Those in 1902 and 1908 were more grave. However, Pasteur had not yet found the true cause of the trouble. He called his geological microzymas “morphologically identical” with the microzymas of living beings. Furthermore, supposing that there is no change and that a serum or vaccine ‘agglutinates’ perfectly, what proof have we that it will either prevent or cure any disease? What diseases are current vaccines causing? It appears to me that it is chiefly the cellular tissue of all the organs that is transformed into corpuscles or produces them.”. This paper seemed to convince Pasteur that Bechamp was right, for in January 1867, in a letter written to Durny, Minister of Public Instruction, he began to claim all credit for Bechamp’s ideas on the silk worm diseases. Sanitation is the only factor that has reduced the spread of the old-time scourges. Even after it gained general acceptance, not everyone was convinced. That some book written over 100 years ago got re-posted for arguing that Pasteur was an impostor? In other words, it seems that when we get vaccinated and fail to catch any disease afterwards, it is either only an accident, or is due more to our natural immunity than to the serum. He describes Pasteur’s demonstration of his anthrax vaccine at Pouilly-le-Fort, in May and June of that year in great detail, including the elaborate preparations, and he dwells on the fact that this experiment was framed by his enemies to destroy him, and that Pasteur realized that he was cornered, that he must succeed or else abandon his work on germs. When they inoculated against typhoid, they soon found that they had a para-typhoid on their hands, and the percentage of paratyphoid in those inoculated was identical to the second decimal place with the percentage of typhoid in those not inoculated. Pasteur, however, proceeded to classify his germs and label each with a definite and unalterable function, wherein he was wrong again, as we shall see later. Here you have Florence Nightingale, one of the most famous nurses in history, after life-long experience with infection, contagion and epidemics, challenging the germ theory 17 years before Pasteur put it forward as his own discovery! Sol Luckman [See previous articles in this series here, here, here, and here.] A large number of the granules, however, no longer exhibit any signs of life and are evidently dead. Between 1855 and 1865 a widespread epidemic among silk worms called pebrine alarmed the south of France, so much so that finally, in 1865, it drew national attention. From Dr. Scheibner’s research below, we can clearly see certain facts in the history of polio vaccination: The occurrence of polio was trending downward prior to the introduction of polio vaccines. Reducing the total protein eaten would accomplish this in a large measure. The same bulletin quotes one scientist as saying: “… that unless all the affected farms were absolutely isolated and the movement not only of live stock but of persons absolutely prohibited, the disease could not be stamped out. The best argument to think about when addressing the number of vaccine victims is the fact that pharma companies paid cca US$3,5 billion for compensations since 1988 (with statistics missing for 2014,15 and 16). That it was widely known is indicated by the fact that the world-famous English nurse, Florence Nightingale, published an attack on the idea in 1860, over 17 years before Pasteur adopted it and claimed it as his own. In 1865 he offered five papers, and others came later, but he does not seem to have hit on the right answer to the problem until 1872, when he made the great discovery that Bechamp was right again! Any benefits to cooked meat? The germs of the air, they decided, were merely microzymas, or bacteria set free when their former habitat was broken up, and they concluded that the “little bodies” in the limestone and chalk were the survivors of living beings of long past ages. He also found that the changes were more rapid in the flask in which the mould grew more rapidly. of Agriculture and others. Bernard described milieu intérieur, th… It is strange that with the dispute raging between Bechamp and Pasteur over who had discovered that pebrine was a parasitical disease, Gernez did not speak of his own claims in the matter – possibly a job was more important. "In all the history of respiratory-born viruses of any type, asymptomatic transmission has NEVER been the driver of outbreaks. Drink one every time you feel thirsty, but always between meals, never at meals … lap them up. As the so-called tuberculin test has been rather fully discussed in the pamphlet The Tuberculin Test a Fraud, and in Chapter 7 of this volume, it seems hardly necessary to say more on this subject here. However, this is not meant to be a discussion of the treatment of disease, which is covered in other books. He wallowed in this glory for a moment and then – having saved the silk worm industry with the help of God and Gernez – he raised his eyes toward one of those bright, impossible, but always partly true visions that it was his poet’s gift to see. He also believed they might be of immense antiquity, as he had traced the block of limestone he had used to the Tertiary Period in geology; yet he found that stone cut from the solid ledge, with all air excluded, had “wonderful” fermentative powers, which he traced to the same “little bodies” as he had found to cause fermentation in his earlier experiments. It has never been proven. In Hans Selye's book Stress of Life (Page 205), an account is recorded that Louis Pasteur, inventor of the germ theory of disease, admitted he was wrong. We owe it to Gengou, who at the Liege Bacteriological Institute carried out a very detailed investigation of this question. Miss Hume says that a Frenchman named Delafond in 1838 announced that small rod-like objects were to be found in the blood of animals having splenic fever or charbon, now called anthrax, and when Pasteur brought out his one specific germ for each kind of fermentation, Devaine suggested that these little ‘rods’ which he named bacteridia might be parasites and the cause of the splenic fever. If necessary to consume animal proteins/meat, buy meat from organic farmers, if feasible do the same with your vegetables – eating variety of nutritious food and taking care about the protein level of your intake should keep you in great shape. Dr Rosenow also speaks of other troubles that may follow the use of biologicals. Nor have we been able to observe the phenomenon of the solution of the granules. When to the hanging drop containing these transformed vibrios a small quantity of a dilute aqueous solution of methylene blue is added, we observe that certain granules stain very deeply, while others take on merely a very pale tint, scarcely visible. It should be absolutely forbidden, and those who use it should be barred from practice. The real fact is that tuberculin never had any diagnostic value. This was probably a true mutation but was not so recognized, the authors apparently believing it due to an impurity getting into their cultures. Further, so-called rabies can be shown to be the direct result of serum injections. How can de Kruif so praise a man, and describe the ‘miracle of Pouilly-le-Fort’ as “amazing as any of the marvels wrought by the Man of Galilee”, after giving such devastating evidence that his work was a failure, his ideas false, and the man himself deliberately dishonest, making false claims and concealing the extent of his failures? It is, at any rate, indisputable that this granular transformation is a manifestation of very profound lesions undergone by the cholera vibrios under the influence of the peritonaeal fluid of the immunized animal. These doctors say chaining or muzzling a dog that has always been free is apt to cause the very irritability we want to avoid. and more importantly, given the above hypothesis, **and aside from the fact that current vaccines have toxic shit like mercury,aluminum,fetal dna etc ** , is this the reason why top anti vaccine virologist are not anti vaccines? He contended that germs were merely of secondary importance, and never the cause of the various conditions of ill-health with which they were frequently found. The attached research paper was written by Dr. Milton J. Rosenau, M.D., in 1919. A more vexing question is why the entire text above appears on, a site started by a “Czech immigrant” to Canada selling “metabolic typing”. This proved beyond any possibility of doubt that the moulds and inversion of the sugar could not be “spontaneous” action, but must be due to something carried in the air admitted to the first two flasks. We must remember that all protein contains nitrogen and sulphur, which when released in the body combines with water and other matters to form destructive uric acid and sulphurous or sulphuric acids, all of which must immediately be neutralized by the alkaline minerals to prevent cell destruction. Thanks Vexman for clearing all this up. Anyone with such a belief must be credited with care in giving such stuff only to tubercular people, and those who received it died so fast the government had to close him up! In biblical times, people ate fruit and nuts and had good health to ages beyond 900 years, but in Noah’s flood, fruits and nuts were so depleted that man has eaten meat, raw and cooked, ever since and suffered and died like these cats. Reducing the idea of disease to a simple … In such an event, progressive disease may follow …, Gradually the animal becomes resistant to this particular organism. Historically, however, variations of the germ theory had been around for hundreds of years but had never taken hold. Likewise, Bechamp discovered the reason for the coagulation of the blood. Could anyone make such a statement who really understood the true nature of fermentative action? About 1854, Professor Pierre Jacques Antoine Bechamp, one of France’s greatest scientists, then Professor at the School of Pharmacy in the Faculty of Science at Strasbourg, later (1857-75) Professor of Medical Chemistry and Pharmacy at the University of Montpelier, a member of many scientific societies, and a Chevalier of the Legion of Honor, took up the study of fermentation. To anyone who read Chapter 7 it will be evident that (assuming it has value), one should not use a serum from a distant location if this is true, as the possibility of ‘agglutination’ would be very small where there were such variations. Why the standard test used on 61 of the animals failed to reveal this fact is a matter for scientific investigation, and the bacteriologists of the department are at work on the problem. Pasteur, with the prestige of being an official representative of the government, was able to centre all attention on his own work, to the depreciation of the work of others, though he admitted having never touched a silk worm before he started on this mission. As Bechamp had made the same statement in his 1864 paper and it had not been disproven in the intervening eight years, it was a pretty safe bet for Pasteur to make! Hence, their solutions could have contained these living organizations to start with. These globules are alive, they multiply, they force themselves into every part of the moth’s body. He sent in his report on these findings to the Academy of Science in December 1857, and an extract was published in its reports of January 4, 1858,5 though the full paper was not published until September that year. Yet in the case of the “germ theory” that “proof” does not exist; there is no original scientific evidence that definitively proves that any “germ” causes any specific infectious disease. Hence he was able to state before the Agricultural Society of Herault the same year that pebrine was a parasitic disease and that thin creosote vapour would prevent the attack of the parasite. Dr M. R. Leverson says in the preface to his translation of The Third Element of the Blood that Bechamp isolated a series of soluble ferments which he called zymases, but which plagiarists renamed diastases to obscure his discoveries. Thus by October 1864, Bechamp had several authoritative papers in print, but where was his super-learned rival? There is no doubt that the two most beneficial fruits known to man are the orange and the lemon, and it is in the tropics that the lemon shines with the greatest effulgence. Unlike flus ever before (or any diseases now), the 1918 flu showed up simultaneously in distantly scattered places around the world (with no air travel to spread diseases). To me it seems that vaccines cause a variety of diseases, there is a chance it may cause an epidemic similar to the Spanish Influenza but chemical weapons greatly increases the chance of the mutation of reaching epidemic levels. In regard to Italy, which passed a law for the compulsory vaccination of infants in 1888, we still class it in the ‘without’ column, because in 1910, the time of this census, probably not over 25% of the immigrants in New York State would be under 22 years of age and thus affected by the law, and it is very likely that the law was inefficiently enforced for the earlier years, thus allowing many to escape. They also concluded that bacteria are an outgrowth or an evolutionary form of microzymas that occur when a quantity of diseased tissues must be broken up into its constituent elements. Virtually no claim in Ms Hume’s book is undocumented – to have access to more material, one would need to be able to read French, and go to the original source material. Why did only those cats fed cooked meat have all these troubles? On further experiments, with the rigid exclusion of all air (the whole healthy grapes, with stalks attached, being introduced directly from the vine into boiled sweetened water, cooled with carbonic acid gas bubbling through it), fermentation took place, and was completed in this medium, proving that air was not required. 449 of the U.S. Would it surprise you to learn that the entire premise of vaccination is a complete fallacy? Alongside the round granules may be seen swollen vibrios, and others which have kept their normal form, but all are absolutely motionless. Disasters with the Salk vaccines causing vaccine associated paralytic poliomyelitis (VAPP) seem to have been one of the main motivations behind development of an oral “live attenuated” Sabin vaccine, which was believed to simulate the natural infection. The simple fact of the matter is that no one has yet been able to repeat Koch’s experiment successfully. How can the ‘scientists’ account for this? However, Pasteur used his prestige as a Government representative to brow-beat others into coming to his support, and he was finally widely recognized, and Bechamp’s claims as to the discoveries on silk worm diseases ignored. Okay, I’m done now. In a series of articles based on the influenza epidemic of 1918 and published in The Journal of Infectious Diseases, and also in the Collected Papers of the Mayo Clinic, Vols 10, 11, and 12, he describes many changes in serums or in patients which rendered the serum useless. He measured the inversion frequently with a polariscope. Therefore in May, 1854, Bechamp undertook a series of observations on this change, which came to be referred to as his “Beacon Experiment”. And these changes in the germs mentioned are of vital importance, as they often merely substitute a new disease for the one vaccinated against. In man, they say the death rate in France in cases of so-called rabies is 19 per 100 – the highest in the civilized world – and the same as before the Pasteur Institute was established, and cases of hydrophobia have enormously increased, while just across the Rhine in Germany, hydrophobia is almost unknown. Mr Higgins pointed out that the disease is more prevalent in countries that have compulsory vaccination than in others. He described developing the eggs or seeds of the silk worm in an enclosure permeated with a slight odour of creosote, in which he produced eggs entirely free of pebrine, and it took so little creosote that his methods were commercially practical. Don’t forget the power of suggestion, as well as think about the power of placebo effect, some individuals can show symptoms of a particular disease / disturbance without getting infected / disturbed. He proved that on the death of an organ its cells disappear, but the microzymas remain, imperishable! He listened at last, and who can blame him, for what man can remain at his proper business of finding out the ways of microbes with governments bawling for a place in the sun – or with mothers calling? He adds: “Get it and drink it by the quart. My theory is that even though vaccines may cause germs to mutate (as evidenced by the list of diseases you provided), the Spanish Influenza germs were mutated from the vaccine with the chemical weapons. As shown in the second chapter, Bechamp was the first to prove that the moulds accompanying fermentation were, or contained, living organisms, and could not be spontaneously generated but must be an outgrowth of some living organism carried in the air. We are either dealing with tubercle, or we have before us a new and hitherto unknown constitutional disease of the rodentia, consisting of growths which, to the naked eye and in their histology, correspond with all the essential features of tubercle in man; which occur not only in the organs which are the chosen seats of tubercle in man, but also in the same parts of those organs; which have the same vital characters, and the same early degenerative cheesy changes, not suppuration nor acute softening, and with no marked characters sufficient to distinguish them from tubercle.”, “All the marks by which tubercle is characterized are present; the agreement of the product of inoculation with human miliary tubercle could not be more complete than it is, whether regard be had to its extended distribution and to the great variety of organs affected, (peritoneum, pleura, lungs, liver, spleen, lymphatic glands, and even the choroid), or to its macroscopic and microscopic characters.'”. In 1920, the number of reactors was 41.7 percent. Three nineteenth century Frenchmen researched fermentation, microbes, and contagious disease: 1. Elie Metchnikoff, the famous Russian scientist, says: “It has long been known, however, that the serum of the blood of many animals will destroy the red corpuscles of a different species. She talks about germ theory vs terrain theory, how toxins cause illness, Wuhan China toxicity issues, 5G, Cannabis, Cancer, and much more. However, VAPP cases continued occurring with the Sabin vaccine. (perhaps in areas of poverty, poor nutrition etc) where such a disease may end up being fatal? Pasteur adopted the germ theory while Béchamp formulated the microzymian theory, which was quite at odds with the germ theory. He says apologetically: “… he was enormously respected, and against his own judgement he was trying to convince himself he had discovered a cure for tuberculosis. So in order to compare any obsolete vaccine with a modern one, we’d need access to its ingredients which is a mission impossible, in my opinion. There is no evidence but Koch’s in favour of tuberculin as a therapeutic cure for tuberculosis in guinea pigs, in calves, or in man. On page 401 of the same book, discussing artificial immunity against toxins rather than microbes, he says: “When micro-organisms, living or dead, are introduced into an animal, it is found that anti-toxins do not as a rule, appear in the fluids; in these cases, the reaction is set up mainly by the microphages. Any other disease are we not entitled to be vaccinated, died one has yet been able to cure infected. Utterly impossible to enforce. ” far the two distinguished pathologists already quoted have fully agreed with.! More like crumbled cheese than living tissues their so-called biologicals develops the described symptoms measles. 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germ theory is wrong 2021