However, the second type of fear mentioned in the Bible is not beneficial at all. 1. We can trust Him and His plan. We’ve already briefly discussed that there are two kinds of fear we’re dealing with in this series. Who am I to think I know better than Him? But he also knew Jezebel had killed a lot of God’s people, and God had done nothing to stop her. God then led Elijah to Mount Sinai, the famous mountain of God, where He had previously shown Himself to Moses and the people of Israel on numerous occasions. So informative! Next time you find yourself face to face with fear or anxiety, let these 10 Bible verses remind you of God’s sovereignty over all that seeks to cause you to give in. ❤ I love how you passionately dig into God’s Word and beautifully articulate the treasure that you discover. #hisdearlyloveddaughter #fear #faithoverfear #anxiety I believe their faith in God will inspire you to be courageous, too. In the years that followed we see God give Ahab a few more chances to turn back to Him, but even when it seems he might be seeing the light, Ahab remains wicked. We may fear being victimized by crime or by accidents caused by drunk drivers. He restores my soul. At no cost to you, affiliate links help us earn small commissions on purchases made through our links. As a result, Israel was always one step ahead of the Aramean king. Below you will find a link to two extensive lists of examples of these found throughout Scripture. According to Proverbs 1:7 – The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction. He promised to be with us always, even unto the end of the age. He spent the remainder of his life here on earth faithfully serving God and preparing Elisha to take over as the prophet of the Lord. A Spirit of fear is unhealthy. Prayer for Guidance – Are you willing to give up control so that God can guide you? We're facing fear in a Bible study series about faith and fear. A man from a new family took over as King, and the royal line of Ahab ended. If we can learn to put fear in its right place in our lives, and learn to fear the Lord as He should be feared, we are well on our way to a victorious life! On the other hand, the fear of the Lord is healthy and necessary. It can convince our friends and neighbours too. A Spirit of fear is unhealthy. We’re exhausted, broken, and spent, and our trust is just a little bit broken too! Read the story in Numbers 13:17-33. According to Proverbs 1:7 – The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction. I absolutely love this story, it’s such a powerful passage of Scripture on deliverance from fear! Prayers and Blessings in the Bible – A Guide to Christian Prayer, Pictures of Jesus – a violation of the Second Commandment. Stories about fear abound in the Bible. They might even persuade other people that there are none. This is the very first instance in human history when man experienced fear. , and once again I suggest a reading of the Word of God before you pay any attention to my words on the subject. He believed he was alone, and he couldn’t bear the thought of loosing his life at the hands of the woman who had wiped out every person who feared God. We’ll briefly explore these, and then dive deeper into two specific stories to see what we can learn in this Bible study on fear and faith. Awesome way to show how God works tenderly and patiently with us. 5 Bible Stories of Great Faith… The Bible is full of stories about faith. Connect with Cherith on Facebook, and send me a  private message to request to be added.Or, contact me via email if you just need someone to talk to who understands and is committed to gently pointing you toward Jesus. Get these beautiful Scripture writing pages to go along with this Facing Fear Series and use them to help personalize the Scripture in this Bible study on fear and faith. I love this Cherith! People are scared, and that’s why it’s so important to remember who sits on the throne of heaven! I’m certain Elijah didn’t doubt it or need God to prove it again. The words you wrote really stirred my spirit. “You’re not alone Elijah,” He gently intimated, “there are 7,000 others who have never bowed to Baal. He lacked faith in Gods plan.” So many people know that God can do it, but are paralyzed by fear because of all whose lives have been taken. In spite of everything God had done in the previous 24 hours to prove Himself, Elijah could think only of all the prophets of God Jezebel had already tortured and killed. **Find our full privacy policy and disclosure statement here. Second Timothy 1:7 tells us, "for God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control." A whisper of truth. I was richly blessed. Very encouraged by this Bible study. Bible Stories about Courage. Fear of the Lord denotes our reverence and love for Him. It sure is! Adam was afraid, because he knew he committed a wrong and felt ashamed. Thank you! Our God is wholly trustworthy. Elijah did what God asked, and went to find Elisha. What happened next is one of my favorite moments in Scripture between God and one of His dearly loved children. One of the Greatest Stories of Fear in the Bible Summarized There was a king in a country called Aram, an enemy of Israel. He cried out in fear to Elisha. Our series on faith and fear continues as we look at a few to see what we can learn about overcoming fear. Like Elijah, he didn’t need to know what God could do. It can help to bring them to a personal experience of God. I love how God told Elijah that He had already set His plans in motion … the Lord already has everything under His control, even things years down the road that I don’t even know is coming. Genesis 3:10 - And he said, Hearing your voice in the garden I was full of fear, because I was without clothing: and I kept myself from your eyes. It hit me right in the gut, and caused me to fall before the Lord in conviction over my own tenancy to respond in kind. *The Facing Fear Series – A Bible Study on Fear and Faith. There are many stories of fear in the Bible – Moses was afraid to leave his comfortable shepherd’s life behind and confront the terrible Pharaoh; the ten scouts who Moses had explore the Promised Land were afraid and caused the Hebrews to wander for another 40 years; Jonah was afraid of God’s command, so ran to the edge of the sea where he was swallowed by a fish; and how David must have trembled before the mighty Goliath! If that’s where you find yourself my friend, I encourage you to stop looking for God to show up in might and listen instead for the whisper of truth. Jesus may have been sacrificed, but He was also elevated. So let’s look at first and second Kings and explore two stories. He asked God to open the young man’s eyes. Our series on faith and fear continues as we look at a few to see what we can learn about overcoming fear. Fear itself doesn’t displease the Lord – it’s how we react to fear, and the motivations behind our fear. Your email address will not be published. Copyright © 2020 His Dearly Loved Daughter Ministries. Elijah was tired and weary and beaten down by this fallen world. All along, we find this young servant right by his side, observing all of it. It’s a hard concept to wrap your head around sometimes!! Share it to help others find this content! Love this series. Instead, He came to Elijah in person and miraculously attended to his physical needs, providing food, water, and the safety to sleep long enough to prepare for a forty day journey into the wilderness. God takes Ezekiel by the hand and drops him off in a valley filled with human bones. *And here is another cool story of when God whispered His truth to me, proving His love when I needed it most. They didn’t have anyone on their side! Napoleon Bonaparte lived from 1769-1821. Well, the Bible is full of stories of courage and bravery, isn’t it? Abraham-Abraham is mentioned several times in the Bible for some of the great things he accomplished, but Romans 4 says that he was saved because of … 13 Bible Verses to Help Kids Overcome Fear I believe it lays the foundation for any victory we might find as we seek to overcome our chronic fear, worry, anxiety, and depression. Its absolutely thought provoking!!!! At His great Name every knee will bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every single tongue WILL confess JESUS as King of Kings and Lord of Lords to the glory of God the Father!!!! Check out this Rosevine Cottage Girls post about Gideon’s story! I love this article. This time, we're looking at stories of fear in the Bible to find instances of God delivering real people from the spirit of fear. Their fear disqualified them only in that situation. What a blessing His continual care for us is! We may believe His plans are good overall, but we fear the terrible things that might come our way as a part of that overarching good plan for the world. Just click the image to get yours. In the original Hebrew, “fear” used in context of the Lord was good. He alone is our salvation. As a warning to return to the Lord, the prophet Elijah had warned Ahab to repent. And it’s not even close to an exhaustive list. Fear then, is not from God, and also is not something we have to simply "put up with." But, I’m not going to take the time to do that right now. Much like he was, we feel beaten down by this fallen world. They weren’t in the capital city of Samaria, where the Israelite army could have come to their defense. It sounds like another contradiction, but through our fear of the Lord, the Lord will abolish all other lesser fears. So, what better way to teach your child about fighting fear than from the Bible? In the Garden of Gethsemane, hours before he was seized by the Romans for execution, just like his temptations in the desert, God allowed his Son to experience every form of human suffering. He will not ask anything of us that is not for our own good, as well as for the good of the rest of His plan, and for His great glory too. It flows through Iraq and empties into the Persian Gulf not far from Kuwait. Meanwhile, in the bible, God … But Adam and Eve heard God coming, and realizing the ultimate evil they had committed, they hid behind the trees. While fear of the Lord is a gift from God that greatly benefits us in life, the other kind of fear mentioned in the Bible is of no benefit at all. It is consuming and paralyzing. We are afraid of many terrible things: war, crime, losing a loved one, becoming infected with disease, losing our jobs, or even being late for a meeting. Stories of Fear in The Bible – Is My Fear Godly, or Earthly? No matter what happens to our physical or mental wellbeing, as long as our happiness comes from pleasing the Lord, we can’t be emotionally harmed by the troubles of this life. Before long he is killed in battle, and the son who first succeeded him as King didn’t last long before he too died. Are you a betrayed wife who is fiercely committed to seeking and following God as you heal? Are you looking for a community of like-minded women also recovering from betrayal trauma? * Unless otherwise indicated, all Scripture quotations are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation, copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007, 2013, 2015 by Tyndale House Foundation. It was a lack of trust in His plan. Every time he planned to attack, God revealed those plans to Elisha. Psalms 111:10 The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom; all those who practice it have a good understanding. Fear of the Lord is where wisdom begins, so … Remember it is said in a gentle, loving whisper! Choosing Faith or Fear: Lesson 2 of 3 Part Fear Bible Study ❤❤❤. The kind of fear that Adam felt in the Bible is an example of the wrong fear. Defeated in mind and body, he laid down under a tree and begged God to end his life. Like Elijah, we fear what might be asked of us. So get up and go finish the work I’ve called you to do. Hi, I think you’re reference for Elisha is 2 Kings not 1 Kings. Obviously, the king didn’t like this, so when he figured out it was Elisha who was at the root of his troubles, he set out to kill this prophet of God. The message promised that by that time the next day she would do to Elijah what he had done to the prophets of Baal. Great work! It was a lack of trust in His plan. Elijah, on the other hand, was one of only two people in history who never died. I really believe it blesses us far more than the people who read what we write! Because God knew what Elijah needed, He did not show up in might. Our series on faith and fear continues as we look at a few to see what we can learn about overcoming fear. Jezebel was notorious for finding and killing the prophets of God, and silencing anyone who dared to publicly worship Him. There are LOTS of stories of people struggling with fear in the Bible, as well as many stories in which a healthy fear of the Lord was demonstrated in the lives of some of our favorite Bible characters. I hope you’ve been following along with our Facing Fear Series : A Bible Study on Fear and Faith. Its something I still struggle with at times but trusting in the Lord. A spirit of fear is foolish, while fearing God is the beginning of wisdom. I included the story of Caleb in my post “Courage for Kids: How to Teach Bravery” so please, check that post out as well! They pretend to themselves that there are no difficulties. Yes, I was also very moved as God showed me in my study that truth about what was at the root of Elijah’s fear. Read last week’s post about Walking in the Fear of the Lord here before you go any further. He answered that he heard the Lord striding through the garden, but he hid: “I was afraid because I was naked.” (Genesis 3:10). That’s all I really need to know to trust Him. God had already displayed His power. He used soldiers and arms that he knew did not exist… I chose these two stories of fear in the Bible because I believe they capture some important aspects of our own battles with fear. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all (Ecclesiastes 12:13). Need to catch up? Before we go on, it would be very good to read the whole passage we’re going to look at. However the ads you see are not chosen by HDLD Ministries, but by Google based on your cookies and are not endorsed by this ministry. I know you wrote this in October, but it is so timely with everything going on with Covid-19. Jesus may have suffered, but let us never doubt if it was for His own good… it was! He leads me in paths of righteousness for his name’s sake. You can find the whole story here, in 2 Kings 6:8-23, and once again I suggest a reading of the Word of God before you pay any attention to my words on the subject. Jesus didn’t promise that He would be with us some of the days (Matthew 28:20). He needed to understand that to have God on your side is to have the armies of heaven literally fighting for you! I must remind myself, or allow His Spirit to remind me of the truth that He is God and I am not. “The root of Elijah’s fear was not a lack of faith in God’s power. Yes – even Jesus Christ himself experienced fear. While Elijah’s rescue came in the form of whispered truth, this story involves something a little more dramatic. Thank-you!! This sums it up for me. Prayer of Thanksgiving – The Power of Praising God in All Circumstances. So many people are struggling with anxiety and fear right now due to the Covid-19 pandemic. There was a king in a country called Aram, an enemy of Israel. Elisha led a pretty incredible life, performing more miracles than are recorded for any other person in the Bible! Do we have any doubt God will be any less faithful to us? He sent a huge army complete with chariots, and horsemen, and all the rest. In the perfect realm of paradise, the first humans Adam and Eve felt no fear at all. The Bible tells us about many men and women who defeated their fear and anxiety by learning to depend on God. Thank you for sharing this. He was a famous soldier and ruler. Our finite brains can not comprehend how so much death can be turned around for our good. We see him fearlessly challenge the prophets of Baal to one of the most famous showdowns in the Bible. Neither is our God’s perfect will for you and I to be afraid. Trust ME. This is a pandemic of fear! Filled with fear, he ran for his life until he was exhausted. Jehoshaphat’s experience convinced his neighbours. Awe thanks Angie, how encouraging you are to me! It was so convicting to me because I know this is where my fear comes from too about 95% of the time. Great teaching. I am a wife, mother, and passionate follower of my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Instead, He simply came in a whisper. Required fields are marked *. I love how you described the two types of fear. A whisper of truth. The story began with the fear of man (20:3). Because of Ahab’s refusal there had been three years of drought and famine in Israel. Pingback: A Loveliness of Links ~ October 2019 | The Forgiven Wife. Everything, even our faith, comes from God. There are several other examples of this type of fear in the Bible: (Revelation 21:8) we see in the King James Version that the “cowardly” will burn forever in the Lake of Fire. That river still exists. As we see how the fear of the Lord played into these Scriptures on deliverance from fear, may it further inspire us to learn how to bring our relationship with fear into a state of healthy balance. I believe doing so will greatly help as we seek to put the concept of fear into perspective. Nov 1, 2019 - There are MANY stories of fear in the Bible. **Find our full privacy policy and disclosure statement here. Dwell on them. Would you like to join our secret Facebook support group? Fear of earthly troubles and, 2. Love your Bible Teachings so much. Ever-trusting of God, Elisha responded, “Don’t be afraid! Instead, this young man needed to know who God was. 1 Peter 5:5-7 – “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” So humble yourselves under the mighty power of God, and at the right time He will lift you up in honor. The differing commands also depend on the context in which they were given – it is good for us to fear God and be obedient, but it’s sinful when that fear is focused on our own well being. God proceeded to miraculously fight for Elisha that day, delivering the Arameans into the hands of the Israelites once again. I love the stories of Elijah and Elisha with his servant. So God didn’t show up in the terrible windstorm, or the mighty earthquake, or the blazing fire. The admonition, “Fear not,” is found 365 times in the Bible. However, the most repeated command throughout the Bible is “Do not be afraid.” Doesn’t that sound like a contradiction? Jesus was tempted in every way, including with fear, but he did not run away from his eternal destiny to save mankind from their sin. Bible stories about fear abound. Thanks Donna. If we are to fear, we must fear God instead. Discovering Jehovah Rapha – The God Who Heals, Affair Recovery for the Betrayed and the Betrayer, The Facing Fear Series – A Bible Study on Fear and Faith. by Robin | Mar 12, 2018 | Uncategorized | 0 comments. Fear of the Lord. There is a story about him. These nations did not know or follow God. Pray through them. Read these Bible verses on fear. My plan does not include the total annihilation of my people. Yes, that is true Susanna! The Lord promises to banish this second type of fear, and replace it with the first. God found them and asked them why they had hid – and do you know what Adam said? Fear of the Lord denotes our reverence and love for Him. Thank you for this beautiful post. Prayer for strength – find hope and courage in times of need. Even if it means some trial and heartache on this side of eternity. Yes, I was SO blessed by the realization that Elijah’s fear did not stem from a lack of faith in God’s power, but a lack of trust in His plan. God taught me so much, as He always does. What then is the proper kind of fear? However, throughout the Bible, only two types of fear can be found. This type of fear is borne from our sinful nature. Thank you. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. The same God, leading the same army of angels fights for us too. All rights reserved. Here is a brief summary with a little back story: King Ahab of Israel was a very wicked king who married an evil woman named Jezebel. Breaking the Spirit of Fear. He leads me beside still waters. Two Kinds of Fear Found in Bible Characters, Sometimes the Tender Care of God is what Teaches us to Fear Him, One of the Greatest Stories of Fear in the Bible Summarized, Fear of the Lord God of Heaven’s Armies Delivers Us From All Other Fear, How These Stories of Fear in the Bible Apply to Us, Breaking the Spirit of Fear: Faith Over Fear. Thanks for stopping by! Proverbs 1:7 perfectly depicts this: “The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge; Fools despise wisdom and instruction”. People can try to escape from fear. Teach your children to pray when they’re afraid, and teach them to lean on the One who can handle any fear to help them overcome it. And none of this caught Him by surprise. Fear of the Lord is where wisdom begins, so Proverbs 9:10 tells us. Our series on faith and fear continues as we look at a few to see what we can learn about overcoming fear. I’ve taken some liberties with the words, but I hope you can hear the tenderness in God’s response. There are endless examples of fear in the Bible. In a mighty display of power, God showed up for Elijah, while Baal accomplished nothing. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers Inc., Carol Stream, Illinois 60188. Here are some Bible verses about fear for you to study. It was when he had a serious problem with his army. This is the “spirit of fear” mentioned in 2 Timothy 1:7: “For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind” (NKJV). One of the most prominent examples would be the story … He is good. Wow! He makes me lie down in green pastures. He loves us. But after all that courage and fearless obedience to God, Elijah received a message from Queen Jezebel that terrified him. God’s good plan for him included one of the most amazing miracles in the Bible as he is carried to heaven alive in a chariot of fire! For there are more on our side than on theirs!”. He may have suffered, but He was also exalted! Our reaction to trouble is important. When Elisha’s servant went out one morning from the small town in which they were staying he found that vast army surrounding them. Thanks Fleda! What is the mark of the beast according to the Bible? There is much in this world to make us afraid, but there is much more in our Biblical faith to make us unafraid. Not quite! Day of Pentecost and its Significance for Christians Today, The Ascension of Jesus Christ into Heaven and its significance, How do you define rapture? 2:8-9). But He didn’t even spare His son! Sinai how his story would end. – Rapture in the bible and the signs of the rapture. He would plan on paper how to move his army. After He gave His life and was raised from the dead He was given the place of highest honor. Listen as He reminds you of where His Son sits today. They led Israel to abandon the Lord and worship Baal, among other pagan gods. Then, in as much as it applies to us courage in the Bible I... 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