(4/22/2018 9:28am CDT) Update-26: [removed], (4/22/2018 10:24am CDT) Update-27: If you look at "ba_dge" (the second to last image on the page) it seems like a warning for a violation of code 15398642_14. “017 07MOON 07 . (4/29/2018 6:57pm CDT) Update-42: New tweet in regards to the new album The producer is basically saying Tyler is really taking control of this next album, and knows exactly what he wants. hopefully more will be clarified in the concluding video. It now reads "sev_ering__ties" after the page has been reset. This is actually two messages put together. we mUst keeP silent. (4/21/2018 9:08pm CDT) Update-21: http://dmaorg.info/found/15398642_14/clancy.html was JUST taken down. La fiche du numéro de téléphone 01 76 43 09 16 de Boulogne-Billancourt a été consultée 9688 fois. Doesn't really mean anything but I do not doubt that later down the line there's gonna be some e-mail thing related to the website. (4/21/2018 6:46pm CDT) Update-14: [removed] (4/21/2018 7:00pm CDT) Update-15 Quadrant circles VS Blurryface. "I'll grab my light and go with you" ... "Stay with me, you don't need to run" ... "I'll shred 'em all and go with you". 4/21/2018 9:55pm CDT) Update 245 Severing ties was changed back to Severing tiez! Thanks for the sleepless nights, for the almost instant code translations, for the immediate updates, thanks for accepting every single wildcard theory, cause at that point anything could make sense. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. Above the gif, it reads 017 07MOON 16 (July 16, 2017). Trench is only 2 weeks aways, that's unbelievable. (4/21/2018 4:50pm CDT) Update-4: October 18th??? 017 07MOON 17 __n_ot_myo_nly_fri_en d 017 07MOON 16 017 07MOON 07 017 02MOON 12 013 01MOON 08 sev_ering__tiez gEt out. 89 internautes ont laissé leur avis sur la ligne +33176430916. When the z was changed to an s for the first time, a torn off compass on the map that was only obtainable by editing the image was fully removed and currently remains that way, The image of the birds are Vultures sitting on the Tower of Dema, The full image of the little boy has him standing next to Andre Weil, a man who formed a group of 9 mathematicians, including himself, that not only "mathematically proved that God is real", but invented the "Ø". get out. The eye opened more. If we put our tiny brains together, we can be a mastermind and solve the mysteries of Trench. Not sure what it means though, if anything... (4/24/2018 8:21pm CDT) Update-39: Many artists related to the band have been tweeting out very suspicious art and animations. Expecting some new info tomorrow. (7/1/2018 6:00PM CDT) Update-58: We have all the eye images. Gif of hidden message Credit to /u/DragonBoy2734 aka Poot. Or it could just be a cool effect they decided to use? I was trying to find more clues on the Twenty one pilots website, so I went to "store" to watch the videos of Vessel and Blurryface. you?". Le numéro 01 70 21 08 24 possède un indice de confiance de 17%.L'indice de confiance est très faible, ne répondez pas à cet appel, ou ne communiquez pas avec ce numéro. The images have names and here are what they all mean. -Yellow tape is covering the email sign up on the website, -yellow tape is covering all of the "silence" banners, but for some reason doesnt cover the "E", -2_1_2, the picture of the dead body's title references the new logo: ||-//, -For those following, the AZ radio station bamboozled us. Morbi dignissim porta porta. Mini Spares stock over 9000 Classic Mini parts and accessories. Please, dear Clique, bring this wonderful thread back to life. (4/30/2018 8:11pm CDT) Update-43: About 3-4 hours ago, the gif on the vessel store page has removed the link to http://dmaorg.info/found/15398642_14/clancy.html that was at the end. If you take the compass that was hidden, you'll first see a notch on it. oh my god! Next update should have whatever i can get a hold of, (7/5/2018 5:00PM CDT) Update-64: i think the websites gone for good lol. Though, I recommend everyone to watch the video as he makes many solid points! http://store.twentyonepilots.com/vessel.html, The Pop Song Professor, along with explaining the DEMA website really well, called me out on my bullshit on his latest video, Next, if you rotate it so that EASTISUP and overlay it onto the map, and draw a line through the notch and the center, it goes. Morbi dignissim porta porta. I will be putting this as a pinned comment too for people who want to revisit. )[http://dmaorg.info/found/15398642_14/img/b93e952c0f07/unalone.gif] The letter is titled "unalone" with the date "018 07MOON 18", which signifies today. Sed rhoncus feugiat metus at tincidunt. (6/28/2018 11:18 pm CDT) Update-47: Now that its hit midnight in at least one part of the US, the US database has been updated to have the two songs on it. -Jumpsuit is a part two to HDS, and also documents Clancy's escape in it's video. get out. Aliquam eu ornare nibh. the text that read "sev_ering__tiez" was changed to "sev_ering__ties". This may just a be a silly hunch but in the map all the west block songs are fairly local, stressed out and goner which all feature blurryface does this have relevance to 'west side is blocked' and shows the end of the era/Tyler's hate for blurryface? Most of Europe, Asia, and Australia already have it uploaded to spotify. they don't control yoU.get out. (4/22/2018 3:14pm CDT) Update-30: This channel is fake until further notice. To refer to Dema as m(y) home has never felt accurate. get out. 017 07MOON 07. stay alive, stay street, stay theorizing, goodnight, As of 4/21/2018 TOP has given us something related to the new era, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, Yes, this megathread will likely be returned to if an update to dmaorg or the TRENCH arg happens. (7/8/2018 3:34PM CDT) Update-72: The letter is written on the back of the photo of the body, implying that the person in the photo is not Clancy, but maybe someone else who tried to escape before he did, so yes, Clancy is not dead. 017 02MOON 12. We all admired his, and felt honored to be inhabitants of his region. when edited heavily. the dates are the first 3 TOP albums and Tyler and Josh's birthday, under the first image (a map that is the tower of dema) it reads: *sev_ering__tiez, gEt out. When the gif was first added, the file name read "0001 11MOON 30.gif". Album name is Trench. This village, after all of this time, was my trap. And mainly, thanks to all the crazy clique members that hopped on to this train. This is his first action on social media since the hiatus. (4/21/2018 7:28pm CDT) Update-16: The full picture of the child found on the dema website has Andre Weil on it, mathematitian. When the map is turned so that east is up, the songs that the lyrics correspond to match up witht the order of songs that are on the blurryface album art, in addition to this, the violation code is 15398642_14. (4/21/2018 5:48pm CDT) Update-9: @decafhotchocolate#1274 on discord aka riley was lit enough to type out the letter on the website. The images have names and here are what they all mean. "They Cant See Yellow", (7/8/2018 2:08PM CDT) Update-70: This image titled "2_1_2.gif" was just added to http://dmaorg.info/found/15398642_14/clancy.html with the date "018 07MOON 08" (today). // Keeping up to date with all things twenty one pilots, all the time! I'm not gonna type everything out until we understand what all of this means, but here is a new link: http://dmaorg.info/found/15398642_14/clancy.html A bunch of black and white images and odd text... No idea what any of this means yet! thEy mustn't know you were here. they don't control yoU.get out. The main dema website. (4/23/2018 8:40pm CDT) Update-36: I have now totally updated the thread to be rid of loose theories, and only updates/explanations. 988 12MOON 01. soooo the picture is straight up a dead body lol. (6/29/2018 9:46PM CDT) Update-53: it REALLY sounds like "So did they bury you?" A new date was found hidden in the Clancy letter! was reserved as unwavering and forthright, possessing the ability to achieve focus that was rare for most in our region. (credit to: /u/TheDangerousAnt), (4/21/2018 5:31pm CDT) Update-7: Failed Perimeter Escape... Few Proud Emotional! (4/23/2018 8:39pm CDT) Update-35: The Pop Song Professor, along with explaining the DEMA website really well, called me out on my bullshit on his latest video. I've heard stories abo[u]t the ide[a] of "home," and its depiction has always seemed warm f[r]om the storyt[e]ller's de[s]cription. Finally, the file name translates to August 3rd 2018 at 5:14. were looking at the website on the wayback machine, an overview of the Tower that this website has built for us. https://m.imgur.com/N9dgFHY (credit to /u/inspiredlikearabbit). Now that the gif has been uploaded to dma.org we have to SLOW it down [to read the hidden message], as in Slowtown. Thank you! Bonjour. get out. This animation made by Katie is REALLY well made and deserves some love, though! J’ai également été contacté par un correspondant inconnu 01 77 93 93 00. On top of this, the letters that correspond with the numbers that are circled in yellow highlighter on the Clancy letter after overlaying the two new images, you gen the word "END". Aliquam eu ornare nibh. Vol.04 Ch.017 - Secrery - Sailor Jupiter. 988 06MOON 18. (4/22/2018 3:20pm CDT) Update-32: "Doubt"s relevancy. Also, were any websites other than nicoandtheniners.com found relating to the album? -In the beginning of Nico and the Niners, there is backwards audio that plays, saying "We are banditos We will leave Dema and head true east We denounce Vialism", -the official TOP account tweeted the new music, and josh made a couple goofy tweets to lighten the mood, -the www.twentyonepilots.com has been fully updated to fit the Trench aesthetic. Recently, its been updated to have a secret message I have yet to decipher. (4/24/2018 8:21pm CDT) Update-38: Apparently yesterday evening the Blurryface account deactivated then reactivated. As a child, I looked upon Dema with wonder, today, I am wrought with frustration, as I spend each day squninting for a glimpse of the top of the looming wall that has kept us here. The Official TWENTY ONE PILOTS Subreddit what are they doing oh my god (this is a building in Brazil). The letters when put together spell "UNSTILLIDONTCKNOWOHISNREALINAMECDOOU?". Finally! (4/21/2018 6:20pm CDT) Update-12: Each of the names is lyrics in the songs the dots correspond to if you turn the compass picture to the left. the compAss lies. There are still so many unanswered questions. I pointed it out on the MEGATHREAD and 5 minutes later it was changed back. were looking at the website on the wayback machine, (4/21/2018 8:48pm CDT) Update-20: With the website down I think we have figured out everything we can today. when searching for a meaning to why today is important, it seems that the answer is that today is the last day of dmaorg. (nico? This changed along with when SEVERING TIEZ was first changed to SEVERING TIES for the first time. -Nico and the Niners solidify the theory that this whole thing has been about TOP's sudden upbringing to fame and what it brought. Genuine OEM Ariens 5/16" Professional Snow Blower Shear Bolts 3-Pack 51001500 4.6 out of 5 stars 130. (7/5/2018 6:38PM CDT) Update-65: Author#9376 on the discord found out that the ends of all the lines on the finally clancy message points to letters that spell out "WAKE UP". They don't control you. the comPass lies. K bye again. possessed a stoic demeanor unlike anyone I had ever met, and we were all proud to serve. SLOWtown - Wouldnt it be great if... etc. How does the HDS video fit in? who knows! However, it does bring some new information/clarifications to the table... -Clancy is not tyler or josh (personally, while many believe that clancy represents the us, i believe clancy is an average person trying to escape dema. it was a bishop. Its very possible this could actually be a prequel, but personally i am not sure yet. Merci pour votre page consacrée aux arnaques téléphoniques. Why is this thread dead? 0019 07MOON 17. it is a line of highlighter going down listed with "017 02MOON 12" (night of the Grammy's) and the file name "_.jpg". Mini Spares stock over 9000 Classic Mini parts and accessories. This time its in handwriting, since Clancy has presumably escaped Dema and... well, can lug around a typewriter everywhere lol. On the Twenty One Pilots store, under the Vessel section, there is a gif playing at the top. twenty one pilots formed in 2009, so their ninth year is 2018. Naturally, to fuel my hope, I looked out upon the distance of the land that had cultivated me, only this time with new awareness of the obstruction that my youthful ignorance had allowed me to overlook. Clancy's journal states that basically Keons is the bishop/region clancy likes and all the other circles (the circles represent quadrents under the rule of bishops and also the songs on the BF album art. but this raises even more questions, why does the dmaorg make the “diversion” out to be before jumpsuit? Thanks to whoever managed this megathread, man you're a savior for ALL the fandom. See a recent post on Tumblr from @demavault about dema-vault. live on. // --- ("I have killed a man and all I know / Is I am on the run and go" ... "But tonight, I'll need you to stay.". (7/1/2018 2:25pm CDT) Update-54: Two things have been added to http://dmaorg.info/found/15398642_14/clancy.html page: -GIF of vulture turning its head to the camera. (7/18/2018 12:18 PM CDT) Update-77: (A new letter from Clancy has been added. My bad. I recommend reading through it yourself. (4/21/2018 5:57pm CDT) Update-10: /u/seventyfourpilots says: “It says ‘the perplexities of the dema horizon didn’t occur to me until my ninth year’. There was a wonderful structure to the city that put my cares to rest. they don't control you. 988 12MOON 01. It immediately changed to "3lurr.gif". they don't control yoU.get out. and we messed with the message ,man by highlighting the Clancy letter to find out we needed to reverse the audio given yesterday to get "We Are Banditos". We all worked to represent our bishop with honnor, and knew that each inhabitant of our region had a like-minded dedication to consistency. tylerjoseph, dema, tyler. We all owe you a lot. Rossignol : Snowboard Freestyle/All-Mountain - Homme - Trickstick AF - Rossignol - 2020/2021. The letter is written on the back of the photo of the body, implying that the person in the photo is not Clancy, but maybe someone else who tried to escape before he did, so yes, Clancy is not dead. (7/5/2018 4:27PM CDT) Update-61: Yet another image was posted. however, this must mean that after the bishop got tyler at the end of jumpsuit, tyler was simply brought back to dema for the banditos to come back and get him. Yellow tape is covering the email sign up on the website, yellow tape is covering all of the "silence" banners, but for some reason doesnt cover the "E", 2_1_2, the picture of the dead body's title, However-dont go to wild-this radio station straight up said new music comes out Thursday lmfao. the compAss lies. (4/22/2018 10:41am CDT) Update-28: Known this for a while but finally put it all together. Bring this thread back to life people! 2 years ago Reblog “Insight is uncomfortable for psychopaths.” -Inspirobot . Dema, t[o] me, has simply been the place that I've existed, or, the 'slot' they've put me in. Vente en ligne d'accessoires de sport et d'activites d'exterieur (en ville et montagne) : ski, snowboard, randonnee, roller et skateboard. If you see something I haven't said anything about or have a theory (or are hyped as fuck), leave it here! It was then that I began to contemplate the existential, and decide what type of impression I wanted my life to make. 7. Read *013 01MOON 08 from the story Sahlo Folina by EkaFricai (Eur-Eka !) @Ⱥsɏmmɇŧɍɨȼ#1922 on Discord gave us a good graphic to document the images we have so far. The Banditos were very welcoming and took me in with open arms. ---- The image with the Self Titled date is an actual isle of flightless birds. $467.99. He also states that the "west is blocked up". Thank you! Known this for a while but finally put it all together. See ya on the other side of release. (7/5/2018 8:27PM CDT) Update-66: Just here to confirm one thing and deconfirm another: /u/2110311 (a true mvp) found that dmaorg.info points to your local machine, and the actual web server has been fully taken down. Its titled "_note.gif" (also another sitll image thats a gif) with the date "018 07MOON 08" (today). the compass lIeS. 017 07MOON 17 __n_ot_myo_nly_fri_en d 017 07MOON 16 017 07MOON 07 017 02MOON 12 013 01MOON 08 sev_ering__tiez gEt out. the ends of all the lines on the finally clancy message points to letters that spell out "WAKE UP", https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/463868659064897568/464995565164298240/they_ca_ntseeFCE300.gif. Nulla eu accumsan nisi. ), 011 07Moon 08 - July 8 2011 or something -- RaB, picture of a kid (like the cover), 009 12 Moon 29 - Dec 29 2009 - self titled -- picture of birds, isle of flightless birds, (4/21/2018 5:18pm CDT) Update-6: the images have names! 2. It is them trying to escape the silence. Nice! (7/6/2018 10:24PM CDT) Update-67: http://dmaorg.info/found/15398642_14/clancy.html Is back up. Sailor Moon. Ill try to get as much as i can in this update. embodied the spirit of this dedication. 0 17 ; 0 17 ; 003317 +33 17 ; 0.17.. +33 17 +3317; 00.33..17.. +33..17.. 0033 17 ; 0033 17 ; 0033..17.. Répartition des types d'appel et des noms des appelants dans les évaluations. While we had heard legend of the ruthlessness of other bishops, Keos(?) joshdun, clancy, diary. *, if you turn the map so that east is up, the order of the circles in the middle change, we found out the names of the circles correspond to lyics on Blurryface. @twentyonepilots posted on their Instagram profile: “[first of two] REDRØCKS - #ERS2016 ••” It's this quiet wonder that my mind tends to [g]ets lost in. Under the image it says "__n_ot_myo_nly_fri_en d". At the end of Neon Gravestones, there's a click like it's the end of a tape recording. if you put the songs right to left its the Blurryface album cover! the compaSs lies. HOWEVER. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Praesent ante massa, eleifend eu congue id, luctus ac massa. PowerSmart Snow Blower, PSSAM24 24-inch 212cc 2-Stage Electric Start Gas Snow Blower, Color Red and Black 4.4 out of 5 stars 286.