Like? The Backfire Effect – the curious psychology of why we have a hard time changing our minds (even when it's to our benefit) ... On this day in 1888, Vincent van Gogh cut off his own ear. Flickr, Flat Icon and Dribbble are some of the top options that you should consider out of 24 available alternatives of Brain Pickings. The Best of Brain Pickings 2019 Love, poetry, friendship, solitude, and lots of trees. Dec 7, 2019 - Explore Jennifer Deal's board "NYT, Brain Pickings, TED, and other Inspiring Content", followed by 435 people on Pinterest. Alix Spiegel, AllThingsD, Anna Holmes, Associated Press, Brain Pickings… Brain Pickings has a free weekly interestingness digest. NOTE: This message might be cut short by your email program. Brain Pickings. Brain Pickings has a free Sunday digest of the week's most interesting and inspiring articles across art, science, philosophy, creativity, children's books, and other strands of our search for truth, beauty, and meaning. 1. Annual special: The best of Brain Pickings 2020, in 20 pieces. You can also become a spontaneous supporter with a one-time donation in any amount: Partial to Bitcoin? Culture, science, sports, politics, business, and more - all in a 5-minute read Creativity Brain Pickings. Sign up. See more ideas about Philosophy books, This or that questions, Best books of 2014. Maria Popova, Brain Pickings, and whether the internet has changed the way we think. Courtney E. Martin, author and Wendy McNaughton, illustrator. — What's a Dog For? How to Criticize with Kindness: Philosopher Daniel Dennett on … What is your area of expertise as a writer or online publisher? It comes out on Sundays and offers the week's best articles. December 23, 2020 by Maria Popova ⚡Sundays. In more human terms, this means that whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on here, I receive a small percentage of its price. Though my reading is mostly confined to blogs, I have a thirst for learning that I relate to in her. Science The Ed's Up. I have no staff, no interns, not even an assistant — a thoroughly one-woman labor of love that is also my life and my livelihood. Unmissable articles across creativity, art, and more. Between biology, physics, ... News 1440 Daily Digest. Brain Pickings. The poster is available through Etsy with proceeds benefiting Hedgebrook, a writers residency program. See more ideas about ted, ted talks, podcasts. Who are you and what do you do? 15. In 2020, I spent thousands of hours and thousands of dollars keeping Brain Pickings going. High-quality prints of public domain works and original contemporary art from the Brain Pickings editorial archive. midweek newsletter. I have no staff, no interns, not even an assistant — a thoroughly one-woman labor of love that is also my life and my livelihood. The Secret to Learning Anything: Albert Einstein’s Advice to His Son. card. The Best of Brain Pickings 2020 A glance over the shoulder of time to reveal the patterns, themes, and ideas that steady us and shelter us in the tempest of life. An Antidote to the Age of Anxiety: Alan Watts on Happiness and How to Live with Presence. If this labor has enlarged and enriched your own life this year, please consider aiding its sustenance with a one-time or loyal donation. r/BrainPickings: Selections from one of the best websites on the internet. It comes out on Sundays and offers the week's best articles. December 31, 2020. 6. Go here. Privacy policy. Sign up. Vote. The 20 Best All That Is Interesting Articles That You Should Read. Your support makes all the difference. Subscribe to this free midweek pick-me-up for heart, mind, and spirit below — it is separate from the standard Sunday digest of new pieces: In 2020, I spent thousands of hours and thousands of dollars keeping Brain Pickings going. In 1984, astronomer Jill Tarter founded SETI — an institute dedicated to the … Login to unlock 1-click subscriptions. Name Email subscribe donating = loving Brain Pickings remains ad-free and takes hundreds of hours a month to research and write, and thousands of dollars to sustain. 65,781 talking about this. In more human terms, this means that whenever you buy a book on Amazon from a link on here, I receive a small percentage of its price. December 31, 2020. There’s a big selection of enjoyable and colourful books for toddlers, some storybooks for younger children and a few classics including the Berenstain Bears or Disney books for children who’re just […] A reader who writes. How to live with our human limitations: physicist Brian Greene reads Rilke; Beethoven on how music saved his life; to be an "Earth ecstatic" December 24, 2020. See more ideas about Philosophy books, This or that questions, Best books of 2014. The Best Brain Pickings Articles of 2014 – Brain Pickings. Please don’t ask me how she manages to read so much, and write so much, and write so well because I don’t have a clue. The Best Leadership Links to Close Out 2020. Claim yours: Also: Because Brain Pickings is in its fifteenth year and because I write primarily about ideas of a timeless character, I have decided to plunge into my vast archive every Wednesday and choose from the thousands of essays one worth resurfacing and resavoring. Your support makes all the difference. midweek newsletter. Brain Pickings takes ideas that are abstract, even arcane, and repackages them in a perky, Warhol way, which makes them accessible to the …