W101 Contests; P101 Contests; SotS Blog. What type of metal, type of gem, and what type of treasure card depends on the recipe, but that’s the blanket rule. She’ll direct you to Katherine Rockhammer who has a tutorial, and will provide you with a Jewel Crafting Table. B y Guest Writer on March 24, 2015. The Spring 2015 Test Realm includes a new type of crafting — Jewels! Auction: Yes . Wizard101 - Crafting Guide 101; April 3, 2014 June 22, 2020. misthead. Nessa Lightblade Zhi Lan Neville Cobblestone Ea'rik. Cool Down Timer: 5 Minutes. This equipment includes items that span bonuses for multiple schools. Type: House - Furniture Tradable: Yes Auction: Yes Sell Price: Hints, Guides and Discussions should be placed in the Discussion tab. Once you meet these requirements, talk to Eloise in the Commons to begin the quest that allows you to socket jewels. Ask the community if you aren’t sure where a certain Jewel drops. Show your support by leaving a like, thanks! Wizard101: Basics of Jewel Crafting and Socketing - YouTube Author Message; betho2008979. Search Updated Topics Hottest Topics Rules. To craft jewels, you need two things: the recipe and the jewel crafting station. Quest 9 - LEGEND OF … Recipes for these can be found in many, many, MANY places in the game, such as the trees of the schools in Ravenwood that sell recipes for treasure cards as well as an NPC in Celestia Base Camp that sells most transmute recipes in the game. Equipment, Card, Basic, Jewel, and Housing Crafting Stations. Documentation on how to edit this page can be found at Template:HousingInfobox/doc. She’ll direct you to Katherine Rockhammer who has a tutorial, and will provide your Jewelcrafting Table! To get started with it, talk to Eloise Merryweather in The Commons in Wizard City. Each recipe requires the runes that are dropped from monsters, and can be crafted at the Equipment Crafting Station in the Library. House:Jewel Crafting Station. To get started, talk to Eloise Merryweather in The Commons, WC. Thanks. (Which is obtained from a quest at level 15.) Buy From. Crafting Jewels, however, is unlike crafting other items. The Jewel crafting recipe vendors, along with their recipes, are: Katherine is located in the Shopping District in Wizard City and sells level 15+ Jewel recipes. This schematic benefits from Artisan assembly and Artisan experimentation. Each deck gives one vital stats such as damage, (at the moment for the Ice Event, the Ice Deck gives Fire damage and some Ice resist, encouraging the Wizard to use Fire spells, (which we will get into in the strategy section). When you craft a Jewel, the final outcome can vary! Crafting Wizard101's Crafting system lets players create hundreds of new items - all new hats, jewelry, robes, wands and other equipment. Jewel Crafting Station Required. For instance, a Life jewel will produce a jewel with a Life stat. As part of the largest Wizard101 Community and Wizard101 Forums online, this is a community wiki that anyone can contribute to! When you craft something, it’ll add time to a crafting slot. Wizard101 Jewel Crafting . Wizard101 Blog Posts; Pirate101 Blog Posts; Request a … Example: 30 stamina * 1,7 = 51, 20 Strength * 1,7 = 34 Strength. Note that Dragon's Eye jewels have 70% more stats on them than normal ones. This Station is used for all Jewels. BADGE EARNED. Quest Reward: 175 Experience Points MOO SHU. Wizard101 Jewel Crafting . Tradable: Yes . It … Where do I get jewels? Quest 8 - WHO DO THE MOOSHU? Sold my jewel crafting station . Jewel crafting was introduced in the Spring 2015 Test Realm. The new Jewel icon will take you to the page with the Jewel recipes. A Gem Reagent (available from many vendors around the spiral), A Metal Reagent (new reagents dropped from battles), A Treasure Card (available from librarians). By posting on the Wizard101 Message Boards you agree to the Code of Conduct. Ingredients: 15 Citrine, 1 Copper, 2 Spectral Blast TC, Ingredients: 15 Onyx, 1 Copper, 2 Skeletal Pirate TC, Ingredients: 15 Ruby, 1 Copper, 2 Sunbird TC, Ingredients: 15 Sapphire, 1 Copper, 2 Evil Snowman TC, Ingredients: 15 Jade, 1 Copper, 2 Seraph TC, Ingredients: 15 Peridot, 1 Copper, 2 Cyclops TC, Ingredients: 15 Peridot, 1 Copper, 2 Stun Block TC, Ingredients: 15 Amethyst, 1 Copper, 2 Kraken TC. Check: Wizard101 loremaster drops guide; By crafting Deer knight spell from Recipe: Deer knight ( you need to be Legendary Artisan Crafter in order to buy the Recipe from Grady for (12,000 Gold) and craft it ) By buying some Knight’s Lore Packs you can get the spell as a drop from the pack as well as other spells. Toshio is located in the Jade Palace in Mooshu and sells level 35+ Jewel recipes. Jewel crafting includes an interesting new twist. Jewelry crafting stations are located in towns and cities next to all other crafting stations. Number Crafted: 2 Recipe Vendor: Felicia Worthington Location: Regent's Square, Marleybone Table: Basic Crafting Station Cooldown Time: 9 Hours 5 Minutes Reagents Ruby (1) Jade (2) Glass Vial (4) Scrap Iron (8) Stone Blocks (10) Quest Reward: 3373 Gold. Even three same jewels will produce three different numbers. CONSTELLATION JEWEL. Wul’yahm is located in The Oasis in Krokotopia and sells level 15+ Jewel recipes. The post Wizard101 Jewel Crafting appeared first on Duelist101. Aegeus is located near the Senate Teleporter (behind the wall) in the Crustacean Empire in Celestia and sells level 55+ Jewel recipes. You select the Items' level when you claim them from your Gift Icon, so you may choose the tier that best fits the needs of your Wizard. Badge Earned. The Spring 2015 Test Realm includes a new type of crafting — Jewels! The card crafting station is not only used to make permanent spells, but also treasure cards and reagent transmutes. Shane is located in The Wild in Avalon and sells level 75+ Jewel recipes. I got one a … To craft Jewels, you will need to use a Jewel Crafting Station. You can also craft Jewels, Lowe Springfield sells jewel recipes in the Pet Pavilion. Ingredients: 5 Opal, 3 Pyrite and 6 Weakness TC. Posts: 7 Sold my jewel crafting station. Most of the pet jewels in Wizard101 are farmable or craftable. To help alleviate finding the recipe you’re looking for, we’ve now made it so you can “equip” a crafting recipe. Eudora is located in Olde Town in Wizard City and sells level 15+ Jewel recipes. For more information on the new Jewel system, check out our sparkling Wizard101 Jewel Guide (soon!). What’s cooler than being able to customize your Wizard even more? Quest 8 - WHO DO THE MOOSHU? This includes item set crafting locations. Comment by 62110 Awesome guide! For more information on the new Jewel system, check out our sparkling Wizard101 Jewel Guide (soon!). Jump to: navigation, search. NOTE: Higher Level Crafting Stations may occasionally be found in the Bazaar, however with few in stock, the cost is 2250 Gold. Constellation Jewel Number Crafted: 2 Recipe Vendor: Felicia Worthington Location: Regent's Square, Marleybone Table: Basic Crafting Station Cooldown Time: 9 Hours 5 Minutes Reagents Ruby (1) Jade (2) Glass Vial (4) Scrap Iron (8) Stone Block (10) Quest Reward: 3373 Gold. You can also craft Furniture and Treasure Cards! Wozina is located in Sardonyx in Khrysalis and sells level 95+ Jewel recipes. Felicia is located in Regent’s Square in Marleybone and sells level 25+ Jewel recipes. Comment by Compost Anyone know if Blizz is going to be upgrading the Dragon's eye cuts, after CATA is launched ? Jewels come from bosses around the Spiral. I searched my whole house and it wasn't in there or my inventory and then i remember that I sell a lot of housing items and I think I sold the jewel crafting station too. Marwa is located in Baobab Market in Zafaria and sells level 65+ Jewel recipes. From Wizard101 Wiki. Message Boards Home > Ravenwood Commons. The Jewel Crafter's Bundle Gift Card includes a variety of unique Items for your Wizard as well as 5,000 Crowns or a 1 month Membership Subscription. Pirate101 Guides ; Class Powers; P101 Pets; P101 Gear; P101 Ships; P101 Companions; P101 Housing; P101 Badges; P101 Bundles; P101 Packs; P101 Mounts; SotS Contests. To get started, talk to Eloise Merryweather in The Commons, WC. MOO SHU. Bathazar is located in The Atheneum in Dragonspyre and sells level 45+ Jewel recipes. Crafting101 An Introductory Guide to Crafting Basic Crafting Information. Buy Price: 1500 gold Sell Price: 76 gold . Crafting Wizard101's Crafting system lets players create hundreds of new items - all new hats, jewelry, robes, wands and other equipment. Equipment Crafting Station. I just bought a recipe and I need to craft it. Jewel Recipe Cost: 2000 Gold. The recipes are available from vendors around the Spiral. Quest Reward: 175 Experience Points. Many monsters and bosses drop a variety of pet Jewels. Item set bonuses can now be crafted on rings and necklaces in the same way as on other equipment pieces. To use the socketing system in Wizard101, you must be at least level 15 and you must have completed the Wizard City crafting quest from Eudora Tangletree. Is there anywhere I can buy one? Click here to make a free account to edit this wiki and the related forums at Wizard101 Central. Hints, Guides and Discussions should be placed in the Discussion tab.. So you’re looking for information about starting your crafting quests and crafting some awesome gear or furniture? So crafting the same recipe multiple times will give you different results. Jewels can be acquired through questing, minion and boss drops, fishing and crafting. Documentation on how to edit this page can be found at Template:HousingInfobox/doc. Getting our Jewel Crafting Table and crafting our first 95 Life Jewel! Starting at level 15, players can visit Katherine RockHammer in the Wizard City Shopping District, to learn more about this new system. She is so excited to share her knowledge of Jewels that you'll be rewarded with your first set of items, and the new Jewel Crafting Station housing item. Each Jewel comes in one of four shapes and can only be put into a Socket Item that has the same shape. Wizard101 Dev Journals: New Jewels In Your Pocket -- It's Time to Socket . Clothing and Armor Crafting Station is a private crafting station used as a passive part of the process in making more complicated clothing and armor. Ingredients: 10 Citrine, 2 Iron, 4 Elemental Trap TC, Ingredients: 10 Onyx, 2 Iron, 6 Dream Shield TC, Ingredients: 10 Ruby, 2 Iron, 6 Glacial Shield TC, Ingredients: 10 Sapphire, 2 Iron, 6 Volcanic Shield TC, Ingredients: 10 Jade, 2 Iron, 6 Legend Shield TC, Ingredients: 10 Peridot, 2 Iron, 6 Ether Shield TC, Ingredients: 10 Peridot, 2 Iron, 6 Reshuffle TC, Ingredients: 10 Amethyst, 2 Iron, 6 Thermic Shield TC. Let us know your thoughts! Equipped recipes are now sorted to the top of your list in your spell book or crafting station for ease of use. this really helped me getting to 450 in one day. They will exist in all combinations, and can enhance spells from your primary school, and any other school's spells that you have learned. Each Jewel recipe will require a Metal, which you can receive as rewards, a Gem, which you can find or purchase from a vendor, and a Treasure Card. This equipment includes items that span bonuses for multiple schools. The crafting stations are numerous and have individualized purposes, i.e. We realize there is an amazing amount of crafting recipes in Wizard101. Jewel Crafting Station - obtained from Katherine Rockhammer upon completion of the Quest "Digging Into a New Challenge." Leah Ruben: The Socket System idea was born on a cool evening in late 2010, in a game mechanics discussion over root beer on a patio with a KingsIsle Designer you may know as Decius Duelmaster, from Pirate101. Type: House - Furniture. When you craft a Jewel, the final outcome can vary! Free to Play | Kid Safe Game | Contact Us | Free Mini Games | About Us | KingsIsle Home, © 2020 KingsIsle Entertainment, Inc. All Rights Reserved | Legal | Privacy Policy | Terms of Use, You have been blocked from posting on these Message Boards. What do you think of the new Jewel crafting system? She’ll direct you to Katherine Rockhammer who has a tutorial, and will provide your Jewelcrafting Table! Deer knight recipe. They will exist in all combinations, and can enhance spells from your primary school, and any other school's spells that you have learned. W101 Crafting; W101 Badges; W101 Bundles; W101 Packs; W101 Mounts; W101 Concepts & Ideas; Pirate101 Skyways. Ingredients: 5 Citrine, 3 Pyrite, 6 Scorpion TC, Ingredients: 5 Onyx, 3 Pyrite, 6 Banshee TC, Ingredients: 5 Ruby, 3 Pyrite, 6 Fire Elf TC, Ingredients: 5 Sapphire, 3 Pyrite, 6 Snow Serpent TC, Ingredients: 5 Jade, 3 Pyrite, 6 Leprechaun TC, Ingredients: 5 Peridot, 3 Pyrite, 6 Troll TC, Ingredients: 5 Amethyst, 3 Pyrite, 6 Storm Shark TC. This Station is used for all Jewels. All jewel recipes require three fundamental things: a type of metal, a type of gem, and a type of treasure card. Yaxche is located in Cloudburst Forest in Azteca and sells level 85+ Jewel recipes. Jewel crafting includes an interesting twist. While the clock on a slot is still ticking down, you can’t use that slot to craft anything. You can access these new recipes when talking to recipe vendors by clicking on the “next page” icon in the top right corner. Wul’yahm also sells all of the level 15+ Jewel recipes listed for Katherine and Eudora above. Here is a crafting guide with some vital information that will make your journey towards becoming an experienced crafter easier! Rank: Survivor Joined: Jun 16, 2012. So crafting the same recipe … The below jewels will produce a random stat enhancement. Note: to start doing jewelry crafting daily quests (writs) you need to complete certification quest given by High Elf Felarian in Alinor. I got one a while back after I did the jewel socketing quests but I no longer know where it is. Learn more about this new system check out our sparkling Wizard101 Jewel crafting Table have individualized,... 75+ Jewel recipes anyone know if Blizz is going to be upgrading jewel crafting station wizard101 Dragon 's Eye cuts, after is! 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