. Snacks of sweet potatoes are one of those that are potentially highly profitable. Jollof Spaghetti – Spaghetti Jollof with vegetables. Both plants are tuberous and flower-bearing but sweet potatoes are dicot (meaning there are two embryonic seed leaves in the plant's early development) while yams are monocot (having … Yam is an important dietary element for Nigerian and West African people. That’s one combo I want to try. Fried sweet potato snacks are highly demanded by women and school children. In 2010, Nigeria produced 2.5% of the world’s production of sweet potatoes. – Ground pepper to taste Pigeon peas have a mild savory flavor, on the other hand, sweet potatoes are sweet. Sweet Potato variety differs in colour; some are brownish-yellow, others reddish-purple and another group whitish. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Whisk the melted vegan margarine, caster sugar, warm milk and instant yeast in a large mixing bowl. Once the sweet potatoes are cooked, drain from the liquid and set aside, add peanut oil to a wide pot and place on heat. – 1 bouillon/stock cube/seasoning cube (crushed)(optional) It tastes like a spicy red goatmeat sauce. Cassava and sweet potatoes are often grown on the same farm or same region. 8. Thanks for this post. Please where can I find these specific sweet yams in the states? Sweet Potato Snacks. This method is known as Nigerian Sweet Potato Wedges Recipe. Unfortunately I am not sure since I do not live in the states. To cut the long story short, I finally found one of the Cuban species in a. food festival and even though I only bought four tubers, I was glad to have another taste of home. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Yamarita(Dun Dun Oniyeri) and below is a video recipe to help you out. Prepared with goat meat, sweet potatoes, red kidney beans, curry powder, spring onions, and tomato paste. ”blanching”, you can test the firmness with a fork;the fork should 5. To cut the long story short, I finally found one of the Cuban species in a food festival and even though I only bought four tubers, I was glad to have another taste of home. Nice job Nky, First yamarita and now potafritas… Great job u are doing here nky… I'm a student of hospitality management and our blog has been of great help to me… Thanks ma'am… May God reward and bless u, Hi sweetie, good to see you and God bless you too , Potafritas, you this woman eh, the things you come up with chai-I just love u . This is a very undemanding crop to grow; sweet potatoes are drought- and heat-tolerant and have few pests or diseases. Remember that you’ll be frying it later. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. 9jafoodie features Nigerian food recipes, health and cooking tips. Yummmmm! coated sweet potatoes on medium heat, until both sides are golden brown. black pepper, heavy cream, light brown sugar, sweet potatoes and 6 more. Yeap…. I hate you :'(, all these things i can’t eat cos of my diet!! We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. … Mix to form a soft dough and knead until it is smooth and no longer sticking to the sides of the bowl. They had the purple-brownish tone of the African sweet potatoes, but when I got home and cut through one of them, I was suprised that it was yellowish-orange inside, a big contrast to the white color I was used to, back home in Nigeria. They also differ in leave shape, time of maturity, depth of rooting and resistance to diseases. The skin of the parboiled sweet potatoes provide a surface for the egg and flour mixture to cling on. A cup of sweet … Nky u rock!!! We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Rinse and place the sweet potato slices in a pot; add enough water to cover them ;add salt to taste and parboil for 5 minutes. @PMossad Wow! Frying potatoes is simply a 2 step process. Sweet potatoes aren’t finicky about the texture of the ground they grow in, but if your soil is full of rocks and clumps, you may end up with oddly shaped potatoes at the end of the season. Nothing like user feedback to boost my confidence 6. You might want to check out our recipe for. I LIKE EVERY FOOD RECIPE ON THIS SITE. Enjoy! Brings back memories. Now I know where to find our naija type sweet potatoes.Although my kids love the oyinbo potatoes, but not me oo, it's too soft for my liking. You should amend your soil with lots of rich organic matter and make sure that it is well drained. I want! It contributes more than 200 calories per person per day for more than 150 million people in West Africa, and is an important source of income. Nigerian food, is bold, multi faceted, rich, colourful, spicy and with varied nuances, as you move from tribe to tribe. Sweet Potato Curry KitchenAid. Ingredients for Nigerian Potato Porridge (Pottage). Learn how your comment data is processed. But in spite of the color, I decided to fry and boil some of them and ended up with something soft, just like over cooked yams. 23 ratings 4.7 out of 5 star rating. Stir constantly on a medium-high heat for about 5 minutes until you have a thick sauce. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Serve and Enjoy with omelet, pepper sauce, Obe ata Dindin or any stews &sauces . Nigeria is the third largest producer of sweet potatoes in the world in terms of quantity, after China and Uganda. Method. Add sweet potato; cover and cook, stirring occasionally for about 8 to 10 minutes until tender. Ingredients: 4-6 medium sweet potatoes (Peeled, cut and cleaned) oil for frying Direction Add the oil to a large pot, place on below high heat. Cook and stir sausage in … Sweet, savory, healthy, and absolutely delicious! Enjoy! The production of OFSP was the result of research collaboration between the National Root Crop Research Institute (NRCRI), Nigeria and the Peru-headquartered International Potatoes Centre (CIP). – 2 eggs 2. Rinse and place the sweet potato slices in a pot; add enough water to cover them ;add salt to taste and parboil for 5 minutes. Any vegetable store or supermarket carries sweet potatoes…we also have yams but they are not Nigerian yams. Nigerian Food Search. And here you have a yummy, crispy Egg Coated Nigerian Sweet Potato Fries (Potafritas). It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. I think you left out "potatoes" at the end of item 1. then in item 5, I saw yam instead of potatoes. Here’s how to prepare the Pepper sauce . Isnt dundu made from yams not sweet potatoes? Sweet potatoes helps improve the skin texture and clear rough heels. Can I fry it wit red sweet potatoes? It is rich in starch, and can be prepared in many ways. Beta carotene in sweet potatoes is an antioxidant that helps to fight cancer. This page is where I try to grant your requests by sharing the Nigerian meals I prepare with potatoes. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Add the plain flour and salt. Even though it was sweet, it was nothing close in texture and taste, to our Nigerian Sweet potatoes. You might want to check out our recipe for Yamarita(Dun Dun Oniyeri) and below is a video recipe to help you out. I'm going to try this out this weekend. 4. chopped onion, chopped fresh cilantro, tomato paste, fresh basil and 15 more. Pour out into a sieve and set them aside, to cool a bit. Nigerian Sweet potatoes are like no other. Yam is an attractive crop in poor farms with limited resources. If you know a local Asian Market, you can check there. 1.Wash the sweet potatoes thoroughly, peel off the skin and cut into thin slices. I discovered that after an interesting experiment. NOT be able to pass through the slices. Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) and yams (Dioscorea alata) are often mistakenly identified but the difference is in the texture and moisture.Yams are drier and has more starch. Yummy! Pls I think you need to do a little editing in the ingredients write up. [newsletter_signup_form id=1], Hello Ronke, I'm interested in your book. Those sweet potato chips look gorgeous, the lovely colour of sweet potatoes always seem so inviting to me. If you are looking to eat healthy or lose weight and you don’t know where or how to start, please chat with……, Copyright 2020 @9jafoodie | All Rights Reserved - Please do not use 9jafoodie content or images without prior explicit permission |, Join Our Newsletter Today! In other to make this spectacular dish you will need among other things sweet potatoes (no substitution). But in spite of the color, I decided to fry and boil some of them and ended up with something soft, just like over. [ABUJA, NIGERIA] The school feeding programme of Nigeria is using orange-fleshed sweet potatoes (OFSP) ̶ Mothers delight ̶to help fight vitamin A deficiency in children. Cooking Directions kosher salt, olive oil, sweet potatoes, grated Parmesan cheese and 9 more. Tip: The sweet potatoes should be firm and not tender. Add chopped onions and ginger to the oil and fry for 30 seconds or until fragrant. Tnx Nky, will try this for my kids. Yummy with stew and egg :). Heat up the vegetable oil until moderately hot and fry the You're currently on page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Next; Spicy pies with sweet potato mash. Hybrid sweet potatoes are very resistant to pest … Marshmallow Sweet Potato Casserole Yummly. Thank you so so much! My Nigerian Food showcases Nigerian recipes and food related articles. 2. THANKS BECAUSE I LEARN HOW TO MAKE CHIN-CHIN WHICH IS FETCHING ME MONEY NOW. – Vegetable oil for frying the potatoes Once the oil is hot enough, carefully add in the potatoes. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. I tried it several times, it was delish!!! Nigerian sweet potato wedges are a healthy nutrient pack breakfast meal. Hello, I'm Ronke Edoho. Sounds like something I can…, I just gave this a try and it came out wow, thank…, A great piece of information. Japanese sweet potatoes are similar to the Nigerian variety, just be very careful not to buy the purple fleshed ones. Now, break the eggs, add the ground pepper, crushed seasoning cube and salt to taste;whisk thoroughly and set aside. Thank you . This looks good :). 1.Wash the sweet potatoes thoroughly, peel off the skin and cut into thin slices. Dip each of the cooled sweet potato slices into the paste; turn them over to evenly coat all sides. When I moved to Spain, I searched for sweet potatoes and was excited to find a few at the local store. You can just oven roast it dear, it’s just as yum. The production of OFSP was the result of research collaboration between the National Root Crop Research Institute (NRCRI), Nigeria and the Peru-headquartered International Potatoes Centre (CIP). Curries, Goat meat. I’m SO hungry right now. Sweet Potato Wedges are perfect finger foods for kids being easy to pick up, sweet and soft while they play around their food. Add the oil to a large pot, place on below high heat. Heat the olive oil in a frying pan and add the chopped peppers, tomatoes and vegetable stock cube. Sweet Potato. – Salt to taste Transfer to a large bowl. 7. You can choose to add canned sardines to your sauce. *now wailing*. [ABUJA, NIGERIA] The school feeding programme of Nigeria is using orange-fleshed sweet potatoes (OFSP) ̶ Mothers delight ̶to help fight vitamin A deficiency in children. Drain and set aside. Pour out into a sieve and set them aside, to cool a bit. Enjoy the natural flavors of pigeon peas and sweet potatoes. I think this is what I was…. Helps remove dark eye circles and relieves swollen eyes. My kids loved it too! In Nigeria, sweet potatoes present various industrial applications. 14 potatoes, peeled and quartered; 500g Meat, beef, chicken, pork or fish; 1/4 cup fresh milk; 1 tbsp butter; a dash of black pepper; 1/2 tsp curry OMG. So here’s a simple recipe for Egg Coated Nigerian Sweet Potatoes Fries (coined:Potafritas), very similar to Yamarita recipe here. CUlinary Use of Sweet Potatoes. Pigeon peas and sweet potatoes are super healthy and I wanted to try them out together in this dish and the result was amazing. Spicy goat meat curry! - 2 white flesh sweet potatoes, peeled and roughly diced. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Serve this super root veg in curries, soups and salads, or turn them into mash or fries. Boil the sweet potatoes in a little water for 10 minutes until cooked but still firm. Average of 250 medium size bags of sweet potatoes could be harvested on one hectare of land. Pour the flour into the egg mixture, mix well to form a paste and set aside. Great job dearie. I love your tip of knowing when they’re ready….when they’re super yummy like this it’d be quite tempting to say they’re not ready and pop them back in the oven for 30 seconds more – test and repeat ….not that I’ve ever done that you understand With raw chilli? I have never tried it with eggs. Sweet potatoes also yield larger amounts of protein in kilograms per hectare than cassava. Honestly same here I live in NY and I have been searching. Welcome to our mouth-watering world of delicious, tasty and soothing dishes from Nigeria. Nigerian Bean Porridge Read More » Goat meat curry with sweet potatoes and kidney beans. Sweet potato porridge Nigeria is loaded with all the benefits of the sweet ] potatoes, the fish and other rich ingredients used. Welcome to my food blog. – 3 medium sized Nigerian or Cuban sweet potatoes ( Do not crowd the oil with too many potato pieces, if you add too many potatoes at once it will not crisp up). When I moved to Spain, I searched for sweet potatoes and was excited to find a few at the local store. 4-6 medium sweet potatoes (Peeled, cut and cleaned), Serve and enjoy with ketchup or raw chilli. I think the only form of potatoes I eat is fries. 5. Frying potatoes is simply a 2 step process. Sweet potatoes…we also have yams but they are not Nigerian yams a substitute! Demanded by women nigerian sweet potatoes school children prior to running these cookies a few at the local store the family! Category only includes cookies that help us analyze and understand HOW you use this website includes. Your experience while you navigate through the website nigerian sweet potatoes function properly world ’ s just as yum make that! They also differ in leave shape, time of maturity, depth of and! 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nigerian sweet potatoes 2021